Cullom Baptist Association To Sponsor Leadership Conference The Cullom Baptist Association will sponsor a Church leadership Training Conference, Monday, November 30, 7x30 p. m. at the North Henderson Baptist Church. The following si* Conferences will be available, and under trained leadership are as follows; 1. Administration And Your Church, led by Dr. Nathan Brooks. This conference Is designed for deacons and pastors. Dr. Brooks Is a native of Brldgeton, N. C. He has received degrees from Mars Hill College, be graduated Cum Laude from Wake Forest College and Southern Baptist Seminary. He has done additional study at Columbia University and Union Seminary at New York City. Dr. Brooks' pastoral experience is quite extensive, covering areas in Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, and Kentucky. At present he is the Director, Division of Church Programs of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. 2. Stewardship And Your Church, led by the Rev. Tom Greene. This conference Is designed for Treasurers and members of the Church Stewardship or Finance Committee. It is a presentation of the Programs offeredforChurchStewardship Development. Mr. Greene is a native of Vance County. He is known by his friends as "Tom." Mr. Greene has degrees from Wake Forest University and Southern Seminary and has done special studies at. Syracuse University. Mr. Greene has pastored churches in North Carolina, Indiana, and Kentucky. He has served as an Associational Missionary and at present is Secretary o f Department of Stewardship Development. Part of his present responsibilities is the development of stewardship tracts for the Baptist State Convention. Mr. Greene has received citation for * Distinct Contribution In the Field of Church Writing" at North Carolina Editorial Conference. 3. Evangelism And Your Church, Rev. Bill Lamb, Leader. This conference will help members find some definite to which their church can Involve itself in evangelism on a local level regardless of the size of your congregation. Mr. Lamb is a native at NEATHEBY LAMB Elizabeth City. He has received degrees from Wake Forest University (Cum Laude) and Southern Seminary. He has been associated with churches In North Carolina and Kentucky. At present, he Is Director of Division of Evangelism of Bap The Tar Heel Kitchen By MB8 VOKKI N. C. Da*. oT Acrt. It li in old and om-«nM saying that * rose by my other nam* will smeU as sweet. When It oomei to a favorite vegetable you may say "yam a" or "sweet potatoes." Cither way you are Haaklng of a versatile, wonderful food. Are you confused by the name "yam" and wonder the difference when someone else requests a "sweet potato"? For all practical purposes, the terms are Interchangeable. "Yams" are sy no no mo us with the tender-moist, soft-fleshed sweet potatoes that are grown In North Carolina and other southeastern states. Generally speaking, "sweet potatoes" are dry-firm varieties grown In the northerly ststes. You will find a "yam" as a "sweeter" sweet potato. North Carolina yams are usually deep yellow or orange, moist and sugary rather than being mealy and light yellow. perhaps you have never thought of eating a morning glory root or vine, but did you know that morning glories and yams are of the same family? Long before Columbus discovered America, the Indians In Central America found the roots of a morning glory, which trailed its dark green leaves over the ground, to be a very delicious food. Perhaps they were first attracted by the lovely rosy purple flowers and then discovered the flat-fingered roots that proved to be sweet and Juicy. The Indians named them "batata" and by the middle of the sixteenth century had cultivated large roots which could be roasted. That Is our sweet potato, now cultivated widely In this country, which has traveled far and has been greatly Improved In the Intervening centuries. To many people, yams are 11st State Convention. Mr. Lamb received special Invitation from Dr. Billy Graham and Dr. Carl Henry and attended the World Congress on Evangelism In West Berlin. 4. Missions And Your Church, Dr. Howard Ford, Leader. Every church, large and small, should be Involved In missions. In this conference some practical suggestions will "be shared which will enable members to return to their local churches and move forward for Christ. A wonderful beginning emphasis for the Lottie Moon Week of Prayer. Dr. Howard Ford Is a native of North Carolina. He has received degrees from Wake Forest University and Southwestern Seminary. Dr. Ford has served as President of the Baptist State Convention and Is, at present, the Director, Division of Missions in the Baptist State Convention. 