7. FOB SALE - EIGHT BOOM "? house located in Norllna, near school. Priced to selL Contact G. T. Blanks, Broker. Tel. 297-4019 day or 2573547 night. _ Oct. 15-tfc FOR SALE- CHRISTMAS AND all occasion cards. Roger Ormsby, Colonial Lodgs, 7 Warrenton. Tel. 257-3377. Oct. 15-tfc FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL I room split-level home! 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, living room, dining room, kitchen _ with (X range, family room, recreation room In basement. Electric heat, 2 fireplaces, landscaped lot with fruit trees and permanent lawn. Daniel'si . Real Estate: Leonard S. Daniel: Call: Day 257-3145; NUe: 257-3617. Sept. 3- tfc FOR SALE —1 SEIGLER OIL heater, $50. John K. Klllan, ... Rt. 2, Norllna. TeL 4568102. '. Nov. 5-12-c ' ' - — BEDHOOM and dining room. Forced air be*, well Insulated. Easy to beat and air condition. Has city water. F.H.A. financing available. Call G. T. Blanks, broker. 257-4619 day, or 257-3547 nite. Oct. 15-tfc :: LEGAL NOTICES State of North Carolina Board of Water and Air Re"7 sources ' Raleigh, North Carolina «;• NOTICE B HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, _that a public hearing will be held - by the Water and Air Quality - Committee of the North Caro-l Una Board of Water and Air Resources concerning regulations and emission control <-• standards proposed for adoption by the board for the purpose of controlling air pollution in the State. The bearing is scheduled to be held on December 0, 1970, In the Gov ernor's Conference Room, Administration Building, 116 : West Jones Street, Raleigh, control standards to be considered include registration of "sources, sampling to determine compliance and the emission of ■ odorous substanccs, suspended particulate matter, and sulfur ~ dioxide. All persons Interested in the proposed regulations and emission control standards are in—vlted to attend the hearing and take part in the discussion. ■• Persons desiring to be heard tu should notify the Board In wrlt Ing on or before the date of the hearing. Written statements concerning the proposed action may be presented tl the hearing or filed with the Board wlth~ In thirty (30) days following the conclusion of the hearing. Copies of the proposed regulations and standards and addl■ tional Information relative to the proposed action may be _3btalned upon request from the .Air Quality Division, Department of Water and Air fto1' sources, P. O. Box S7048, Ralslgh, North Carolina >7611. _ BOARD OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES _ J. C. HUBBARD, Assistant Director Departments Water and (.j.Air Resources. - Sov. lJ-c » * andemisslon NOTICE OF SERVICE OF ' PROCESS RY PUBLICATION ^ pi TIM General court of Justice District Court Division " North Carolina Warren County ^Leonard Suits, Plaintiff Estelle W. Suite, Defendant To Estelle W. Suite: 07 Take notice that a pleading ^ seeking relief acalnst you has . been filed in the above entitled faction. The nature at the relief 'being sought Is as follows: An absolute divorce based —upon twelve month's separation Existing between husbaad and OOtm. <« Tou are required to make de'<■ tense to such pleadings not later •then December SSrd, 1970 and Z upon your failure to do so, .-"the party seeking service against you will wpty to the -"Court lor the relief sought This the 10th day at November, 1870. —BANZIT AND BANZBT Wcrrenton, North Carolina ki Attorney tor Estelle W. Suits Nov. It-Dee. 3-c TRUSTEE'S SALE gmpowerwl bf dsed of trust somber i«, it*, HUM- 1 ■* by MOMS Levlater (unmarrtetQ to MM* Banaet, in. lYnatee, B^k ill, pa«e It*. «®0O default la payment aitodabtedneaa Uanbjf aecured, rtqutM having ban mada by the ovnar of a aid Indebtedness, I wlU aaU publicly to the highest caafc bidder ^ the Courtboaas door at It o'clock noon, Monday, Novambar 1(, 1970 the following described land In Hawtrve Township, War ran County, North Carolina: BEGINNING at a planted atona oo Palmar Spring Road) thanca N, 1M yards to a planted atona in frow or tormarly) laham Hicks' Una; ttaanoa Waat 134 yards to a planted atona on Palmar Spring Road; thanca along a aid road in a Southaasterly course 210 yards to tha pi sea of ba ginning, containing I acraa, mora or laaa, baing tha aama land which waa coovayad by Laonagd L. Payntar at ux to Moaaa Lavlator by daad dated April 11, 1M7, and recorded in tha office of tha Register of Daada of Warran County, North Carolina in Book 117, paga B86, rafaranca to which la haraby mada for othar and furthar description and source and chain of title. The successful bidder will be required to dapoalt 8% of his bid aa evidence of food faith at the doae of bidding. This 16th day of October 1970. JULIUS BANZET, ID Trustee Oct. 22-Nov. 12-c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE In The General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Stale of North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Anna Clark of Warren County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Anna Clark to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same wUl be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 21st. day of October, 1970. JAMES W. CLARK, SR., Executor of-Estate of Anna Clark, Vaughan, North Carolina BANZET It BANZET Attorney. Oct. 29-Nov. 19-pd. