Lp 0, ),ay 8>1936 Es15 1ahniif? High Hat Folks. BjeVEKLY hills, calif. Bp _Once 1 thought the cli-1 B\. of utter self-satisfaction | K attained in Massachusetts. I L, vcu met a Dostonian of I Ki Plymouth Rock stock I Ko, in addition, had gone I Krtfigii Harvard, It was as though I R'met an egg nhlch Iiad been laid l V1 twice aud both I times successfully. I \ iioraetlmes this | Bp ; type made me say I < ^ to myself that may-1 MBw$, be It might have! BBWr'.'", been better if the I ?p ^ Mayflower had been I I ^ J making a round! B' aNfaa r'"r non f1 s i M-r eeast takes the) c h est- expanding I ? S Cctb I'liampionshif) right J f f,n p.|^| J """ ;iw:n 11 I'm (ijt ln'i't' is ii sojourn i j>;,;i who herein'<?:?> was I " _:i, >'ln 1 ; didn't ^..^iehyehen K>!iis iniiue. Cui Ii ttTote li' iiif congratulating King BrVrd en i'is accession ami has Ii ;il acknowledgment signer ilnin the kind's fourth r:t deputy equerry, and now jdelirious recipient can hardly Kjit to be snatched up to glory so te ffiav pause :lt t,ic Roldon gates a,,.. jon; enough to give in his or jffforan extra over-sized halo and [liCj, with that hallowed document Bcictched to his inflated bosom, stroll tiroaeii paradise snooting the heavOrlginal Native Sons. | BniGHT In the heart cf Los An K geles the bones of perhaps our ' tr climate-booster have Just been ' Biijop. If he lived 50,000 years ago, j ^ ii'sce experts figure, that would \ jeez to make him aD original na- | Htve son, but If, as others think, j Ik only dates back 10,000 years, he ! Improbably an early settler from tie Middle West who got bogged . HioJtln the primeval ooze on his ' In;to an Iowa state picnic. ills certainly; puts those uppity j folks in their place. The I thing they've dug up lately was ' ^ isnal, and they may have to put : totack. The celery growers don t : Hue it. ami when you come between i HiFlorida celery grower and his eel- | J it'? j::>t the same as trying to UMr.) 3 \\:v: > of lier youiig. governor Hoffman's Motives. k yirnvmisiA N1 >1N(? the accusations of critics in bis own sate, ii's hard to believe New JerGovernor Hodman was actuatB by .political ambition In the Hccurse he took in this ghastly BHs^tmnu case, because, while he Hcrtated for himself a strong per soral following, so many of the boys Bwln/d probably like to vote with his Bskk are unfortunately being degtairei at present in places like Sing BSire and Ahatraz tind Leavenworth, Brteie there's no voting done. Lady Luck's Favorites. of the main winners in the recent sweepstakes, a mere t'.hi. lamented being alone in the B5 -I and having nobody to share S .' I fort;:ne with. That'll be sliest of the young man's bile of forty eight hours he'll "' re kinfolks than a Potomac B-at. l',v the end of a week he'll be st.reiy surrounded by an impenebrest of previously unsus1 friends and well-wishers, '"k promoters, automobile Bp^'""' ln???e tUx collectors and mi Hi"' ' ^i'ahce agents: alTectionate ' -- - Its (object, matrimony and allin the order named) and cltlon f,.ot or hitch-hiking. As for [it relatives. he'll begin think< must he part P.elgian hare? J they won't stay distant, either. < 'thin; renews old family ties ( coining into a large chunk of * * * New Spring Finery, fill' do the new fashions al' *'iiys light on the wrong fef,r vice versa, as the case ^cn white shoes prevailed the s,l"s with the most robust feet 11 to them uiianimoiisly, probably s'loe mahc9 ?">' to skirts climbed knee-high and j 11, I WHS 111^ j ' wUh the bow-legs who wore ki^V %the highest, ijhe would. whit's kind of startled oil? '* ':"w VV1'1 pluck her |j^K' r',ws. thereby enhancing the Button ()f a sheered squinch owl. now that bongs are cowing Wm corning down?ttie style 1 be favored tirsl by the young H^?r>who already resembles a newllnB "itched robin and so could get |lll w'th that sort of thing. It'll Other than the middle aged [IK: *' '"> is, as the [toot says, kind H?0r-Hnr-i d to start with, and |H?"" shod! need is a floral hnrseUK^0' 1 her neck to look like a not for the foolish things lM'-r ar' we S!