PAGE 2 r~ ?miiiiiin!iii)iiiiiiiiiii;iiii}?iiimu?r Littleton N MRS. JACK IS 7Tffliiiiiiiiiiii:i;iiii:::iii:tTmTnmnrr Mr. and Mrs. Rom Parker of Enfield were Sunday guests of Mrs Alice Browning. Miss Sadie Vinson of Wilson spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Horace Palmer. Mrs. Cleve Stallings and Miss Emily Stallings are spending this week at Va. Beach. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Smith and daughters of Norfolk were visitors in town Monday, en route to South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Darden, Miss Charlotte Darden and Harry Darden spent Tuesday in Richmond. Mr. C. M. Hale and Mr. Melton Atkins represented the Littleton Fire Department at the Firemen's Convention in Charlotte this week. Misses Isabel Nelson and Helen Browning spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Messrs. Cleve and Willis Stallings spent tne week ena at Virginia Beach. Mr. William Hugh Sessoms returned Tuesday night from Bay View where he spent several weeks with his mother Mrs. J. C. Sessoms. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Warren, Miss Ertie Boyd Warren and Mrs. E. L. Crawley left Tuesday for Hot Springs, Ark., to spend two weeks. Miss Harriet Thome returned to her home in Rocky Mount Wednesday after spending a few days here with Misses Mary Jane and Rebecca Johnston. Mrs. W. T. Threeaitts left Wednesday for Hilton Village where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Moretz and daughter, LaRita Dawn., of Durham were the guests of Mrs. J. E. Stansbury Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Willie Glasgow of Rocky Mount is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Stansbury. Mrs. W. B. Chappell is visiting relatives in Winston-Salem. [ Miss Polly Morecock of near Littleton is visiting Mrs. Claude Alston. 1 Mr. T. R. Walker attended the ' fimeral of Mr. W. E. Hawks at Warren Plains last Friday. Mrs. John W. Gay is visiting relatives is Wilson this week. Mrs. J. T. Jenkins returned Sun- ' day from Castalia, where she spent several days with friends. Miss Elizabeth Smith of Raleigh si)eat the week end at her home here. Mr. E. H. Lambeth spent Sunday and Monday in Norfolk. Miss Ellen MacRae spent last week in the home of Mr. J. W. Heptinstall near Littleton. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Rives motored to Richmond 3aturday. Mrs. T. M. Jordan of Raleigh is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. S. Tate. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Watkins of Henderson were week end visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston of Weldon were Sunday guests of Mrs. M. W. Ransom. Mrs. E. C. Lewis left Sunday for Franklin, Va., to visit her sister. Miss Louise King spent the week end in Henderson. Messrs. R. H. Ward, T. B. Cook mid W. J. Benton spent the week end at Norfolk. Miss Edna Pegram spent last Sunday at Ocean View. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sessions and their son, Edward Sessions, left Sunday for their home at Friars Point( Miss., after spending a few weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. jacK salmon, Misses Lucille Topping and Evelyn Mann spent Sunday at Rich Square. Ella Walker of Richmond tirrived Sunday to spend two weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. stokes spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Richmond. Miss Mary Buell Green of Augusta, Ga., visited relatives in Littleton a few days last week. Dr. W. E. Campbell spent a few days the first of the week in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Vick were visitors in Rocky Mount Thursday. Mrs. A. P. Farmer and children, Mrs. Addle Newsoin Misses Fannie and Addie Newsom motored to Durham and Oxford Sunday. Miss Claire Benthal of Woodland was a visitor in town Friday. Miss Olive Stokes of Battleboro spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stokes. Mrs. M. P. Cassada returned Sunday from Norfolk where she has been visiting her son, Mr. Picot Cassada. