News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Mr. W. K. Delbridge underwent surgery at Wake Memorial Hospital In Raleigh last week. Mrs. J. P. Williams and Mrs. John E. Piland of Raleigh left by plane Tuesday for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Rudders and son at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Susie Rooker of Henderson spent several days last week with Mrs. Maggie Adcock. Mr. and Mrs. G.E.Williams, Miss Cliffie Williams and Mrs. Mamie Hicks of Richmond, Va,, visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Ola Overby and Mrs.E. B. Davis spent Monday with friends in Colerain. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Draffin and Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke spent the weekend at Bogue Island. Dr. and Mrs. John W, Deyton, Jr., and Jack and Davie of Camp Lejeune were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brauer. Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Watson returned last week after visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Abbott and family at Charleston, S. C., and relatives and friends in Laurinburg and Maxton. Mrs. O. A. Williams and Misses Luna and Hattie Mae Cawthorne spent the weekend in Mebane with Mr. B. D. Simber and family and attended Miss Julia Simber's wedding at the First Baptist Church inMeban*; on Sunday. Mrs. Lelia Delbridge, Miss Helen Delbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Greene of Ahoskie visited Mr. W. K. (BUI) Delbridge at Wake Memorial Hospital in Raleigh on Sunday. Mr. ^iid Mrs. J. F. Harp accompanied David Harp to the Raleigh-Durham Airport on Monday from where David left for the U. S. Air Force Base In Orlando, Fla. Mrs. John Mustian of Henderson was a Saturday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cawthorne. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Taylor and Lee, Craig and Ellis of Gumberry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Norvell and daughter, Cindy, of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Altma.1 and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Spooner and daughter, Denise, of Greenville, S. C., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shearin. Revival Services The Gospel Baptist Mission on Liberty Street, next to the postoffice in Norlina, will hold a series of revival services Oct. 4-11. Services will be held each night at 7:30 o'clock with the Rev. Charles M. Vaughan, pastor, as speaker. The public is invited. DINNER Gl ESTS Sunday night dinner guests in j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Norwood were Mr. and Mrs. Holt Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and family, MX . and Mrs. W. D, Martin, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Martin, Jr., and children, Mrs. Lillian Kilian and Mrs. William Dougherty. Mrs. Stultz To Head Lola-Sue Prayer Group Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Sr., was elected leader of the Lola-Sue Mission Prayer Group at Its Sept. meeting held at the home of Mrs. Imogene Arnold on Monday afternoon with nine members present. Other officers elected were Mrs. D. R. Moore, secretary; Mrs. K. H. Fuller, sick and cheer chairman; and Mrs. Alice Stultz, mission action chairman. The members decided to change the group from the prayer group to a mission action group. Mrs. Arnold, retiring leader, called the meeting to order and Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Sr., gave the devotional, the topic being, "I Will Be With You." Mrs. J. C. Pridgen led the prayer for missionaries on the Today's Calendar. Mrs. D. R. Moore gave a reading, "Christianity in Red China." "All Baptist Churches Are Free" was dispussed by Mrs. Arnold. During the social hour ice cream floats, nuts and cake were served. Mrs. Aycock Hostess Mission Prayer Group Mrs. David Aycock entertained the Annie Armstrong Mission Prayer Group of the Norlina Baptist Church at her home on Monday night. Mrs. Jean Williams presided and gave the devotional and opening prayer. The program on "Christianity In Red China," was presented by Mrs. Ann Mulchi. The hostess served lime punch, homemade cocoanut cake, cheese straws and mints to the nine members present. Mrs. Sara Parham will entertain the group in October. Zion Homemakers Meet At Stallings Home The Zion Extension Homemakers Club met last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Louise Stallings in Norlina. The hostess gave the devotional and Mrs. George Richardson presided over the busi-' ness session. Miss Emily Ballinger, Extension Economics Agent, gave an interesting program on "Save Yt>ur Sight With Light." The hostess served delicious yii i rn'nrriniiriiinr "innmnnnnini-niirnnnrmniiTrmiiM—innflgntnwii refreshments. Mrs. L. G. Bender will entertain the club in October. The November meeting will be held in the Warren County courthouse when the program will be on "Drugs." Sub-District Meeting < To Be Held On Oct. 8 The Trl-County Sub-District meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at Plank Chapel United Methodist Church, beginning at 10 a. m. A nursery will be provided. Members are asked to bring a sandwich. The Rev Leon Russell, Raleigh