>f?'ly . could say the ,1Sh things women wear are the ^cst tilings anybody ever wore IRVIN S. COBB, t W.NU iavtee. Warranto n, North Carolii f ^ Warren Record Classified Rates (a) One cent a word eacn Issue (This Type) I (b) 1 Vi Cents a Word (This Type) (c) Three Cents a Word (This Type) All abbreviations counted wordti Twenty-live Cents Minimum Charge Display Want Ads, 35c an Inch To Insure proper classification Want Ads should be in this office by noon Wednesday. , All Ads signed "Care Reeord" Strictly Confidential No Classified Ads Charged Exoept to Regular Display AdvoftiaaM iiuivt !? VI m No Ada Received Over Telephone TOBACCO CROP INSURANCE? against Hail. Insure now. Se< S. M. Gardner. m-i UNBREAKABLE CRYSTALS, ANTi size. Loughlin-Goodwyn Co., Warrenton 11 WANTED?10 11/2-TON DUMI trucks, haul sand bet-ween Littleton and Roanoke Rapids, lonf job. See J. C. Staurt on job. ml?2tpcl FIELD PEAS WANTED?WE WILI buy field peas and pay you cash or trade. If you prefer we wil sell them for you on consignment Bring them to our store. Jone: Brothers, Warrenton, N. C. FOR SALE ? R. I. CHICKS 9 cents each during May; 8 cents each during June. Julia Dameron. a24-m8-m2I HAIL STORM INSURANCE?FIRI Insurance. See S. M. Gardner. 1118 I AM "lOCATED AT NORLIN/ where I will be glad to give yoi estimates on upholstering an< finishing and repairing. I am alst connected with the Home Furni ture Exchange of Henderson wht j have a full line of used and nev j furniture. When in need of furn iture, new or used, or repairs, se? me. Cash or credit. Roy E j Long. m8-2b I WANTED?MAN WITH SMAL1 capital to operate Service Sta tion near Warrenton. Write t< Bex 168, Henderson, N. C. m LEGAL NOTICES ! ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratri: for Miss Florence J. Lamb, late o Warren county, N. C., this is t< j notify all persons having claim: against said estate to present sami to me, properly verified, at) my homi j at Macon on or before the 17th da; of April, 1937, or this notice ma: be pleaded in bar of recovery. A1 persons indebted to said estate wil please make immediate settlement This April 16, 1936. HELEN THOMPSON, al7-6t Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE This is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of E D. King, dee'd., will please presen the same, properly itemized ant _ * Urtfrtvo fV>n 1 cf. vennea, un ui uciuj t vi*w of May, 1937, or this notice will b plead in bar of this recovery. A1 persons indebted to said estate wil please settle now. This 15th day of April, 1936. M. S. HARRIS, Administrator of R. D. King' Estate. S. G. Daniel, Atty for Administrate Littleton, N. C. al6-6 NOTICE OF SALE Under the power of a deed o trust executed by W. H. B. Riggan J. D. Riggan and wife, Agnes 1 Riggan, on May 25th, 1925, to tin undersigned Trustee, to secure i note therein described, and is re THE HOI T ll /^CELIA, FOR H Him f {RUN DOWN STA1 Y J r*\ THOSE CHI LOP @ jf/l 1 SOUNDING THAT /////l1) ftS ^^ TH1 corded in book 124, p. 148, office of < Register of Deeds for Warren 1 county, default having been made j in the payment thereof and at) the t request of the holder, I will on the 12th day of May, 1936, at 12:30 p. j m., at the Court House door in Warrenton, North Carolina, sell to j the highest bidder for cash, the ' following described land: t Lying in North Carolina, River i Township, Warren county, contain- t ing thirty (30) acres, and known as ] the Mollie E. Smith Place, and be- ? gins at "Z. H. Evans corner near ^ Evan spring branch, then south 2 * East 110 poles 13 links to a stone in Z. E. Shearin line, then