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Crawley, Mrs. R. H. Ward and Mr. Sam Crawley spent Friday in Raleigh. Miss Pearl Pantam of Conway was the guest of Miss Verona Topping Thursday. Mrs. Frank Brown of Jackson is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones. Misses Helen and Lavinia Riggan have returned from a visit with friends in Rocky Mount. Mesdamee Horace Palmer and H. A. House, Misses Frances Viclc, Warren ton, North Carolina ews Events ELSON, Editor Elizabeth Thome and Nancy Carver spent Friday in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stokes spent the week end at Virginia Beach. Miss Mary Butts, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bobbitt, returned to her home at South Hill Saturday night. Mrs. O. L. Currin and little son are visiting relatives in Henderson. Mr. H. L. Jones of Rich Square was a visitor in town during the week end. Miss Winifred Nicholson Is spending this deek at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mohorn of Weldon were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. B. Boyce. Miss Evelyn Mann, who has been visiting Mrs. W. E. Wagner, leit Monday for her home at Manteo. Mrs. A. P. Parmer, Mrs. S. B. Bobbitt and Mrs. Julian Acree spent Tuesday of last week in Rocky Mount. Mr. Sam Crawley returned Sunday to hi. home in Wilmington after spending several days here with his brother, Mr. J. A. Crawley. Mrs. W. E. Wagner and Mrs. Jack Salmon were visitors in Roanoke Rapids Monday. Mr. Robert B. House of the University of N. C., was a visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. Hicks of Henderson spent Friday and Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins Thompson of Norlina were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones. Miss Dorothy Alston of Richmond is the guest of Miss Maria MorecocK this week. Miss Mary Alice Wells of Wilson is visiting Miss Mary Sheilds Justis. Mrs. Jim Pulley and children of Durham are visiting Mrs. Jerry Newsom. Mrs. Alice Browning left Monday to spend two weeks at Willoughby Beach. Miss Blair Myrick is visiting her lunt, Mrs. Mamie Hayes, at New port News, Va. Mrs. J. N. Moseley is spending ;his week end with her parents at Boykins, Va. Mr. V. P. Harrison spent the week ;nd at Virginia Beach. Mrs. W. M. Stansbury, Mrs. J. 3. Stansbury and Mrs. Willie Glasgow were visitors in Roanoke tapids Wednesday morning. Mrs. A. L. Allen of Raleigh is /isiting her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Hunt. Mr. W. S. Alexander of MacDonald, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Alexander and family of Richmond vere week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Justis. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carlton and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Calton of 3oykins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Moseley. Clarence Browning is spending sometime in Enfield with his aunt, Mrs. Rom Parker. