News and Events of Interest To Norlma Readers MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bowers spent several days last week In Aiken, S. C. with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bowers visited Mr. Bower's brother, Mr. Jacob Bowers, at Norfolk, Va., on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Clarke, Denlse, John Neal and Bryan of Williamsburg, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Barrett, Jr., of Chapel Hill and Mrs. B.S.Pope of Henderson were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Clarke. Mv. and Mrs. F. D. Draffln, Sr., spent the weekend In Ahoskle with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Draffln, Jr., and family. Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff, Mrs. Thomas Hawkins and Mrs. Page Perklnson attended the district Avon meeting in Rocky Mount last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis spent t;« weekend with the Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Hutton and family at Seaboard. Mr. Bob Harton of Manassas, Va., was a- Thursdayovernlght guest of Mrs. D. R. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sumerell of Rocky Mount spent Sunday with Mr. T. K. Harrelson. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watson were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Taylor and family at Gumberry. Mrs. J. F. Bobbltt visited relatives in Franklin County over the weekend. ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pridgen and Mrs. Eva Riggan attended the funeral of Mrs. Stanley W. Powell of Newport News, Va., at Fishing Creek Baptist Church last Thursday. Mrs. Powell, the former Miss Lilly Warren of Nash County, was the sister-in-law of Mrs. Pridgen and Mrs. Riggan. To hold curtain tie-backs, use adhesive-backed picture hooks. This saves window frames from being damaged with screws or nails. r i A world of » difference d>- 4 loading convenience is... A KitchenAid Superba dishwasher. Its big Spare maker racks pull all the way out. Upper rack raises, lowers, even tilts (adjusts to 9 positions). Four FlexO-Dividers can be raised or lowered individually (16 positions). So you can easily load all sizes and shapes. Every day you'll appreciate the loading flexibility. It's one more reason why a KitchenAid is your beet buy. For more good reasons, come in soon. KitchenAid DISHWASHERS < DISPOSERS Built with oU-fathioned quality. (See these in our store today) WARRENTON FURNITURE EXCHANGE PHONE 257-3693 Olga Hood 6roop Moots At Falter Homo The Olga Hood Mission Study Grot*) met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. R. H. Fuller with Mrs. Mae Gums as hostess. Mrs. J. F. Bobbltt opened the meeting with prayer and Mrs. W. E. Travis, chairman, presided over the business session. Mrs. D. R. Moore, Miss Elizabeth Kllgore and Mrs. W, E. Travis conducted the program on "Women of the Bible." Included in this study were the Bible characters, Priscilla, Mary Magdellpe and Phoebe. Following the meeting, Mrs. Travis was honored with a surprise stork shower when she received many lovely gifts. The 14 members and six guests were invited into the dining room where punch, angel food squares, cheese straws, nuts and riilnts were served. The November meeting will be held with Mrs. John T. Cawthorne. Circle No. 3 Holds November Meeting Circle No. 3 of the Women's Society of Christian Service held its November meeting on Monday evening at the United Methodist Church with Mrs. W. T. Newman and Mrs. W. K. Delbridge as cohostess. Mrs. Delbridge, leader, presided over the meeting. During the business session, final plans were made for a bazaar and luncheon to be held at the church on Nov. 21. An Interesting program, "The Greatest Thing In the World—Low," was presented by Mrs. C. L. Hege. During the social hour, pineapple delight, nuts and coffee were served to the 14 members and one guest present. The December Christmas meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Leigh Traylor with Mrs. Clayton Taylor in charge of the program. Mrs. Curtis Hostess To DrewiY Bridge Club Mrs. C. B.Curtis entertained the Drewry Bridge Club at a dutch supper and cards at her home on Tuesday night of last week. Those playing bridge were Mesdames A. L. Faulkner, Libby Robinson, Ellis Fleming, Joe Mabry, Roger Fleming, Evelyn Fletcher, Edmund W. White and the hostess, Mrs. Curtis. High score prize was presented to Mrs. Faulkner; second high score prize to Mrs. Robinson and the bingo prize to Mrs. Ellis Fleming. Following an evening of enjoyable play, the hostess served homemade cake and coffee. Church Group Making Plans For Bazaar Several months of work and planning for its annual bazaar will be climaxed on Saturday, Nov. 21, when the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Norllna