PAGE 2 I Littleton F MISS EMILY F Mrs. Clarence Topping and daughter, Jane, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Topping were week end guests oi Mrs. C. L. Lancester of Vanceboro. Miss Lucy Harvey Moore is spending some time at White Lake. Mr. Cleveland Winsten of Jacksonville \yas in town Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Topping and daughter, Jane, and Mrs. Elizabeth Topping were in Nashville Sunday. Miss Emily P. Pippen was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs George Wood at their country home, ^ UJ/mfon ureeimeiu, ncai Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wagner were week end guests of friends in Norlina. Mr. Dandridge House and Ml. William Skinner were in Richmond, Va., Sunday. Mr. L. J. House returned with Mr. House to spend some time as his guest. Mr. William Skinner left Monday to attend summer school in Raleigh. | Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Warren) spent some time last week in Chase City with relatives. Mr. Sydney Ray Williams has left to accept a position in Raleigh for the summer months. Miss Rebecca Leach was in Scotland Neck SundayMiss Sue Sewell of Windsor was the week end guest of Mrs. M. Nelson. Mr. Bill Nelson of Norfolk," Va., spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. C. L. Lancester arrived Friday to spend some time with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Topping. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Mohorn and children of Weldou visited relatives in town Sunday. Mrs. T. N. Harrison has returned from a week's visit with her son, Louis ,in Greenville. Miss Hattie Spruill is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Mitchell at Tappahanock. Mrs. B. D. Burton of Charlotte was in town a short while this week. Mrs. Nora Grant of Durham spent the week end in townMiss Jean Parker was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Rives. Mrs. Rufus Bradley is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. C. D. Edgerton in Raleigh. Miss Hattie Daniel is visiting her | brother in Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carlton of| Boykins, Va., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moseley. Mrs. T. J. Miles, Mrs. H. C. Worthen, Miss Mattie Jenkins and Miss Mary Jenkins have returned from the wedding of Miss Mary Beckham Aiken in Washington, D. C. Miss Mary Jenkins will visit relatives in town for some timeMr. and Mrs. W. A. China of Roanoke Rapids were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Allen Sunday. Mrs. Douglas Smith and daugh ter, sara eerie, ieit ruonuay their home in Elizabeth City after spending a few days with relatives here. Lieut, and Mrs. Floyd B. Wood have returned from a trip to Texas and are guests in the home of Mrand Mrs. Marcus Allen. Miss Martha Cutchin Farmer has returned from a visit of some time in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bonney and Miss Emma Bonney were in Norfolk, Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C- Bobbitt and Mrs. A. P. Farmer spent Sunday with friends in Warrenton and Inez. Miss Claire Benthall, Bonnie Mae Hall and Mary Louis Parker were visiting friends in town one day this week. Mrs. H. L Townsend and daughter, Anne, left Saturday for their home in Marshall, va., anei ucm6 guests of Mr- and Mrs. J. P. Pippen for the past week. Miss Ruby Palmer spent Monday with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Horace Palmer. From Littleton she went to attend a house party at Bay View. Mrs. Horace Palmer, Mrs. H. C. Smith, Miss Mary Emma Smith and Mr. Horace Palmer were in Rocky Mount Monday. Mrs. A. W. Harris, Miss Mary Dell Harris and Mr. Plummer Harris were in Wiliamston Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Cawthorne of Warrenton was in town one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lambeth, Miss' Eleanora Lambeth, Mrs. W- J. Montague are spending some time in Norfolk, Va. Friends regret to learn that Mrs. "nrfofr ic in the Norfolk nwici ? General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Newsom were In Richmond, Va., Wednesday. Miss Addle Newsom has returned from teaching in Kenly. Mr. John Ray Browning spent the week end in Henderson. Mrs. Jack Watkins has returned to her home in Henderson after spending some time here with her father, Mr. Ben Browning. Mrs. Hubert Ivey, Mrs. Francis Warren ton. North Ci 4ews Events I IPPEN, Editor Beaubean