w PAGE 4 Tbe Warren Record Published Every Friday by The Press Publishing Co. 0m Tear For fl iwi HOWABD JONES. JB. Editor HOWABD F. JONES. SB. Contributing Editor That Jcstice May Ever Have A Champion; That Evil Shall Not Fleuriah Unehallenged. Entered at the Poetofflce at Warrastan, North Carolina, under Ac f Oeognm of 1879. Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother When she is old.?Prov. 23-22. Snccess is not an accident; it comes to the man who does his - - hotter than the Wora a u...v oher fellow?Irving T. Bush. REASON TO BE PROUD OF MEMORIAL LIBRARY Warren county has justl cause to feel proud of its! library. Growth has been! steady, the selection ofl books outstandingly good,! and the administration alll that one could desire in I economy and service com-l bined. I More than 6500 volumes,! well selected and covering al vide range 'of interest, are! upon the shelves of this ser-| viceable memorial to the men! of former wars. Men and! women grow into service! only through the development of the mental and! moral qualities to the subjection of the physical. Good] books are the friend of civili-' < -- mi? zanon. uiey are ucxu^ placed within the reach of the people of this county. Op-1 portunity for mental growth and happiness are locked within the pages to which every citizen of Warren ( county has a key. If you are not using this key we suggest that you begin doing so at once. FARMERS HAVE SOME CONSOLATION Crops in Warren county do not look as good this sum-J mer as they have for many, years past but farmers should find some consolation in the fact that the drought, hail,' and wind did not bring about as much destruction in this immediate section as fKoir nnofKif AAilnfiAo ' tuvj uxu in ncai tuunwcoj throughout the state, and( over a great portion of the nation. The tobacco and cotton ciop will unquestionably be short in Warren county, but it is possible that the ruin which has occurried in other sections will bring about higher prices which will offset to a great extent the shortage of these crops =EJJ=JF=JF=IFJFJFJP I MORE CO] Remember to call fo ji week. If you haven't I blank?$15,500 cash names for four pictui 1- Past experience cause can handle a few moi a and that counts in t T1 Let us wax the car I r to your paint? Jj More and More peopl 1! TOUGHEST, STRON get yours. There are antee We Always I P50 f I ='PlRr^F^F^Fi[gE Warrenton, North Cart here. Another thought which should have a tendency to dispel in some measure the gloomy outlook for a good fall this year lies in the fact that a great many of Warren cuonty farmers took advantage of the benefits which are to come under the Soil Conservation Act. Then, too, Warren county farmers are growing more of the things they need on their tables and on their farms than was the case when tobacco and cotton prices sky i wnv/i^u c* 11 uixiwv/x vx j vMiiw ago. The money they received then went to foreign markets for hay, grain, and a number of items they used on their tables. Diversification has done a lot to keep Luis m|oney at home. The outlook for the fall is not as bright as we would like to see it, but we have a great deal to be thankful for. DEAN R. B. HOUSE (Continued from page 1) in the humble aspiration of all too human hearts, it was a family dedicated awkwardly but- genuinely to God. Long before the great revival cf religion and the organizing genius of Wesley and Coke and Asbury, the family living room with its prayer service, the family table with its grace, the family wedding with its ceremony and feasting, the family burying ground with its modest grasp of the hand of nature had laid out the customs and forms cf religion as lived and practiced here- And this church when in the fullness of time it' came and developed was to be a family church. Its services were to be simple and informal as a family prayer, a family wedding, a family burying, a family picnic. And in the variety of names the evolution of the family made all more or less literally of one blood. Here came the great Asbury himeolf TInvn nnmn nnrl onrrhrl men ocii. iiti t t/auit aiiu oux vvu who as orators and scholars adorned t'he whole Southern church. For this community achieved greatly in