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE & jujtisi ^Superior CeurtDtvtaion North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate at Pearl Simmons HHllard, late at Warren County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Pearl Simmons HHllard to present them to the undersigned at the office of Perry, Kittrell, Blackburn ft Blackburn, Attorneys, In Warrenton, North Carolina, within six (6) months from the date of publication of this Notice, or same wUl be pleaded In bar at their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This 29th day of October, 197a LUCYHILL1AKD RUSSELL Administratrix estate of Pearl Simmons Hllllard. rKKKY, KITTRELL, BLACKBURN * BLACKBURN Attorneys Warrenton, N. C. Oct. 29-Nov. l»-c EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE In The General Court of Justice Superior Court Division State of North Carolina Warren County Having qualified aa Executrix of the estate of Rufus Sidney Ames of Warren County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims uklnst the eststeoT said Rufus Sidney Jones to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date 'Of the 'publication of this notice, or same will be pleaded in btf of their noovery., All perfous Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This tbe 17th day of October, 1970. FANNB S» JONES, Executrix of the Estate of Rufus Sidney Jones. BANZET* BANZET Attorneys P. O. Box 585, Warrenton, N. C. I7BM Oct. Ifr-Nov. l»»c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by vlttoeof a Judgment in the Superior Court Division of the General Court at Justice of Warren Cooaty entend la an aottn therein pending entitled "County of Warren ren County in W ar reaton, N. C., Mil to the hlgheat bidder tor suk to to* atmpto that real •rtato to War ran County, North Carolina, described as ioUowa: Batoc that real property oompoeed of One and three-fourth* acrea located to Smith Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina, daacrtbad to a deed from Olivia Jermaa at al to Leroy Green dated May 6, 1M1, recorded to Book IBS, page 236, Warren County Public Befiatry, to vhlch reference to had and made aa a part of the description of said property. Tha aucceaaful bidder it a aid a ale ahall be required to make a caahdapoalt equal to five par oent (B%) of hla bid. The aala of aald property ahall be aub)ect only to taaaa, tha amount of which ware not definitely determined aa of the date of the above mentioned Judgment. Thla sale will be aubjact to confirmation by tha Court. Thla 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. I.IMER, Commlaatonar Nov. 9-99-c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In tha General Court Of Justice Superior Court Division State of North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Administrator of tha estate of Emily N. Caldwell of Warren County, North Carolina, this is to notify al1 persona having claims against the estate of said Emily N. Caldwell to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 28th day of October, 1870. WILLIAM If. NICHOLSON M. 2, Macon, N. C. BANZET & BANZET Attorney Nov. 5-26C. - administrator's notice In The General Court Of Justice Superior Court Division State of North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Lucy A. Nicholson of Warren County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Lucy A. Nicholson to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this StMr save wflL be pleaded In bar Of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 28th day of October, 1970. WILLIAM M. NICHOLSON Rt. 2, Macon, N. C. BANZET * BANZET Attorney NOV. 5-26-c notice of sale Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Stgwrior Court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Thomas Plummer, jr., and others", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 10x80 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door at Warren County In Warrenton, N. C„ sell to the highest bidder lor cash la fee simple that real •state in Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of Four-tenths of an acre located on the east side of the Phoebe