Lay. sovember 6, 19 f|jRLJGE j (BARTON I I Says: Si i^a^wsaamma a???| .... Let Xiiein llowi | I 10 won; Moiiuay mora- j I ,,...1 ncart iuu 01 peace anal ?", i,,.., j- louiiu two letters oul _ x ioi.o Lave been a reader J I iiui p.. ' ' N uat your last euito-I f' 1,^ me oest jou ever have] 1 Lave cut 11 out aild azaj *T ;o name it and hang it ml ouh'i letter referred to the] lineal editorial: 1^; Much ox tlie time I havel Bed with you, but alter reading I Blast \uvhs effusion I bid you I J-Iv.c... tsticn a bunch ol boloney " [ Being naturally a sensitive per-| L. I suffered troin criticism in my I By cays- Once, when an ai-ticlel Bene contained a blunder for! K.y the editor received caustic! B..,. i iclt so sick I stayed in bed I M~-:: as lime went on I developed I philosophy as to criticism and so, I Kjjess to me. must every man who I B;C_ng to get anything done. The! Bjs: point in that philosophy is! K;f you can't please everybody,! B-. that much criticism, good or I B is entirely uninformed. ore can not be guided too much I B the public because the public is I B changeable. Every public char-l o: any influence has been I Bihar at some time in his career I B: unpopular at othersBCriticism is good for us. We need I no matter how well meaning or Bruh we may be. One time when Bur. .Moray was being severely Kncieii by the English press GladB:.e said to him: "Take it from B that to endure trampling-on Bit pat nd sclf-control is no dement in the preparation of ci 1 r? _ 101* WCIiKHiy iimuy unu stuily in the path of great pubcduty Be sure that discipline is Rally. ar.d in the last analysis ian has to do his best and go tenrd. A famous old English cocltraster had this motto, of tea I am fond: "Never explain, srer retract, never apologize. Get : ior.e and let them howl." . . Let's Preach Positive Faith Tears aeo an eminent economist Selecting one protestant denomii'.icz r.hose records had been ~ carefully, he set down the nn'cer of new members added li year. Opposite this, in another turn. he classified each year 2 ar. economic standpoint as sperous or badHie year 18?35 was a bad yeav: reteen thousand people joined is particular church. In 1866 came air. and new members jumped to Hen years of "good" times, but ? tares for the church, until the nfc of 1873. when up shot the fflbership. reaching a "new high" 1877. when prosperity registered 'fancy the same tiling is haptoday; at least our church sbeen full recently. Last Sunday Iicher said that religion conbeing ble to recognize the linarv in the ordinary people sec the turmoil of >ent, and say: "It is confusis anarchy; it is hopeless." se who are wiser say: "It is moulding His world into a d better image- Let us bestir is and go forward." sermon lifted us. It was a rophetic voice announcing ie Power which made the has not deserted it, is still I on it .It made us feel that 'ht to life our eyes and be lest these great and faris changes come to pass 1 our recognizing themrise all preachers these days "h a positive faith. To put anJ' sermons that criticize or discourage them, and 1 confidence, courage and need this now. If the church 0vide it, the church will make Washington county farmers [ H. ;;^ntly with the representaB^a pickle company to make '0r growing cucumbers for fl j-pany next season. B* Cardui Helps Bomen To Build Up stimulates the appetite and H?'es digestion, helping women .r/-r- strength Irom the food they MB:'.""; at Is Improved, strength c':rt?'lrl functional pains go ti'jfi*ornen Praise Cardui for helping Bit I? 80&d health. . . . Mrs. C. E. ^B-5 ,Hlnton, w. Va., writes: "After my last baby. I did not seem il' s"*:v'h back. X took Cardui uf, *as soon sound and well. I have Hl(r i.?y daughters and recommend it . . Thousands of women Hit teneflted them. If It does not r Ulj. consult a physician. 