education, in religion, in culture, and was warm and luminous with the quality of beautiful living together. Not in sadness, as for something never to return, do we turn from this view of the past to look at the present and the future. This neighborhood and this church can be great and fine again because the elements that made it great in the past are abiding forces today; namely, the spirit of the family, for we are indeed brothers, and, the spirit of God, who is indeed our father. The function of this church is to hold aloft as always Him who promises that- if He be lifted up He will draw all men unto Him. Jesus needs to be held aloft so that we may see him as a guide no matter in what troubled area of life we may be living and working. Some men call this the age of the machine and almost forget that it io rvi on *t'V? r\ rwalro monViin^e lO Ultil >ViiU Uitmu JLliaWUlAVi}, (AlAVt that until men know how to get on with each other they cannot even handle the machines which tey make- Some men call this the age of science and almost' forget that science gives us knowledge of things which we use but connot give us knowledge of ourselves as men who learn the science and use l,=J,=l,=l,=l,=l,=l,=l,=ln NTEST PICTUE r the second picture in our g done so, better drop around ani given away?Not bad?just f es. Somebody will get it?I'd li s our customers to keep our gre *e. When we; grease one, it's dc he long run. ^OW and save you wash bills e are becoming convinced that GEST CARCASS ever built ir no exceptions to our unconditio Satisfy Our Customers befort ' " *< ' '-lina *J CARO'Gh IS PRE* POtK 6RADUATED FROM THE UNIV NORTH (AROilNAWITH HIGHEST MONO DID YOU KNOW TMAT IM (759 N?\V B?RN VYAf THE EDITORS OP CARO-GRAPHICS the things. We are learning anew a what has always been known to a Jesus; namely, that you cannot s< deal with a man as you would with a thing. Things are passive and have no will of their own We have only to learn their -nature to mas- W ter them- But men are not passive; " they have wills of their own and ^ opinions of their own, and there is t1 nowhere one expression of a man's will or even of a man's opinion that " cannot be check-mated by some ~ other man's will or opinion. And we are in stagnation and confusion in this world today because we are not willing to treat the other man like a man and to give weight ^ to his will and to his opinion. We r try to treat him like a thing. Jesus -] is the great artist in the way in js which people may learn to live to- p gether, and it is along this way that e we must travel if we are ever to v get out of confusion and strife- 0 It is, indeed, an age of great : power, of great learning, and of g manifold beauty, but we shall not p see the picture of our lives clearly or know our way until we come to understand and follow him who knew what was ultimate in power, i -11- 1"1- nit;-? nlfimofo in in li uixi, anu uauaaxxmw *> * beauty, and who knew that for the A universe as a whole, as for us as " individuals, the key to the whole c was a desire to know and to follow ? what is ultimate goodness and righteousness in living. c We have many institutions?the e school, the state, business, industry, w and many others?that are all great a and indispensable in their own ^ kind, and each has a special an- ? swer to a special problem and all " unite in the great family of institutions which make up civilized action and sure and articulate ^ thought, but the grand unity of all d thought and all action is religion, E which is life in God and which presses home to us the infallible text, "Seek rightousness that ye may live '" And iti is a sure and steady function of any church anywhere to hold aloft the standard of Jesus, to point all men to him as the ultimate standard, to study the art of living together with our fellows under God, which was the - --1 - " ? tl supreme art 01 jesus. xu is una which alone can make a good man, FOR SALE?CABBAGE, COLlards and Tomato Plants: Cabbage and collards, 121-2 c per 100, $100 per 1000; tomato plants, 10c per doz. Delivered in Warrenton, at the court house, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. J. J. Alston, Arccla. ltpd di=ir=lr=Jgdr=Jr=Jr=li=J