Qttp Warrat Swnrii y Published Every Friday By S: The Record Printing Company P. O. BOX 70 WARRENTON, N. C.27389 _B' IGNALJj JONES. Editor ? DUKE JONES, Business Manager Member North Carolina Press Association EAfTERED AS SECONCbCLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE IN WARRENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, UNDER THE LAWS OF CONGRESS "Second Class Postage Paid At Warrenton, N. C." CTTRCr DTPTinM P A TITQ ? ONE YEAR, $3.00) SIX MONTHS, 91.SO oucoo-ivir' 1 iuin s\a i no. out of state> one yeae. $4,001 six months, u.oe Children Left Behind From 1960 until 1966 Warren County's population decreased from 1.9,652 to 17,591, a loss of 2,071. This does not tell the whole story of migration of Warren County citi zens, for there has been a surplus of births over deaths, and this means that to the 2,071 loss reported by the census that several hundred more must be added due to natural increase ?? A large number of these who left the county left their children here, usually with the grandparents, and the education of these children has become a bone of contention with many citizens of the county. Some of those who left the coun ty and left their children here have sent money home for their care and grandparents have been able to keep off relief.Others have sent no money home and care of the children has placed a burden on their grandpar ents, and no doubt in some cases added to the relief load of Warren County. Many of the children are illegitimate and have nowhere to go except the homes oi their grand parents* According to figures submitted to the Board of Education by the "in terested Citizens of Warren County" last week there are 441 of these children attending Warren County schools and 142 of these are not paying the $50 tuition fee required the county. This means that the ? tuition fee of 299 of these children Is being paid either by the parent* or their grandparents or other rela tives with whom the children have been left. It can be assumed that In many cases It Is the grandpar ents who have assumed the payment of these fees because of a sense of obligation and a love for these children. The Board of Education says that it has had a careful exam ination of these 142 children and found that they had no place to go and no money to pav the tuition fee. To refuse to education these un fortunate children is to penalize a child for the misdeeds or lack of good fortune of their parents. This, we think, is a moral issue. But it is more than a moral -issue, it is an ecuiiuinic issue. If these children are denied an oppor tunity to obtain an education they are being denied the opportunity in later years to earn decent livings, for in our modern economy there is no place for the uneducated and the unskilled. So It can be assumed that these children grown to man hood with no developed skills will either Join the criminal element or land on relief or both, while be coming the parents of other chil dren who, because of their environ ment, will never have a decent chance for a fair life. And it will be found that the cost to Warren County will be a great deal more than the cost of educating them. R. Nit. Firm Would Operate Branch Here ROCKY MOUNT - Builders Federal Savings and Loan As sociation, with offices In Rocky Mount and Wilson, today an nounced that It had applied for approval to offer mobile unit service In three northeastern North Carolina towns. T. E. Davenport, Builders Federal President, said the association had submitted the application to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and Is await ing action on the request to start the service. Davenport said Builders Fed eral proposes to serve the towns of Ahoskie, Murfrees boro, and Warrenton with a mobile unit that will be a fully equipped bus type vehicle. Davenport said the applica tion stipulates that the service will be provided in Ahoskie two days per week and In Mur freesboro kud Warrenton on a one day a week schedule. "Northeastern North Car olina Is growing and people In that area are requiring more and more services as the com munities develop," he said. "One of the services they re quire is that offered by savings and loans," he pointed out. "As one of those Institutions already operating In thai general area in Rocky Mount, we feel some obligation to expand our ser vices to those who need them In three- communities," he ex plained. Highway Commission Revises Standards RALEIGH - The state High way Commission has adopted revised secondary road stand ards, slightly changing the minimum requirements (or in cluding roads and subdivisions streets on the Secondary Road System. The Commission took the ac tion by ifcutttit a report from its Secondary Roads Commit tee, of which David Parnell of Robeaon County is chairman. Under state regulations, roads are added to the sec ondary system after they meet specified minimum require ments, thus qualifying them for maintenance by the state. The committee raised from four to five as the minimum number of families on a road oae mUe or less before it can qualify as a state secondary road. B also placed a minimum of four homes for one-tenth of a mile before adding a subdivi sion street to the system. Pre viously the number was two. Assessment of property own ers for paring was raised from $1.10 per lineal foot to fl.SO. There wr? also alight chang es made In the "point" system used to qualify a road for In tato Jhe system. Each ,197a Tungsten Mine Operations Told HENDERSON - Operations presently under way at the Tungsten Mine near Townsvllle