36 Warrenton, North I r > Warren Record Classified Rates (a) One cent a word each issue (This Type) (b) 1 V2 Cents a Word (This Type) (c) Three Cents a Word (This Type) j All Abbreviations counted words Twenty-five cents Minimum Charge Display Want Ads, 35c an Inch To Insure proper classification Want Ads should be in this office by noon Wednesday. All Ads signed "Care Record" Strickly Confidential No Classified Ads Charged Except to Regular Display Advertisers No Ads Received Over Telephone >. j WANTED?4 YOUNG MEN OF neat appearance between age oi 18-25, free to travel. Call F. A Fields, Hotel Warren, between 12 m- and 6 p. m- Saturday- ltpd STEADY WORK?GOOD PAYReliable man wanted to call or farmers in Warren County. No experience or capital needed Write today. McNess Co., Dept B, Freeport, Illinois. ltpd SEED WHEAT FOR SALE?Purple Straw, chemically treated and re-cleaned- C. E- Jackson, Warrenton. o28-tfr WANTED?AN HONEST ENERgetic man with fair intelligence to represent us in Halifax County and adjacent territory. Splendid pay for right man. A golden opportunity to build up a permal * ?? n irovu email ncnt 0Uv>iii^?) vjii a j outlay. Write at once. Palmer Stone Works, Inc. The South's Largest Wholesale and Retail Monumental Factory, Albemarle, N. C. o27-3tiJ FOR SALE?6 HOGS IN GOOD condition weighing about 150 lbs., two sows suitable for breeding. J. R. Paschall, Wise, N. C. o30-4t SEED WHEAT FOR SALE?LITtle Red Purple Straw, $1.60 per bushel. R. J. Bender, Rt. 2, Norlina. o30-2tpd SHEET IRON HEATERS?PRICED from $1.35 up; Stove Pipe, Elbows, Dampers, Stove Mats. Coal Scuttles, Shovels and Pokers- W. A. Miles Hardware Company. IRON POTS?HEAVY WEIGHT full polished, 12 gal- $3-75; 15 gal $4.50; 20 gal. $5.50; 50 lb. Lard Cans 45c- W. A Miles Hardware Company. PORTABLE CLUBHOUSE FIREplace Grates, 20, 22 & 24 inch . 3 pc. Combination Basket Grate Sets, Andirons, all sizes, Fireplace Spark & Nursery Screens. W. A Miles Hardware Company. WINCHESTER SEMI-HAMMERless Single Barrel Shot Guns, all gauges, price $8.75- This is the nicest little gun you ever saw and a gun that can take it with high power shells. W. A. Miles Hardware Company. REMINGTON & WINCHESTER Single Barrel Bolt Action Rifles, $5 95. W- A. Miles Hardware Company. SPRINGFIELD SINGLE BARREL Shot Guns, all gauges, special <8> $6.95. W. A. Miles Hardware Company. STOVES & HEATERS?RELINED and repaired?Heaters and Furnaces put up by experienced workman. W. A. Miles Hardware Company. COMPLETE STOCK ALL SIZE Gun Shells and Cartridges. W- A. Miles Hardware Company. LADIES COATS ? BEAUTIFUL coats, fur trimmed or plain, at any price you want to pay. Allen, Son & Co. UNDERWEAR?OUR STOCK OF * winter underwear ior uie emu. THE HOI m THIS W FOOT B Tirotlna I family is complete, and was bought at the right price and is being offered at the right price. ! Allen, Son & Co. SHOES ? WONDERFUL VALUES in ladies' shoes at $1.98- To see them is to buy them. Allen, Son & Co. LADIES' DRESSES ? A VERY large assortment to select fromWonderful values at $3.95 & $4 85. Allen, Son & Co. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERALLS? We think we have the best overall made at the price, and the price is low. Allen, Son & Co. MEN'S CLOTHING?WE WANT you to see what we think are the best values in men's and I boys' suits offered. They are all| wool and the patterns are good? I pinch-backs or plain backs- Allen. i son & Co. A NEW LINE OF FAST COLOR prints for house and school dresses, put in stock this week. Allen, Son & Co. SHEETINGS ? BLEACHED AND unbleached in all widths at old prices. While sheetings have advanced, we have not advanced our price yet. Allen, Son & Co. I WE HAVE SOME VERY ATTRACtive numbers in Woolen dress goods, that we think are priced below the market. Let us show them to you- Allen, Son & CoCOAL SCUTTLES AND COAL shovels are priced right at Jones Brothers store, WORK GLOVES?WE HAVE JUST , received lot of work gloves, priced at 25c, 35c, and 50c. Jones ; Brothers. [ WORK SHIRTS ARE NOW BEING sold by Jones Brothers. WE HAVE JUST ADDED A BIG ? lot of Stokley's canned goods to our stock. These items are approved by Good Housekeeping Ini stitute, were booked early for low price and are being priced accord| ingly. VERY SMALL GREEN PEAS? t Stokley's brand, are being sold at our store this week for 20c per can; sifted peas at 17c- Jones Brothers. I ( WE ARE OFFERING THE WELLknown Robt. E- Lee Brand of flour at our store this week for only $6.50 per barrel. This is a real bargain in any man's store. Jones Brothers. BUY YOUR CHEESE FROM Jones Brothers. We have been , fortunate in securing unusually1 good cheese this fall. Priced is! 1 25c pound. Jones Brothers. WE ARE AFFILIATED WITH Farmers' Mutual Exchange which handles a fine line of feed and seeds and is run by George Frazier, a practical farmer who knows from experience when and how much to plant- This makes Jones Brothers more of a onei stop store than ever. Come in to see us for feed, seed, groceries, lamp chimneys, wicks, burners, furniture polish, insecticides, work shirts, overalls, &c. All are priced right. Come to see