A MESSAGE FROM COLONIAL! Lit tb» Imsx 4 foods mr) it; 9 'ne govt. i • • v N . tntional Awa'eness As an eiptes sion ot this support, we will to> stiver a *«<:. t i-, •<.- ■' vide s inlormrti.on to show nomemakers how they can be healthy, even it they are not wealthy, by shopping better by eatmg better and we hope by ahoppmq at Colonial Concerned about buying the right fond* to give your family .1 balanced menu and still keeping a balanced budget? I ant. and so are most homemakers. lake you. I try to feed my family tixids from each of the Basic 4 food groups every day meat, cereal bread, fruits vegetables: and nulk As a homemaker myself, besides being a career woman, I find that one of the best ways to get the most formy money is to buy our own brands They have the same good eating as comparable national brands, contain the same high quality ngreclients, but cost a little less.. Today's ad shows some of the "cents-able" savings. Every week I buy many of the same foods you do Also, like you. 1 check and compare prices Then, in our Nancy Carter Kitchen, we test and compart* our products for quality and flavor with the liest selling national brands. Everyone has her own favorite brands Mine include Our Pride. Pick of the Nest, Sun Kipe. Orchard Charm. Oven Krisp, Farm Charm, Carden Charm, Silver l.abel, Mother's, Chefs I'rideand .'ID And the familiar CS rooster If you prefer national brands, we offer a wide choice at economical prices If you like to save a little more, try our own brands. The choice is yours. Director of C'ottnumer Affair* Ho* 4358 Atlanta, lirorpa J0402 Write for these FREE BOOKLETS: "Daily Food Ouide" "Food Shopping Tips". and 594 534 ARMOUR STAR FRANKS X": ARMOUR STAR BOLOGNA Sr OSCAR MAYER •BREARFAST LINKS lb. 79 ( •VARIETY PAR IIINCN MEAT 891 • itt&VBOLOGNA ,kg 69< •THICR SLICES BOLOONA ..,2., 69< »BR AIINStH WIIOER 391 WWK CUIE BEEFSTEAKS 17oi.PKG.Sti BOOTH'S FRIED FISH'CAKES LB. 39 i BOOTH'S FRIED FISH STICKS L- 65< SINGLETON SHRIMP COCKTAIL J Ja°rs