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Alexander of ] Scotland Neck visited relatives in town Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Darden and Mrs. J. P. Pippen motored to ; Durham Saturday afternoon. Mr. E. E. Wiley of Duke University was the guest of Rev. and ! Mrs. Rufus Bradley Sunday. TO HOLD SERVICES Mf P W Wilmr ofii^anf mlrtlcfai* AM4I M. MS. T ? AAV, jr , OUtAWCAAU HHHltHlLi of Duke University, will conduct a series of services in the Methodist Episcopal Church next week. Mr. Wiley will deliver his first message Sunday morning, August 19th. The time of further services will be announced later. The public is cordially invited to attend. ENTERTAINS AT FRY Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wagner entertained at a chicken fry at Panacea Springs Wednesday night in honor of Miss Evelyn Mann of Manteo, houseguest of Mrs. Wagner, after the fry, dancing was enjoyed. Those present were: Miss Evelyn Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salmon, Miss Lucille Topping, Miss Annie Price, Mr. John Upton, Miss Rivers Riggan of Warrenton, Messrs. Norman Lovell, Robert and Jack Graham Riggan of Warrenton. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS The Wednesday Bridge Club was delightfully entertained on Tuesday afternnoon by Mrs. B. L. Rives. Contract was played at three tables amid a setting of lovely mixed flowers. The players found their places by attractive tallies carrying out a color scheme of green and mViifo Mro T. TT TUilHomo niiiVV* <u< vv aaaacvxixo ICtCiVtU high score prize and Mrs. J. P. Leach was awarded the traveling honor prize. After the games, the hostess served a delicious three course supper to the following guests: Mesdames C. A. Jones, J. P. Leach, L. E. Williams, M. Nelson, Horace Palmer, H. A. House, L. H. Justis, Jack Nelson, Jack Johnston, J. R. Ivey, J. N. Moseley, H. P. Robinson. Calvary-Thelma Items Misses Lena and Prire Harrill spent Friday in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. House and ; America's Sweeti Recipe For Rus l^^^>>>'-*^*w^>vX*I%Koo8s88NnDW SMaBaBBHaHKwBl-' 1 I V - ^ Mary Pickford Says Swe '' W* > By Mabel Love AMERICA a most beloved fill star, Mary Pickford, who 1 now reaching new heights of po] ularity and winning a new gener; tion of admirers, is a decidedl domestic person. She is quite s home in the kitchen, and particula likes to make the tea she servei . At Pickfair, her famous Califo; nia home, Russian tea sweetene with orange jam is a favorite beve: age, the tea and the quick energ value of the sugar in the jam con bining to provide a remarkabl 'effective pick-me-up. In a recer interview, Miss Pickford explaine that she had acquired the tea-drinl ing habit, after the Russian fashioi as health safeguard. For th most. part her days have bee filled and brimming with physics and mental activities, and mor than-once physicians have warne ^er that she might expect a lei down. ' VBut it never arrived," she sai ;with a smile. "I never burned th candle at both ends, I have worke hard, it is true, but then I alway managed to get sufficient sleepand there was my Russian tea. found that the addition of two gei erous teaspoons of jam gave jue family of Chapel Hill were visitor here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Johnston o Baltimore are visiting Mrs. Lul; House. Misses Palmer and Beth Mathew of Weldon are visiting with Mis Roberta House. Mr. Edward Copeland of Soutl Carolina is visiting Mrs. D. I. Isles. Misses Lena and Prire Harrill en tertained Weldon friends Frida; night with a lawn party. Mr. J. L. Prierman of Roanoki Rapids, Virginia, is visiting hi sister, Mrs. S. W. Myrick Sr. Mrs. J. P. Elliott of Richmond i visiting her mother, Mrs. L. W Myrick. Mr. w. T. Mitchell visited hi parents here on Sunday. Among those visiting with Mrs Dallas Myrick Sunday were