United Methodist Church will sponsor the event. Tfc}£ua*rwlll be held in the church IfeBoWship room from 10:30 a. m. to 3 p. m. Offered for. safe fill be handmade crafts, handiwork, needlecraft, homebaked goods and Christ MISS NANCY ROSE CARTER Engagement Announced Mrs. Ada Carter of Norlina announces the engagement oi her daughter, Nancy Rose, to Pfc. Phillip F. Arrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arrington of South Hill, Va. A spring wedding is planned. mas and holiday gift ideas. As the patrons browse through the items offered, they may snack on ham biscuits, salads, desserts and coffee. Norlina High School Honor Roll Released The honor roll of Norlina High School for the first sixweek grading period was announced this week by Principal C. L. Hege as follows: Grade 9: Susan Wilder Donald, Sallye Warren Perttlnsori, ' fcuth Marie Shearlrt,'Td£liy Jith Tucker, Karen Ann Coleman, Jackson D. Paynter. Grade 10: Christine Boyd, Nancy Gooch, Teresa Hicks, Shirley Sabrowski, Constance Hargrove, Pamela Howell, James White, Mikel Wlmbrow, Walter Coker. Grade 11: Mary Do well Taylor. Grade 12: Faye Hicks, Shirley Paynter, Jackie Richardson, Vickie Hawks, Maurice Lynn Shear in, Earl W. Tun stall. Bazaar To Be Held At Lutheran Parish Hall A bazaar will be held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church parish hall at Kidgeway on Saturday morning, Nov. 7, from 10 a. m. until 3 p. m. sponsored by the Woman's Missionary Society. Handicrafts, hand work, canned goods, breads, cakes, cookies, and pies will be on sale. The public is Invited to attend the bazaar and buy their goodies for the weekend. A pre-schooler with considerable TV watching experience wasn't stumped for a remedy when her mother lost her voice in a recent seige of laryngitis. "You got no sound, Mama," diagnoses the tot. "Maybe you need a new tube." Fabric Softeners Prove Beneficial RALEIGH—Fabric softeners are good wash day news for homemakers, especially If you line-dry rather than tumble-dry your clothes. But before you reach for that bottle of fabric softener note some precautions. You'll get the most benefit from softeners by using them properly, extension home management specialists, North C»p011na State University, point Add at the start of the final rinse, and dilute with water since dyes used In some softeners may discolor fabrics if applied full strength. Adding softener with detergent or bleach cancels the action of the softener, and may impair cleaning. Warm rinse water, 90 degrees and above, insures the great softening action. Use the amount suggested on the label for full loads. B you're washing smaller loads, decrease the amount of softener In proportion to the sire of the load. The softener works by coating fibers with a waxy substance. This has its drawbacks as well as advantages: absorbency is decreased. To counteract this, leave out softener occasionally; every fifth load or so, especially when }aundering towels and diapers. There are limits to what softeners can do. Ironing will be easier because of the waxy costing, but don't expect softeners to decrease wrinkling. And some color change may result from frequent use at fabric softeners. Continued use of softeners reduces static cling of synthetics. Nortina High School Meaas Nov. • - 13 Monday - School made pizza, tossed salad, pine apple upsidedown cake, milk. Tuesday — Fried chicken, candled sweet -potatoes, green beans, cookie, milk, rolls. Wednesday - Spanish rice, garden peas, orange halves, cinnamon bans, milk. Thursday - Ham, navy beans, baked tomatoes, buttered oorn, brownies, milk. Friday —Hot dogs with chill sauce, cabbage and carrot slaw, whipped potatoes, chocolate load sheet cake, milk. Bazaar Art Sapper A bazaar and owtrji ham, barbecue and turkey svcper will be held at the old wise School bollding on Friday, Nor. 6. The Bazaar will start at X p. m. and supper will be served from 5 until 7 p. m. Adults. 11.50 and children |1.00. Proceeds will po for the benefit of Jerusalem (MM .. Say you saw it advertised In The Warren Record. RMftvay News —• Lutheran Aid Association Holds Its Annual Meeting Prank Kill an was elected president of the Aid Association for Lutherans at its annual meeting held at the Lutheran Pariah Hall In Ridgeway on Sunday night when a covered dish supper was served. Other officers elected were Thurman Schuster, vice president; and Mrs. Carl Lorenz, secretary and treasurer. President Frank Klllan presided over the meeting. Mr. Elton R. Hogan of Raleigh, district representative, was a guest of the association. The members decided to hold quarterly meetings, the first one to be held In January. Door prlzea were awarded to the following; C. H. Nau, first prize; Mrs. Albert Seaman, second prize; and Peter P. Seaman, third prize. Bonco was played, with prizes being awarded and good record music was enjoyed. Homemakers Meet The D re wry Homemakers met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., with Mrs. C. P. Holtzman as cohostess. Mrs. C. B. Curtis, Sr., secretary, presided over the meeting in the absence of the president and vice president. Mrs. H. B. White, family life leader, gave an Interesting demonstration on "The ChristIan Home." Mrs. C. P. Holtzman gave the devotional on "The Home." The hostess served homemade apple pie, topped with whipped cream, chicken salad crackers and coffee. Birthday Guests Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holtzman, .Mrs. H. B. Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holtzm an and Miss Patricia Lorenz of Burlington visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz of Wise on Friday night in honor of Mrs. Lorenz's birthday. Cake, ice cream, coffee and soft drinks were served to the guests. Community Club Meets The Ridgeway Communit/ dub held its regular monthly meeting at the club tense Monday night, Nov. 2, with Gus Daeke, Jr., president, presiding. The president announced that the club had won 4th prize on the booth at the N. C. State Fair, the prize being $350.00 For the December meeting, r a covered dish supper and Christmas party ware planned. The president appointed a nominating committee consisting of Mrs, Albert Bender, Call Robert Beade r and Mrs. C. P. Halt z man. The Hallowe'en committee reported a good crowd at the party and that the proceeds were good. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bender and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bender, hosts and hostesses served delicious refreshments. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mra. W. L. Kill an were suppar guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Holtzman on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bender and family and Mrs. George L. Bender visited Mrs. T. G. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Quails in Holllster on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brauer of Norlina visited Mrs. Albert G. Bender and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., Mr., and Mrs. W. B. Seaman and Mr. tad Mrs. Richard L. Matthews of Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gupton of Loulsixirg vLplted Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holt an on Sunday afternoon. Lt. Col. and ^iy. Ernest G. Seaman of London, England, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seaman. Mr. John Pafehall of Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pas chill, Sr., on Saturday. Mrs. L. M. Paschall and Mr. John R. Paschall visited Mrs. Annie Paschall at Hill Haven Rest Home in Durham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Page and their grandson, Master Donald Bohan, of Arlington, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holtzman over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., and Mrs. Frank Wrenn, jr., and son, Frank, Jr., of Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fleming on Saturday. and Mrs^JJeorpe W._ Holtzman of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. vJlaatwa Flemtac Middle burg and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Grlssom of Macon visited Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Holtzman on Sunday. In one-third of all motorcycle accidents, no other vehicle Is involved. Cist To Ba TrM Tte Matter at tte WU1 and Codicil of R. P. Parkinson, scheduled to be triad at tte October Civil Term at Warren County Avarlor Court will to team at the January Term at Court, according to a letter to Coley Perk In son at Warrenton from Char lea M. Davis of tte laa* ffr* of Davla and Sturges to his iXter, Davla stated: "^eeauaa jf tte length of tte trLtl, judfe Brewer continued tte caae unta tte January term at Court, at which time it will be aat as tte fir at case for trial." to reporting action of tte court last week, this newspaper stated: "to tte Matter of tte Will and Codicil of R. P. Perk in son, deceased, tte plaintiffs with drew, the c»va»t filed to the will Md codicil and a«reed to the will and oodlctl being i probated." The order was signed by Coy Bra war, presiding The confusion resulted In that only a part of tha defendants Involved as plaintiffs withdrew/ the caveat, and Judfa Brewer's order affected only those plaintiffs. Pop BotHt Drive The Jerusalem MYF will sponsor a pop bottle drive on Saturday, Nov. 7, between the hours of 2 p. m. and 9 p. m. In the vicinity of Wise, Paschall and Norllna. Persons having bottles to be picked up are asked to call 456-6386, 456-2231 or 456-6381. A one-humped camel Is called a dromedary.