5. New Members And Your Church, led by the Rev. Marshall Neathery. Don't dip them and drop theml Every new member coming into the church needs a period of training. This conference will tell members —whether the church hasoneor 100 new members each year. Mr. Neathery Is a native of Vance County. He has received degrees from Campbell College and Southeastern Seminary. He has also done special study at the School of Pastoral Care at the North Carolina Baptist Hospital. Mr. Neathery has served as pastor of Browns Baptist Church, Mtddleburg Baptist Church, and at present is pastor of New Sandy Creek Baptist Church. He also served on the faculty of Seminary Extension of the Cullom Baptist Association. 6. The Pulpit Committee And Your Church, Dr. Garland Hendricks, leader. "Even if you have a Pastor now, someone from your Church should attend this conference. Too often we are not prepared when our Pastor Is called away. We don't know which way to turn. Advance training will provide an added plus for your i Dr. Garland Hendricks is a native of North Carolina and has received degrees from Wake Forest university and Southern Seminary. Dr. 1 ricks has served of North Carolina as a school teacher and a pastor, la area. Dr.: frit* . in Warren . Dr. Hendricks la of aeveral books. 8k IMS, he traditional tor holiday meals but they ara muck mora than that. Mot* bright sweet North Carolina yama ara yaar-round favorites but ara "musts" Airing oool wiatery daya whan fresh yama ara plentiful Mid at their peak. The yam U a prixe package of food value. It U a rich aourca of vitamin A and provide a worthwhile, amounts of vitamin C and small amounts of the B vltamina and minerals, plus being a provider of food energy. Everyone knows how important it la to make calorlea count with a generous supply of necessary nutrients. Modern nutritionists would agree with Dr. Tobias Venner of England who wrote about yama in 1620: "They... doe wonderfully comfort, nourish, and strengthen the ^odle, and they are very wholesome and good for every age and constitution." When shopping, you will wish to choose clean, smooth and well-shaped yams that are firm and dry and bright and fresh. They store best in a dry cool, not cold, place at temperatures about 55 degrees to 60 degrees F, Yams should be handled carefully for despite their firm appearance, they do bruise easily. The fall harvest of North Carolina yams Is plentiful and you will wish to use fresh ones often; however, canned yams or sweet potatoes may be substituted if necessary. Substitutions can be made as follows: 2 medium-size fresh yams equal 1 1/2 cups cooked mashed yams. 1 pound can of yams equal 4 cups mashed yams. 2 1/2 pounds fresh yama equal 3 one-pound cans of yams. A few tips on cooking yams can provide many tasty dishes. Yams are great for satisfying the "sweet tooth" and the "eat too;h." The following will start your Imagination working: Yams cook moist and soft, thus may be used in many different ways as a vegetable or dessert. Wash North Carolina yams, then bake In a moderate (350 degrees F0 oven. P re-he at the oven and allow about one hour to bake. Some recipes call for yams to be baked at higher temperatures for a shorter period of time. However, sugarsweet yams may "leak" if baked too long or If the oven is too hot. Test baking yams by pressing on them rather than puncturing with a fork, but remember they are hot and you need to be careful, pake enough yams for several meals. Boll washed yams in a deep, heavy pot or pan. Use as little water as possible and cover the pan with a lid. When tender remove them from the cooking water to prevent sogginess. Peel and serve freshly baked or boiled yams piping hot w# butter. Left over yams have many uses - all good. They keep well for several days In the refrigerator. Serve them mashed, fried, candled or as desired. Slice yams and pan fry In a small amount of butter until thoroughly hot and lightly browned. Use citrus fruit or apples with yams In interesting combinations. Brown sugar does darken yams, but the flavor is ever wonderful. "llapled"yamaara delicious. Soft-textured yams welcome tart and unusual flavors. For contrast, try shredded coconut, chopped nuts of all sorts, and crushed cereals. Wonderful lightness or aufflneas can be obtained by combining miniature marshmallows or beaten egg whites. A refrigerator is not recommended for storing fresh yams. Preferably shop tor them weekly and store hi a dry Place away from extreme heat or cold. Fortunately, yams do fraeae well, either baked, maahed or In yam dishes for later use. Proper packaging and traeaing practices apply as for other foods. ColorM yams or sweet potatoes used often brighten meals with color and apart the taste buds whether used la tempting casseroles, as accompaniments to marts, or as desserts. LOTS OF T*EAT8 All latere sting fund raising idea fattened the beak balance of the CUagmaa Community 4-H CM>, Wilkes County, Cct. 30th. ban of the dob raised money y ftii 0 t « noisi wiiti tomion And Ecoaoey Ooeatort at mo«tor*e coat to an outstanding feature ot a three - bedroom Souse, built by tor. and Mrs. Mike Blair, vlrgOtoa. m. a. After consultation with tori. Dorothy Wilkinson, boms economies Extension agent, Qranvllte County and BlUy Pries, Farmsra Horns Administration, tha B1 airs' sslsctsd Extension Houss Flan 90, which feature a 960 aquare fast of heated space. Although this Is a minimum housa, tha rooms ara larfa enough for comfortable living. Entrance may be mads directly Into the kitchen; a family living and child play area near the kitchen allows Mra. Blair to keep an eye on her small daughter, even though working. There Is enough space In each bedroom to hold the usual pie car of furniture, Including several Items the Blalrs reflnlshed themselves. "The family debated between buying a mobile home and building their own house," tore. Wilkinson notes. He comparative cost, longer loan repayment period, plus the durability and sense of security offered by an attractive brick house helped them decide to build, she adds. The first footbaU cheer was based on a battle cry, the National Geographic Society says. At the Princeton-Rutgers game of 1869, some Prlncetonians roared out a lusty "Slss, boom, ah." The shout derived from the rocket yell of New York's Seventh Regiment. II DIAL 257-3341 FOR A RECORD WANT AD J FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT—30,000 LBS. tobacco, 23 ac. cotton, 23 ac. corn. Near Macon. Cash or share rent. Barns, dwellings, tobacco sticks, available If needed. Two Irrigation ponds. Contact T. H. LeCroy, Peoples Bank, Rocky Mount. Tel. 442-7187. NOV. 5-tW.OC FOR RENT- 4 ACRES TOBACco acreage (10,000 lbs.) Contact M. A. Paynter on *1 about 1 mile from Wise. Nov. 19-Dec. 3-pd. SUPER STUFF, SURE NUFI Thai's Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. Rent electric shampooer $1. Warrenton Furniture Exchange. NOV. 26-c RENT A KOHLER-CAMPBELL piano tor as little as $10.00 a month to any style or finish. All rental money will apply to purchase price if you decide to buy. See at Warren' ton Furniture Exchange. Sept. 18-tfc WANTED WANTED LARGE TRACTS OF timbered land In Halifax, Warren or Franklin Counties. Write P. O. Box >573, Raleigh, N. C. 37609. Oct. 8-Dec. 31-c TUCK-A-MATIC SEWING IIAchlne: Cabinet model. ZlgUft, buttonholes, embroiders, etc. Only $37.60. Wanted: someone in this area to finish payments of $9.40 monthly or pay complete balTuck-A-Matlc, P. O. Box 1161, Aaheboro, N. C. 27303. Asheboro, N. C. 37303. Nov. 6-36-c OPPORTUNITIES AVON CALLING- GIVE YOURself and your loved ones a big Christmas this year with your ▲VON earnings. Call now — 442-3886 collect. Oct. tt-tfc P0R SALE FOR SALE- CHRISTMAS AND all occasion cards. Roger Ormsby, Colonial Lod«e, Warrenton. Tel. 387-3377. Oct. 15-tfc FOR SALE-TRACTOR TRAXLer, clothes line pole. Hay also tor sale. X. R. Payntor, caU 367-4687. June 18-tfc t X It RDG8 - 1ST QUALITY starting tf $4.M. Foil die sofa b*d covered Id nsugahyde a—Otod colors 9M.M. 979.06 set inner forjai*-eight boom t5. v-jsts ra $847 night. Oct. 15-ttc FOR SALE—8UPER M.FARM•II tractor. Good oowUUoa. Also disk tor tractor. Contact H. Twrnr NU, >. tr War ronton, N, C, feet/ Pasohall). Not. 16-Doc. 3-pd. FOR SALE - HOUSE W NORllna. t bedroom a, 1 large 11 vine room, kitchen and dining combination. Hot and cold water. Good neighborhood naar poatottlca and atvar mark at. Larca lot extending through from Main to Libarty St. Call 454-8971, Norllna, N. C. Nov. 86-c LOSE WEIGHT THIS WEEK Gal axon can help you become tha trim slim per soo you want to ba. Galaxon la a tablet and easily swallowed. Contains no dangerous drugs. No starving. No special exercise. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Galaxon has been used successfully by thousands all over the oountry tor almost 10 years. Galaxon oosts $3.25. You must lose ugly f* or your money will ba refunded by your druggist. No questions asked. Sold with this guarantee by Hunter Drug Store - 140 S. Main. Mall orders filled. Nov. 19-Dec. 3-c CHEMISTRY HAS DEVELOPED a new finish containing acrylic for vinyl floors called Seal Gloss. Warrenton Furniture Exchange. NOV. 86-c FOR SALE- GERMAN SHEPherd puppies. Ready to go. contact Frank Bobbltt, Macon, N. C. Nov. 86-pd. SAVE BY SHOPPING EARLYSale now on - Good selection of solid state stereos with AM-FM mullplex radlo8 speakers 100 watts in maple, oak and walnut. Save $100.00 by early buying Regular $449.95-Sale price $349.95. Others starting at $189.95 - 4 speakers 1971 models with 3 way guarantee - by manufactor, dealer and Good Housekeeping. Discount Furniture Co., 911 Garnett St., Henderson. Nov. 86-Dec. 3-c FOR' "SALE- BEAUTIFUL 8 room split-level home: 3 badrooms, 8 full baths, living room, dining room, kitchen with GE range, family room, recreation room in basement. Electric heat, 8 fireplaces, landscaped lot with fruit trees and permanent lawn. Daniel'si Real Eatrfe: Leonard S. Daniel: Call: Day 