and Miss Mary Helen Ivey of Castle Point, N. Y., visited friends in town this week. Mrs. T. N. Harrison visited relatives in Enfield last week. Miss Lelih Partin returned with her .0 spend some time. Mrs. Gary Fortune and Miss Miriam Edgerton of Kenly visited friends in town las. week. Miss Constance Ballance, Misses Mary Shields Justis, Emma Bonney, Dorothy Farmer, Marie Taylor, Hattie Daniel, Sally Ann House, Martha King, Gertrude Edgerton, Evelyn Newsom returned Saturday from a trip to White Lake. Mrs. P. H. Rose and Miss Emma Thomas Rose were in Littleton a short while Monday en route to Virginia Beach. Miss Elizabeth Nanny of Mount Gilead is a guest of Miss Anne Person. Miss Mary Eliza Spicer of Richmond, Va., is a guest of Miss Eleanor Phipps. CRAWLEY-RIGGAN Of interest to friends is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Maragret Lee Riggan to Mr. Rodwell Crawley. Mr. and Mrs. Crawley were married last October 31, but it has just recently been made known to the public. Mrs. Crawley is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Riggan, and the young couple are now making their home in Lumberton, N. C. ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. H. C. Smith was a delightful hostess to her bridge club this week. Lovely flowers were artistically arranged throughout the lower floor. At the conclusion of the games, Mrs. Henry House was awarded hign" score prize. Mrs. H. L. Townsend of Marshall, Va., guest of Mrs. J. P. ? - - KinVi cnnvp I Pippen, was awarucu mgn ?vv?v prize for guest, and Mrs. J. P. Leach received the traveling prize. A delicious sweet course was served to the following: Mesdames Robert Thome, W. W. Johnston, H. L. Townsend, J. P. Leach, Watts, C. A. Jones, Norman Mitchell, Andrew May, M. Nelson, H. A. House, Luther Williams, Horace Palmer, B. L. Rives, C. H- Lambeth, George Ragland, Cleve Stallings, J. P. Pippen, Alice Brown, H. P. Robinson, and Misses Carrie Myrick and Annie Tucker Moore. Mrs. Aiken Bride Of Don M. Garber Metropolitan Memorial Church, Washington, D. C., was the scene of an impressive all-white wedding at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon when Miss Mary Beckham Aiken became the bride of Mr. Don Martin uaiber, with the Rev. William A. Keese performing the ceremony. Nuptial I music was played by Miss Margaret Thornton and Miss Dorothy Aiken was soloist. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Buxton Aiken, was given in marriage by her father. Her bridal gown was a princess model of white satin made with a V-neck line, iong sleeves and sweeping train. Her long tulle veil fell from a head band of orange blossoms and she carried white gladioii showered with hues or tne vaney. Attending the bride were two maids of honor, Miss Florence Yeager and :Miss Katherine Taylor, a sorority sister. Bridesmaids were Misses Elizabeth Garber and Carolyn Sorensor. of Washington, Miss Martha Miller of Accident, Md., and Miss Anne Boyd Whitaker of Enfield, N. C. They wore floorlength dresses of mouseline de sole and short veils, arranged with flowers matching their bouquets in lovely shades of pink, lavender, and yellow. The best man was Mr. Gordon Power of Baltimore, and the ushers were Mr. Stanley Garber, Mr. Jesse Edward Aiken, Mr. Anthosy Latona of Washington and Mr. Tom Baird of Swarthmore, Pa. The bride s mother wore a dress of ashes of roses lace and a corsage of lavender sweetpeas, and Mrs. Garber, mother of the bridegroom, wore a blue lace gown with a corsage of pink sweetpeas. Mrs. Garber is a 1938 graduate of American University and is a member of the College Honor Society, of Delta Gamma Sorority of Pi Gamma Mu and Phi Delta Epsilon. Mr. Garber, a son of Mr. and Mrs. BStuart Garber of Washington City, is a graduate of Duke University, Class 1938, and is a member of Sigma Chi Fraternity. Following the ceremony, Mr. aid Mrs. Garber entertained the bridal party at. 4833 Forty-eighth street, where they will be at home af;er their return from their wedding trip. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. H. C. Worthen and Miss Mary Jenkins of Atlanta, Miss Me.t (roUnm f Jelly Days Are. When Raspb {(QING a song of summer, and O cupboards full of jell . . Raspberries are in! And of all the 'Tour and twenty" fruits that come along at one time or another, few can compare with the plump red raspberry for simple goodness of flavor. Raspberries are delicate things, and must be cooked with care. A half-minute for jelly and one minute for jam is the rule of the shortboil recipe that turns out spreads that sparkle like jewels, quiver with a firm yet tender texture, and taste like fruit ijust parted from the bush! In other words, your raspberries make perfect products every time if you follow the new-fashioned and oh-so-economical directions below. TVTomhora r?f thp .TpIIv MflkinS' Club say these homemade jellies and jams can't be beat. Follow directions exactly: Ripe Red Raspberry Jelly 4 cups 12 lbs.) juice Hi cups (3), lbs.) sugar 1 bottle fruit pectin To prepare juice, crush thoroughly or grind about 3 quarts fully ripe raspberries. Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure sugar and juice into laro-S saueenan and miv T3;ntn | tie H. Jenkins and Mrs. Thomas J. i | Miles of Littleton, aunts of the bride. Vaughan News Miss Mildred Evans of Roanoke Rapids hospital spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Evans. Mr. Willie Gray Evans molored to Henderson Sunday. Miss Ruby Evans of Roanoke Rapids hospital visited in the home of Mr. ana Mrs. t. u. nvans ouii- | day. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Tucker and son, Linwood, spent Sunday in Macon. Master Robert and Charles NewI som and little Helen spent Sunday afternoon in Roanoke Rapids. We are very glad to know that Mrs. Raymond Newsom is improving after being ill in the Roanoke Rapids hospital for the pas* week. Mrs- Helen Pierce visited her daughter in Roanoke Rapids Hospital last week. Mr. Jimmie Harris is visiting In Littleton this week. Miss Constance Ballance, Home Economics Teacher at Littleton, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Horace Carl of Boykins, Va., was a visitor here last week. Miss Margaret Fishel of Meredith College spent the past weeK with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fishel and left for Wake Forest the 8th. Mrs- J. T. Myrick has returned from Washington after spending two weeks with her daughters, Misses Jessie and Neitig Myrick. Miss Jessie Myrick of Washington spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Myrick. Mrs. Roy Pierce and Mrs. J. P. T. . Harris and daughter, Virginia, motored to Warrenton Monday. Miss Mary N. Fishel is visiting in Warrenton this week. Miss Sadie Myrick of Durham ^OME PEOPLE BARELY GET THE WEDDING CARDS OUT BEFORE THEY WANT TO SHUFFLE FOR A NEW DEAL HE WARREN RECOF lere Again srries Come In! V . a boil over hottest fire and at once add bottled fruit pectin, stirring constantly. Then bring to a /Mil rolling toil and boil hard % minute. Remove from fire, skim, pour quick' ly. Paraffin hot jelly at once. Makes about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). Ripe Raspberry and Currant Jam 4',2 cups (2t'? lbs.) prepared fruit 6 cups (2 lbs. 10 oz.) sugar 1 box powdered fruit pectin To prepare fruit, crush thoroughly or grind about 1 quart fully ripe ,: red raspberries. Crush about 1 ', quart fully ripe red currants; remove seeds and skins by sieving. Combine fruits. Measure sugar into dry dish and 1 set aside until needed. Measure prepared fruit into a 5- to 6-quart | kettle, filling up last cup or fraction of cup with water if necessary; place over hottest fire. Add pow- ' rlaarorl Fruit r?or?tin miv Wftll. I I continue stirring until mixture comes to a hard boil. At once pour in sugar, stirring constantly. (To reduce foaming, 'Ateaspoon butter ' may be added.) Continue stirring, i bring to a full rolling boil, and boil j hard 1 minute. Remove from fire, j skim, pour quickly. Paraffin "hot jam at once. Makes about 10 glasses 16 fluid ounces eachl. ; spent the week end with her par- j ents, Mr- and Mrs. J. T. Myrick. Misses Ann and Janet Crinkley of ' Warrenton spent last week whhJ their aunt, Mrs. Roy Pierce, and j: attended the Bible School. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Crinkley j were visitors here Sunday. The Bible School conducted by j Rev. and Mrs. Hendricks was quite ' | a success. It was well attended and : considered qui.e a help to the j young people. It closed with a ] party sponsored by the teachers and ! was enjoyed by every one. j; Quite a wonder message was,' brought to this community Sunday by the Rev- and Mrs. Djang of China, which made us feel much closer to our Chinese neighbors and to realize the need of our help. The Rev. and Mrs. Djang are people of charming personality and will always be welcome in our midst. Mr. J. P. Harris, Jr., motored to > Rocky Mount Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Stratton and children of Madison Heights, Va., were visitors in the home of Mr.' and Mrs. W. H. Fishel Sunday. Mr. C. K. Coleman of Lynchburg, Va-, is visiting his daughter, Mrs.1 W. H. Fishel. Mr. Frank Stratton of Wanesborough, Va., visited in the home of f! si-so^i ROUND TRIP to PORTSMOUTH \#i M* f Approximately 67% Reduction !