lorkilhullt S»Mki»» Farmers May Learn About Cattle Breeds .* By L. B. HARDAGE .. Extension Chairman Mr. J. O. Knight, Artificial Inaemlnator for the Vancer Warren Artificial Breeding Association, would like for all . cattle producers in Warren and Vance counties to know more . about the association he repre> seats. , , Mr. Knight has available or i can secure semen from all the newest and oldest breeds of . beef cattle. A relatively ne* breed is the Sim mental - a large breed developed In Switzerland as a dual , purpose cattle. They are geni erally red and white spotted and >' tare large when fully grown • . . up to 2400 pounds. The Limousin Imported from _ France Is wheat colored, rang~ing from reddish to light yellow. Mature bulls average over a ton and cows about 1,300 pounds. Another ° new one is the Maine-Anjou. It originated In Western France and is red in color with some white usually on lower legs. These cattle when mature are In the 1800 to 2500 pound class. The breeds most of us are familiar with are Red Angus, Angus, Hereford, rharolals, Shorthorn. Another new one | is the Hays Converter-a cross J between Hereford, Brown Swiss i and Holsteln. This breed was ! developed to produce a fast growing good milking type of t cdttle. The association also carries | a complete line of all the dairy I type bull semen. | This is an excellent way for , you to breed your cattle to some j of the best bulls in the world m without owning a bull. Mr. ; Knight's phone number is Nor: Una 456-2841 and I am sure he j would be glad to discuss your cattle breeding pp>graa» with you. A PARABLE FOR OUR TIMES A man ' lived by the side of tl. road and sold hot dogs. He was hard of hearing so be had no radio. He had trouble with his eyes so he read no newspapers. But he sold good hot dogs. He put up a sign on the highway telling how good they were. He stood by the side of the road and cried: "Buy a hot dog, Mister." And people bought. He Increased his meat and roll orders. He bought a bigger stove to take care of his trade. He got his son home from college to help him. But then something happened .... i His son said, "Father, haven't you been Ustenlngtothe radl^?" m If money stays "tight," we are bound to hpve bad business. There may be a big depression coming on. You had better prepare for poor trade." Thereupon the Father thought, "Well, my sop has gone to college. He reads the papers, and he listens to the radio, and he ought to know." So the Father cut down on his meat and roll orders. Took down his advertising signs. And no longer bothered to stand on the highway to sell hot dogs. And his hot dog sales fell almost overnight. "You're right. Son," the Father said to the boy. "We are certainly headed for a depression." L.H.FOUNTAIN Reports 3 THE PEOPLE 8S»i WASHINGTON, D. C.- Good medical car* at a pile* people can afford to pay U a vital necessity. Our oat Ion's good health must be maintained; U It la allowed to deteriorate America will be a helpless giant. We now have the world's best medical care—doctors, nurses, technicians, hospitals—but the population explosion has placed an Intolerable burden on existing facilities and personnel. Many more hospital beds and health care people are urgently needed In the years Immediately ahead. I'm afraid we'll face a health crisis of great proportions within the foreseeable future unless we plan responsibly and prudently to prevent U. Health experts estimate that we need nearly one-half million more people In the health field If we are to meet the minimum requlrementa of our people In the next few more years. That breaks down to 49,000 more doctors, 17,000 more dentists, 150,000 more nurses, 105,000 more environmental health specialists and 161,000 other health professionals. In addition, U lr estimated that America needs to add 25,000 more hospital beds and to modernize at least 250,000 of our present hospital beds In order to make available the latest advances In medical equipment. Not only are more hospital beds needed but there Is also an urgent need for more nursing homes and other extended care facilities. Health facilities of this nature provide a vital service and also release medical personnel and hospital beds for use In more serious Illnesses. Surprisingly, America Is now Importing 8,000 doctors a year, and, even so, 11,000 hospital residencies are not filled. None of us knows when he might get sick and need medical care or hospitalization. Everyone rightfully wants to know that he can get the help he needs when he needs It. That's why these figures are of so much concern. » Medical card ft'our country ' seems to be on ti^ verge'dTiT crisis. Some leading experts are predicting a breakdown In our medical system unless the Administration moves decisively to avert disaster. But, unfortunately, there seems to be no strong sense of direction, no forceful health care leadership coming from the current Administration. la fact, one of the political appointees of this Administration publicly admitted that the health situation Is going to get worse, but that they have no specific plans to meet the problem. Nothing Is accomplished by burying our heads in the sand. Pressing and urgent problems aren't solved that way. Meanwhile, the present Congress has taken decisive steps to allocate national resources in a prudent way so as to provide the wherewithal to defuse the crisis. For example, the Congress authorised appropriations of up to $432.5 million for medical facilities and modernization; up to fU.5 million for medical library assistance; and up to $167 million for commwtty mental health cantors, to em at ion