WANT AI FOUND HOLDING LOST BEAGLE. Owner may get by describing Ms dog. Also, tor sale, Beagle puppies, aevan weeks old tor 918.00 each, Beagle Hounds, one year old tor 935.00 each. Contact C. J. Fleming, Rt. 1, Warrenton. Tel. 257-4013. Nov. 5-pd. STRAYED TO MY FARMWEDnesday night, Oct. 28th., one cow. Owner may get by Identifying and paying tor ad and keep. H. E. Perklnson, Macon, N. C. 257-4010. Nov. 5-pd. FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT—30,000 LBS. tobacco, 23 ac. cotton, 23 ac. corn. Near Macon. Casb or share rent. Barns, dwellings, tobacco sticks, available If needed. Two li t igatlon ponds. Contact T. H. LeCroy, Peoples Bank, Rocky Mount. Tel. 442-7187. Nov. 5-tfc. TRAILER SPACE - 915 PER month at Randolph's Trailer Park, Norllna. See Arthur Bolton. Sept. I7-tfc TREAT RUGS RIGHT, they'll be a delight If cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer 91. Warrenton Furniture Exchange. Nov. 5-c RENT A KOHLER-CAMPBELL piano for as little as 910.00 a month In any style or finish. All rental money will apply to purchase price If you decide to buy. See at Warrenton Furniture Exchange. Sept. 18-tfc WANTED WANTED TO BUY: LAKESIDE property, preferably at Kerr Lake In Warren County. Contact J. Carl Page Realty, Box 306, Henderson. Telephone 438-3696. NOV. 5-12-c $18,621.03 ES THE NATION wide %verage commission of our full-time men. We need same type man In the Warrenton area. Take short trips. Cash bonuses, fringe benefits, expensepaid vacations, Insurance, retirement program. Airmail A. O. Pate, Texas Refinery Corp., Box 711, Fort Worth, Texas 76101. Nov. 5-c WANTED LARGE TRACTS OF timbered land In Halifax, Warren or Franklin Counties. Write P. O. Box 2573, Raleigh, N. C. 27609. Oct. 8-Dec. 31-c THE WARREN COUNTY Health Department needs one Community Health Worker to do home visits In Warren County. Salary attractive. Apply at the Warren County Health Department. November 6th. from 9:30 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Nov. 8-c TUCK-A-MATIC SEWING MAchlne: Cabinet model. Zigzags, buttonholes, embroiders, etc. Only $37.60. Wanted: someone In this area to finish payments of $9.40 monthly or pay complete balTuck-A-Matlc, P. O. Box 1161, Asheboro, N. C. 27203. Ashe boro, N. C. 27203. Nov. 5-26-c OPPORTUNITIES MAKE $7,200 ANNUALLY growing rare Ginseng Root for ual Send $2.00 (refund* tola) for aaada, contract. ln-ruction.. OC Martoaj MO Pleasant at, MfckOeborough, y>.t 0S346. Oct. M-Hot. Vc AVON CALLING- GIVE TOUKeelf and your loved omi a big Christmas this year vtthyour AVON earnings. Call now — 443-3884 collect. Oct. tt-tfc TEXAS REFD/ERY CORP., offers high taaorae opportunity to mature man in Warrenton area. Plus regular cash and vacation bonus* a, abundant fringe benefits. Regardless of experience airmail A. N. Pate, Pres., Taxas Refinery corp., Box 711, Fort Worth, Texas 70101. Nov. 5-c SERVICES CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY will keep children In my home age 1 month - 8 years, lira. C. L. Nance, Norllna, N. C. Tel. 456-SMS. Oct. 15-Nov. 12-pd. FOR SALE FOR SALE-FARM LAND, 50 acrea, 2 tenant houaaa, 1 well and branch, 35 acres cleared land. Allotments, 1 4/10 tobacco, 4 cotton, 3 corn, 1 4/10 wheat, on highway 401 four miles south of War ronton. Egerton Ride out, Route 1, Box 194, Warrenton, N. C. Phone 257-4715. Nov. 5-pd. FOR SALE—1 SEIGLER OIL heater, $50. John K. Klllan, Rt. 2, Norllna. Tel. 4568102. Nov. 5-12-c FOR SALE-GERMAN SHEPberd puppies. $25 mile, |15 » F°°tact Fr«°k BobMtt, Rt. 2, Macon. Nov. 5-pd. FOR SALE-FARM Laud, 146 acres, allotments- 5 58/ioo « cotton, I corn. 6 2/10 wheat, fenced In, 4 tobacco barns, packhouse stable, 2 tenant bouses, l "even room bouse with tw». to good shape. Egerton Rideout, Route l. Bo* 194, War4715>n' N' °* Phooe 257Nov. 5-pd. tried rr yet? tm new Seal Gloss acrylic finish tor vinyl aiWaUh^nf surf ace floors. J'i different. Warrenton Furniture Exchange. Nojr-5-c ■- - fimn-aa for sale - CHEVROLET Pick-up truck. A-l condition. Contact John W stenii Norllna. Tel. «4-fer ' NOv. 5-c fURSALE - 'MB^VeLEC£,<»* coiKUtl^C#11257Oct. 22-tfc FOR SALE - ANTIQUES AND used furniture. Good selection on hand at all times. Harris Auction Company, General Store, Satterwhite Point Road, Henderson, N.C. Oct. 15-Nov. 19-pd. FOR SALE - EIGHT ROOM bouse located In Marling near school. Priced to sell, conT. Blanks, Broker. TO. 257-4419 d£ or 2573547 night. Oct. 15-tfc FOR SALE- CHRISTMAS AND «U occasion cards. Roger Ormsby, Colonial Lodge Warrenton. TeL 257-3877. Oct. 15-tfc FOR SALE— BEAUTIFUL 8 room ^US-level home: 3 bedrooms, 2 fmi baths, living room, dining room, kitchen recrJ^fLr"n41"' ''nl,Iy ro°®' wcre^lon room In basement. Electric heat, a fireplaces. landscaped lot with fruit trees 1 *wn"Daa^'" »«1 Estate: Leonard 8. DanS ^!D*ya87"m5:Ntt<#: 257-3417. jaept. 3- tfc FOR SALE—TRACTOR TRAIL-° «V clothes line pole. Hay also 7- /una 18-tfc FOR SALE-NICE 4-BED ROOM home, living room, kitchen and dining room. Forced air heal, well Insulated. Easy to beat and air condition. Has city water. F.1LA. financing available. Call G. T. Blanks, broker. 