TKATION MEWS iristmas Brings Change In Attitude Of Many People As the Christmas season ap proaches, we can sense a changed attitude in people. The three most often express ed wishes?"Merry Christ mas," "Happy Christmas," and -'joyous Christmas"?seem to fill the world with a sort of kindness and happiness, but we realize there are as many attitudes toward Christmas as there are people. If you an-1 ve-r automatrally J of the three Christmas wishes, "Same to you." you don't have to stop and think very deeply about it. The way a prison feels about Christmas tells; a great deal about that person! How do you feel pbot't Christmas? Some people say "Christmas H really for children." The matchless story of the babe in a manger, the angels' song, the shepherds, the Wise Men ?holds a natural appeal for a child. Often we who have gone further on life's journey turn to a child's faith and wonder to keep the Christmas spirit alive in our own hearts. Hut. Christmas isn't just for children?it is for everyone. It is a special time to help us renew our faith. Of course there are many people who would just as soon skip the whole season! They go through all tne motions, but it is a chore to them. The mad rush exhausts many a seller and buyer. They complain so much that there is 110 joyous or happy spirit apparent. Ear?others, the season brings to the surface old memories, and they wish they could get away from the happiness and joy that only make their personal grief and sadness more poignant. For iome. this happiest of seasons emphasizes their despair, their failures, their weaknesses? and temptations to "take some other way out" overwhelm them. Alcoholism and suicide rates rise markedly during the holidays. This season could be a time of renewing family ties. A ifamily Christmas gives one a feeling of belonging, of being loved, of the worthwhileness of life - essmp OF THE mson \ ^5" ?,'Vs\ May the joy and peace of the first Christmas return to fill your heart with gladness at this holy season. Warren Freezer Lockers, Inc. VWRREMTON, N. C. How Can Christmas Traditions Strengthen Family Life? Bccause Christmas is the birthday of the Christ Child, it holds a special meaning for the family. Christmas started with a baby in a manger?the Christ of History becomes for each person, the Christ of Experience. As families try to keep Christmas, tfiey are reminding the world that Christ-is a part of their lives today?not just a fact of his tory. As they ? offer their gifts of faith, hope and love, they are putting into practice this thought?"Not only at Christmas, but all the year through the joy you give to others is the joy that comes to you. The road to Bethle hem runs right through the homes of folks like me and you." Christmas parents are be coming increasingly concern ed over the need for making faith a family affair?of liv ing day by day the religion they profess'. Family tradi tions at Christmas time may include the tree, Santa Claus, gifts, cards, the big family dinner?but Christmas offers a rare opportunity to em phasize the spiritual more than the material values of the holiday season. Someone has said that Christmas can be a "hollowday" if de do not place emphasis on the true meaning of the season rather than on the festive holiday. Terrariums Fun To Construct And Are Easy To Care For Terrariums?gardens enclos ed in glass?are fun to make and easy to care for. Any glass container that transmits light may be used?4 a globe, fish tank or large snifter. Also, almost ' any house plant is suitable, especially those that like a high hu midity. Plants most common ly used are African violet, maranta, begonia, coleus, cro ton, dracaena, ivy, peperomia, philodendron, pothos, and wandering Jew. But you can let your imagination be your guide and select any variety that will help make an inter esting display. As for actual construction, the U. S. Department of Agri culture gives the following step-by-step instructions in its booklet on "Selecting and Growing House Plants." Place a 1-inch layer of gravel, pebbles, broken flower pots, or charcoal in the bot tom of the container. Dig moss from the woods and line the sides of the terrarium below the intended soil level, placing the mossy side against the glass. Prepare a soil mixture of equal parts of garden soil, sand, and peat moss?enough for a layer 1-1/2 to 2 inches deep. Mound the soil to one side of the container to make Friendly wtzhtt to jov and your* this Happy S 5?10?25C STORE IIITM. R. O. ? ? slope. Use a long pair of tweezer* ?or sjicks tied to twtexera? to put the plants in place. Try to avoid getting soil on the leaves. After the plants are in, clean the leaves with a dry brush. Then spray the plants and soil lightly with water. Cover the container with a sheet of glass or piece of plastic film. Place the ter rarium in a location where it has bright light but never any direct sunlight. Turn terrarium occasionally so plants will be straight. Trees Can End In A Blaze Of Glory Christmas can come to an end in a blaze of glory?and a safe one, too. Custom sets a date for the disposal of the tree by burning. It's January 6, the Twelfth Night of Christmas, or Epiphany?tra ditionally the night when the Three Wise Men, or Magi, made their visit to the Christ Child in Bethlehem. The modern world, reviving the Twelfth Night custom of bonfires for disposing of the tree and other greenery, com bines the safety factor with community spirit and fun. Twelfth Night celebrations are planned in many com munities in public parks for neighborhood groups. It's a great night for the kids and their parents. Children "Bring the trees to the park, or the 'own col lects them. On Twelfth Night everyone gathers around the bonfire of trees and greenery to sing carols. Yule Named Towns Get Hail Deluge Among the busiest of San ta's helpers at the Yuletide season are postoffices in towns with Christmas names. In Noel, Mo.; Christmas, Fla.; Santa Claus. Ind; Beth lehem. Ind; and Bethlehem, fa., many thousand* Of pack ages and cards are received around Christmas time, to be postmarked wih the Yule town's name and remailed to other states and countries. The towns also play host to many visitors during the Christmas season. In Beth tvfcem?Mid?Wmwft,??*-? there are permanent displays and festivals of light, em phazing the religious meaning and beauty of Christmas. According to story, the first Christmas in England was celebrated at the famous Round Table of King Arthur. u\ a c^?^- 0^i4)tma) Warrenton Beauty Shop WARRENTON, N. C. FISHER'S GROCERY TEL. 257-3945 WARRENTON, N. C. COMMUNITY MOTOR SERVICE 456-2831 NORLINA, N. C. gladly join in the Spirit of the season, and heartily extend >ur very best wishes, our warmest greeti gs to all our many friends. May the hoi lays hold for you the riches of friendship...the treasures of ha{ >y hours with loved ones...the priceless joys of good health an< ??V <1 rv.' FARMER'S WA ? V I. fl. TAHWATM WARRIRTON. R ? 1 ? 1 "