" ' ■" 1 :■ """ - ..I. News & Society Items Mr. and Mrs. Michael Raid Thomas and little daughter, Julia, of Halifax were guests of Mrs. Arthur Petar and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brltton on Saturday. Mr. John W. Garrett, in, of Winston-Salem visited relatives here on Sunday, Nov. 1, for the funeral of Dr. Frank P. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Jones of Raleigh spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Jones. Mr. and Mrs. George White and children of Alexandria, Va., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Scrtt. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott and family spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott. Spending Suifday with them were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and family of Richmond, Va. Mls& Patsy St. Singof Raleigh was a weekend guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. C. St. Sing. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oates and son, Chris of Raleigh were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. St. Sing. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bobbitt and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bobbitt of Raleigh attended the funeral of Mrs. W. C. Bobbitt, Jr., iu Richmond, Va., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. House were visitors in Norfolk, Va., on Sunday. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alan Basnlght of Ridgeway announce the birth of a son, Walter Alan, Jr., on Nov. S In MariaParham Hospital in Henderson. Mrs. Basnlght istheformer Miss AD" Clough of Columbia. WARREN *. THEATRE WARRENTON, N. C. Phone 257-3354 - NEW TIME MON THRU THURS OWE SHOW l:N P. M. FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY HUNTS 1:N & 9:00 f>. M. ' ' ^ Va-itoee ' " SAT * SUN 1:10 P. M. SUN-MON-TUES-WED NOV. 15. 16. 17 * IS COTTON COMES TO HARLEM CQUM If DtUit* 1.® hMMM THUR-FRI-SAT NOV. 19, 20 fc 21 MISS NANCY MARIE ROSE Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Archie F. Rose of Henderson announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Nancy Marie, to Mr. Jerry Allen Bolton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ernest Bolton of Warrenton. A December wedding is planned. DAR Holds Meeting At Home Of Mrs. Home The warren Chapter, Daughters of .the American Revolution, held Its Nov. 7 meeting with Mrs. Graham Horne at the historic, spacious Graham Horne home In Warrenton. Other hostesses were Mrs. W. B. Hosklns, Mrs. C. P. Allen, Mrs. A.J. Williams, Mrs. H. M. Williams, Mrs. J. E. ittoker,' Jr.,"arid Miss Louise Allen. Nineteen members and Mrs. Jeffress Rodwell of California, guest of Mrs. Clyde Rodwell, were Invited into the dining room. A lovely pastel blended flower arrangement centered the white cloth covered tea table, with large silver trays <» each end. One tray held Individual tarts; the other, a silver service, from which the regent poured coffee. Cheese straws and nuts were served from other silver trays. Arrangements of fall flowers accented and blended with the general decor throughout the home. Following the ritual, prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to tbe Flag led by Mrs. J. M. Stokes, chaplain, the DAR Hymn was sung with Mrs. C. T. Johnson at the piano. Mrs. A. H. Bryson gave ibe National Defense message. She outlined the Communists Master Plan for Wncld Conquest by 1973; namely taking Eastern Europe, then masses of Asia and Africa, and lastly encircling the United States. Eastern Europe, she said, has become part of the communist empire. Mainland China has fallen completely Into communist hands. The Russians and the Red Chinese do have national differences, she said, and problems of policy to be solved. However, as much as they profess to dislike each other they hate the United States far more. . The timetable for conquests for Russia in Africa Is probably on schedule, Mrs. Bryson said, particularly In the stra Stock Up Now on High Quality Kitchen Appliances ■IMiM A #>x WHILE LIMITED QUANTITY LASTS 3 SPEED HAND MIXER Lightweight, portable, powerful hand mixer. Thumb-tipped beater ejector. Heavy-duty chrome beaters. Sale Price $6.99 After Sale Price $9.96 DELUXE AUTOMATIC TOASTER Gleaming chrome and plactic construction. Has wide slots for muffins, rolls, and thick sliced bread, full range thermostat for even toasting. 9 settings light to dark. Snap-out crumb door. Sale Price $9.99 After Sale Price $14.96 WARRENTON FUR EAST AUTOMATIC STEAM, DRY IRON 17 steam vents. Uses up water. 