TffW " > ? ™ * ' ' | News & Society Items » Mr. and Mrs. A. J. House spent several days this week In Ashland, Ky„ and attended the funeral of her sister In Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Mary Tudor, who had been their guest for ten days, returned with them to Ashland on Sunday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Milliard were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Halthcock and family and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Halthcock of Macon and Mrs. Earl Halthcock and family of Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hllllard and family of Henderson were their supper guests on Sunday night. Miss Agnes Ellis of Klttrell spent several days last week with her sister, Miss Lucille Ellis, at Colonial Lodge. Mrs. Ruth Currln and Mrs. Knott of Oxford visited Miss Eula Allen last week. Mrs. Margaret Barnes of Raleigh was a visitor here last week. Cadet Rusty Cole of Flshburne _ Military Academy, Waynesboro, Va., was here for the weekend. Mr. Jay House of Elon College was here last week. Mrs. G. W. McCann of Franklin, Va., and Miss Sue Pretlow McCann of Norfolk, Va., visited relatives here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ross and family and Miss Cathy Bagby of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Auston Briley of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bagby of Miami, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Packmayr of Panama Canal, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and family of Oxford and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ross and family of Macon visited Mrs. J. A. Ross for several dayslastweek due to the death of Mr. Ross. Mrs. R. S. Jones spent the weekend with Miss Scoggln Jones at Greensboro College and attended Parents Day. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hunter and children, Pat and Polly, of Charlottesville, Va., spent several days here last week due to the death of Dr. £. P. Hunter. Major Edward K. Davis of Mlnote, North Dakota, was here Sunday for the funeral of Dr. F. P. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Polndexter and son of Waynesboro, Va., spent the weekend here. Mrs. J. M. Lewis of South Hill, Va., visited relatives here on Saturday afternoon. Miss Edwlna Booker spent the weekend with friends at Virginia Beach, Va. Mr. Dixon H. Ward of Staunton, Va., spent the weekend here. Mrs. F. H. Glbbs has returned after spending some time in Ashland, N. J. with Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby MacAuslin. Mrs. W. H. Weatherley and children of Elizabeth City spent several days here last week with Mrs. Alpheus Jones. r Engagement Announced Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gallobln of Elizabeth City announce the engagement of their daughter, Denlse, to David Thomas Tayloe, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. David Thomas Tayloe of Washington. Miss Gallobln Is a graduate of East Carolina University, Greenville, and is presently teaching at Slier City. Mr. Tayloe Is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he Is attending Medical School. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Woodall of Warrenton. The wedding is planned for December 27. MISS DENISE GALLOBIN Mrs. C. T. Johnson of Seaboard Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson, Jr., and sons. Mrs. Jeffress Rodwell of California Is guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rodwell. Mrs. M. A. Hayes of Henderson was a visitor here Monday. Mrs. Thomas Ellington has returned home after spending some time In Raleigh with her son, W. G. Fleming and Mrs. R. D. Jones, who is a patient In Wake Memorial Hospital. Mrs. W. R. BaskerVill attended the meeting of* tie :Boydton Chapter of the vpB. Fleming Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fllppen and daughter, Wanda,of Colonial Heights, Va., Mrs. John Morrison and son, J. B., Jr., of Prince George, Va., Mr. Ralph Fleming of Wise, Mrs. Bobby Burnett and children of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fleming and children of Henderson. Kindergarten Has Hallowe'en Party A Hallowe'en party was held at Mrs. Neal's kindergarten Friday morning. Gaines played were witch game and bobbing for apples. Children were dressed in costumes representing ghosts, devils, Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and witches. Punch, cupcakes, bags of treats and apples were served by Mrs. Gus Daeke, Jr., to the following; Jane Aycock, Jules Banzet, Wally Allen, Nancy Bartholomew, Karl Daeke, John Daeke, Donna Leonard, Eddie Poplin, Janice Pltchford, Andy Lanier, Caroline Shearln, Ste vie Gellnas, Tonl Gel In as and Davis Capps. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Draffin, Jr., of Ahoskie announce the birth of a son, John Patrick, on Oct. 29 at the Roanoke Chowan Hospital In Ahoskie. Mrs. Draffin Is the former Miss Pamela Quick of Norllna. District 14 Clubwomen Meet In Youngsville iik annual lau meeungonne 14th district of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs was held In Youngsvllle on Saturday, Oct. 31, with the Youngsvllle Women's Club as hostess. Mrs. R. B. Butler of Warrenton presided. Mrs. Paul Keller, state president, and Mrs. J. D. White, state third vice president, gave the morning addresses. Among the 159 clubwomen attending were the following from Warren County: Warrenton Woman's Club — Mrs. W. L. Wood, president; Mrs. T. W. Hawkins, Mrs. Charles Bunch, Mrs. Leonard Daniel and Mrs. R. B. Butler. Warrenton Junior Woman's Club — Mrs. Earl Halthcock, president; Mrs. Jack Harris, Mrs. Linda Carter, Mrs. Bill Held, Mrs. James Harris, Jr., Mrs. Bobby Blaylock, Miss District Director Is Guest Speaker Mrs. B. G. Morgan of Spring Hope, Director of District Six, N. C. Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, was a special guest and speaker on Wednesday at 3:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. M» P. Powell, president of the Warren County Chapter. Mrs. Morgan gave a report on the 74th Annual N, C. Division Convention held In Charlotte this month. Newly elected officers for the state for the next two years are Mrs. G. A. Moore, Jr., Wilmington, president; Mrs. Alton R. Keith, Burgaw, vice-president; Mrs. Kenneth R. Smith, Raleigh, 2nd. vice-president; Mrs. Bissell, Greensboro, 3rd. vice-president; Mrs. E. Earl Moore, Shelby, treasurer; Miss Panthea Anne Twitty, Greenwood, Del., Historian; Mrs. J. B. Miller, recorder of crosses; and Mrs. Houser, Cherryvtlle, registrar. Mrs. Morgan said that Miss Alice Whitley Jones, Richmond, Va., President- General, U.D. C., was guest and speaker at the convention and gave a most Inspiring address on the work of the organization, stressing the educational work through scholarships, patriotic work and aid to the Veterans and hospitals today, and relief work to needy descendants. Mrs. R.B.Butler,participated on the program, and was presented her membership certificate by the president, Mrs. Powell. Following the meeting, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Frank Newell and Mrs. Roger Norwood, served a sweet course and spiced tea. Marriage Licenses Joseph Baltlste, white, of Schenectady, N. Y., to Judith Lynn Erlach of Schenectady, N. Y. Alan Ray Sitter son, white, of Richmond, Va., to Annette Conrad Harland of Route 5, Richmond, Va. Otha Newcomb, Jr., white, of Warrenton to Janet Sylvia Campbell Carroll of Warrenton. Stephen Kent Goodrich, white, of Mechanlcsvllle, Va., to Carole Jeane Beattie of Route 1, Mechanlcsvllle, Va. Roger Dale Jones, white, of Alexandria, Va., to Barbara Anne Redman of Arlington, Va. Phillip Howard Thompson, white, of Baltimore, Md., to Barbara Jean Toporayckl of Baltimore, Md. Burwell Taylor Smiley, Sr., white, of Macon to Sarah Louise Spain Childres of Macon. ATTEND FUNERAL Among those attending the ftneral of Dr. F. P. Hunter here on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. David Davis of Williamston, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Weston and daughters, Margaret and Gene, and Mr. Andy Hoyle of Franklinton, Dr. Henry Sm at hers and Dr. and Mrs. H. Way Smothers of Charleston, S. C„ Mrs. Esther Capps of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. James Neill of Hickory, Mrs. Charles Bundy of Charlotte, Mr. Peter Seaman, Jr., of Richmond, Va., Mr. Tony Smathersof Washington, D. C„ Miss Louise Jones, Mrs. R. B. Boyd, Dr. W. J. Peete and Dr. Charles Peete of Durham, Dr. L. R. Kornegay and Dr. and Mrs. Newaom Battle at Rocky Mount, Mrs. r. P. Hunter of Roanoke Rapids, Miss Sarah Gayie Hunter of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. J. H. Featherstone of Charlottesville, Va. The world's longest oceangoing highway stretches lor 100 miles, linking the nor Ida Keys, the National Georgraphic Society says. Deborah Brown and Miss Eleanor Thompson. Norllna Woman's Club— Mrs. * G. O. Stultz, Jr., Mrs. Pattle Brauer, Mrs. Alta Davis, Mrs. Lillian Klllan and Mrs. Gus Daeke, Jr. Norllna Junior Woman's Club -Mrs. Earl Stegall, president; Mrs. L. O. Robertson, Jr., Mrs. Alice King, Mrs. Margaret Brame, Mrs. Betty Kemp, Mrs. Don Lemleux, and Mrs. Pete Fleming. Norllna Literature and Music Club—Mrs. R. H. Fuller, president; Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff and Mrs. Florence Held. Macon Community ClubMrs. G. W. King, president; Mrs. Grady Haynes and Mrs. Henry Fuller. Many awards, ribbons and certificates of honor were won by the Warren County clubs. Library News MRS. L. S. DANIEL Librarian We wish to thank all those who have made recent contributions to the Warren County Memorial Library and all those who have given memorial books honoring departed loved ones. We appreciate your interest and generosity. It is through your continued support that we will be able to serve a real need In this community. Our readers come from not only Warren County but from other counties and states. We meet many interesting people in the library and check about 