but a tew aspect* of legislative set loo. Tims, the way U clear lor Administratis action to request whatever level of funding Is needed and necessary to meat the challenge of keeping America a strong, he si thy giant. If we are short of doctors sod nurses, sod health workers of ill types, we should do sll we csn to sea that enough young men snd women are offered the opportunity of receiving the proper educstion and entering this vocation. w If we are short of hospitals, than we should use our available funds in a responsible way to meet the need. Good Health care is a national necessity of life and we should never let this basic fact escape the attention of our nation's leaders and public officials. ■ Instructors Needed In Cochrane Course HENDERSON- Vance County Institute has positions (or two qualified Instructors (or an Adult Education program to be held at Cochrane Furniture Company in Warrenton. The purpose of the 16 week program will be to develop reading and associated skills for disadvantaged employees with the firm. Special facilities for the Instruction will be provided at the firm. Two positions will be available: the first, from 7:00 a. m. until 11:00 a. m.; the second from 11:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Class sizes should not exceed 15 students. Persons with a background in reading instruction and/or educators who have worked with adult classes are requested to contact Dr. Ralph Greene at Vance Tech for further Information. Institute To Sponsor Decorations Course T HENDERSON - Vance Cou#r . tyjcechoical Institute will sponsor a six-weeks course entitled "Making Christmas Decorations" beginning Tuesday, November 3rd in Room 103 at Henderson High School. Sessions will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. through December 10, permitting all projects to be completed In time for use this season. The instructor for the course will be Miss Fran Perry of Henderson. Interested persons are requested to visit the class for a one-hour Information and registration session Tuesday, November 3. Information on materials and projects will be distributed at that time. Hie cost for the course will be $3.30. In MeMorian In loving memory of Walter R. Parrlsh who departed this life, October 26, 1965. Fire years ago he said goodbye To a world of trouble and strife. He took his flight to a better world, To a better eternal life. 80 many things have happened bare Since he went up there to stay; I'd like to tell him about some of them B he was here today. The one I am sure would please him most Is about the new church we have built, A beautiful structure within and without Where God makes known His will. t aeems sometimes I can see Him there Praising God for His blessings to men With uplifted hands and tears of Joy, He'd praise him again and agate I know he'd be proud and so happy To worship with God's people hare Bat I know It Is far, far batter T« worship his master op there, ill then Is left is memories Of ov life together *>wn here. But soon well be reunited To live together forever 19 there. The days thai pass by are so TREE FARMERS MANAGE THEIR WOODLAND Nov. 8-14 Is Warren County Forestry Week The week of November 8-14 has been declared Warren County Forestry Week. This special week Is sponsored by" the Forestry Club and has been approved by the Warren County Commissioners. The purpose of the week Is to bring to public focus the Importance of forestry in the county, to cite the income from forestry products and to encourage better management of the total forest resources. Dur Life Expectancy Shows Large Increase In U. S. RALEIGH—How long can a person here In the United States expect to live? Probably 20 years longer than his grandfather did, notes Isabelle Buckley, extension specialist In aging, North Carolina State University. For life expectancy In this country has Increased more than 20 years since 1900. In fact, a male Is now granted an average life span of 75 years; a female a term of 80 years. The future looks even brighter. "The likeliest estimate Is that humans will live about a 100 years," Miss Buckley notes. And there will be cases here and there of persons living to the ripe old ages of 120, 130 and even 150. lng this special week, there will be radio programs, displays and newspaper articles devoted to the importance of forestry in tl«e county. Warren County has 140,000 acres of forests with an estimated stump value to owners oft$2,000,000 per year and with an extended value to the county of $8,000,000. In addition to the dollar value, forests help in conservation of water, provide a habitat for wildlife, offer recreation facilities and provide natural beauty. The Forestry Club working committee for Warren County Forestry Week is Clinton Capps, Donald Manley, Alan Norwood, Tommy Thompson, Travis Pulley, F.W. Reams and L. B. Hardage. Life Insurance companies are especially Interested to these trends, notes the specialist. And they conduct some research of their own. For example, a 12-year study, made by a life Insurance company, Indicated that prominent professional and business men lived 30 percent longer than did white men in the general population. Scientists, educators and clergymen also seemed to be blessed with long lives. On the other hand, physicians and surgeons had mortality rates 10 percent higher than average. Correspondents and jbiupsllsts had the least favorable record. ' Hearty soups made with milk are nourishing enough to be served as the main course for lunch or supper. Add cheese and you'll have a tasty meatless, protein-rich entree. Lee WOR| CLOTHES LEIGH'S IN NORLINA