News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers 0 MRS. IMOGENS ARNOLD, Editor Misses Sandra and Anne Hicks of Greensboro, Mr. and Mr*. D. A. Bowles, Jr., and apn, Dave, of Baltimore, Md., and Miss Anns Elizabeth Bowles of Fayettevllle were holiday weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hicks. Joining them for Thanksgiving dinner were Mrs. Maude K11 lan of Raleigh, and Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Kllian and daughters, Catherine, Jane and Laura, of Wake Forest. Mr. Bill Martin and Mr. Earl Shearin are guests of Mr. Ernest McKissick, Jr., near Dunshore, Pa., on a hunting trip Mr. Hal Paschall and Mr. Jerald Paschall attended the Southeastern Milk Meeting in Louisville, Ky., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ledford and children of Raleigh spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Paschall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Stultz and children of Smithfield spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Sr. Misses Lou Stultz and Deanna Baker of Raleigh sj«nt the holidays with Mr. ana Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Faulkner and family of Cramwell, Conn., spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. D, Martin. The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Culler of Rose Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniel and sons of Warrenton were visitors in the Martin home on Thanksgiving evening. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Clark were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Clarke and family of Williamsburg, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Bairett of Chapel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis, Mr. andMrs. Harry Hankla and son of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Keeingot Trenton, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Taylor visited Mrs. Taylor's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Everett, at Norfolk, Va., for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. -T. Cannon of Jacksonville spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff. Mrs. Sudie Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cards of Kin stun spapt Thanksghrtaf Day with Mr. and Mrs. Glean Ayscue and family at Epsoni. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Brauer were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Brauer of Washington, N. C., and Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Deyton, Jr., Jack and Dave of Camp Lejeune. Mr. Pat Harp of Atlanta, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harp and sons of Shelby were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harp. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Llles were Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cottrell and children of Red Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ayscue and family of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harp and sons of Shelby, Mr. Pat Harp of Atlanta, Ga., Ur andMrs.Thurston Ayscue and Charles Allen and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harp of Norllna, and Mr. Alex Ayscue of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mrs. Bill Martin and her mother visited her father, Mr. Pat Egglestoa at Watts Hospital In Durham on Monday. Mr. Eggleston underwent eye surgery at Watts Hospital. Mrs. Virginia Overton of Miss Brantley Honored At Floating Courtesy A floating nuptial courtesy w^s extended to Miss Joyce Blaine Brantley, December bride-elect, on Saturday evening at the Norllna Woman's Clubhpuse. Miss Clara Brantley, Mrs. Liza Stevenson, Mrs. Karney Brantley and Mrs. Frances Faulk were hostesses. Guests were greeted by the honoree and Mrs. Karney Brantley. Miss Barbara Brantley assisted in registering the guests at a table which was laid In white lace and held the guest register and a miniature bride doll. The bridal motif prevailed in decorations throughout the clubhouse. Centering the refreshment table was an arrangement of mixed white flowers and Baker's fern topped with a white wrought iron bridal shower umbrella trimmed with bridal net and green ribbons. Approximately 35 guests attending the courtesy were served bridal cake squares, salted nut's, mints, cheese straws and lime punch. Mrs. Stevenson and Miss Brantley preslcted over the punch bowl. Special guests for the party were Mrs. John Clifton Brantley, mother of the bride-elect and Mrs. John Edward Booker, mother of the prospective groom. During the evening the brideelect received many lovely and useful gifts which were displayed by Miss Joan O'Neal. For the occasion, Miss Brantley was remembered with a corsage of miniature white mums and an electric mixer by the hostesses. Goodbyes were said to Mrs. Faulk. Prices Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price of