News & Society Items _ r m Mr. and Mrs Charles White of Louisburf and Mini Jennie Hun'er o( Louisburi Collage wero visitors her» duriig the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dra'ftn of Eui Carjllna University at Granville wei* here during the wtx-kend. Mts:> AunRDokar of Bow.nau• Gray School of Nursing In Wlustou-Salam spent the weekend herd. Mrs. Oscar Vernds.; of Raleljh spent the W3ek<"id wl'h Mrs. Ajui1» Belle AlsionEgerton Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 3oyc-i recently visited Mr. Boyce's aual. Mrs John Steol, In a Norfolk, Va , hospl al. Mr! and Mrs. W. R. Bovcaro visiting Mr andMts. Frad Cheek and family In Klnston. Mrs. Chf 'k Is the daa^iler of Mr. a;id Mrs. Boyc^. Miss 3otsy B>rl Bol>i>rt of Ch.u-*jite spent weekend Iwrj with her mother, Mis J B. BobbiU. Ml-. F. M Hurst, Jr., and childr ?u of Ral>igh visited relatives here las! Thursday. Mi's. W. B. Crlnk'ey spent the weekend a: Carolina Beach wl;h Mr. and Mrs J, D. Finch and Umi'y. Mr. Sidney Lanier, who spent the summer here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lanier, left this week for Rochester, N. Y„ where he has accepted a position In personnel work with the State of New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stephenson were weekend guests of Mf. and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson and family at Hampton, Va. They returned to Warrenton on Monday night after a weekend tour of Williamsburg and jamestown. Lt. Ronald Shearin of Washington, D. C., Mr. Larry Shearin of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Mr. Edward Shearin of North Car ollu Slat* University In Raleigh were weekend guest* of Mrs. Roy Shear In. Mls« Linda Fleming of Hardbargers Business College In Raleigh spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Andrews of Norfolk, Va., were weekend guests of Mrs. J. T. Vaughan and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fleming and family. Other guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Breedlovp of Mlddleburg, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aycock of Elberon and Mr. Titus Vaughan and daughter, Donna, of Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blalock, Jr., of Raleigh spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Kempson and sons of Burlington spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mustlan. Mr. Arthur Petar of Pontlac, Mich., will arrive here in his plane this week to visit his mother, Mrs. Arthur Petar. Miss Edith Allen of Burlington spent the weekend here with her father, Mr. J. Edward Allen. Mr. A. W.Hall of Wilson spent the weekend with Mrs. Josle H. Montgomery. Hiss Judy Hight Is Honored At Shower Miss Judy Hight, bride-elect of Oct. 24, was honored at a lingerie and linen shower on Saturday night in the home of Mrs. Lucy Hayes by Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Jack Smith. The home was beautifully decorated In a bridal motif. The honoree was presented a corsage of white mums upon her arrival. Guests attending were served refreshments of punch, cake squares, bridal cookies, nuts and mints. Joint Birthday Dinner Held At St. Sing Home Mr. W. W. St. Sing, Mr. C. H. Thompson and Mrs. Willie Felts were honored at a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. St. Sing on Sunday, Oct. 4. Approximately 100 friends and relatives brought picnic lunches and all enjoyed a bountiful meal. The Rev. Wade Tucker gave thanks. Those attending were from Graham, Warrenton, Norllna, Wise, Henderson, Warren Plains, Chesterfield County, Va., Lacrosse, Va., Hopewell, Va., Chesapeake, Va., Richmond, Va., Colonial Heights, Va., Falmouth, Va., South Hill, Va-, Petersburg, Va., and Broadnax, Va. Births Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Wllmott Mclntyre of Barrington, R. L, announce the birth of a son, Matthew Lawrence, on Oct. 3, in Lying Inn Providence, R, L, Hospital. Mrs. Mclntyre is the former Lois Ellen Stainback of Littleton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sidney Fulmer of Sylva announce the birth of a son, John Walter, on Sept. 29. Mrs. Fulmer Is the former Barbara Jean Curl of Littleton In Hospital Patients In Warren General Hospital at 5 p. m. Tuesday were listed as follows: Lois Coley, Connie Bryant, Blanche Townes, Lucy Wynne, Luclan Fowler, Kate Halthcock, Joseph Lufsey, Mattie Blalock, Alice Wyckoff, Acle Hendricks, Larry Williams, Thomas Hawkins, Mattie Rodwell, James Spruill, Clyde Loyd, Robert Spence,''Nancy Lee Brooks, Willie Mae Fleming, Graham Boyd, Curtis Coley. DINNER GUESTS . Sunday guests of Mrs. Calvin H. Harris and daughters, Barbara and Patsy Salmon of Route 1, WarreMail, at a stew dinner, prepartA} Mr. George H. Harris of Macon, were the Rev. and Mrs. Ted Fuson of Warren Plains, Mr. Andy Harris, Mrs. George H. Harris and Miss Mary Lou Cheek of Macon, Mr. Cookies Thompson of Warren Plains, Miss Sharon Ayscue of Warrenton and Mr. Herbert Thompson of Warren Plains. Afternoon guests of Mrs. Harris and daughters were Mr. and Mrs. Doc Harris of Henderson and granddaughter, Miss Denlse Stone of Warrenton, Mr. Carl Peoples and Mrs. Shirley Lynch of Norllna, and Mrs. Louise Ayscue of Warrenton. LEGION TO MEET Llmer Post No. 25 of the American Legion will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, Oct. 8, at the Fair Grounds in Warrenton. The get acquainted hour starts at 6:30 p. m. and the dinner and program is from 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. All Limer Post No. 25 members are urged to attend and bring a prospective member. Keep Warrenton beautiful. Revenue on tap m Tax dollars are flowing freely from the United States brewing industry — over $12 billion in the past decade! In fact, this industry earns far more for the federal, state, and local governments than it does for itself. The facts tell the story. Beer is truly a liquid asset for your state and com- \ munity. UNITED STATU I Su