8 ounce capacity. "All-fabric" selector dial. UL approved. Cool plastic handle. Sale Price $8.99 After Sale Price $12.96 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER WITH BOTTLE OPENER Opens any size or shape can. Permanent magnet lifts lids away. Tilt-proof b«e. ttete Price $6.90 After Sale Price $7.96 DELUXE DRINK MIXER Mixes all drinks simply, effortlessly, and correctly. Recipe booklet included. Sale Price $7.99 After Sale Price $9.96 EXCHANGE , N. C. Commissioners Pay Tributes To Lives Of Dr. Hunter, Mr. Coleman The Uvea of Dr. Frank Patterson Hunter and Wiley G. Coleman of War rent on were eulogized In resolutions passed by the Board of County Commissioners In their regular session here last Thursday. Both resolutions were Introduced by Commissioner A. J. Ellington. The resolution for Dr. Hunter was seconded by Commissioner R. P. Thome and the resolution for Mr. Coleman was seconded by Commissioners John A. Wilson, and both resolutions were unanimously passed. The resolution for Dr. Hunter was as follows: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Warren County desires to commemorate the services of Dr. Frank Patterson Hunter to Warren County and this State, and to express its deep sorrow for the loss sustained by his death on October 30, 1970; and WHEREAS, Dr. Frank Patterson Hunter was born In Warren County on January 11,1900; attended Warrenton public schools, John Graham Academy, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Medical Center of the University of Virginia and returned and practiced general medicine in Warren County for many years; and teglc Mediterranean areas. The story Is the same In Asia. As the western nations move out, the communists capitalize on the prevailing chaotic conditions and move In, according to their strategy. Mrs. Bryson said experience has proved over and over again the utter (utility of trusting a Bussiaft promise. All Americans, particularly the leaders, must be made aware of this timetable. Public Indignation must be harnessed In political pr wer in force enough to upset the plan and drive its totally evil Influence from the world. Mrs. Stokes told of presenting a Certificate of Appreciation from the DAB to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moody In honor of their son, John Moody, who was killed In Vietnam. A book and flowers were also presented to Mr. and Mrs. Moody. The names of the Good Citizens were announced by Mrs. Stokes. They are Ann Wood Hardy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hardy of Warrenton and a senior at John Graham I High School; Vickie Hawks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. I A. Hawks of Norllna and a sentor at Norllna High School; and Mary Frances Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Little of Littleton and a sentor at Littleton High School. The girls, with Mrs. Stokes and Mrs. Booker, will attend Good Citizens Day in Hillsborough on Nov. 14. Mrs. W. B. Baskervlll reported over 26% of the membership had subscribed to the DAB Magazine. Mrs. W. B. Wood all told of the new scholarship girl at Crossnore. The chapter votedto send a $50 scholarship to I Crossnore and sent $35 for I clothes for the glrL A $35 valued box of clothing has been sent by Mrs. W, B. Crlnkley tc the Indian school at Cherokee. Mrs. W. B. Baskervlll gave the Junior American Citizens report for Mrs. W. A. Graham who was unable to be present. She said 974 girls and boys, grades one through eight, In Warren County schools, were receiving Important instruction in food citizenship, holding monthly meetings, studying about the Flag, observance of Constitution Week In September, observance of American History Month in February and making and writing patriotic poems. Mrs. W. T. Skljmer, HI. showad BO slides of covered bridges and American painters. Allen Honors 6rand Mister N. C. Masons Maurice E. Walsh of North Wilkesboro, Grand Master of Masons of North Carolina, was a special guest of J. E. Allen at a luncheon at his home on Wednesday at noon whan other prominent Masons were roasts. Accompanying Mr. Walsh to Warrenton was William F. Owen, Jr., of North WUkaboro. Other Masons present for the dinner wax* J. Ed ltaofcer, P. D D.G.M., P.G. J.W.; 8. E. Maaaangfll, Worshipful Master of Johnston - Caswell Lodge, War rente*; and Harry W.Walk•r, P. D, D. O. ML, Past Master of Francis g. Packard WHEREAS, Or. Frank Patterson Hunter, throughout the years of his lUe, gave to an unusual degree of his time, energy and talents to his fellow citizens at all times, seeking to Improve the medical facilities in Warren County and to sustain and Improve Warren General Hospital, and visited and treated his many patients on numerous occasions when he actually was less physically able to work than those whom he was