Atlanta, Ga., celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 29, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mull in Ch»se City, Va., which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The couple were entertained with a luncheon given by their brothers and sisters, Mrs. Clvde Mull, Mrs. D. E. Wood, Mrs. Dorman Price and Mr. John Price of Chase City, Va., Mr«. Elva Mclntyre of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Shirley Mull of Upper Marboro, Md , and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wolfe of Norllna. Approximately 100 guests attended the luncheon. WSCS TO MEET The Zion Women's Society of Christian Service will meet next Monday, Dec. 7, at 7:30 p. m. at the home bf Mrs. W. Roy Hayes In Norllna. All members are urged to attend. Rocky Mount spent a week recently with relatives and friends in Warren County. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Wynn and Earl of South Httl, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. W. jC. Burroughs of Afton visited In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Weaver during the weekend. MRS. JOHN QUINCE ALLEN Miss Wilson, Mr. Allen Wed At Home Of Bride rnipa rttiu nuauii ui nuxiiiia and John Quince Allen were united In marriage in a doublering, candle-lighted ceremony on Nov. 25 at the home of the bride. The Rev. Wads Tucker officiated. Miss Wilson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of Norlina. Mr. Allen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen of 3823 Ingram Drive, Brentwood, Raleigh. He is presently employed in Raleigh. The bride wore a white street-length dress with a single strand of pearls and a white mantilla bea&iress.She carrle* a ease**? Aofle gay of white rose buds, fern and babysbreath centered with a yellow-throated orchid. Miss Wanda Wilson was her sister's maid of honor. She wore Drewry Club Meeb With Mrs. Faulkner Mrs. A. L. Faulkner delightfully entertained the Drewry Bridge Club at her home on Kerr Lake on Tuesday night of last week. Those playing were Mesdames Roger Fleming, Edmund White, C. B. Curtis, Jr., Evelyn Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Faulkner, Mr. Jim Overton and Mrs. EUls Fleming. High score prize was presented to Mrs. Curtis; second high to Mrs. Fletcher, and the bingo prize to Mrs. EUls Fleming. The hostess served Hawaiian pie and coffee. BAKE SALE The Norlina Junior Woman's Club will sponsor a bake sale on Friday at 2:80 p. m. in front of Traylor's Hardware Store in Norlina. a ureas wiui a wnue lace uomce and a black dirndl skirt with a hot pink sash at the waist. The bride's mother wore an aqua knit dress. The groom's mother wore a dress and coat ensemble of aqua shantung and lace, and the bride's, grandmother wore a navy dress. Each wore a white carnation corsage. The bride chose for her wedding trip a yellow and blue knit dress and the orchid from her nosegay. A reception was held immediately after the ceremony. Wedding cake and punch were served from a table which bore a white wedding cloth and an arrangement of purple mums. After spending several days at Atlantic Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Allen are making their home at Kimball's Point on Kerr Lake. Lola-Sue Group Meets At Home Mrs. DeLoad Mrs. Bertie DeLoach entertained the Lola-Sue Mission Action Group at her home on North Street last Monday afternoon. Mrs. G. O. Stultz, Sr., gave the devotional and presided over the routine business session. An interesting program, "Love Out Reaches," was presented by Mrs. A. S. Wyckoff. Following the meeting, the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Juanita Wimborne, served delicious refreshments. Mrs. Wyckoff Invited the group to meet with her for the December meeting and covered dish supper on Dec. 4 at' p. m. Banks In the United Statet process 20 billion checks s year. Nnrs ft.: J SBPiiMMbi ■•v-'s Gary Holtsman Elected f President Of 4-H Club uary hoiiiman was elected president of the Rldgeway Community 4-H Club lor 1971 on last Friday night at the dab's annual meetings* the clubhouse. Other officers named were Richard Holtzman, vice president; Linda Hill, secretary; Linda Holtzman, reporter; Cynthia Dortch, song leader; and Jannette Hill, recreation leader. • Miss Linda Holtzman, retiring president, called the meeting to order. Stevle Holtzman led the Pledge of Allegiance and Richard Holtzman the 4-H Pledge. The devotional was Club Members Visit School In Goidsboro Mrs. Clarence King, Mrs. Jimmy Brame and Mrs. L. O. Robertson, Jr., of the Norllna junior Woman's Club visited the O'Berry School for the mentally retarded at Goidsboro on Monday. They took with them 900 articles of clothing and Christmas gifts and served refreshments to the boys in Ash Cottage. Some of the boys highlighted the meeting by talking and singing for the tape recorder carried by the club