Mis; Edith Robertson and Mrs. E< Robertson of Fredericksburg, Va. DR. A. C. YOW Veterinarian Henderson, N. C. Office phone 626-R-l; Res. 626-R-: Hospital 214 Wyche Street WAKEUP YOUR LIVER BILE? WITHOUT CALOMEL 6 And YouH Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rarin' to Go If yon M sour and rank and the world look* punk, don't swallow a lot of Malta, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum end expect them to make yon ruddenly iweet and buoyant and full of snnehlns. For they can't do It. They oaly more the boweti and a mere movement doeen't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your Dowels dally. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest, It just decays in the bowels. Oas bloats up your stomach. You havs a thick, bad taste and your breath la fouL kin often breaks out In blemishes. Your head aches end you feel down and out. Your whola yitem Is poisoned. " It tsksa those good, old CARTER'S LITTLB LIVER PILLS to get these two Kunds ol bus flowing Irssiy sna ma ice you il "up and up." They contain wonderful, harmless, gentle vegetable extracts, amazing when It comes to making the bile flow freely. But don't ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Ix>ok for the name Carter's Little Liver Pills on the red label. Resent a '?faetltute.25oatdrtig stores. 019810.It. Co Dr. Rufus S. Jones A.B., M.A., DJXS. General Practice of Dentistry X-BAT SEE VIC? Citizens Bank Building Phone 70 Oat cjf office every Thursday L- . THE WARREN RECO heart Has Fruity sian Tea With Jam .) HL : etened Tea is Fine Energizer the right amount of energy so necessary to me, and many times I ni would have been forced to give up , but for the stimulating influence ol' that fragrant beverage." Here are her "pet" recipes for ' the tea and the jam that she uses: ^ for sweetening it: r* Mary Pickford's Russian Tea 3- With Jam rj Scald earthenware pot, or glass r. tea pot, with boiling water; put one y teaspoon of orange pekoe tea for each cup desired; measure freshly y drawn water, and bring to bubbling: boil before pouring it on the leaves;, d steep three to four minutes, sweet-1 c. en to taste and add two teaspoons 1( of orange jam to each clip of tea.' e Orange Jam/ 12 thin-skinned oranges ' , tl 3 lemons e 16 cups (8 pounds) sugar d Wash and slice oranges'and t- lemons as thin as possible. Add water and let stand over night, d Cook slowly until tender (2 to 2% e hours). Add sugar. Cook the mixd ture until it jellies from a spoon s (from 30 to 60 minutes). Pour into - clean, hot jars, and seal at once. I Of course, the jam is also delil clous as a spread for toast, crackit ers and biscuits. ? s Mrs. Jack Batchelor of Rocky Mount, Mrs. Mary Pecott of Roanoke * Rapids and Mrs. M. E. Myrick. a T i f f 1 ofr*n R nnf a 1 AJIViAVWVIA ML VV A s _ s There will he a meeting of the Grouver Memorial Christan En1 deavor socity Friday night August 17th( at 8 o'clock as announced by Woodrow Shearin president. y Mr. H. M. Johnston was on this route last week, g Mr. and Mrs. Dix Strickland and s f Chas. E. Foster s Civil Engineer, Surveyer Littleton, N. C. s i ^ ' m '7 work all the time "I am 27 and a textile winder in tl bad that I had to cry many times. ][ days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham's Tal fully. For the first time in my life I do i the time now and feel strong.?Mn. race St., Muskegon, Micb. LYDIA E. PINK! A Uterine Tonic ana v,rf I CITIZENS INSURANE G. W. Poindaxter, Pre?. I Warranto FIRE LIFE Insurance< Consult Us Insurance 1 RD ?' son Donlll, of near Henderson wei visitors in the home of Mrs. Wall Hardy Sunday. Those