treating, and thereby gave his life to the citizens of Warren County; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Warren County: Section 1. That in the death of Or. Frank Patterson Hunter, Warren County and all of the peoples therein have experienced a great loss and are profoundly grieved at the termination of the life of this great citizen of Warren County. Section 2. This Board does hereby express its highest appreciation of Or. Frank Patterson Hunter as a citizen and useful public servant, and expresses its sympathy to his family and loved ones at his passing. Section 3. A copy of this Resolution, duly certified, shall be sent to Mrs. Frank Patterson Hunter and family. The tribute to Mr. Coleman reads as follows: WHEREAS, Mr. Wiley G. Coleman, former Chairman of the Warren County Board of Elections for many years, passed away on October 31, 1970, and WHEREAS, Mr. Wiley G. Coleman, throughout his useful life, served his State and County and the people of his community with honor, distinction and credit, and WHEREAS, the members of the Board of Commissioners of Warren County wish to express their heartfelt sympathy to his family In his passing: NOW, THEREFORE, be It resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Warren County: Section 1. This Board hereby expresses Its heartfelt sympathy to the family of Mr. Wiley G. Coleman upon his passing. Section 2. A copy of this Resolution shall be sent to Mrs. Wiley G. Coleman and family. RoUrians Eulogize Life Of Dr. F. P. Hunter The Warrenton Rotary Club at its regular meeting on Tuesday adopted "Resolution of Regret at The Death of Dr. F. P. Hunter." The resolution, signed by President Will Fowler and Secretary Charles T. Johnson, reads as follows: Whereas: Dr. Frank Patterson Hunter, a native of Warrenton, was called to the Great Beyond on Friday, October 30, 1970, and: Whereas: He had practiced Medicine In Warrenton and Warren County continuously since finishing his Medical education and training In the early summer of 1927, and: Whereas: His devotion to duty and his Medical skill were of the extraordinarily fine qualities that enabled him to extend his efforts on behalf of his patients to all hours of each day, and: Whereas: Though himself a victim of Arthritis, he strove mightily and successfully to adapt his ailment to a faithful continuation of his professional activities, and: Whereas: He was at all times interested In the general and specific welfare of his fellowcitizens and gave of his tsients to the achievement of a better community life: Be It Therefore Resolved: by the Warrenton Rotary Club Extension Bulletin Board Monday, Nov. 16: The Warren County Extension Homemakers County Council will meet at 2:30 p. m. at the Home Economics Extension Agents Office. The Macon Home makers will meet at 3:00 p. m. with Mrs. James' H. Boyd. The Cool Spring Home makers will meet at 7:30 p. m. at the Educational Building. Tuesday, Nov. 17: The Mayflower Homemakers will meet at 2:00 p. m. as scheduled. The Wise Homemakers will meet at 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. Roy Moss. Wednesday, Nov. 18: The Olive Grove Homemakers will meet at 3:30 p. m. with Mrs. Maxwell Howard. Mrs. Annie at Its regular meeting on November 10, 1970, that each and every member thereof expresses his admiration, respect and affection for Dr. Hunter and his personal sorrow and sense of loss at his death, and that this Resolution be sent to Mrs. Hunter and that a copy of it also be published In The Warren Record. So resolved by the Club on Nov. 10, 1970 in meeting assembled. Howard will be co-hostess. Thursday, Nov. 19; The Hecks Grove Homemakers will meet •t 1:30 p. m. with Mrs. S. C. Davis. The Embro Homemakers will meet at 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. F. B. Dunston. In connection with the Extension Homemakers Club Members study of Drug Abuse and Misuse the film LSD-25 will be shown in the Extension Agents Office at the following times: Tuesday, Nov. 17,10:00p. m.; Wednesday, Nov. 18,2:30 p. m.; Thursday, Nov. 19, 7:30 p. m. LIVESTOCK PRICES Prices paid at Creech Livestock Market in Norlina on Tuesday were as follows: VEALS - Topped at 44?; prime to good, 40$-43$; standard to good, 36$-40$; common to standard, 28$-36$. COWS — Commercial, 21?; utility, 18$-20$; canners, 16$18$. HOGS-Topped at 17.50?. SOWS—330 to 400, 10.50$; 400 to 600, 12$. BULLS-Light feeders, 26$30$. EGGS-Yard run, 40$-46$ a dozen. CREECH'S SHOE BARGAINS Located Back of Manson Post Office On Highway #1 OPEN MONWED-THUR-SAT and SUNDAY FROM 1 UNTIL 6 P. M. FRIDAY FROM 1 UN1IL 9:00 P. M. CLOSED ON TUESDAY SHOES AND BOOTS FOR MEN, LADIES' AND CHILDREN