villa Road, In Warrenton Townatolp, Warren County, North Carolina, described In a deed from Thomas Plummer et as to Thomas Plummer, Jr., dated December S, 1964, recorded In Book 1M, page 241, Warren County Public Registry, to which reference is had and made as a part of the description at said property. The successful bidder it said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (B® at his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as at tbs date of the above mentioned Judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day at October, im J. H. LDBI Commissioner Nov. UK NOTICE OF SALE Under aad by virtue at a judcment la the 8*>erior Court Division of the Oemral Court at Justice of Warren County ■tend In an action therein pending entitled "County of on the 30th day of November, 1170, at lltlO o'clock a. m. *t cub to fee abnpla that real a at ate la War ran county. North Carolina, deacrfiwd aa folio wa: Being that real property compoaed of Tan Acre a located oo Plant atioa Road la Port Townatalp, War ran Oomty, North Carolina, deecrUwd In a deed from Southarn prontlar Plnanoa Company to Clamona Archie Hawklna and wife, Clara Da via Hawklna dated September 14, IMS, racordad In Book 1M, pace 4*?», Warren County Public Registry, to which reference la had and made aa a part of the daacrlptlon of a aid property. The auooeaafut bidder at a aid aala ahall be required to make a caah depoait equal to five per oent (5%) at hla bid. The aala of a aid property ahall be aubjact only to taxaa, the amount of which ware not definitely determined aa of the data of the above mentioned judgment. Thla aala will be aubject to confirmation by the Court. Thla 3 Oth day of Oct (bar, 1070. 3, H. LIMER, Commlaalonar Nov. 5-28-0 . NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtu*of ajudgment In the Superior Court Dlvlilon of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Arch King and others", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County In Warrenton, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash In fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of a certain lot In Warrenton Township, Warren County, North Carolina, bounded by Horace Davis, Johnnie Jones, and S. L. Crlnkley described In a deed dated May 3, 1950 from Horaces. Davis etuxtq Arch King, recorded In Book 172, page 559 Warren County Public Registry, to which reference Is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. j. H. UMER, Commissioner NOV. 5-26-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Sophia Moss", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at 10:40 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County in Warrenton, N. C„ sell to the highest bidder tor cash In fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of Four Acres located on the road leading from Warrenton to Macon In Warrenton Township, Warren County, North Carolina* being a portion of that real property described In a deed dated August 13, 1913 from A. D. Harris and wife to Ed Moss, recorded in Book 89, P age 94, Warren County Public Registry to which reference Is had and made as a part at the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5%) <* bis bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to tans, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned judgment. This sale wfll .be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. UMER, Commissioner Nov. S-26-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by vlrtw of a judgment in the Superior Court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered to an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Alpheus Perry and others," the undersigned Commlsetoner will on the 30th day of November, 1170, at Ili40 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County In N. C» sell to the I in fee I law. Towns blp, Wtfrren County, North Carolina, described In a deed to Alpfaeus Perry and wife, Ainu Parry from Cora V. Zimmerman at vlr datad May 14, 1962, recorded la Book !M, pace 410, Warren County Public Baflatry, to which reference la had and made a* a part of the deacrlptton of Bald property. The succeaaful bidder at a aid a ale shall ha requlr* J to make a cash deposit atrial to five par oent (0%) of his bid. The sale of said property ah all be subject only to taaea, tha amount of which ware not definitely determined aa of the date of tha above mentioned Judgment. This aala will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LIMER, Commissioner Nov. 5-16-c j NOTICE OF SEBVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION to The Central Court of Justice District Court Division North Carol In* War ran County Basil Sellers, Plaintiff ra. Lucille B, Sallara, Defendant To: Lucille B. Sellara T«ke notice that a pleading ••eking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled •ctlon. The nature of the relief b«ln* sought la as follows: This la an action to secure «n absolute divorce on the grounds of one year separation. You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than December 14, 1970. •nd upon your failure to do so the party seeking service •*«tost you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. 