visiting in the home < Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Shearin on Sui day were: Mr. and Mrs. Sterlir Pitchford of Aspin, Mr. J. J. Pitcl ford of Jensen Fla., Mr. and Mr R. H. Bright of Warrenton, Mr. an Mrs. E. W. Shearin; Mr. G. i Hester, Mr. Dix Phelps of Warre Plains, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norvi of Norlina, Mr. Petis Rodwell < Warrenton, Mr. and Mrs. S. ( Moretz and little daughter, LaRit Dawn, of Durham, Mrs. John 1 Shearin of Roanoke Rapids, Mr. an Mrs. Whitson and son, Morries, an Miss Doris Shearin of Portsmoutl Va. Mrs. Harold Skillman of Warrer ton called on Mrs. T. S. Walkf Sunday afternoon. Mr. Grover Shearin has returne home after spending last week ? White Lake. Mrs. Bobbie Clopton has returne home after spending last week i Henderson with her sister, Mrs. Di Strickland. We are glad to learn that Mr; R. M. Alston who has been very 1 at Roanoke Rapids hospital has re turned to her home. Mr. W. D. Shearin and Miss Elle Shearin spent last Sunday i: Rocky Mount. We are sorry to learn that Mj John Pike has been sick for severs days. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kiggan an Mrs. J. T. Bell of Vaughan wer seen on this route Sunday after noon. Those visiting in the home of Mi E. L. Pike recently were: Mi Bernice West and family, Mi Bernard Pittard of Warrenton, Mi T. S. Walker, Mr. F. A. Lancaste and son's, Troy and Wilton, Mr. J V. Shearin, and Mr. Bud Atkins o Littleton, Messrs Walter and Jessi Perkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Whltson and soi and Miss Doris Shearin of Ports mouth, Va., and Mrs. John E Shearin of Roanoke Rapids weri visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs ,M. R. Boone a short while Sunda; 'afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Moretz wen accompained home on Monday b: Miss Dorothy Shearin who will bi taken to Duke Hospital to undergi a throat operation. Inez Items Mrs. J. C. Powell, Mrs. E. R. Davis Misses Annie Lee and Lula Alstoi Powell and Sue Thompson shoppei in Rockv Mount one dav last week Mrs. Ben Tharrington is visiting Relieves Headache Due To Constipation "Thedford's Black-Draught has been used in my family for years," writes Mrs. J. A. Hightower, of Carthage, Texas. "I take it for sick headache that comes from constipation. When I feel a headache coming on, I take a dose of BlackDraught. It acts and my head gets easy. Jtseiore i Knew or JbiacrDraught, I would suffer two or three days?but not any moresinoe X have used Black-Draught." '" Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT Purely Vegetable Luillra "CHILDEEN UKE THE 8TBORJ and jeel strong..." iu Can Escape Periodic Upsets men who must be on the job every leed Lydia E; Pinkham's Tablets; not only relieve periodic pain and mfort... they help to correct the 5E of your trouble. If you take them arly ... and if yours is not a surgical .. you should be able to escape die upsets. >colate coated ... convenient... deible. Sold by all druggists. New small 50 cents. le mill. I had cramps so used to stay in bed two blets helped me wondernot suffer. I can work all jK,. Bennie Coates, 1963 TerlAM'S TABLETS f Sedative for Women * | IE 8 BONDING CO M. E. Grant, Sectfy n, N. C. LIABILITY BONDS rv t ~ll 111 l/i uii niriwd upon Your Problems urenton, North Carolina re her son Mr. Charles Tharrington at ie Philiadephia. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Coleman and jf children also Misses Sue Thompson i- and Tempie Lou Alston spent Sunkj day In Nash with Mrs. Coleman i- parents. s. Misses Virginia and Elizabeth id Journigan of Epsom visited in the vf. home of their uncle Mr. B. O. in Ayscue Sunday. 