District Superintendent, will be present and a question and answer type program is planned. Responsibility and development groups will also be present. Mrs. Shearin To Head Morning Prayer Group Mrs. H. J. Shearin was elected leader of the Morning Prayer Group of the Norlina Baptist Church at a meeting held at ■the church at 10 a. m. Monday. Other officers elected were Mrs. H. H. Foster, assistant leader; Mrs. Maggie Adcock, secretary and treasurer; and Mrs. M. V. Taylor, program chairman." Mrs. H. H. Foster, retiring leader, opened the meetingwith scripture and prayer. Mrs. M. V. Taylor led the discussion on "Christianity in Red China." She was assisted by Mrs. H. H. Foster, Mrs. Maggie Adcock and Mrs. H. J. Shearin. The pastor, the Rev. Jerry Lyons, was welcomed as,a visitor. The group will begin holding meetings In the homes In October. STEAK DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brauer and (Catherine recently honored Miss Donna Brauer and Miss Kay Johnson, students at East Carolina University, Michael Roope from Wilson Tech and Michael Mulchl from NCSU, Raleigh with a steak dinner In their home. There were approximately 108,500,000 licensed drivers in the United States in 1969. Training School To Be Held In Henderson The Cullom Baptist Association will have a Central Training School, October 5, 6, 7 at the First Baptist Church In Henderson. The meeting will begin at 7:30 o'clock each night. Faculty for the School will be . supplied by the Sunday School Department of Baptist State Convention. The Faculty will be headed by Rev. Burrell F. Lucas, secretary of the Sunday School Department. Mr. Lucas will be leading a conference for general officers of. the Sunday School. Others on the faculty will include: Mrs. f. C. ' Price, Jr., Raleigh, an approved Pre-" school Worker and the wife of the Minister of Education, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Raleigh and leading In the Preschool Division will be Mrs. Harold West of Raleigh, and she is the wife of the Minister of Education of Forest Hills Baptist Church of that city. Leading the training sessions in the Children's Division will be Mrs. Henry Johnson of Farmville. Mrs. Johnson is an approved Children's Division worker. Also in the.Children's Division will be Mrs. Myra S. Motley who is an Associate of the Sunday School Department. Robert Stewart, Greensboro, will lead the conference for the Youth Division. Mr. Stewart, Minister of Education of Friendly Avenue Baptist Church is an approved Youth Division Worker. The Adult Division Conference will be lead by the Rev. Ralph Knight, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Snow Hill. Mr. Knight is an approved Adult Division Worker. The major focus of the conferences will be the understanding of the pupils in the different age groups. This is designed to help those who teach people In these various age groups to be better equipped-ln communicating the Gospel in today's world. The study Is of a practical nature giving teachers the kind of help they can incorporate in their week to week teaching responsibilities. There will also be a Church Library Conference. This will MRS. SMITH be led by Mrs. Howard L. Smith of Gatllnburg, Tennessee. Mrs. Smith has been trained by the Church Library Department of the Baptist Sunday School Board to assist in the promotion of the church library ministry in Southern Baptist churches. Mrs. Smith has been a church librarian of long standing and has been manager of the Nashville Baptist Book Store. She will be leading a workshop type of conference which will include preparing books, verticle file materials and audiovisuals for circulation. There will be discussions on selecting and promoting the use of library materials, and repairing books for the church library. Marriage Licenses James Clarence Dickerson, white, of Star Route, Waverly, Va., to Delores Ann Tudor of Richmond^ Va. Ediberto Juan McGirt, colored, of Route 7, Fayetteville, to Juanita Dortchof Route 1, Man son. David Randall Evans, white, of Lawrenceville, Va., tc Rebecca Bowers Kidd of Star Route- 1, Lawrenceville, Va. Lyn Clifton Kincaid-, white, of Port Lee, Calif., to Judy Fay Mulkey of Dallas, Texas. Milton Richardson, colored, of Route 1, Hollister, to Pamela Manette Sweet of Route 2, Enfield. Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Johnston LITTLETON—Mrs. Anthony Johnston entertained her bridge club, Thursday night In her home on Mosby Avenue with two tables set up for play. Fall flowers were used to decorate for the occasion. Mrs. Raymond Brown was high guest prize winner, Mrs. W. B. Browning, Jr., was winner of floating prize and Mrs. Ned Long Clark received low score prize. Others playing were Mrs. Joe Newsom, Mrs. Marvin Newsom, Jr., Mrs. Bertha Mae Gray, Mrs. Sam Rijjgan and Mrs. Johnston. A dessert course and Ice drinks were served. DANGEROUS MONTHS February and March In the Winter and October and No- ' vember In the Fall are the four most dangerous months of the year for forest fires, reports the Southern Forest Institute. Remember) even little fires can kill little trees. Lend nature a helping hand. Only you can prevent forest fires. Patronize the advertisers.