100 books a day. People are reading for entertainment as well as for Information. Mysteries are very popular as "escape" reading. Some recent titles on our shelves are: "Blind Spot," Harrington; "Three Times Three," Haycroft; "The Long-legged House," Berry; "The Con Game," Waugh; "The 8th Mrs. Bluebeard," Wwigh; "A Stitch In Time," Lanthen; "Die Laughing," Lockrldge. Also, "Triple Exposure," Coxe; "With A Vengeance," Shannon; "Blood and Judgment," Gilbert; "Gideon's Mouth, Gideon's Staff," Marrlc; "The Scapegoat," DuMaurier; "Cop Out," Ellery Queen; "Jubilee," Brick; "Murder On A Bad Trip." Drummond; "Kill With Kindness," Shannon; "KU: My Love," Hunt. Mariam Boyd Honor Roll Is Announced The Mariam Boyd School honor roll for the first sixweeks grading period was released this week by Principal L. B. Henderson as follows: Grade 4: Fenlce Lorane Harris, Klmberly Beth Stegall, Devergla Louise Williams, Mary Alice Carroll, RhondaM. King, Sandra E. Richardson. Grade 5: Moneak Alleshla Alston, Sheryl Rose Ay cock, Catherine Louise Leffler, Tony Harris. Grade 6: Ricky Evans, Delton Green, Harry Haas, Edna Tunstall, Connie Valentine, Sheila Richardson, John Capps, Robert Porter, Theaoseus Clayton, Cheryl Richardson, Brenda Lynch, Charles Haynes, Phyllis Wilson, Jo Ann Richardson, Ricky O'Neal, Janet Edwards. Hawkins Junior High Honor Roll Announced The honor roll for Hawkins Junior High School lor the first six-weeks grading period was announced this week by principal Bennle L. King as follows: Grade 7: Robert Clayton, Terry Edmonds, Wanda Green, Audrey Kearney, Thomas Park, Ann Delon Rlggan, Paul Thompson. Grade 8: Kim Fleming, Grady J. Haynes, Clyde Perklnaon, jr., Alfreds Rose, Beraadlne Richardson, Crystal Weaver, In Hospital Patients in Warns General Hospital at 5 p. m. Tuesday were listed as follows: Elizabeth Pegram, Charles Loyd, Vlck Moore, BeU Williams, Shirley Wortham, Robert Thompson, VMa Orerby, Luc Ian. Fowler, Matt It Blalock, Lucas Coley, William Husketh, Josephine Belfield, William Short, WUlie Sliver, Henry AjrMM, Nancy Harrison, Bmy Bun. Willie Fleming, Mary Davis, James Jones, Baby Girl Jbnea, Baby Girl Baskett Extension Homemakers Meet In Raleigh Forty women from Extension Home makers Clubs In Warren County attended the 50th Anniversary of the North Carolina Extension Home makers Association, Oct. 27, at the Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh. Highlighting the morning's program was an address by Governor Robert W. Scott. He spoke on problems of the poor in North Carolina and how the Extension Homemakers have challenged such. Governor Scott commended the women for the progress made in the Expanded Nutrition Program and in the area of housing. He spoke also of the need for more women power in professional and technical areas, and the complex role of the woman serving as a wife and mother, and as a career woman. Included In the program was a parade of presidents of the Extension Homemakers County Councils. Each president carried banners with names of the county and the year of affiliation with the state organization and was dressed in fashion to represent that year. Representing Warren County was Mrs. C, P. Hooker, County Council President. Warren County became affiliated with the State organization in 1939. Past presidents of the N. C. Extension Homemakers Association were given special recognition and were ushered into the auditorium by outstanding 4-H club members from their counties. Mrs. James C. Harris, a past president from Warren County, was ushered in by Linda Holtzmann of the Ridgeway 4-H Club. Mrs. Harris of the Inez community was president of the Association in 1965. Extension Homemakers affiliated with the program continuously since 1920 when the state Council was organized and Negro Extension Homemakers who Joined the State Council in 1940 and have remained members since that date were recognized and will receive recognition certificates. Those attending the meeting from Warren County were: Mrs. James C. Harris, Mrs. Boyd Reams, Mrs. Samuel P. Alston, Mrs. Joseph Baskett, Jr., Mrs. William Bender, Mrs. James H.,Boyd, Mrs. L.E. Boyd, Mrs. Marcellious Boyd, Mrs. Robert E. Carter, Mrs. C. G. Coleman, Mrs. E. G. Davis, Mrs. P. G. Davis, Mrs. Robert B. Davis, Mrs. Veatrlce P. Davie, Mrs. Robert Debnam, Mrs. R. S. Dunston, Mrs. Frank Fttts, Mrs. Raymond Fttts, Mrs. E.H. Gaffney, Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Benjamine Howard. Mrs. Bettle Howard, Mrs. Maxwell Howard, Mrs. Mary B. Jordan, Mrs. ErvlnC.Kearney, Mrs. Charlie Perry, Mrs. Horace Perry, Mrs. Blanche Pullen, Mrs. Mary Reid, Mrs. Arthur Richardson, Mrs. C.P. Rooker, Mrs. J. B. Russell, Mrs. J. S. Spruill, Mrs. Hilda Terry, Mrs. Cora Watson, Mrs. G. E. Williams, Mrs. Nick Williams, Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Mrs. J. D. Holtzmann, Miss Linda Holtzmann. Agents attending from Warren County were Miss Emily B all Inge r and Mrs. Bertha B, Forte. 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