us. Jones Brothers. NEW SHIPMENT OF DRESSES just received from $3.98 to $7-98. Style Shop. ltpd PLANTS FOR SALE?GIANT PANsies, Canterbury Bells, Foxgloves. Dial 361-1. Itc LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND , North Carolina, Warren County. In the Superior Court W. T. Wiggins and wife, Elizabeth P. Wiggins, Elma W. Sanders and husband, J. B. Sanders, C. W. Wigjgins and wife. Dorothy N. Wiggins. J Mary W. Knott and husband, T. S1 Knott, Ethel W. Mitchell and husband, J. T. Mitchell, and F. P. Wiggins (unmd ) vs. R. D. Wiggins (unmarried) j Pursuant to judgment entered in the above-entitled civil action, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, November 30, 1936, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the Court House Door in Warrenton. Warren County,! N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, the following described lands: Located in the I Corporation of Norlina, Warren j County, N. C-, beginning at a stone on the East side of the public road or street running North from thel Depot and running thence easterly along ttiG une ui mc iuv vwvwf by Mary W. Wiggins on May 5, 1 1914) 150 feet to a stake, thence Northerly 100 feet to a stake on JSE OF HA \YTO 3 THE WARREN RECC CARO-G. ^PUGItlG HAM6mtiTmioI?^ALMMW FCUTION l? THE CHEROKEE RE5E DID YOU KNOWthat THE EARL OF 6RANVI11E OWNED ABOUT % OF N.C. BEFORE "ME REVOLUTION; HE CLAIMED THI5" LAND ?W AFTER 177?, BUT Hlf (IAIM | WERE DENIED .THE EDITORS OF CARO'GRAPH ^ the public road, thence Southerly along said public road 100 feet to the beginning; and being the identiI cal lot or parcel of land conveyed to Mary W- Wiggins by G. M. & GT. Walker by deed dated May 5, 1914, which deed is duly recorded j in office of Regiter of Deeds of War| ren County in Book 91, page 7 et seq., reference to which is hereby specifically made for other and furI 4-V? /locnrir-v+irk'n QTiH RHllTPP UOOV/IlJJUiVii WVM. vw ? chain of title. This Oct. 29, 1936. JULIUS BANZET, o30-4t Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE Directed by order of Clerk of Superior Court of Warren County, upon advanced bid, I will offer for resale those lands described in deed of trust executed by J. B. Powell and wife, Eulalia Gillis Powell, to undersigned trustee, recorded in office of Register of Deeds of Warren County in Book 140, page 30, bearing date of June 28, 1935, the time and place of resale being 12:00 Noon, November 21, 1936, at Coun House Door, in Warrenton, N. C., I the lands being a tract or parcel of I land in Warrenton, Warrenton Township, Warren County, State of N. C, described as follows: On the North by the said Lizzie M. Tarwater, known as the old Geo. WHarper place, on the East by the lands of the estate of Haywood Arrington, deceased; on the South by the street known as Hall or Franklin Street, and on the West by Bragg Street, containing in the lot one acre, more or less, and being the land whereon said parties of the first part (J. B. Powell and wife) now reside. This November 4. 1936. n6-2t M. W. WESTER, TRUSTEE'S SALE Empowered by trust deed exe11 Hon 10*30 hv "Prnnlr "RnvH V/l llt/U XX xi/uu, WJ ~ J ? Jr. and Pattie Boyd, his wife, to the undersigned trustee, recorded in Warren Registry in Bk. 134, p. 244, upon default and at noteholders' request, I will sell publicly to highest cash bidder, at Court House Door, Warrenton, N. C-, 12:00 Noon, November 17, 1036, a tract of land in Warrenton Township, Warren Co., N. C-, described as follows: Beginning at a stone in Tanner Meeting house road; thence N. 9 1-2 East 1590 feet to a stone; thence South 89 E. 612 feet to a stone; thence S- 9 1-4 W. 1255 feet to a stone in Tanner Meeting House Road; thence along said Road S. 65 3-4 W. 746 feet to beginning, containing twenty acres. This Oct. 15. 1936JULIUS BANZET, o23-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND State of North Carolina, County of Warren. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, vs. Henry G. Haithcock, Kate C. Haithcock, his wife, G. P. Gray, Mittie Gray, his wife, W- O. McGibony, Trustee, and Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, Defendants. "" "tniit +r> q inUfrment entered xr ux ouanu w u j in above entitle civil action on the 2nd day of November, 1936, in the Superior Court of said County by the Clerk, I will on the 7th day of December, 1936, at 12 o'clock M, at the County Courthouse door in ZARDS )RD ' RAPHICSI DO YOU KNOW YOUR JTATf ? k Y Nation BFFORE 1856 THERE WAJ A FINE OF $5 1EVIFP ON ANYONE WHO IMEDA BANK NOTE OF IE#THAN $3 IN N.C. ICS INVITE YOWTO SEND IN INTERESTING ! said County sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, the following described lands, situated in said county and state in Sixpound Township, comprising 175 acres, more or less, and bounded and described as follows: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and seventy-five (175) acres, more or less, being in Sixpound Township, Warren County, North Carolina, being bounded on the North by the waters of Roanoke River; on the East and the South by the lands of Mrs- Anna M- Gardner (J. CGardner); on the West by the land of Major Conner and J. L. Coleman?, having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will appear by reference to a plat thereof made by C. E- Foster, C. E., which said plat is dated January 27th, 1930, and is now on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Columbia, S1 C. The Terms of Sale are Cash. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the i TR1 P THE I 1 \ 1 3 1 1 I FOf Hundreds of W Warren Record } posing of articl used ones at a s animals, and of j | The cost is smal persons each w< TE m l y> ( HE5 OUT ; ^ v '0PEr IHIIIIill:!!"!::1i / Varrcnton. North Carolina 7 Murray Py Jones, Jr. UONIAL TIMEf, A MINIJTfrR IH N.C. mt> 795 PEOPlt in 5IX M0NTH5 WO YOU KNOW m 2,500 fmm soidw DIBP AT WE 5AII50URY MJIITARY PRIJOFI BETWEEN 1861 AND I865f MOST OF TdE PEATHS WERE IH 1864-5 I . FACTS ABOUT YOOft. COMMUNITY * j I Clerk of said Superior Court anc no bid will be accepted or reportec unless its maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of $140, as a forfeil and guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credited or his bid when accepted. Notice ij now given that said lands will be resold at the same place and upor the same terms at 2:00 o'clock p m. of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made- Every deposit not forfeited or accepted wili be promptly returned to the maker This 4th day of November, 1936n6-4t JULIUS BANZET, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SUMMONS State of North Carolina, County of Warren. In the Superior Court Catherine Coleman Caulder vs. Furman M. Caulder. The defendant, Furman M. Caulder, will take notice that an actior entitled as above has been comT IN ? RESU i J arren uounty citizens Want Advts. effectr es no longer needed, aving; of locating lost f finding the owners o 1 and they are read by 3ek. 'YTHE /?v A X. I YEP, IT WAS A if/ JyfWM HOW,. THOSE PL IMPREGNABLE ?^ KIDS TAKE ?V{ ... " ?J. - .... . : - w PAGE 7 menced in the Superior Court of Warren County, North Carolina, for j the purpose of obtaining an Abso: lute Divorce on the grounds of two years separation, as provided by the Consolidated Statutes. And the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Cleric of the Superior Court of Warren County, at the Courthouse in Warrenton, North Carolina, on the 7th day of December, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This 6th day of November, 1936. n6-4t W. K. NEWELL, Clerk Superior Court Warren County. f Gholson & Gholson, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Many a Friend Recommends BLACK-DRAUGHT People who have taken BlackDraught naturally are enthusiastic about It because of the refreshing relief It has brought them. No wonder they urge others to try itl . . . Mrs. Joe G. Roberts, of Portersville, Ala., writes: "A friend recommended Black-Draught to me a long time ago, and it has proved Its worth to mo. Black-Draught Is good (or constipation. I (lnd that taking Blaok-Draught prevents the bilious -headaches which I used to have." ... A purely vegetable medicine (or relle( of CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS 1 ______ I Mother?heed the urgent" ad[ , vice of doctors and hospitals; do as they do; give your baby a daily body-rub with the anti' OCptHj UH Uiait uiotjwti M *i mj | germs, and keeps the skin SAFE, f , That means Mennen Antiseptic j Oil. It's used by nearly all f maternity hospitals. It gets I down into skin-folds?and prevents infection, chafing, chapping and roughness. Get a bot' tie today. At any druggist ' MENNEN Antiseptic Oil, ?? ADS I O" <*V fT-a 9% t'JUHU I ITS have found The /e means of di&of finding good articles, strayed * f found articles more than 7,000 :m! Aac Arthur - 1 6REAT GAME - IT'S UNCANNY, AVERS CRASH AN ALMOST/J! UNE ? AND HOW THOSEJf A