News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers || MRS. IMOGENE ARNOLD, Editor Mr. Walter Weaver of Boca Grande, Fla., apent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L M. Weaver. Guests In the homeof Mrs. R. H, Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Fuller last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of Mount Olive, Mrs. Charles Gupton and children of Alexandria, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuller, Miss Martha Fuller and Mrs. Mabel Sorrell of Frankllnton. Mrs. Joe Scellato and Gall Scellato of Norfolk, Va., visited Mrs. Ola Overby at Warren General Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Ruth Jones, Miss Telle High and Mrs. Eula Vick of Red Oak visited Mrs. Imogene Arnold on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Emily Hawks is spending some time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McDaniel, at Fayette ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Weaver spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Weaver and son 'in Leonla, N. J. Mr. and Mrs: W. O. Martin, Sr., Mr. W. R. Hayes and Mr. Jim Hayes attended the funeral of Mr. Morris Hicks in Henderson on Monday. Zion Church Group Holds Nov. Meeting The Zlon Women's Society of Christian Service held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. M. F. Hayes last Monday evening. Mrs. W. C. Lewis gave the devotional and also an interesting Thanksgiving program. Mrs. Jake Norwood, president, presided over the business session. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. W. Roy Hayes will entertain the society in December. To Hold Revival The Norlina Baptist Church will bold a revival next week from Nov. 18 through Nov. 22 the Rev. Jerry Lyons, pastor, announced yesterday. Services will be held each night at 7:30 o'clock. T*» ttev. Omer P«fater,p»s-. tor of tlie Second Baptist Church of Greenville, Tenn., will be the guest minister. Hie public Is invited to attend all the services. Circle No. 1 Metis With Mrs. Emily Hawks Circle No. 1 ol the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Nor Una Methodist Church met on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at the home of Mrs. Emily Hawks with 11 members present. Mrs. Hawks led the devotional program with scripture reading from the sixth chapter of St. Luke, thoughts for Thanksgiving, and prayer. Mrs. R. G. Norwood was in charge of the program, "The American Indian — The Forgotten Minority," using materials from the Response Magazine. She was assisted by Mrs. Leila Delbrldge and Mrs. Julia Galian. The business session which followed was closed with prayer. The hostess served ice cream sodas and cookies. Mrs. Ruth Haywood invited the circle to meet with her and Mrs. A. J. Perrone in December. Church Group To Hold Bazaar On Nov. 21 The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Norlina United Methodist Church will sponsor a bazaar at the church fellowship room on Saturday, Nov. 21, from 10:30 a. m. to 3 p. m. Homemade crafts, handiwork, needlecraft, homemade goods and Christmas and holiday gifts ideas will be offered. As the patrons browse through the items offered,they may. snack on ham biscuits, salads, desserts and coffee. Auction SaleTo Be Held At Drewry Nov. 12 An auction sale will be held at the Drewry Community Building on Thursday night, Nov. 12, at 8 p. m. Charles White, m, and Vernon Whit more will be the auctioneers. Prior to the sale, beginning at 6:30 p. m., hot dogs, drinks and sweets will be served, j Proceeds from the sale will be used to repair the club house, i Anyone having items they wish to donate are asked to call 456-5275 during the dayor4563861 at night. Ridgeway News Joint Birthday Party Held At Holtzman Home A Joint birthday party was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris F. Holtzman on Sum day when the 70th birthday of Mr. Holtzman was celebrated Jointly with the birthdays of his sister, Mrs.L. C. Watts, and his great-niece, Miss Donna Paschall. Miss Paschall's parents brought a beautiful decorated cake containing candles which the honoree lighted and blew out. Those present were served the cake with Ice cream and later during a social hour were served other refreshments. Among friends and relatives who gathered at the Holtzman home for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Robert Bender, the Rev. and Mrs. G. N. Naumann, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Brauer, Mrs. C. P. Holtzman, Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Jr., and children, Charles, Jerry and Betty Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matthews, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell and Mrs. Arnold Moss of Henderson, Mrs. A.G. Bender, Miss Doris Marie Bender, Miss Lisa Brauer, Mr. John Turner of Mlddleburg, Mrs. W. A. Kimball, Mr. Gordon Champion, Mrs. L. C. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Holtzman of Raleigh. * YPS Meets The Young Peoples Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church met Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bender. R. J. Holtzman,president, presided over the meeting. Following the singing of a hymn, the pastor, the Rev. G. T. Naumann, opened the meeting with scripture and a prayer. He later led in a discussion on "Jonah," as part of the series on Men of the Bible. Mrs. Carl Lorenz and Mrs. R. J. Holtzman were named to a nominating committee. The group decided to Have a Christmas party at their December meeting when gifts will be exchanged. The hostess served delicious refreshments. Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klllan and daughter, Nit a, were given a surprise dinner party at their Woman's Club Holds Regular Meeting The Norlina Woman's Club held Its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday evening at the Norlina club house with MesdamesM.S. White,Sr., O. H. Yancey and Jim Hundley as hostesses. Mrs. Frank Klllan gave the devotional message. Mrs. Henry Dortch, a member of the International Affairs committee. Introduced Mrs. Lucy Holtzman of Ridge way as the guest speaker. Mrs. Holtzman gave an Interesting talk and showed slides on Germany. Mrs. Wallace Stalling*, president, presided over the business session. A report on the 14th District club meeting recently held In Youngsville was given by Mrs. Alice Shiltt. B was announced that members have sold 100 bags at peanuts and more would be ordered and ready lor sale by Saturday, Nov. 14. The treasurer reported that the club has completed all payments of the air conditioner at the dubhouse. Each member was asked to bring something they made to the Christmas meeting to be exchanged as gifts. The meeting was closed with the club collect. The hostesses served poach, ham rolls, cheese biscuits, cake squares and nuts to the II persons present. Mrs. Hege Hostess To Nwliii Bridge Club Mrs. C. U Hege entertained the Norlina Bridge Club at her home last Thursday night with Mrs. Nell Stegall as a guest player. High score prise was presented to Mrs. Helen Road; the seeoad high score jriie to Mrs. Kathariae Bobinaon, aad the home at Rldgeway on Tuesday night. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brauer and Katherlne, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hundley and Mrs. Erich Hecht and Mr. Jimmy Hecht. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Chris F. Holtzman, Sr., and Mrs. L. C. Watts were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben G. Fleming at Mlddleburg on Tuesday night In honor of Mr. Holtzman's and Mrs. Watts' birthdays on Nov. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Robinson visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Perry and Miss Lisa Perry of Henderson and Mrs. W. H. Daeke and Mrs. Rachel Stalnback were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown on Sunday. Mrs. Joe Brown, Mrs. W. H. Daeke, Mrs. Rachel Stalnback, Mrs. Frank Perry and Miss Lisa Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Humphred In Frankllnton on Sunday. Mrs. W. B. Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matthews and Mrs. F. T.Wrennof Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gupton and children of Loulsburg. Mr. John Turner of Mlddleburg, Mr. Gordon Champion and Mrs. L. M. PaschaU, Sr., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holtzman during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gupton and family of Loulsburg, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wrenn, Jr., and son, Frank, of Henderson, Mrs. Gordon Champion and Clifton Champion and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. PaschaU, Jr., and family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M. PaschaU, Sr., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Clough of Columbia are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alan Basnlght and son, Walter Alan, Jr. Mrs. Arthur Holtzman, Sr., underwent a hip operation in Wake Memorial Hospital In Raleigh on Thursday of last week. She is reported to be much Improved. Relatives andfriends visited her during the week. Mrs. George Bender, Mrs. PhlUlp J. Bender and Mrs. Mlna Dortch visited Miss Alice Wyckaff and Mrs. Grade Puryear on Sunday. Mrs. NeUle Wilkerson and Miss Dorothy Wllkerson of Henderson visited them during the afternoon. Mrs. Daniel Knight, Mr. C. R. Edwards, Mrs. C.F. Holtzman, Mrs. W. A. KlmbaU and Mr. Gordon Champion visited Mrs. Eva Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holtzman during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Holtzman, Sr., Miss Linda Holtzman and Richard Holtzman, Jr., and Mrs. W. L. KUlan visited Mr. and Mrs. W. L. KUian, Jr., and family In Williamston on Sunday. Marriage Licenses Ocll Dan Enrlght, white, of