LES 0 :uessing contest next ij d get your free entry [I or guessing the best ke it to be you. IJ ase man busy, but we ?ne right, every whit, ri Lh and insure the luster ll Tl li Atlas Tires have the lto a tire?Come and nal road-hazard guar- j; } they leave II ETTOTSfll i I ^iilESEEjg | =iF=lF=lF=J-lF=JF=iF=JF=JF HE WARREN RECC IAPHICS DO YOU KNOW YOUR STATE ? ) ^ j 'Of BETV R5 TACl IN 1062, WILMINGTON WAS VICTIM OF A YELLOW EEYEn EPIDEMIC WITHIN J MONTH* APP 20% OF THE POP DIED invite- yov to send in iNTenesriNC good family, a good neighborhood, nd be a living witness of the ound work of a good church. A farmer in Cabarrus County as found out that it pays t)o deform pullets before placing them i the laying house. Killing a hen hat was emaciated, he found in ier body 42 round worms, several ape worms and pin worms "too iumerous to mention". LEGAL NOTICE ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE The undersigned having been apK)inted and duly qualified as adninistratrix of the estate of James ? Green, late of Warren County, Torth Carolina, this is to notify all tersons holding claims against said state to exhibit the same, properly erified, before her or her attorney, n or before the 17th day of July 937, or this notice will be pleaded a bar of their recovery. All perons indebted to said estate will ilea.se make immediate settlement This 17th dnv of July. 1936. CINDERELLA GREEN DAVIS,. Administratrix, Estate of James ?. Green. VILLIAM W. TAYLOR, JR. kttorney. jl7-6t FORECLOSURE NOTICE it ate of North Carolina, !ounty of Warren. Under and by virtue of the power ontained in. that Deed of Trust xecuted by Plummer Spruill and rife, Lula Spruill, Millard Spruill nd Henry Spruill, to R. S. McCoin, Y us tee, duly recorded in Book 133, t page 26, in tile office of the Reg>ter of Deeds of Warren county, efault having been made in the ayment of the debt secured therender and at the request of the icldcr of the said notes, the unersigned trustee having been duly instituted as trustee in the place lllllllliyniWflllllllilliiiiiiv/iiivaiiiiiiiriiTnTfvnffiJTMiniiriiiiiiivnnuir! llllTOllllllllllllll^ 1 Do You Se n Business C I 5 II " 1 * Do You See A Bus I? |j Perhaps > If so, and your fir li [] and credit justify, and Trust Company g j| ply funds to meet puiiements. I li In any event you 1! ested, courteous h( H [I cooperation which tice will permjt. I n I a m 7i m mi s, =i g =i I Citizens Ban J HENDERi | Member of the Federa poration?$5000 Maxii Depositor. )RD 0 J Murray Dy Jones Jr. I I \\- az 1 ft mztti i899& 1927. trtf valuf ofnc 2 ory pftomxttj^emfp 13 wbs . WDYOUKWOWthat MM mmonmm OMOFM DHF6AT& TO MCONTinmAlCOHGM WAS the FIRST one to BRING up the proposition op INDEPENDENCE ? c i facts about your. common ity i 1 and stead of R- S- McCoin, by pro- : ceedings recorded in the office of j the Register of JDeeds of Warren; County, this is notice that on the 24th day of August, 1936, at 12 o'clock Noon, the undersigned Substituted Trustee will offer for qale at the Courthouse door in Warren County the following described real estate: Tract No. 1: Begin at Welch's corner, tract No. 1, in tiie division of the Henry W. Eaton tract in Shocco Township; and run thence S 17 deg. 8 min. E 1810 feet; thence N. 81 E 2091 feet to Horse Pen Branch; thence up said branch 1870 feet to corner of lot No- 1 in said ' division; thense S. 81 W 1480 feet to the beginning, containing 83 1 acres, more or less. See Deed Book 131, page 101, Warren County ^ Registry. Tract No. 2: Beginning at the Ford crossing Horse Pen Branch, > and running thence along Shocco - road South 57|l-2 West 19 chains S 55 W 4 chains S 611-2 W 8 chains ' to Major Eaton road, thence along the said road S 45 E 3 chains, S 24 E 6 chains and 41 links to a stone near a forked cedar; thence N 77 E 27 chains 75 links to Horse Pen 1 Branch, thence up said branch to the Ford, place of beginning, con- , taining 40 acres, more or less. Tract No. 3: Beginning at a pine i Dr. Rufus S. Jones ji! A.B., SLA, DJD.S. :: General Practice of Denlstry X-RAY SERVICE ' ' - fH+ivAris TJonlr TJnilHInfr M vibujvuo noiiik uouuuig i, , Phone 70 j] Out of office every Thursday | ^'II11MI1IIII1IIIII!)M e A I Ipportunity? | m 1 iy I 0 1 jiness Opportunity? Li ve can see one, too. Li M lancial responsibility ri g! , the Citizens Bank j; || j will be glad to sup- i; your short term re- ir IB E I are sure of aninter- jl || taring, and of every 71 sound banking prac- ji ? 