and uses of the valuable ore were described by George Schaefer in an address before the Henderson Lions club Thursday night. Schaefer, who was Introduced by program chairman, Henry Grlssom, Is manager of Ran chers Exploration and Develop ment Company, which has re opened the mine following a shut-down period of several years. With reference to the geolo gical formation at the local mine, Schaefer mentioned the ore Is used for: fluorescent lights and illumination in gen eral, tungsten carbide tools, such as high speed drilling and cutting bits, tire studs, X-ray equipment and shields and mis sile use. Tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals, lending itself to uses where ex tremely high melting points are required, club members were told . to Vance Cocoty, the geological structure is known as a shear sooe. The rich deposit runs approximately 6,000 feet in I giving a at the it was founded m lM4aa a cattle i NJMj Program On Mental Health Explained RALEIGH?The North Car olina Mental Health Association campaign which is currently being organized In Warren County, brings to mind an old saying: For want of a nail, the shoe was lost ... (or want of a shoe, the horse was lost . . . .then the battle was lost . . ..and finally the kingdom. If the missing nail had been de tected early, the total disaster might have been avoided. In like manner, early detec tion and treatment can prevent someone you know and love from losing the kingdom of mental health. As part of its total war against mental illness, the North Carolina Mental Health Association conducts a con tinuing public information pro gram, designed to increase every citizen's ability to recog nize mental Illness?to know what to do, and where to turn for help, If mental Illness should strike. Research, aftercare and re habilitation services, and vol unteer services to mental pat ients and their families are among the other important weapons used by the North Carolina Mental Health Ac ta the fight October tl, will vital efforts and ! water from l lira la la the Mostly Personal By BIGNALL JONES Whan I vii a child and even after I had reached manhood. Cotton was King In Warm County and big families were an ?oonomlc mtt Sine# tduciUon wu not needed to (row cotton the education of those living on cotton farma waa not consider ed a matter of great concern, and this U reflected In the low level of education In Warren County today. In thoaa days around 40,000 acres of cotton wei-e planted in Warren. In 1909, according to ASCS figures, 2,238.3 acres of cotton were reported plant ed In Warren County. In ad dition less labor is used In cot ton growing due to mechaniza tion. While cotton culture was declining In Warren County beginning In the late twenties, tobacco was Increasing. This, plus demands of World War n on crops and manpower, was responsible for Warren County showing an actual Increase In population, reaching Its hlghast peak in the 1950 census with 23,539. By 1960, due to the Agricultural Revolution, this number dropped to 19,652, and to 17,591 In 1966, the latest cen~ sus figures available. During those 16 years Warren County's population, dropped 5,948, or 23.6 percent. When the natural Increase In population due to an excess of births over deaths Is considered, I think it can fourth of Its citizens left the county. With little profit In cotton and tobacco acreage being constant ly cut due to Increased pro duction, and farmers belngpald not to grow crops, plus mech anization, wcrk was no long er available In the county and thousands of its citizens, both black and white, left for the cities, with most of the blacks going to northern cities. tm same thing that was happening In Warren County was happening over the entire South and millions of unskilled men and women crowded these cities where hundreds of thousands could fine no work, and many of these landed on Welfare. Among this group were many from Warren County. While 11 Is true that many Warren citizens displaced on the farms had relatives In the cities and found Jobs for their kin In Warren. These soon sent for their children and entire families left the county. Others found Jobs available but without enough pay to support their children, so they left the children with the grandparents. Some of these were able to send some money home; others could not or would not. Still other chil dren were deserted by their parents. ft would be well, I think, for us to use our Imagina tion. Here Is a man and his family in Warren County unable to find work. He could moOh-) shine or bootleg until such time as he was caught by the authorities, or he could leave the county. With no skill and little education, the chances of his finding work In the north was problematic, but there was always the chance, while there was none at borne. Under the circumstances, be left his chil dren here and he and his wife went north. Sometimes both found work; more often the wife only found work as a domes tic, and the men could find no wbrk. But, If the worst came to the worst, there was always the Welfare. Since pay ments were many times greater than those paid In the South, they remained in the North, and sent nothing home. People who are making a de cent living through hard work develop a sense of competence and are apt to feel that they could take car* of their famil ies under any circumstances, and if anybody Is willing to work they could find a Job. This is not true in either in stance. There are plenty of people In Warren County who if they should loae their Job due to technical