197018 29th d#y °* October, CLAYTON AND BALLANCE By: /s/ Theaoseus T. Clayton Attorneys for Plaintiff Post Office Bo* 236 Warrenton, North Carolina. Nov. 5-19-pd. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court at Justice of Warren County entered^ In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren, & J. H. Llmer, Trustee vs. DeArthur Davis and wife, Ruth Pltchford Davis", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1970, at lOilO o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren Comty in Warrenton, N. C„ _sell to hjhest^ bidder »r cash In fee simple that real estate in Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real property composed of Thirteen and one-third Acres located In River Township, Warren County, North Carolina, described In a deed from J. c. Davis to DeArthur Davis and wife, Ruth Pltchford Davis dated March 8,19C1, recorded in Book 203, page 588, Warren Coiaity Public Registry, to which reference Is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make * cash deposit equal to five Per cent (5%) of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the •bove mentioned Judgment. This «•!« will be subject to confirmation by the Court. lOTO*" 30U ^ October, J. H. LIMER, „ _ Commissioner Nov. 5-M-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by Tlrtu« of a judgment In tha Superior Court Division of the General Court of Justice of Warren County entered in an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren va. Muriel K. Davla and buaband, Alfred R, Davla", tha under aigned Commlasioner will on the 30U> day of November, 1S70, at 11:30 o'clock a. m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County In Warranto, N. C., aeU to the highest bidder for caah In fee simple that real • at ate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as followa: Being that real property compoaed of Two-thirds of an acre located In Shocco Township, Warren County, North Carolina, being a part of tha land formerly known as tha Brodle Tract described. In a deed from Cora M. Wataon to Muriel R. Davis and husband, Alfred R. Davla, dated November 9, IMS, recorded In Book 222, page Ml, Warren County Public Reglatry to which reference la had and made a part of tha deacrlptlon of aaid property. Tha successful bidder at aald sale ah all be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of hla bid. The sale at aald property shall be subject only to taxea, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. J. H. LIMER, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c NOTICE OF SALE $45,000 TOWN OF NORLINA, NORTH CAROLINA WATER BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES Sealed bids will be received until 11 o'clock A. M., Eastern Standard Time, November 24, 1970, by the undersigned at Its office In the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, for $45,000 Water Bond Anticipation Notes of the Town of Norllna, North Carolina, dated December 4, 1970, maturing on January 4, 1971, without option of prior payment, and bearing Interest, payable at the maturity of the notes to which no Interest coupons will be attached. Delivery of the notes will be made on or about their date at place of purchaser's choice. Bidders are requested to name the denomination or denominations, the Interest rate, and the city or town and bank or trust company therein at which principal and Interest will be payable. There will be no auction. The notes will be awarded at not less than par and accrued Interest to the bidder offering to purchase the notes at the lowest Interest cost to the Town, such cost to be determined by deducting the total amount of any premium bid from the aggregate amount of Interest upon all of the notes from their date to their maturity. Each bid must be submitted on a form to be furnished with additional information by the undersigned, must be enclosed In a sealed envelope marked "Bid for Notes," and must be accompanied by an official bank check, a cashier's check or a certified check upon an Incorporated bank or trust company for $225.00, payable unconditionally to the order of the State Treasurer of North Carolina, on which no Interest will be allowed. Award or rejectton of bids will be made on ESTATE SALE OF FURNITURE AT AUOLUTI AUCTION! SATURDAY 01s>* NOVEMBER MiliZ NORLINA, N. C. TIm Estate Sale of Furniture of the late Mrs. Effle H. Jones will take place on the corner of Main ft Elm Street In the Town at Horltna, N. C. LRST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT THIS SALE Double ft Single Beds- Wardrobes—Dressers—Many Chair* of Various Description-Floor Lamps- Hall Tree-Cedar ChestEnd Tables ft Other Tables of various Kinds- Sln«er Elec. Sewing Machine-Odd Vases-Window Fan-dock-Ice Cream Freeier—Floor Sweeper—Radio— 1-GE Freener 18 Cu. Ft.