^W$260 ) ROUND TRIP to PORTSMOUTH Aomoximatelv 50% Reduction C-O-O-L air-conditioned coaches Ask Agent for Details M ID 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fishel Sunday. Mrs. Bertha Faulkener and MrFrancis Cash and his sister, Alma Lee, of Alert visited in the home of Mrs. W. J. Callihan Sunday. Miss Juinta Callihan is visiting in Alert this week. Mr .and Mrs. Forrest Pegram visited in the home of Mr. W. L. Per- J kinson in Warrenton Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. V. D. Pegram motored to Littleton Sunday. Mrs. Johnnie Bell and children of Essex visited here last week. Mr. Forrest Pegram motored to Littleton Monday on business. Mr. Raymond Bobbitt, Jr., of Richmond, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tucker, last week. Mr. Vernie Wall of Franklinton visited here Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Shearin is visiting her sons, Mr. Robert and Mr. Willie Shearin, in Richmond. Mr. Walter Harris is visiting in Warrenton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cary Porter motored to Littleton MondayMrs. W. E. Ellington and daughter, Sarah, of Littleton were visitors in the home of Mrs. J. T. My 11-iv luwuaj'. Mrs. G. A. Hendricks of Littleton is visaing Mrs. Dal Riggan. Drivers Invited To Test Driving Ability How far can you drive on a gallon j af gas? Cliff Bobbitt of Warrenton j says 56 8-10 miles, if you drive one 1 Df the new Ford V-8 Thrifty Sixties. < A list of 98 entrants has been re- ' ceived for the Best Drivers Contest being sponsored this month by l: Boyd-Boyce Motor Co., and 18 con- C testants have already competed. I Thus far the greatest distance d ;raveled on the prescribed route was a ehalked ud bv Cliff Bobbitt of War- f renton. He drove one of the 60- b horse power eight cylinder Ford F :ars 14.2 miles on one quart of Texaco Fire Chief regular gas?averag- b ing 56 8-10. miles per gallon?having a had one measured quart of regular Texaco gas in the fuel tank at the start of the run. Each contestant drives the same route and has same amount of fuel Dr. Rufus S. Jones jj A.R., M.A, DJJ.S. General Practice of Denistry jj1 X-RAY SERVICE Citlxens Bank Building jj Dial 224-1 H Out of office every Thursday il | "Electric iippip ???~4 *v,m^ 4-fe" --^*'1 i^K::-: ". " .i qfc^ ^ "^'''J^l I merit of Agriculture- ? - I Chenault. poui.ryman of the 1 l I I in the home ? .a | the use of hydraulic ^ International Exposition on HI u II ssattrsmk'l ?ftlw am?h 5Iorii donned the for ^dip DUU I tj -ilSl n the snrf at Santa Crnz. # WtfWil n the tank a; the start of the run. I ^ Contest cars are furnished by Boyd- H ioyce Motor Co. Distance covered H Js ?j lepends chiefly upon the contest- H f|| jp nt's skill in driving economically.; H H a * 'rizes of $10.00, $7-50, and $5.00 will __ >e given to first, second and third, ^Lgt?f*mmnmsg^sn^m ilace winners, respectively. 1 ^K2re?5W All gas used in this contest will J*?- / e regular Texaco Fire Chief. L(c I comes from p.odvL fef ^/am J PersP^ratlonoiorcfl. that Lm. I JMnH directly on ur.der&ro ^excretions. Normal;; ; stops odor 1 to S daps. Yodora also relic* I amount of perspiration. J Made without lard?Yodora is utterly dlf. ; ferent from stiff, grainy pastes: (1) Softsmooth as face cream. (2) Leaves no ftick; film on fingers or underarms. (3) Leaves to "lardy" smell on clothes. COf. Get It to* j day?money back if not delighted. ! Trial size fkee. Send coupon. YODORA DEODORANT CREAM " mffTK Send coupon for trial 1 LI#Lis I size to McKesson 4 I MILL, Kobbins, ralrfield | m Cona Dept. F-l. , j JJ Wnmft r L i | " A flrlm/m _ ' EBE6i89E9Hfi9H9fliB i Cookery Is Fast" Sav8 MRS. DUKE JONES, y Warrenton, N. C. MMMrtMiiIMWMa^ ,?w^ . L 'U\ , s? ^ i j - rrr 4 t - ? I 11 |4| WMsss?- [ Easier ( Re** Mrs. Jones' U VllJlWl ^ statement About ?? w w~? /-i nr> n Tr1 At Less |j COOKERY II I "There are many reason? why I prefer Electric Cookery! I too, Call save your is fast, clean, cool and onR wer & Light Company I