857-8145; Nite: 857-3517. Sept. 3- tfc LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE TO ALL QUALIFIED VOTERS IN WARREN COUNTY ELECTION Or 8UPKRVBOR FOR WARREN SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DBTRICT Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 139-9 as amended by Chapter 815 of the 1069 Session Laws, an election will be held In Warren County on December 9, 1970, to elect one supervisor tor the Warren Soil and Water Conservation District tor a three year term beginning January 1, 197L All Qualified voters residing in the county will be eligible to vote in this election. Candidate tor this office Is Mr. W. S. Smiley, Macon, N. C. Polling places will be located Mi Weldon Daehe's Store, Ridgeway, N. C. Plnnell's Store, Afton, N. C. Warrenton Supply Co., Warrenton, N. C. dement Pegram's Store, St. 3, Littleton, N. C. H. B. King Store , Areola, N. C. Wilson Store, Mecca, N. c. Published by the WARREN Soil sad Wster ConservMlon District. WILLIAM H. BENDER, Chairman, Board at Stvervlsors Nov. 39-c NOTICE OF SALE under and by virtue of a Judgment in the Superior Oop-t Division ef the General court of Justice of Warren Cotnty entered In m action therein pending —titled "County of Warren vs. Leroy Green and others", the undersigned Commissioner will oa the 30th day of Novum ber, mo, M 1 OtOOo'clock a. m. * dead from QtM* Jerman et ■1 to Laroy Grwn dated Mar •, I Ml, recorded In Book lf«, PMP* M«, Warren County Pubttc Registry, to which ntmneels had and mad* as a part of tte * deacription at said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to mate a cash deposit equal to five par cent (5%) of his bid. The sale trf said property ahall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined aa of the date of the above mentioned judgment. This aaie will be subject to confirmation by the Court. This 30th day of October, 1970. a;? J. H. LIMBS, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c — ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the General Court Of Just^qe Superior Court Division State of North Carolina *.]» Warren County ,"0« Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Emily N. Caldwell of Warren County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Emily N. Caldwell to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will.bp pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 28th day of October> 1970. WILLIAM M. NICHOLSON Rt. 2, Macon, N. C. BANZET& BANZET OA Attorney ' x Nov. 5-26c. "-1 NOTICE OF SALE ,-j Under and by virtue of, a Judgment In the Superior Court Division of the General Court at Justice of Warren County entered in an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Clemons Archie Hawkins and others", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of November, 1070, at 11:10 o'clock a. m. at the Courthouse Door of Warren County in Warrenton, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash in fee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: Being that real proserty corapuawl at Twi Aciws luculmi , on Plantation Road in fork Township, Warren County, North Carolina, described in/a deed from Southern Frontier Finance Company to demons Archie Hawkins and wife, Clara Davis Hawkins dated September 14, 1962, recorded in Book 190, page 479, Warren County Public Registry, to which reference Is had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder said sale shall be re Quired to make a cash deposit equal to five par ~ cent (5%) of his bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned Judgment. This sale will be subject to ooorflrmation by the Court. ; a This 30th day of Octobatr, 107a oX J. H. LIMER, Commissioner Nov. 5-26-c Hi NOTICE OF SALE ;1U Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the Superior Court Division' of the General Court of Justice o* Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Wanrtn vs. Arch King and others", the undersigned Commissioner will tn the 30th day of Novmot ber, 1970, it 10:30 o'clock*, m., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County In War re oton, N. C„ sell to the highest ttfder for cash In fee simple tt*t real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as follows: tut Being th^ real property composed at a certain lot In Wnrentoo Township, Warren County, North Carolina, boundedty Horace Davis, Johnnie Jones, and S. U. Crlnkley described In a deed dated May S, 1M0 from Horace 8. Davis etuxtq Areti King, recorded in Book 182, page 559 Warren County Pflk11c Registry, to which reference Is had nd made as a partof the description at said pnrperty. The successful Udder at said ■ale shall be required to ufee a cash deposit equal to ton par cent (5® at his Md. The sate at said property shallhe sobject only to tanas, the amnil of which ware not definitely as at the date o(Me 5-M-c

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