along 1 said line S. 89 East 42 poles to a stone, then North 112 poles 10 links to a stcne in Sol Shearin line, then West 48 poles 10 links to the be- 1 ! ginning. > Dated and posted the 11th day of April, 1936. al6-4t H. P. BONNEY, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE S Empowered by deed of trust exe- c cuted by Edw. C. Wall, unmd., to I W. H. Wesson, Trustee, Nov. 13, \ 1928, recorded in Warren Registry t in Book 130, page 234, upon default c and at note-holder's request, I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, r Court House doer, Warrenton, N. C? May 30, 1936, one-fourth undivided interest (subject to dower of W. G. Wall's widow) in the following lands in Roancke Township, Warren County, N. C.: Tract No. l.:That tract of land containing 142 acres, more or less, which was conveyed to W. G. Wall by S. G. Moseley by deed dated Dec. 29, 1904, recorded in Warren Registry in Bock 70, page 320. Tract No. 2.: That tract of land containing 3 acres, more or less, which was conveyed to W. G. Wall by S. J. Moseley by deed dated Jan. li, 1904, recorded in said Registry in Book 69, page 4. Tract No. 3.: That certain tract \ of land, containing one-half (1-2) ' acre, more or less, which was conveyed by H. Birdsong Moseley to W. G. Wall by deed dated March 3, ^ 1903, recorded in Warren Registry, in Bcok 68, page 550. j Specific reference is made to each of the above recorded instruments j for other and further description 5 and source and chain of title. This 29th day of April, 1936. W. H. WESSON, Trustee. 3 FRANK BANZET, Attorney. m4 NOTICE OF SALE * 2 Under the power of a deed of ? C | trust executed by William Jones, i j on March 18th? 1931, to the under- t signed Trustee to secure the indebt- i ' edness therein described, said deed J ^ of trust having been recorded in j Book 128, page 485 Warren Regis- i 3 try, default having been made in J . the payment thereof, at the request 3 of the holder of the indebtedness v I will, on Friday, May 29th., 1936, - at 12:30 P. M., at the Court House J e door in Warrenton, North Carolina, , ' sell to the highest bidder for cash, j c the following described tracts of < j land: ' Tract No. 1. One lot of land sit- [ o uated in Wise, N. C., and bounded i 8. as follows: On the North by the 1 . | lands of Jimmie Phillips; on the l East by the lands of Walter Thomas; on the West by the lands of i I DISCO1 i i A New Way T< For selling. For buying, ping. For getting real val Try it. You'll be ready t ^ side of Columbus! But e Hundreds of other peo 1 are ready to back up y< too, have proved to the s for quick, dependable t r The Warn ;> WANT ?! -X USE OF HA lEAVEN'SSAKE.l I'LL BET RS AND TELL j UTTLE Ht LEW "TO STOP ) (THAT LIVE ' AUTO HORN? J ?: . yOO( / -?% v ? ^ .< I ? v | rmusHots 8883 ' E WARREN RECORD Drange Cobb; on the South by the:; ands of Ralph Thomas, contain-}' ng 3y2 acres and being known as 1 -he land of the late Lucy Thomas. Tract No. 2. Begin at a stone, vfary a. Davis corner in St. Tarn- 1 nany Road; Thence Northwardly fO yards along said road to a stake; -hence Eastwardly a due course to , i stake in J. W. Hawkins line; ' hence Southwardly along J. W. i iawkins line 70 yards to a corner 1 stone in J. W. Hawkins and Mary Tones corner; thence due west to 1 he beginning, containing five acres, nore or less. This April 24th? 1936. W. C. Williams, Trustee. ( ?err & Kerr, ml-4tc , attorneys. 1 notice to voters of east ' warrenton precinct Registration books will be open Saturday, May 9th, through Satur- ; lay, May 30, 1936, at office of ! farmers Mutual Exchange. Those ' vishing to register will please come ' o this office instead of Mayor's 1 sffice. , G. R. FRAZIER, Registrar, n8-3t East Warrenton Precinct. trustee's sale By virtue of the authority re:ited in a deed of trust executed on he 25th day of February. 