-T-w-5 r m i Louisville 1, Ky. Cotnp, Your Best Advertising Medium Uarrrn IRmiri} Your Best Advertising Medium VOLUME 71 Subscription Price $3.00 A Year 10., who discussed installation of the com pression tank and plans for the erection of a permanent tank. The installation of the tem porary tank will remove the need for the pumps at the filter plant to be run around the clock as has been the case since last Tuesday night in order to maintain pressure in the water mains. The commissioners agreed Monday night that the destroy ed tank should be replaced by a 150,000-gallon tank, locat ed at a point in the northern section of the town. Reason for installing the tank In the northern part of the town was due to a suggestion by the engineer that such a location would give the town two sources of pressure In case of fire-one from the tank and the other from the pumps at the filter plant. Suggested as a site was the Warrenton Fair Grounds, as the cost of Installation would be reduced as the town already has a : 0-inch water main at this source. However, this point is still in the sug gestion phase. A bond issue will be re quired to raise funds for the erection of the new water tank as the board has been advis ed by the Local Government Commission against the issu ance of town revenue bonds, as this would tie up all re venues from the water de partment. It Is estimated that It will take at least six months tor the engineers to draw up specification, receive bids for the town and conduct a bond issue, it is anticipated that the Economic Development Administration will make a grant towards part of the coat of erecting the tank. At a' called meeting of the board last Thursday afternoon the (See TANK, page 4) final services Th? Wn?l August Union wor ship services at the Warrao ton Baptist Church aad Vn Church will beheld * 11 o'clock. Pharlln of M*| la Invited. Mrs# Robert |