11 Mr. Foster King of Windsor spent >f the week end with Mrs. Foster 5., King. ;a Mr. Percey Ayscue is visiting his E. brouther Mr. B. O. Ayscue this week, id Mr. Johnnie Fleming is spending id some time near Warrenton with Mr. ti, Raymond Hardy. Miss Mary Powell was the guest i- of Miss Myrtle Davise Sunday >r afternoon. Misses Hazel and Kathleen Benson d visited Miss Rosalie Brown Tues:t day. TV/fro T W Vi rter iHclfoH htnr* 1UAO. X . VT . IXUi^ V idlbVU itCl d daughter, Mrs. Cary Ellington last n week at Hollister. x Miss Vera Benson spent several days last week at Hollister with her s. sister Mrs. Eugene Alston. 11 Miss Edith Benson spent several i- days last week with Miss Mary Alston at Hollister. n Mr. Wilber Edwards of Windsor n spent the week end here with his parents Mr. and Mrs: M. P. Edwards, r. Mr. Junior Conn of Areola visited il Mr. Palmer King last week. Misses Lillian and Gladys Benson d also Mr. James Thomas Benson e . ~ Sale of Lan North Carolina, rr Counties of Warren and Halifax. f Pursuant to a resolution of e Town of Littleton, and in aceorda j Nor;h Carolina, I will on Monday 12 o'clock M in front of the Town ] sell the following described tracts or i taxes for the year 1933, including - Said tracts being hi the Town of Lil :. North Carolina, and more narticula The Stallings Company, 1 lot S. N ' Mrs. T. C. Alston Est., 1 lot Mosl P C. C. & W. K. Alston 1 lot Spri W. E. Bobbitt, 1 lot College St.. e Jack Bobbitt, 1 lot West Llttlctoi y Mrs. J. M. Bragg & Mrs. R. D. Col > Mrs. Margaret Bruce, 1 lot Shaw j J. H. Bruce, 1 lot Shaw St Arthur Barnes, 1 lot College St.. Bowers Bros. Garage, 1 lot N. Mail W. P. Bowers, 1 lot' Center St J. W. Crawley, 1 lot Mosby Ave Mrs. M. L. Cole, 1 lot Mosby.Ave. Mrs. Nannie D. Coppersmith, 7 Bri< St., *1 lot Church St . Mrs. S. G. Daniel, 1 lot Enon Road 1 Mrs. F. K. Daniel Est., 1 lot Mosb W. T. Ferrell, 1 lot West Llttletor I W. B. Gray, 1 lot Spring St : J. R. Glasgow, 1 lot Church St... John C. Jones, 1 lot West Llttletor 1 E. G. King, 1 lot Devine St Mrs. Eva Glasgow Myrick, 1 lot Co Est. Mrs. M. S. Moore, 1 lot near C 1 lot Harvey St., 2 vacant lo C. G. Moore, 1-4 lot N. Main St., 1 1 Mrs. Myrtice C. Murphey, 1 lot Spri Mrs. Coras P. Newsom, 1 lot Mosby T. W. Northington, 4 lots West Li M. Nelson Estate, 1 lot College St.. Mrs. Nora A. Perkins Est., 1 lot Mo! Geo. W. Pegram Est., 1 lot N. Mair Mrs. Sally L. Pippen, 1 lot Spring i J. H. Riggan, 1 lot West Littleton.. Mrs. Bmma K. Stallings, 1 lot Moi Mrs. M. A. Sillery, 1 lot Church S J. R. Taylor, 1 lot Mosby Ave Miss Lucy E. Williams, 1 lot S. Mai J. W. Warren, 1 lot N. Main St Frank J< Harris, 1 lot West Little Col( Lewis Alston, 1 lot Devine St Joe Hall Est., 1 lot near Enon Chu George Pitchford, Lots Peter Ross Est., 1 lot Devine St.... D. H. Williams, 1 lot near cemete This 13th day of A J. W. HARVEY, Tax Collei State of North Carolina, Halifax and Warren Counties. Pursuant to law and orders the Town of Littleton, I will on Mon< In front of the Town Hall (Mayor's C., at 12 o'clock M sell at public auc cash the following described real e Warren County, In order to satisfy street and sidwalk paving assesstner payment thereof, to-wit: 1925 SIDEWALK & T. C. Alston, E-S Mosby Ave B. Ray Browning, E-S Spring St... A. E. Bobbltt Est. W-S Spring St. ( B. H. Browning, W-S Spring St B. H. Browning, W-S Mosby Ave... B. H. Browning, S-S Halifax Ave.. Baptist Church, W-S Mosby Ave Est. Mrs. F. K. Daniel, W-S Mosby Chas E. Foster, E-S Mosby Ave.... Henry House & Dan Thornton, W-? T. N. Harrison, E-S Mosby