Fairfax, Va., to Susan Hillary Ross of Springfield, Va. Sam Powell, Jr., colored, of Route 1, Macon, to Laura F re Ida Young of Framlngham, Mass. Roland Wayne Clary, white, of Star Route, Lawrencevllle, Va., to Mary Frances Wright of Route 1, Macon. Larry Ceozey Silver, colored, of Route 1, Littleton, to Martha Jones of Route 2, Littleton. Lynwood Bur tie 11 Harris, m, colored, of Richmond, Va., to Barbara Jean Tlsdale of Richmond, Va. Hoy Edward Hudson, white, of McKenney, Va., to Frances Artane Byrd of Route 2, McKenney, Va. Charles Ray, Abernathy, white, of Dolphin, Va., to Elizabeth Ami Atkins of Route 1, Halifax, Va. Harold Lane Johnson, white, at Highland Springs, Va., to Linda 8m Martin of Providence For*, Va. Raymond William Reed, white, of Fort Worth, Texas, to Mtocca Jaan Vermillion of William stoo. Chilton Hargrove, colored, of Route 1, Norllna, to Sheila Camilla Hoot of Route 1, Norllna. white, of Re stoo, Va., to Jackie' Da— m Seamon of Alexandria, va. totes: New "totes" stretch boots go on so easily even little kids can do It Without youl If* amazing how quickly, easily even little boys and girts slip into their new "totes? Pure gum ri^bber totes" ■■■ s-t-r-e-t-c-h right on, and there are nto / buckles or zippers to bother. Not ev^n a "left" or "right" to figure out... either bodt i fits either foot! And you'll like the way? high-top "totes" hug the leg to give ya*r-i round protection, yet fold small enough to' tuck in a school-bag or pocket when bad weather threatens. Completely water proof, "totes" are so flexible and light It's almost like "wearing no boots at all"l In Red or Black, with sturdy non-skid ribbed i soles. Sizes to fit children's shoes 8 to 3M. Each pair in Its own r»c OF NORLIN Norlina Rips Enfield, I 32-14 In Final Game By LEW HUGE Senior ends Donald Wlmbrow and Gary Kferton combined for three touchdowns to pace Norllna to aa easy 31-14 win over Enfield In the season finale for both teams. With quarterback Waverly White on target and backs Larry Charts and Francis Alston running well, Norlina moved to the Cougar three-yard line. With Ij41 left In the first quarter, White sneaked over from the three for the score. White passed to Wlmbrow for the PAT. The Blue Waves second score was set up with 11:34 remaining In the half. Mike Martin hit Cougar back Phil Williams, forcing him to fumble, and senior David Brantley recovered at mid-field. White tossed 20 yards to Chavls and 18 yards to Wlmbrbwto move the waves to the Enfield 10 Jackets Take Final Game Football Season John Graham High School ended its 1970 football season last Friday night as it downed visiting Gaston by the score of 46 to 16. * For the first time this year John Graham did not throw a pass as it found that 1 ould grind out yardage on the ground without difficulty. Gaston was small and without depth as only 14 players showed up for the game. In spite of an excellent quarterback and a good running back it soon became evident that Gaston would be no match for the Jackets. At the end of the first quarter Coach Brooks began substituting and at the end o f the game many of the regulars were on the sidelines as all of the squad got to play. Kenny Clayton, as substitute quarterback did a good Job in handling the ball and running plays and the new players gave a good account of themselves in blocking and tackling. The closing of John Graham on Monday and Tuesday prevented access to the score books and to the coach to find statistics and scorers. I yard 11m. White than moped to Efertoo, who mad* a sensational catch, (or the score. Enfield got on the board aa Williams scored on a 43-yard pass , play. Fullback Darnell Plttman added the extra point. just two minutes later, White unloaded a 46-yard acorlng strike to Wlmbrow and boosted Norllna's lead to 20-8 at halftlme. Norllna struck again after Martin pounced on an Enfield fumble at mld-fleld. White fired a 45-yard pass to Egerton to the Cougar five. It took the 190-pound Chavls only two tries from there, as he bulled over from four yards out fo'r the score. With 7:57 remaining In the game, David Harris recovered a Norllna fumble at the Blue Wave 38-yard line. Hard running by Plttman and Williams moved Enfield to the 12 where Williams passed to Plttman for the six pointer. With just 10 seconds to play, freshman quarter-back Tom Traylor rifled a pass to Wlmbrow, who raced 46 yards to paydlrt. It was Wlmbrow's 70th point of the jseason, a Norllna record for an end. The "lonesome end" play gave the Waves a 32-14 victory. Outstanding offensively for Norllna were Wlmbrow, Egerton, White, Chavls and Alston. Wlmbrow, who holds several Norllna pass receiving records, including four touchdown receptions against Littleton, hauled In five aerials for 125 yards, two touchdowns, and one conversion. Egerton caught two passes for 55 yards and one score. White had a fine game, completing 9 