1916, by i. u. King to s. u. uamei, trustee, o secure a debt due to W. G. Coppersmith, which deed is recordid in the office of the Register of Ceeds for Warren county, N. C., in Cook 94 at page 208, default in the >ayment and demand for a sale of he land to pay said assignee of the ame the secured debt, the underligned trustee will on the 20th day if May, 1936, in front of Donald Sing's store in the Town of Littleon, Warren County, N. C., at 11 I'clock a. m., expose to sale to the lighest bidder for cash the followng real estate: Lying and being in the aforesaid State and County, and more paricularly described and defined as ollows: Bounded on the North by Ferguson or Salmon land; on the Cast by the Little land; on South >y lands of S. D. King and J. D. Sing; on the West by Eugene Tohnston and Alex Newsome lands, insisting of two pieces of land and cnown as the R. D. King Home Place or the R. D. King Store louse place, containing 20 acres, ind one other known as the Eliza)eth Harris tract, containing thir,y-three acres (33) more or less, less ibout 3 acres sold off these tracts eaving about 50 acres now offered Refreshing, Relief When You Need a Laxative Because 01 me reireeuuiK nun ? rns brought them, t.hn?iBnnPU or map tnd women, who could afford much nore expensive laxatives, use BlackDraught when needed. It Is very economical, purely vegetable, highly affective. . . Mr. J. Lejrter Roberson, veil known hardware dealer at MarIns vtlle, Vr., writes: "I certainly can recommend Black-Draught as a splendid sedlolne. ] have taken it tor constipation wd the dull feelings that follow, and have found It very satisfactory." BLACK-DRAUGHT KERED o Get Results! I For renting. For swaplue. And getting it fast! o set yourself up alongyou won't be the first, pie in Warren County aur explorations! They, imselves that this plan iction really works. Record r ADS * ZARDS IT'S THAT ARD KID J ^7eef\ sf%\ ! " Wai for sale. This propert yls located o rarkell road near Epworth schoi louse and church. This 15th day of April, 1936. S. G. DANIEL, *16-4tc Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Whereas, on the 21st day < August, 1934, Winnie P. Perry an rollie Perry executed and delivere unto W. O. McGibony, Trustee ft Land Bank Commissioner, a certai leed of trust which is recorded 1 the office of the Register of Deec for Warren County, North Carolinj In Bcok 137, at Page 487; and Whereas, default has been mac n the payment of the indebtedne: hereby secured as therein provic ;d, and the trustee has been rt juested by the owner and holdt thereof to exercise the power t sale therein contained: Now, therefore, under and by vh tue of the authority conferred b the said deed of trust the undei signed Trustee will on the 6th da )f June, 1936, at the court hous loor of Warren Covrnty, North Cai ilina, at twelve o'clock noon offc for sale to the highest bidder f< Ad\ a a a Pro re 1 A E Then Why Should As you desire of the people of yo tinue in season anc vertising?to these store and buy your If you use on] limit of your invit; to the public, how vnorl 1-lin TYiornVionH icau mu mwi. vaiuxxu houses their patro your invitation fc Christmas time, pj purchase? One is as consi Make your in1 tions of the goods a gallon of gasolin them, not an exper High sounding er for your store? ity of the goods a ritory will have coi you are offering th Do not lose si] gain. And it is also price tag. Just as if known firm, just tl Advertising has mi The more you with the buying pu your goods over an its. Profit by the 1 Business or no THE V eB*fi Tenton, North Carolina n cash, the following real estate: & All that certain tract or parcel of * land containing sixty-nine (69) 81 acres, more or less, known as part 2 of the Jones Spiring Tract, being in A Sandy Creek Township, Warren 81 ~ County, North Carolina, on the d Warrenton Highway, about 12 miles g West from Henderson, now in posld session of Winnie P. Perry, bound- 8 !d ed on the North by the lands of s* >r Junius Fields, on the East by the 1 11 lands of Collie Branch, on the n n South by the lands of Nathan 21 Fields, and on the West by the N a> lands of C. J. Fleming. Said tract * of land is particularly described ac- ^ le cording to a plat prepared by T. C. >s Gill, Surveyor, on the 28th day of " I- July, 1934, as follows, to-wit: B l~ Begin at an Oak on farm road, !r Junius Fields and C. J. Fleming corner, rim thence North 26 1-2 degrees East 305 feet to branch; thence ?. - on along the branch North 261-2 ? >y degrees East 30 feet; thence North - 651-2 degrees feast 174 feet, North ,y 46 1-2 degrees East 248 feet, North :e 741-8 degrees East 250 feet, North w 46 3-4 degrees East 266 feet, North * ;r 501-4 degrees East 411 feet; North st >r 88 1-8 degrees East 170 feet, North ci ertising C usiness Boosting Bulletin toting Local Business Inte: Published By rHE WARREN RECORE Hen Keeps On Scratching iven If Worms Are Scars A Merchant Stop Advertising Wh and expect the contiual, all-yej ur sales community, just that mi V. I out of season, your cordial in customers that they do continu< goods. [y the Christmas and New Year ation for patronage and for pre; can you consistently kick if th ise offerings in the catalogs and nage. Throughout the year and r rtAt.rnTifl.orp in the home D{ atronize you at that time wth istent as the other. citations for their patronage so < so alluring, the quality of the oJ e spent in reaching your store i ise. ; words do not alone sell goods. ] the words of your advertising ar< re dependable?the buying publ nfidence in what you tell them i e very best merchandise at the lc ?ht of the fact that all men and true that a bargain is not alwa ; is harder to get a purchaser for lat much easier it is to sell men ade popular. advertise your store the more pop blic. The more popular your stor< d the oftener your turn-over, the a 3EN. Worm or no worm, she sen business, ADVERTISE. BARREN RE( By M W IT AWT ANY f CHIIOREH MAKJN6 THAI* Y/Zj |NOISE-IT3 A BIG IJI^ :77 PAGE 7 43-4 degrees East; 262 feet. North 4)1-2 degrees East 134 feet, South 0|3?4 degrees East 156 feet, South 4)3-4 degrees East 150 feet to an .sh, thence South 82 degrees East D feet to Shocco Creek, thence own said Creek South 20)1-3 derees East 605.5 feet, thence South ) 1-4 degrees East 196 feett thence outh 81 degrees East 467 feet to a ;ake on Highway, thence South 1-4 degrees West 700 feet to corer, thence North 89 degrees West )45 feet to stake, Fleming and athan Fields corner, thence North 1-2 degrees West 300 feet to the jginning. Copy of said plat now being on le with the Agent of the Land ank Commissioner at Columbia, outh Carolina. This the 4th day of May, 1936. i8-4t W. O. McOIBONY, Trustee. ULIUS BANZET, Agent id Attorney for Trustee. Farmers aire pfleased. generally, ith the use of peat moss on toicco plant beds this winter. Good ands of vigorous plants were aelred, they report. | hats | For a _ rests ) r i e len Business Is Dull ir-round patronage ich you should convitatibn?your adi to patronize your 's greetings as the senting your goods e community folks give the mail-order when they do see mer along about but a dollar or so cordial,the descripffering so hgh that s an investment to Establish a charactj truthful, the qualic of your sales terand will know that west possible price, women love a barys gauged by the goods from an unchandise in a store lular it will become a the more you turn : greater your profatches. ^ORD Tac Arthur (W MOW WILL YOU DO Mj[ I TOU) YOU AND R1K6 ) 3 THE DOORBELL TO < Jpk GETTHEREST , ) mk OF OUR FAMILY? / ^? _T

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