News & Society Items E "? RuweTl is visit tag Mr. and Mrs. s. A. I^uria ~n- Tony. in Washing u S\ for the holidays. ii.? i,,- .n.Jackson MeMil . ?,of v,r8inia Beach, Va is wiiiu* her ?ister' Mrs H w Mr. *nri Mrs. j. Comer Grif Ifn and son spent the week end witH relatives near Wil hfeTrn.l f?r ,h? weddi"R of n* brother on Saturday. They will spond the holidays with JZZZ ' Mr and Mrs L. E Thomp *? n. Jt.. and family of Frank lintoK visited relatives in Inez l??rt week. ??>*. Nunia Weaver of Roa noKe Rapids is visiting ,ela 0"es in Norlina. nliss Nina Mosele.v of Wash '^!?n; D c- arrived Friday ??Kht lo spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmv Webb fami'y are visiting rein <>ves m Wilson for tl^ holi nays. Holiday guests of Mrs. R '' .C"PPS "{ Areola are Dr and Mrs. p. R. shearj < hapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs Hov Caviness of Pittsborough familv'- f"n C ? CaPPs and family of Rocky Mount, Mr r"" C.C. Lite's and fam J,'9' Whitakers, Mr. and nv of Rv',! B,rl,am and fam" Hy of Baltimore, Md? CaDt and Mrs. James C. Harris and family of Hampton, Va and WarTto^ J' A Hi,,iard of The Rev. and Mrs. J. M Stoney and sons, Ricky All Ian. Chris pa?i ? 5' AU" ' ai" an<1 Burnette, will leave next Tuesday to Ie,ahVes in Anniston. J'ZJ? Stuart is visiting r?.. .u , Kershaw, s. c f?' the holidavs. ofiIp.,f.m, MrS Eddie E^ols issrt. str ?? p^' ,rcn in Jacksonville, Fla Srr^r Bern- ^ ii ? Rjchmond. Va ilv "of F? GT0n and fam JS ?' Essex. Mr. and Mr* 0?renc Stevenson and fam ** Newport News, Va. ? -? Ml?i 11 Cawthornc and S Va are 'V ?f Go|dston. va., are guests of Mr anH Mr ?lrnn Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. T. F stal " ' "I"'' ptNU(lil. ^,ng ana sons of ,Mr and Mrs. Mr -.nd ^r a"D fami'y and ?isv?' ^Hi,,iard Tliursdav r ^alkener arrived Ersisr ?."???<*,. ?he holiday" ' t0 sPend Holiday guests of Mrs. A ? Powell will be Mr . Richmond. Va.. and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gutierrez and fam ily of Chapel Hill. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mustian are Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mustian and son. Scott, of Bristol. Va., Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Mustian of Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Kempson and son of Wadesboro. and Mr. and Mrs. David Dickerson and family of Rockingham. Mrs. J. "D. Dickerson, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Dickerson in Rocking ham for sometime, will re turn this week. Mrs. Tom Creech and chil dren have recently been visit ine relatives in Fayetteville. Mrs. R. I.. Capps visited hev sister. Mrs. Jackson Langley. in Rocky Mount this week. Miss Brenda Davis of W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro is here for'the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Baxter of Savannah. Ga., are visiting the Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Bax ter. Johnny Link of State Col lege, Raleigh, is here for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burton have returned from Lexing ton, Ky,, where Mr. Burton has been on the tobacco mar ket. Mr. Jimmy Cheves of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, is here for the holidays. Mr. and Mi's. Charlie John son of Seaboard will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles John son and son, Jay, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Weston and family of Franklinton vis ited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. Edmund Holt of Blue Ridge Prep School, Charlottes ville, Va., is here for the holi days. Mrs. Stallings Fetes Home Dem. Club Mrs. T. F. Stallings enter tained 14 members of the Wise Home Demonstration Club on Friday afternoon and served fruit cake, topped with v.hipped cream, ham biscuits, coffee and Christmas' randy fltfTs! ~The entire home bore lovely Yuletide appointments Mrs. H. E. Coleman presid ed and devotions were sivcr hv Mrs. Mlidred Felton. Mrs. Kdith Comer had charge of Barnes and prizes were award ed to Mrs. C. F.. Thompson, Mrs. J. R. Paschall and Mrs. Felton. Gifts were exchanged from a beautifully decorated tree. Entertain At Dinner Mrs. T. E. Faucette enter tained at a dinner on Sunday for her children, grandchil dren and great-grandchildren: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fau ccete and family of Morehead City, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. King and family of Halifax. Mr. arid Mrs. Raymond Nance And family of Albemarle, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dorsey, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Allen Overby ar.d family, Mr. and Mrs. Eii !!? ne King and family, Mr. *md Mrs. Allen King and <l;u?jrhtcrs, Mrs. Elaine Whitte more and son. Charles, and Mr. Williard Faucctte, all of Warrenton. and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCornuedale and fam ilv nvl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas IZ.