changes over which they ham no control, could not find work that would take care of their families, lids Is per ticularly true V they have bo special skills aad little educa Let the reader suppose tint Ms lob tomorrow. What would he do? K he cotfd work In War ran Co a the JOHN T. CHURCH Officers For Kerr Lake Development Commission Named HENDERSON-All officers were reelected for the yew 1969-70 and leases renewed on Tar Heel and Meekins Land ing Marinas at the quarterly meeting of the Kerr Reser voir Development Commission, Howard L. Stewart, Reser voir manager, announced today. Reelected were John T. Church as chairman, Henry M. Shaw, Jr., vice-chairman, and A. L. Hux, secretary. Directors of the commission, all appoint ed by the Governor are: N. W. Weldon, J. C. Cooper, Sr., T. J. Harrington, J. O. Bishop, Dr. William B. Tarry, Ralph Andrews, W. M. Fleming, -Henry T. Powell ami?J. Holt Evans. The two Marinas were leased for another year to D. L. Meek lns. MHHUIIIIIIII | LITTLETON HEWS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Riff in of Roanoke Rapids were Wed nesday visitors of Mrs. Hunt Johnson and Mrs. Edwin Stans bury. Mrs. Tommy S. Walker was In Henderson Thursday. Mrs. Donald T. Edwards and son of Louisburg were Monday visitors of Mrs. VlolaEtherldge and Mrs. Stuart West. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shear In of Whltakers were Thursday visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Stansbury. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Mason of Colonial Heights, Va., were visitors over Thursday night. The Rev. C. R. Breeden, Mrs. L. E. Morris and Mrs. C. P. Robertson were among those attending the funeral of Mrs. Mary Richardson at Gibson Me morial Methodist Church, Spring Hope, on Tuesday. Mr. Roy V. Shear in of War renton and Miss Carolyn Shear In of Greensboro were Friday visitors of Mrs. Edwin Stans bury. Mr. Phil Harris of Louls burg College visited his mother, Mrs. Raymond Harris, for the weekend. They visited Mrs. Louis Shear in in Warrenton Friday night. Mrs. W. A. Larrlmore and daughters of Roanoke Rapids were Saturday visitors of Mrs. Edwin Stansbury, Mrs. Lloyd Salmon and Mrs. James My rick. Miss Josephine Batts of Chesapeake, Va., spent Satur day night with Mrs. Hunt Johns ton and visited Mrs. Edwin Stansbury and Mrs. Lloyd Sal mon Sunday. Mrs. Raymond Harris and Mr. Phil Harris attended the funeral of Mrs. Alice Price In Rocky Mount Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Delbrldge visit ed her mother, Mrs. Betty Par kinson, and Mrs. Florence Paynter in Norllna Friday. Mrs. Harold C. Smith is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. O. Edward Hall in Reidsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moore spent the weekend in Patterson, Ga., with their grandson, Hor ace Moore and Mr. and Mrs. parents because they haw rea son to believe that the children would be better off here, as they no doubt are. From con versations with the educated and others with food Jobs, return lag to Warren County for a va cation, I believe that the great majority would return home if ouid (lad a decent Job. tea* people still love War County and many of thee* usually drl*e good cars, time* Cadillacs, or other high Clave Heyers. Mr. Alan Ntd Vernon West spant the w^ikend In Sm ithf laid, Va., with Mr. and lira. Ches lay Stokes and Mr. and Mrs. Danny West. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Mose lay and dancMar of Tartooro vara weekend visitors of Mrs. J. N. Moaelay. Mr. and Mra. Wiley Mason ot colonial Heights, Va., and Mr. and Mra. Ed Shear In ot Whltakars visited In tha home of Mra. Billy L. Stansbury Sunday due to the death of Mr. Stansbury. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Salmon visited relatives in Chase City, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Paynter In Norllna, Sunday. Gary Paynter returned with then tor a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gi-? and son, Timothy, of Rapids ware Sund?;. vl?'Lo? t. of Mrs. Tons ray ur?;-. Mr. aA Mr" li&y Jones ar.d ?"'?.ui'iuer, Kimberly, of Slam ware also Sunday visitors of Mrs. Cray. Mrs. Gilbert Raid has re turned to bar home from Roa noke Rapids Hospital after tin* lac been a patient. She Is now confined to her bed for several days. Sunday callers of Mrs. Gil bert Raid were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Salmon, Mrs. J. B. Stans t>ury, Mrs. David Bobbltt, Mrs. J. H. Bobbltt and Mr. Stanton asf*" Lake Gaston and Mrs. Joe Thraewttts, Mrs. Las Rigs an, Mrs. Laura Smith nd Mrs. JM W. Atkins, Sr.,. wars tai Rocky Mount Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. YounfBobbitt, jr., and Donate Bobbltt and Tommy Williams of Richmond, Vs., spent Saturday nlfbt with Mrs. R. A. Klnf. They were Sun dsy dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. MUton Umphlett. LAD 11 S' 8 mm to* Imptrtti HallMd Bulks DAFFODILS ? TULIPS HYAOINTHS CROCUS W. A. MILES HARDWARC r?/. 257-3439 Warrantor, BRING IT ON! - We Are - OUT OF THE BLOCK AND THE PRICE IS STILL HIGH GOOD LIGHT - EXPERIENCED HANDLERS AND TOBACCO "KNOW HOW" IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF _ "THE HIGH DOLLAR FOR YOUR TOBACCO" COME ? SEE FOR YOURSELF THOMPSON'S WAREHOUSES TELEPHONE 257-3779 C. E. (Buck) THOMPSON M. P. EDWARDS, Jr. There are many ads under Mov ing and Storage in the Yellow Pages. You'll go far if you Set ers do the walking , f, -i ?-?.J ? through the Yellow Pages. ? "C- ) $ f* y . ? ' - ? : .. . , ? . - fellow ?V- is* '.?V% 1pPV; - 1 r:Wcp* * . ,4Lf, S'W.i fe?a