News and Eventi of Interest To Norlina Readers CNE ARNOLD, Editor Mrs. Suiua Mouftur spent several days last week In Richmond, Va., with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Tingle, and while there attended the Tobacco Festival. Mrs. A. S. Wyckoft. Mrs. Josephine Rankoff of Oxford and Mrs. W. G. Wyckoff of Fayetteville attended Mrs. L. C. Hawks birthday party on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sailings spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tasker Stallings and family In Gastonia. Mrs. Imogene Arnold spent Sunday with Mrs. Estella Barnes in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Campbell and Mrs. W. G. Wyckoff of Fayetteville were weekend guests of Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff. Mrs. W. T. Cannon of Jacksonville Joined them for an overnight visit on Saturday. Mrs. W. T. Cannon and Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff attended the homecoming at Warren Plains Baptist Church on Sunday. Mr. Bill Hicks of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Miss Betty Ann Wllkerson of Chase City, Va., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. James Craft of Newport News, Va., spent the weekend with Mrs. Bill Craft. Mrs. Franklin King and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. J. Van King last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ledford and children of Raleigh were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Paschall, Mrs. Bernice Beal, Debra and Mr. Sherman of Gulf Joined the group for a visit on Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Hundley spent last week In Burlington with Sgt. and Mrs. R. A. dark and family. The Bob Thaxton family of Fayetteville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Thaxton. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Liles and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harp accompanied Mr. Alex Ayscue back to Chapel Hill on Sunday after he had spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Ayscue. Mrs. Margaret Smlthers of Kernersvllle spent the weekend with Mrs. Maggie Ad cock. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Rivers of New Orleans, La., visited Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rivers and Mrs. Lorena Satterwhlte for several days recently. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rivers on Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Rlv Lola-Sue Mission 6roup Holds Meeting The Lola-Sue Mission Action Group met at the home of Mrs. O. R. Moore on Monday at 3 p. m. Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Sr., leader, opened the meeting with an Inspiring reading, "Thou Art Near." Scripture reading and the call to prayer was given by Mrs. Alice Stultz and the opening prayer was led by Mrs. R. H. Fuller. Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Bertie DeLoach and Mrs. Imogene Arnold, with Mrs. Alice Stultz as mission action chairman, were assigned action projects to investigate and bring their findings to the November meeting. The group is Interested in selecting long range mission action projects to be carried out by the members. Following the business session, Mrs. Alice Stultz gave an interesting reading, "Prayer Shows God's Promises of Love." Mrs. De Loach Invited the group to meet with her in November when Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff will have charge of the program. Others present not mentioned above were Mrs. J. O. Egerton and Mrs. R. C. Watson. During the social hour the hostess served homemade spiced cake, orange sherbert, roasted pecans, Hallowe'en candy and coffee. Miss Hicks Honored At Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks entertained their daughter, Miss Teresa Hicks, on her 16th birthday with a surprise party at the Lions Den in Warrenton on Saturday night, Oct. 24. When the honoree entered with her escort, Donald Wimbrow, the group sang "Happy Birthday." The color scheme for the party was yellow, green and blue, which was carried out in decorations and refreshments. Dancing was enjoyed ers, Mrs. F. M. Rivers and aon, Terry, Mrs. Norma Ranes and Gene, Mr. J. E. Ranes, Jr., and daughters, Nora and Monica, .U Mrs. Gerturde Caulder of Norllna. M RS. PHILIP MAVES PARHAM M«j Floyd Becomes Bride Of Corp. Parbam Miss Deborah Van Floyd of Norllna and Corporal Phillip Mayes Parham, USMC, ofCamp Lejeune and Norllna were united in marriage on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 25, at lour o'clock at the Norllna Baptist Church. The Reverend Jerry Lyons officiated at the dou! tor Play. High score prize was presented to Mrs. C. L. Hege; second high score price to Mrs. John Clarke, and the bingo prize to Mrs. Edna Newman. The hostess served Ice cream and cookies. Prayer Group Adopts Mattie Pridgen Name The Morning Prayer Group adopted as Its name the Mattie Prtdg*n Prayer Group at Its meeting held on Monday at 10 a. ou m um man w «■« ». u, j. SJrti, with acrfctare and a u»*