MR. AND MRS. W. E. TURNER Mr. And Mrs. Turner Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary In celebration of their 50tl wedding anniversary, Mr. anc Mrs. W. E. Turner were hon ored on Saturday afternoon, De cember 26, at an informal re ception in the fellowship hal] of Shocco Methodist Church, Hosts for the occasion werj the children of the honorec couple: Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brooks Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Turner and Mrs. Ruth Turn er- .Wiggins all of Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Turn er greeted the guests and Miss Betsy Rose Turner presided at the registration table. A color scheme of gold and white predominated. The re freshment table was coverec with a white cutwork linen cloth and centered with an arrange ment of yellow and bronze chry santhemums in a brass contain er, flanked by three-branched brass candelabra holding burn ing yellow tapers. At one end of the table wus a crystal punch bowl, surrounded by grapes and greenery and at the opposite end were trays containing petits fours, nuts and mints. Elsewhere throughout the fel lowship hall were green and gold arrangements and poinsettlas. Mrs. Roger Ipock and Mrs. Ruth Wiggins alternated in ser ving punch. Also assisting in serving were Mrs. William Col lins, Mrs. Finley Read, Mrs. L. E. Turner, Mrs. Robert F. Turner and Mrs. James Reavis. Approximately 150 guests called during the afternoon t6 extend congratulations to the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Turner were married on December 23, 1914. Mrs. Turner is the former Miss Uva Bowden. Besides the four children, are eight grand children: L. E. Turner, Jr., of Miami, Fla., Mrs. E. Rc.gei Ipock of Wilmington, Mrs. Wil liam K. Collins of Windsor, Mrs. J. Finlev Read of Lum berton, Miss Betsy Rose Turn ev, a senior at UNC-G, Mrs.: ' Hartwell lllght, Mrs. James| Reavis and Robert Wiggins of I Henderson and 11 great-grand ! children. PATRICIA JONES LESTER Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Lester announce the engage ment of their daughter, Patricia Jones, to Melvin Wash ington Abbott, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Abbott, Sr., of Route 1, Frankllnton. An April wedding is planned. HOME DEMONSTRATION CORNER EMItY BALLINGER, County Home Economics Agent The home economics exten sion agent announces the fol lowing schedule: Monday, Jan. 4: Office. Tuesday, Jan. 5: Office. Wednesday, Jan 6: The Churchill H. D. Club will meet at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. S. W. Walker. Thursday, Jan. 7: The Pas chall H. D. Club will meet at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Willie King. Friday, Jan. 8: The Johnston H. D. Club will meet at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Vincent Williams. Minister And Wife Honored By Church Henderson?On last Sunday evening, rlong Baptist Church was the scene of a gala ban quet honoring Rev. G. E. Cheek and wife, and in recognition and appreciation of 28 years of faithful service as their leader. Brother Albert Eaton of Dur ham, a former member and superintendent of the Sunday School and daily Vacation Bible School, was toastmaster for the occasion, which was also honor ed by each auxiliary of Ilong Baptist Church and a host of leaders and laymen from other churches. The Reverend P. G. Davis, moderator of the original Shi loh Association; Reverend S. P. Cooke, pastor in the Methodist connection; Reverend M. R. Hedgepeth, Antioch Baptist Church; Prof. C. C. Paschall, principal of the Klttrell Graded School; Deacon Arthur WU GARDEN TIME M. E. GARDNER What's new? Many of my readers have heard about, and some may have used, gibberel lic acid for the hormone ef fect it has on plant growth. For this report, credit is due the Amdal Division of Abbott Laboratories of Ventura, Cali fornia, and Farm Technology of Wllloughby, Ohio. Glbberellic acid is a very unusual compound in that it is not produced by synthetic pro cesses. It is produced by a deep culture fermentation of a fungus, Gibberella fujlkouri, first discovered in Formosa in 1926. It is a natural growth hormone and has less toxicity than many of the so-called non toxic chemicals. A few examples will serve to indicate the type of research being conducted by the Abbott Laboratories and some of the plant responses that have been observed to date. Lemon trees have responded with larger green fruit suit able for storing and market ing as fresh lemons and a de crease in small yellow lemons which must be processed into juice. There has also been ade lay in harvest time so that the peak production willcomeclos er to peak sales months In the summertime.