of 18 passes for 192 yards and two touchdowns. Chavls and Alston, a 160-pounder, gave the Big Blue an effective ground game. The Norllna defense was led by Martin, Brantley, Jimmy Barrett, and Jeff Egerton. Norllna defenders forced five Cougar fumbles, three of which were recovered by the Waves. The win gave Coach Bob Price's forces a fine 4-6 record, while Enfield finished with a 1-9 ledger. ENFIELD- 0 8 0 6-14 NORLINA- 8 12 6 6-32 Smokey, The Bear Visits Warren Schools Smoke y, the fir* prevention bear, working with the N. C. Forestry Department Rangers Allen Norwood and Irvln Halthcock (during Forestry Week Nov. *-14) have been visiting school rooms and youth groups over the county with a program 0( fire prevention under the sponsorship of the War ronton Junior Woman's Club. Related literature and coloring pages, book marks and etc., have been distributed by members of the Junior Woman's Club who are accompanying Smokey and the Rangers. Groups that have thus far been visited Included Mrs. Neals Littleton Defeated In Season's Final 6ame LITTLETON—Tommy Woodard rushed for 198 yards In Just 12 carries and scored three touchdowns as he led the undefeated Scotland Neck Lions to a 32-0 triumph over Littleton here Friday night. The Roanoke Conference win was the seventh for the Lions and their tenth overall this year which will represent the Conference In the State Class A playoffs starting next week. The Blue Jays saw their record drop to 1-9 overall and 1-7 in conference action. Woodard's first touchdown came on a 30-yard run in the first quarter. Bobby Williams added the extra point. The Lions scored again Just minutes later as Woodard cracked over from the one after the Lions had recovered a fumble at the Blue Jay 15-yard line. The point after attempt failed. The Lions added another score In the second period to go into halftlitie with a comfortable 20-0 advantage. Woodard raced 79 yards for the touchdown. The PAT failed. Atharon Pender hit Chris Hicks for the last two Lion touchdowns in the fourth quarter. The first scoring play Was of 63 yards and the second was 24. Both extra point attempts were no good. Score by quarters. Scotland Neck 14 6 0 12-32 Littleton 0 0 0 0-0 Kindergarten, Mrs. Harris Kindergarten, Vaughan Ele nie nt iir > School, Warren Academy, North Warren School and Northslde School. Plans are to take Smokey to all Warren County Schools Including M art am Bo; d School, Hawkins junior High, South Warren School, If aeon School. Smokey will also be on Main Street Saturday, Nov. 14 so the public may meet him and ask questions and literature will be distributed. Allen Norwood will be on band to answer any questions that may arise. Youth Achievement 4-H Club Meets At Drewry The Youth Achievement 4-H Club of Drewry was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kelford SomervUle at 7 p. m. on Nov. 2, Naomi Burnette, president, called the meeting to order. The opening song, "For the Beauty of the Earth," was Ted by Andrew a Burnette and was followed by prayer and the 4-H Pledge. Dues, were collected and the treasurer's report was given by Barbara Ann Dortch. Sandra SomervUle and Beulah Evans led a discussion on manners in specific places. Each member had an opportunity to express their ideas on manners. Remarks were made by the adult 4-H leaders. The meeting was adjourned with the recitation of the 4-H Motto. The next meeting will be held Dec. 7 at 7 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Durham. — Henry Durham, Reporter. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES IN TOWN SEE US Satterwhites HENDERSON, N. C. mmmmsmmm. 1 FOR SALE AT 1 PUBLIC MICTION aa i § 10:00 A. M. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1970| At Junction Off State Highways 617 And 618, Bracey, Va 2Vi Miles last Off Simmons Terminal On 1-85 By The Tract (not as a lump) W. P. GHOLSON ESTATE i MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA. I TRACTS 1 & 2 115.2 Acres - 4 Acres tobacco 10,000 ft. road front No. 3 51.7 Acres - no allotments Timber Tract No. 4 37.8 Acres - 2 acres tobacco 1,600 ft. road front No. 5 115.6 Acres - no allotments },400 ft. road front No. 6 103.5 Acres - 3.45 acres tobacco 5,000 ft. road front No. 7 56.5 Acres - 2 acres tobacco 2,000 ft. road front No. 8 117.3 Acres - 2.88 acres tobacco 1,400 ft. road front No. 9 53 Acres - 2.72 acres tobacco 1,000 ft. road front No. 10 125.4 Acres - 3.5 acres tobacco 2,800 ft. road front No. 11 108 Acres - 2.5 acres tobacco 800 ft. road front No. 12 163.5 Acres - 1.48 acres tobacco 75% Financing at 7ft% interest for 6 years available (5% deposit required at time of sale) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND LOCATIONS CONTACT: Cavalier Auction & Realty Co. PHONE 447-4212 - SOUTH HILL. VA. -OR - TRUST DEPARTMENT, CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO., PHONE 438-8164 - HENDtRSON, N. C