Ave... Jack Johnston, S-S College Ave : L. H. Justis, E-S Mosby Ave ; Littleton Graded School, E-S Most Est. Mrs. M. S. Moore, E-S Mosby Est. Mrs. M. S. Moore, S-S Harvey ? W. B. Myrick, N-S College St T D T3i rvnnn flnrlflO1 fit". " ~kj -w?.. . . . ? . J. P. Pippen, W-S Mosby Ave T. R. Walker, S-S Halifax St 1927 STREE W. G. Coppersmith, 193.9 ft. N-S S. Stallings Co. on east Stalllngs Co. 53.6 ft. N-S S. Main St. Coppersmith & Est. T. C. W Mrs. A. T. Bragg* & Mrs. Nena Willi between lands of S. T. Thorn Mrs. A. M. Johnston, 50.5 ft. S-S S. Methodist Church lot M. E. Church, 89.4 ft. S-S S. Main ? M. Johnston and Johnston J Farber &. Jones, 50 ft. S-S S. Main Si & Wiggins and T. N. Harr IT. N. Harrison, 25 ft. S-S S. Main St Jones and Cole-Daniel Hdw. This 13th day of August, 193' J J. W. HARVEY, Tax Col FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, | were visitors in the home ot Mrs |T. W. King's Sunday afternoon. ' 1 Miss Catherine Brown has been I 1 visiting relatives at Norfolk, Va. I 1 Miss Estelle Benson also Clare^ land Clyde Benson visited in ^ M Ihome of Mrs. C. H. King's Sun. I 'day afternoon. 1 A large number have been attenn. H |ing services at Shady Grove this I I week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Add Tharrington land children of Areola visited in I the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. r 1 1 Tharrington Sunday. H 1 Master Russel Dillard is visiung 1 I his grandmother Mrs. T. W. King H I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mabry ot I Essex visited Mr. and Mrs. s. h 1 Dillard Sunday. ' Rev. and Mrs. L. c. Brothers 1 (were dinner guests in the home of iMrs. Joe King Sunday. 1 Mrs. Jack Hanls of Wake Forest H lis visiting her brother Mr. e. L 1 Hanls. 1 Miss Evelyn King ot Areola Is 1 visitlna her aro^~ ? o--"uuwuier ,-p W. King. ' I Services will begin at the ^ H Church Sunday morning w ^ o'clock. Services throughout the week will be at 3:30 and 8 o'clock. WERE THEIR FACES RED! I Paris, Mo.,?Three alleged chicken I thieves arraigned in justice court I here found the magistrate was the H owner who had missed the chickens H Patronize the Advertiser. d tor Taxes! the Board of Commissioners of the H nee with the laws of the State ol H the 10th day of September, 1934 at Hall in the Town of Littleton, N.' C? H parcels of land to satisfy the unpaid I penalties and costs, due said Town H tt'.eton, Warren County, and State of H rly described as follows: lain St. (Whse.) (37.72 I bv Avenue 18.83 ng St 3.15 2.19 i 13.01 lier 1 lot S. Main St 4691 st ' 6.51 . . . . . 2.m I l 'stV. 20 00 I Il'.'.V. 2625 m H :k Stores S. Main 1 , 1 lot Mosby Ave 46.48 I y Ave 3542 B liege St 34.05 B emetery, 1 lot Moeby Ave. B ts Mosby Ave 66.6S I ot Mosby Ave 50.07 B .ng St 5.59 B Ave 29.12 B ttleton 12.47 I 1 lo* Railroad St 60.34 B sby Ave 4135 B* 1 St 10.18 B >by Ave 59j2 B^ n St.. 1 lot Oak St 21 H )red ^ ^ B ugust, 1934. Bj ctor. Town of Littleton I' of the Board of Commissioners^ Be lay, the 10th day of September, if office), in the Town of B. tlon to the highest bidders I state located in said Torn ^ B claims thereon due said To . V it default having been made in |/M ? ^Bf] STREET PAVING ^ ^ B Spring Park Hotel) ^ H), i a.? 5 Mosby Ave ^ jj ?y Ave $? K Ave 1t02 I T PAVING N I. Main St., adjoining B]. between lands of W. (i. ,^30 B. rHHoms ___ ams, 28 ft. N-S S. Main si. ^ n ie & Est. J. H. Harrison w Bp Main St. next to fle( St. between lands of Mrs. A. ^^B between lands of Hudson ^B! . between lands of P&rber & ^ flap llector for Town of Littleton, i B

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