257-4419 day, or 257-3547 nlte. Oct. 15-tfc Slate of North Carolina of the estste 01 Am* Clark at Warren Oam*, North C*rom Is to notify all per at their recorary. All ptrnw Indebted to iiM estate pltui This the llrt. day at October, 1970. JAMES W. CLARK, SR.. Eaecator o f Betato of Aim Clark, Vaiighan, North Carolina BANZET A BANZET Attorney. Oct. 19-Nov. 19-pd. administratrix's notice to The General Court Of justice Superior Court Division North Carolina Warren County Having qualified aa Administratrix o< the Katato of Pearl Simmons HlUlard, late at Warren County, North Carolina, this U to notify all persons having claims against the estate at Pearl Simmons Billiard to present them to the undersigned st the otfioe at Perry, Klttrell, Blackburn A Blackburn, Attorneys, in Warrenton, North Carolina, within six (6) months from the date at publication of this Notice, or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said estate will pleaae make Immediate payment. This 29th day at October, 1970. LUCYHILLIARD RUSSELL Administratrix estate of Pearl Simmons Hllllard. PERRY, KITTRELL, BLACKBURN A BLACKBURN Attorneys Warrenton, N. C. Oct. 29-Mfv. 19-c ' " ■ EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE In The General Court of Justice Superior Court Dlvlaloc State of North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Rufus Sidney Jones of Warren County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Rufus Sidney Jones to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice, or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 27th day of October, 1970. FANNIE S. JONES, Executrix of the Estate of Rufus Sidney Jones. BANZET & BANZET Attorneys I *««►.-P. O. Box 535, M Warrenton, N. C. 27589 Oct. 29-Nov. 19-c TRUSTEE'S SALE Empowered by deed of trust executed September 25, 1967, by Moses Levlster (unmarried) to Julius Banret, in, Trustee, recorded in Warren Registry In Book 229, page 118, igton default in payment of Indebtedness thereby secured, request having been made by the owner of said indebtedness, I will sell publicly to the highest cash bidder at the Courthouse door at 12 o'clock noon, Monday, November 16,1970the following described land In Hawtree Township, Warren Cotmty, North Carolina: BEGINNING at a planted stone on Palmer Spring Road; thence N. 184 yards to a planted stone In (pom or formerly) isham Hicks' line; uvnoe West 134 yards to a planted stone on Palmer Spring Road; thence along said road In a Southeasterly course 290 yards to the place of beginning, containing 2 acres, more or less, being the same land which was conveyed by Leonard L. Paynter et ux to Moees Levlster by deed dated April 18, 1967, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, North Carolina In Book 227, page 896, reference to which is hereby made tor other and further description and source and chain of title. Ite successful bidder will be required to deposit 5% of his bid as evidence of good faith at the close of bidding. This 16th day of October 197a JULIUS BANZET, HI Oct. IS-Nov. 12-c NOTICE OF SALE OBder and by virtue of a Judgment in the Superior Court Division of the General Oourt of Justice of Warren County entered la an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren va. Leroy Green «d others", will on the 10th day of November, 1970, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. rt the Oourtbouse Door of Warren County in Warrenton, N. C., sell to th at to Leroy Green dated Miy S, mi, recorded to Book IBS, pe* 131, Warren County Public Registry, to which reference to had and made aa a part ot tto description of aaid property. Tto aucoesaCul bidder rfsald aato shall to required to make a cash deposit equal to five par ceat (5%) erf hto bid. Tto aato of aald property ahall to aub)ect only to taaea, tto aaaount ot which vara not definitely determined aa of the date erlor Court Division State of NOrth Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Administrator, c.t.a. of tto estate of Willie Robinson of Warren County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Willie Roblnaou to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of £to publication of this notice or aame will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This tto 8th day of October, 1070. H. M. ROBINSON, Administrator c.t.a. of Estate of Willie Robinson » . v " , „< >•' ■ • d BJUrtKt ~ " Attorney Oct. 15-Nov. 5-c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the General Court Of Justice Siverlor Court Division State of North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Emily N. Caldwell of Warren County, North Carolina, this to to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Emily N. CaldweU to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication ot this notice or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said •state please make Immediate payment. Thla tto 28th day of October, 1070. WILLIAM M. NICHOLSON Rt. 2, Macon, N. C. BANZET * BANZET Attorney Nov. 5-26c. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In Tto General Court Of Justice Superior Court Division State of North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Administrator ot tto estate of Lucy A. Nlcholaon at Warren County, North Carolina, this to to notify all persons having claims against tto estate of said Lucy A. Nicholson to present them to tto undersigned within 6 months from date of tto publication of this notice or same will to pleaded to bar of ttolr recovery. All parsons Indebted to , said eatate please make Immediate payment. This tto 28th day ot October, 107a WILLIAM M. NICHOLSON Rt. t, Macon, N. C. BANZETA BANZET Attorney jsj Nov. »-M-e ■ NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment to Ota Superior Court Division of the General Court of JUatloa of War ran County entered to an action thereto Belnf that real property composed of Four-tenths of aaacre located on tto east aid* of the Phoebevtlle Bawl, lnWarrentoo Township, Warren County, North Caroltna, described la a deed from Thomas Plummer at ax to Thomas Plummer, jr., dated December 3, 1*M, reoorded la Book lfe, pace Ml, Warren County Pifbilc Registry, to which reference Is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of his Ud. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned Judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LIMER Commissioner Nov. 5-26-C . NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court at Justice of Warren County entered in an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Junius Wright and wife,Mary Wright", the undersigned Commissioner will oa the 30th day of November, 1970, at 11:00 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County in Warrenton, N. C„ sell to the highest bidder for cash In fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of One and one-tenth Acres located in Hawtree Township, Warren County, North Carllna, described In a deed from Elnora Jones et vtr to Junius Wright and wife, Mary Wright dated August 23, 1958, recorded in Book 195, page 214, Warren County Public Registry, to which reference is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said . sale shall be re^unea to a cash deposit equal w> f) cent (5%) of his bid. Tix. of said property shall b* subject only to taxes, the amcuat cf which were not definitely determined as of the date of the the above mentioned judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LMER, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court of justice of Warren County entered in an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Clemons Archie Hawkins and others", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 11:10 o'clock a. m. at the Courthouse Door of Warren County in Warrenton.N.C., sell to the highest bidder tor cash in fee simpie that real •state in Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows; Being that real property composed of Ten Acres located on Plantation Road in Fork Township, Warren County, North Carolina, described In a deed from Southern Frontier Finance Company to Clemons Archie Hawkins and wife, Clara Davis Hawkins dated September 14, 1962, recorded in Book 1M, page 479, Warren County Public Registry, to which reference Is , had and made as. a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per oent (5%) of his bid. Hie sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned Judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. Nor. 8-M-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Superior Oourt Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered la an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Arch King and others", the undersigned OommlMtoner wfll on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 10t30 o'clock a. m., at the CowtlHMB Door of Warns County inWarrenton, N. C., eeU to the highest Udder tor cash la toe simple that real estate In Warren County, Mnrtli PiHlInt ihlrrfliul u J. H. LDfER, Commissioner King, recorded la Book 178, pad 559 Wirm County Public Registry, to which reference la had and made aa a part of til* description of said proParty. TIM successful bidder at said sala shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (9%) of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amowt of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1*70. J. H. LD4ER, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Sophia Moss", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 10:40 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County in Warrantee, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash In fee simple that real estate in Warren County, North Carolina, described tu> follows: Being that real property composed of Four Acres located on the road leading from Warrenton to Macon in Warrenton Township, Warren County, North Carolina, being a portion of that real property described In a deed dated August 13, 1913 from A. D. Harris and wife to Ed Moss, recorded In Book 89, Page 94, Warren County Public Registry to which reference is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned Judgment. "sale will be subject to nation by the Court 30th day of October, J. H. UMER, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION In The General Court of Justice District Court Division North Carolina Warren County Basil Sellars, Plaintiff vs. Lucille B. Sellars, Defendant To: Lucille B. Sellars Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: This is an action to secure an absolute divorce on the grounds of one year separation. You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than December 14, 1970, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 29th day of October, 1970. CLAYTON AND BALLANCE By: /a/ Theaoseus T. Clayton Attorneys for Plaintiff Post Office Box 236 Warrenton, North Carolina. Nov. 5-19-pd. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of ajudfment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Alpbeus Perry and others," the undersigned commissioner will on the 30th day of November, mo, * 1H40 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door at Warren County In Warreaton, N. C„ sen to the highest bidder for cash In fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that* real property composed of One and elghttentba acres located on the No Bottom Bo ad in Warrentoa Township, Warren County, North Carolina, described In a deed to Alpheos Perry and wile, Alma Perry from CoraW. Zimmerman et vlr dated May 14, 1063, recorded in Book 199, page 410, Warren ComtyPtfdlc Beglatry, to which reference la had and made aa a part of the description of said property. The aacoeacful bidder at said sate ahall be required to make a cash deposit equal to flue par oent <«D of Ms ML The aate of said property ahall be aubject only to tana, the amount of Which were not definitely da NOTICE OF SALE UMtar and by virtue of a Judgment in the Superior court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Muriel R. Davis and husband, Alfred R. Davis", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, 11:30 o'clock a. m., at the courthouse Door of Warren County In Warrenton, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash In fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of Two-thirds of an acre located In Shocco Township, Warren County, North Carolina, belnf a part of the land formerly known as the Brodle Tract described in a deed from Cora U, Watson to Muriel R. Davis and husband, Alfred R. Davis, dated November 9, 1965, recorded in Book 222, page 541, Warren County Public Registry to which reference is had and made a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (590 of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned Judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LIMER, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment in the Superior Court Division of the General Court of Justice erf Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren, & J. H. Llmer, Trustee vs. DeArthur Davis and wife, Ruth PltchfOrd Davis", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 10:10 o'clock a. m.f at the Courthouse Door of Warren County In Warrenton, N. C„ sell to the highest bidder for cash in fee simple that real estate in Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of Thirteen and one-third Acres located In River Township, Warren County, North Carolina, described In a deed fiTjer-j. c. ratis tomrAMBifr Davis and wife, Ruth Pltchford Davis dated March 8,1961, recorded In Book 203, page 588, Warren Cowty Public Registry, to which reference is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to Ave per cent (5%) of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned Judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LIMER, Commissioner Nov. s-se-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Stgwrior Court Division of the General Court of justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Levi Hendrick," the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day or JMv^mper, 1970. tt 11:10 o'clock a. m,, * the Courthouse MM* M Warren County In Warrenton, N. C„ sell to the highest Udder tor cash In fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being Uut real property composed of One-Half acre located about one mile North of the Town at Norllna in Smith Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina, dt scribed in a deed from Olivia U. Jerman, et vlr to Llwte Hendricks dated November M, 195S, recorded in Book 188, pace 508, Warren Comity Public Registry, to which reference Is had and made as a part of the descr%>tton of aaid property. Urn successful bidder at said sale shall be revered to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (9%) of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to Uses, the Mount of which* were not definitely determined u at tto date of the above mentioned judgment. This •ale will to subject to coaflrmstioc by tto Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LIMER, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Benjamin E. Howard and wife, Lillian C. Howard", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 10:20 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County in Warrenton, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash In fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of Forty • three and Seventy - five one hundredths acres located on the Vaugtj^n to Eaton Ferry Road In River Township, Warren County, North Carolina, described In a deed from J. E. Howard et al to Benjamin E. Howard and wife, Lillian C. Howard dated June 5, 1943, recorded In Book 160, page 5, Warren County Public Registry, to which reference Is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5® oi his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LIMER Commissioner Nov, 5-26-c