1 1 ^ 1 1 k & Trust Co. | SON, N..C. J J I Deposit Insurance Cor- || n?m Insurance for each BMllllJIMM Warranion, North Carotin* FRIDAY, JULY 24 i93r n the East side of Shocco Road, nlng, containing 51-2~acres outhwest corner of the land for- Tract) No. 4: Beginning at aerly belonging to Louis Williams, 26 feet East of a path * St?ne hence along Shocco road South 9 Welch's corner in di? ' aye'te hains and 30 links to the Shocco ? "mm* SpruiUv iprlngs Company line; thence along .. ' :e layette Welch ? he said line N 85 E 7 chains and 21 South 1f7"8 E^t 315 fee??,5 Inks to a .walnut tree in Eaton's 1B.n f(f", stx)"e, thence N. 81 p tne; thence along said Eaton's line .. , Horse Pen Branch I 2 1-4 W 3 chains and 17 links to ^ "P said t baton's northwest corner and Plum- ... ?r prui11 s corner; then** ner Spruill's line; thence along tSPruill'S aid Plummer Spruill's line S 85|l-2 "J Jff.4 Oto the beginning COn V 73 links to a stone on the West *Cr6S more or to"* ide of the road to Eaton's; thence * J??"* sale will be cash dong said road N 23 1-2 West 4 s of July, 2 :hains and 70 links; N 411-2 W 3 J y T* p- GHOLSon Vtoirta 47 links tn a stnnp. Substituted Trust** vv. H SSnM-SpruuSTomeron_Clem- Z32\ i.::!:::::uK:^-^!,!ma""^;:t:| I ROOF ? I EYES EXAMINED AND GLASSES I REPAIRING I fitted SPRAY PAINTING | Every Monday morning from 9:00 I Slate felt Shingles, g to 11:00. Office with Dr. Rufus S. I :: Metal, Wood and aper i. the dentist, over Citizens I | Roofs Repaire a g , Warrenton. Main Office near I I All Work Guaranteed ij | Post Office at Roanoke Rapids. , | C. K. Plancon n DR. E.D. HARBOUR ? Telephone 64' OPTOMETRIS I NOTICE I To the tax payers of the Town of I I Warrenton, N. C., All taxes not paid I I on real estate by Monday, August 3, I will be advertised on that date and I sold September 7,1936. I I R. L. WI LS O N I Kg Taxi Collector of the I Town of Warrenton, N.C. I liillllHkit iHJli11|3if'IIIIM 3 WT' This exclusive 3 3 SuperCondenserTop means ~~ 3 3 efficient and economical $331 3 operation HGj 3 b I Lr, is Supertex, 11?^ -^ "jjl B. the Oil Burning Refrigerator I [G0HI ^F| ?designed especially to bring 0 ' ? ~" gj 3" the most modern form of re- H1 B> frigeration to rural homes. It B p I Hj Bed works anywhere because it 9 H ^PS requires no outside connec- I r\ ^ . HI tions of any kind?makes cold B ^ ^ S BVP by burning kerosene. Super- 8 B ^ LL^ *^?^0! Hf lex is tne mosi ccunumum BfWWtoBw,,?-.. j m form of refrigeration you 111]Hp< could have, for many reasons, He one of which is that the burn- _J M# n0 ers operate only about two I . hours to make refrigeration I running water, no ItlOVin for twenty-four hours or more. | parts. Operates on kerosene. Thousands in Use H"c Superfex is made by a com- can have ice cubes for drinking K>n pany that has served rural water and iced beverages, ^ou homes for more than forty can make delicious chilled years ?the makers of famous salads and frozen desserts. f Perfection Stoves and Ranges. N , oved Models W Superfex is made to do the ... c. . ,. easy terms things that a refrigerator must , do out in the country, to make This year s models surpas* z cold ?plenty of cold ?day ^at have been ma e. after day and year after year. ue more efficient-more beau- K tifuL Their new design and Fresh Food cream-white porcelain finish and Ice Always Handy make them "at home' lam With Superfex in your kitchen, kitchemThe adjustable sheheJ you don't have to run out to can be arranged to meet t e the well or down cellar every needs of each day s storage. ^Klo time you prepare a meal. Superfex can be bought on ti Everything you need can be easy terms?plenty of time tn ^Bg kept right within reach in which to pay if you wish. tc Superfex. You can keep fresh phone or write for a fret <-m meats for days at a time. You onstration in your own home* MBy^ On Display At B>< JONES BROTHERS LT GU Jkt./ M SUPERFEX _ ? ? r c o M f A HCCUl A HODUCT OP PERFECTION STOVt ^