— 1-Apart. Slxe OE Ranee - 1-GE Refrlftrator -1-Kitchen Table—1 -AM-FM Radio-1-Utility Cabinet- HavUand Set of China—Assortment .of Pots ft Pans, Assortment of Glassware ft Dtabe*—Else. Can Opener-and other small items of Furniture to be sold. All Items being spldto settle aa Estate. TERMS CASH: ESTATE OF MRS. EFFIE I. JONES BJ LEON UNKNOT, Administrator FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT BOB BUTLER, WA&ENTON, V. C. TEL 287-8488 OR LEON KNIGHT, NORUNA, N. C. TEL. 458-5561 the date above stated for receipt of bid* and the checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned Immediately. The check of the successful bidder will be held uncashed as security for the performance Tt his bid, but In the event the successful bidder shall fall to comply with the terms of his bid, the check may then be cashed and the proceeds thereof retained as and for full liquidated damages. The unqualified approving opinion of Mitchell, Perry it Sbetteriy, New York City, will be furnished without cost to the purchaser. There will also be furnished the usual dosing 4 HOUSES FOR SALE AND ONI OHUNOH If You Have Houses Or Land For Salt - BENTON REAL ESTATE Warrtnton, N. C. papers. The right to reject all bid* U reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION By: H. E. Boyles, Secretary of the Commission Nov. 11-e YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH A WHITE s79 PORTABLE 95 *™ CARRYING I CA8E lAtV IUOOKT Tf RMS OIMONITRATION • NO OtLIQATtON Warrenton Furniture Exc. Warrenton, N. C. PAYNTER'S Portable & Acetylene WELDING You Name It -We Cw Weld It! LOGGING EQUIPMENT CUSTOM BUILT TRAILERS FARM EQUIPMENT • REPAIR AND PAINCLOTHES LINES GARBAGE CAN RACKS See us for Irrigation pipe repairs, general repair work Si certified welding WE BUILD, BUY. SELL fc TRADE FREE ESTIMATES CALL 257-4687 NIGHTS 257-2160 PAYNTER'S WELDING SHOP Highway 401 Afton, N. C. OXFORD LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Oxford, North Carolina CERTIFIED LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY 1:00 P.M. Comm 5%, Maximum 5.00 per Hd. Top Hogs 1.00 Per Hd., 1/2% Yardage. FOR FARM OR HAULING SERVICE Phone 693-3616 MONDAY thru FRIDAY Checks from sales can be picked up or will be mailed on date of sale. North Carolina's Fastest Growing Certified Livestock Auction Market. Setter Prices Through Competitive Bidding Your Bualn«i> la Appreciated SINGER SEWING MACHINES SALES AND SERVICE SEWING tvpfwbitpr*! < VACUUM... MACHINES - J-XKSMRIT bHS .. -CLeANCF9f ALLEN L. KING 149 RIDOBCRE8T DRIVE - AFTER 6 P. M. 1 WARRENTON, N. C. VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM SEE THE 1971 MODELS Plymouth-Valiant-Chrysler ELLIS MOTOR CO., Inc. HKNDIKSON, N. C. AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION St. 10:30 JL M. SATURDAY O1 NOVEMBER A I ■ HENDERSON, N. C. (VANCE COUNin THIS FARM EQUIPMENT SALE will take place at the W. B. DANIEL FARM being located at 1215 MURPHY ROAD, HENDERSON, N. C.—DIRECTIONS: - PROCEED TO THE OLD AA FERTILIZER PLANT AND TURN SOUTH AND GO ACROSS RAILROAD TO SECOND HOUSE ON LEFT LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT THIS SALE 1-Super "A" Far mall Tractor, with Cultlrf.iws, Plant, cs, Fart. Mat., Bottom Plow, and Two DUk Plow-1-John De< r "M" Tractor with Cultivators, Fert. Attach-Bush Hog,-Disk£ Bottom Plow - i -Cotton Weedar - 1-Plant Bed Pump—4Rubber Tire Tobacco Trucks—1-Water Tank— 1-Tobacco Setter —1-Hand Duster—3-Hand Tobacco Setters - Appro*. 5000 Tobacco Sticks—Skill Saw—Along with many am all tooli <4 Hoes, Forks, Shovels • Plow Harneas—Double Wagon-Horse Drawn Plows - Cotton Scales and other Rams to be sold at this SALE— TERMS CASH: MRS. KING STEGALL, Owner We Invite everyone to attend this FARM EQUIP. SALE Every Bam will be aold at an abaolute Auction to the BUYING PUBLIC AT SOME PRICE-DUE TO MRS. KING STEGALL having lost bar husband In the spring and she from acts beyond her control can no longer Farm—and la all 0< the items listed-BRING THE CASH IF YOU HA CHICK BOOK IF YOU NEED IT AND LET^DO Bi PLEASE ATTEND AND BUY USEFUL FOR DETAILS CONTACT TEL. 4W-M36; OR OOL. BOB TEL—I57-S4M. R. B. BUTLER AUCTION