- In the -field of breeding, glbberellic acid has been used to Induce bolting (formation of seed stalk) inlet tuce. In Florida Gibberellin has been used to induce sprouting In newly harvested Irish potatoes. The stimulation from the hor mone has the effect ofby-pass lng the normal rest period necessary to induce sprouting. In New York and Michigan it has been found that treat ment of sour cherry trees in fected with a virus disease can be made productive again. In Washington gibberellin treated sweet cherry trees have pro duced fruit and better color. The ripening of the fruit has also been delayed which extends the marketing season. Yield in creases have been observed on corn and a larger boll set on cotton. Other studies are being con ducted with strawberries, grapes, tobacco and ornament al crops such as roses, ca mellias and others. Ithis is a brief progress re port for your Information and not a recommendation that you treat everything around the house with gibberellin. It seems apparent that this natural hormone, properly used, holds much promise in helping solve our ever-Increas ing needs for food and fiber. Hams, president of the State Ushers Convention; and Deacon S. A. Davis, president of the church Union of the original Shiloh Association, and presi dent of the Church Recreation Council of the Memorial Re creation Forest, Inc. all added suitable remarks. A special solo was rendered by Sister Josephine Peace. Miss Barbara Peace delivered the gift?a purse of $105? to the pastor and his wife, who were resigning to spend the rest of their lives in the leadership of the development of the Me morial Recreation Forest, Inc. A picture and professional services of the retiring minis ter were given to each family present. Salesmen Two insurance salesmen stopped at a country store for a Coke. They couldn't help but notice the big bags of salt stacked all over the store, in corners, on the shelves, and under the counters. There were two adjoining sheds to the build ing, and they too were piled high with bags of salt. "My goodness, you surely must sell a lot of salt," they remarked to the old man be hind the counter. "Wal, naw, we don't sell much salt," the storekeeper said. "But I tell you who does. That young fella who comes around here wonst month ? now he sells a lot of salt." Buy Your OFFICE SUPPLIES Here & RECEIPT BOOKS TYPEWRITER PAPER SECOND SHEETS MIMEOGRAPH PAPER ^ ENVELOPES INDEX CARDS FILE FOLDERS LEDGER SHEETS STAPLERS STAPLES PENCIL SHARPENERS ^ PENCILS INK TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ADDING MACHINE TAPES GUMMED TAPE SCOTCH BRAND TAPE BLOTTERS POSTED SIGNS ; ? m VI NOW HAVE CONDOLENCE CARDS. Other Items for Office and Home . . The Record Printing Co., Inc. Bar Main and Franklin Strmmt, VABKEMTOK, N. C. ATTENTION FARMERS You get substantial savings on Property Fire Insurance when you INSURE with? Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association W. J. Hecht, Pres. W. K. Drake, See. * Treat. 257-3S7I ? Taylor BMf. COLONIAL STORES! ffoppy Nm\L YeariP* FROM YOUR FRIENDLY COLONIAL STORE PRICES GOOD THRU DECEMBER 31, 1964?QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED NATUR TENDER CHUCK . . . SAVE 16< ROASTS 139 HOG JOWLS"? 19 SUPERFINE SAVE 9c BLACKEYE PEAS 4 ? 49c CHUCK STEAK = "i- 49c FFV COUNTRY HAMS 69* FROSTY MORN SLICED?SAVE 16c BACON lb 49< TODD'S OLD VIRGINIA BACON SQUARES lb. 39< OUR PRIDE 24-OZ. SANDWICH IX)AF SAVE 6c DRINKS ? - 5' ?r K UMIT ? or?ir REDGATE . . . SAVE UP TO 8c BLACKEYE PEAS l-LB. RITTER V&Z?) rKG. ? ? Bp TOMATO relish 2-LB PKG. 111? "??' 33c MORTON'S FROZEN . . . SAVE 19c ON 3 POT PIES 3' 49 - CLOSED - New Years Day, Jan. 1 - OPEN - Sal., Jan. 2 SAVE 14c MAYONNAISE CS BRAND DUKE'S QUART JAR 39c %r49. Mckenzie frozen ? MUSTARD "TURNIP GREENS ? TURNIP GREENS WITH TURNIPS SAVE 17c on 4 YVIIK CHOICE! 410-oz. A PKGS. Jr1 COFFEE - 49 wP ? ? ?? i^Bi LIMIT 1 WITH |S ORDER OR MORE ? mW' ygayap GARDEN FRESH HOME GROWN SALAD GREENS CURLY MVSTMD * ORISP TURNIP TENUER COLLMDS S*VE * YOUR CHOICE! LB. ID KRAFT'S FRESH CHILLED PINEAPPLE ORANGE JUICE SAVE IS? QUART 25< KRAFT'S FRESH CHILLED PUKE ORANGE JUICE SAVE 4c 39 BOTTLE QUART JUICY, FLORIDA . . . "FULL-O-VITAMIIVS" . . . SAVE 10c GRAPEFRUIT 5 G#t Finer Free Gifts Faster With GOLD BOND STAMPSI PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE SAVE IOE. 14c PRO. 2! MAIN SI MET - WARtlNTON, N. C.