-<rr>or of Henderson. Students At Home Among college students here for the holidays are Misses Sarah Ann MiTfes of Greensboro College, Kay Fair of WCUNC, Greensboro, Lisa Burton of GC, Greensboro, Betsy Byrd Bobbitt, Ann Twitty and Janie Williams of St. Mary's, Raleigh, Mary Brodie Jones, Rosa Bcckwith, Carol Hardy, and Bobby Ed monds, Pat Harp. Gordon Haithcock, Richard Williams of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Tom Williams of State College, Raleigh. Miss Ginger Tucker of Peace College. Raleigh. Miss Sandra Jones: of Con verse College. Spartanburg, S C.. Fred Hurst of Wesley ian College, Clinton Neal of the University of Norh Caro lina. Chapel Hill, Miss Becky Ellis of UNC-G, Grcensbro, Rill Jones. Lawrence Boyd, Tom Holt. Bill Perry, Tom Banzet and Bill-; Mitchiner of Louisburg College. To Entertain At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and family will entertained at a dinner on Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schremp, Mr. and Mrs. James Ostrander of Richmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ayscue and family of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris and family of Areola, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liles and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Cilmore Copley and son, Andy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Copley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Copley and family, and Mr. Mabry Copley, all of near Warrenton, and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Copley and family of Farmville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ayscue will entertain the family proup at a dinner party on Tuesday evening at a dinner party at their home in Hen derson. In Florida Mr. and Mrs. Duke Jones and family are spending the holidays in Florida with Mrs. Jones' sister, Mrs. Claude Cannon, Mr. Cannon and daughter. Wc have always associated holly with Christmas. The bright shiny leaves | contrast ing with the red berries lend color, warmth and meaning. Perhaps it is not generally known that all sorts of super natural powers were oncc attributed to holly. This shiny plant was thought to have power to repel lightning. The eastern Indians believed that holly trees planted near the cabin would act as pro tectors and ward off evil spirits. Since the leaves ol the holly do not readily fall off they also looked up to the plant as an emblem of courage. Early Christians believed that holly was used to make the crown of thorns for the crucifixion. The plant was then called "righteous branch" or "thorn of Christ." for the red berries supposedly symbolized the drops of blood on Christ's brow. The legend has it in Brit an that when Christ was bearing His cross, a small bird attemntcd to relieve His suffering by plucking thorns from His brow. The bird's breast became stained with blood and was known ever af ter as Robin Redbreast. To this day in England and Germany, it is considered un lucky to step on a holly ber ry. a favorite food of the robin, in recognition of the bird's charitable act. Many superstitions existed about bringing in the holly before Christmas. In Wales, if it was brought in before Christmas Eve, it was sure to cause family quarrels throughout the year. The type of holly brought into the household determined who was to dominate during the year. If the holly was smooth, the wife was in command: if prickly, the husband gov erned. Infusions, decoctions and fomentations of holly were used for a wide assortment of human disorders. In Eng land. a tea of holly bark was a cure for a cough. In France, ? decoction of teavea and bark wm* considered equal to quinine in the treatment of intermittent fever. A tea of holly leaves wu believed to | Be i cure, for?iiwuIm > North American Indians. A beverage of the berries I iicified the nuawi of ( iees snd curbed their ar wandering. ' Mitt U 87 per e?11 ? ? w?o. ncu I UWCU oi BUS a HOME la Warrea rMMI ft-rooai House in NorliM . ? ? $2600.00 BENTON ftEAL ESTATE Ru K ? ' ' - Warr?nton, N. C. ???? Wl WILL RfMAIN ONN THROUOHOUT THI CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS BACH NIOHT UNTIL COMPLETE LINE OF | GROCERIES ALL KINDS Of RIVIRAOIS . w. c. WILL BUY SMALL FARMS with tobacco and cotton allotments. BEtMTON REAL ESTATE Phone 257-,J476 FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES IN TOWN SEE US Satterwhites HENDERSON, N. C. FARM FOR SALE! 160 ACRES With tobacco allotment, 90 acres permanent pasture - fenced sad crossed feaeed. BENTON REAL ESTATE 297-3478 or 237-4280 SALE ? of ? PERSONAL PROPERTY At public auction at James (Jim) H. Harris home place, 12:00 o'clock Noon, Saturday, January 4, 1964. Various articles of household furniture, an automobile, farming igmaychinery and tools, including the ?s ?i?; f? ii . ix. - i. following: 1958 2-door Plymouth Fordson Tractor with equip ment 3 Rooms of bedroom furni ture Dining room and kitchen equipment and furniture CHARLES T. JOHNSON, Jr. Administrator of the Estate of JAMES H. HARRIS, Deceased. ? IH1 '''ill FOR SALE At public auction on the premises, 12:00 o'clock Noon, Saturday, January 4, 1964. - - THE - - JAMES (Jim) H. HARRIS FARM, HAWTREE TOWNSHIP Two tracts, 22 acres, more or less, and 126.70 acres, more or less. ASCS records show 1964 total crop allotment for both tracts designated as Farm No. C 505 to be 7.92 acres tobacco, 6.20 acres notton, 0.6 acres wheat, and 60.12 acres cropland. The 22-acre tract will carry 11.5 acre? cropland, 1.52 acres to bacco and 1.2 acres cotton. ??!?'. A Large home in good condition &rid otfier d&ell--?!qm ings and farm buildings. Stand of young pine trees. Recently surveyed and plat recorded. Copy of survey can be seen in office of undersigned Com missioner in Warrenton. W. W. Taylor, Jr -v* ? ? Commissioner A SCRAMBLE OF VALUES FOR EVERYONE - A STORE-FULL CF yEAR-ENO EXCITEMENT AND SAVINGS SAVINGS AS MUCH AS 507. ON MANY ITEMS AWAITS YOU AT FRIENDLY LEGGFTT'S .SIV1NGS . FRIENDLY SERVICE TO AH ? RELIABLE MERfpkNDISE 1 OUR GREATEST ASSETS

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