members. Mrs. Reed Hostess To Mattie Pridgen broup The Mattie Pridgen Prayer Group of the Norllna Baptist Church held its regular monthly meeting at 10 a. m. Monday at the home of Mrs. W. O. Reed with 12 members attending. The Rev. jerry Lyons opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. H. J. Shear in sang "Does Jesus Care?" This was followed by a reading. "Prayers Are Taught by Christ," and scripture readings by various members. Mrs. A. J. Bobbltt and Mrs. Shear In gave readings on "Parables." During the business session It was announced that a fruit box was sent to the Taylor Rest Home for Thanksgiving. It was also announced that the Christmas meeting and luncheon will be held at the home of Mrs. H. H. Foster on Dec. 14. Mrs. M. V. Taylor closed the meeting with prayer. The hostess served pound - cake, cheese straws and coffee. ( Church Group Visits Coleman Rest Home Mrs. Tommy Frazier and Mr*. Billy Fuller accompanied the Primary Training Union Group of the Norlina Baptist Church to the Coleman Rest Home in Norlina last week. They carried favors and sang songs for the residents as aThanksgiving treat. Another Thanksgiving treat for the Coleman Rest Home was a cake given by the Annie Armstrong Mission Prayer Group. All were appreciated and enJoyed. Norlina 4-H Club Meet: With Bob Taylor The Norlina 4-H Club met In . the home of Bob Taylor on Monday night. The devotional was given by Gene Hundley. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bob Carrie and the 4-H Pledge was led by Cteorge Currie. A Christmas party was discussed by the group. Refreshments were serve* by Paillette Robertson. HOLIDAY VISITORS Visiting in the home of Mrs. Myrtle 6. Fleming In Norlini over the Thanksgiving holiday! were Mr. and Mrs. M. E.Woodfin and daughters of Reading Pa., Mr. and Mrs. J. W Fleming and son of Colonla Heights, Va., Mr. H. M Fleming and family of Petersburg, Va., Mrs. Etna Stansbury at Richmond, Va., Mr and Mrs. A. E. Satock am family of Cary, Mrs. irmaBur nette and family, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Spence and family an Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Fleming all at Henderson sod Mr. am Mrs. Ralph Fleming of Graham The joint hostesses tor tlx Norlina junior Woman's CM meeting held receatly si Ztoi United MfHipH1* church educational building were omitted U the account of the meeting las week. They were Mrs. Ear JTE-Jr-Esss M Wur.«OG. glvm by HIM Linda Hill, and Mis* Ju»tte Hill, aong leader, lad the group In alnglag "the Battle Hymn at the Republic." The memberi and leaders made plana to to Christmas Caroline and to- bake cookies for aervlce men. Mrs. Rodgers Holtzman showed two interesting films. "How Wa Got Our Chrlatmas Carols," and "Making of Christmas Christians." Misses Linda and Jannette Hill served delicious refreshments.—Richard Holtzman, Reporter. ■ UiVJVll/lLi A IVJll Mr. and Mrs. Willie Killan, " Jr., and Ricky and Cathy of Williamston spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Killan. Mr. and Mrs. L N. Koontz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Robinson and family of Richmond, Va., spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nau. Mr. and Mrs. William Holtzman and Misses Terry, Tammie and Tracy Holtzm an of WinstonSalem were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holtzraan, Miss Linda Holtzm an and Richard Holtzm an, Jr., on Saturday. Miss Diane Pegram of Hen-*erson was a holiday guest of Miss Darlene Paschall. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harris, Jr., and Will of Lexington, Va., spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Williams, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. N. Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Ellson of Hopewell, Vs., visited Mr. and Mrs. | N. L. Williams during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. William Salter and Miss Martha Salter of Owlngs Mills, Md., are spending two weeks at their home in Ridge way. Mrs. EvaS. Hayes was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Salter and Miss Martha Salter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schumman of Glenmont, N. J., are spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holtzm an en route to Florida where they will sptadfthe winter. They were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Holtzm an Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gupton and Deborah and Wayne Gt*>ton of Louisburg, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wrenn, Jr., and son, Frank, and Miss Polly Parks and Miss Diane Pegram of Henderson, and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paschall, Sr., over HAaiAMii VaWi lIMVR^W **' A ctoki's lite may have been aaved bacauaa a Granville County homemaker, Mr*. Haiti* 1togars, eared enough to ■liar* safety Info rm allon with others. Attend Funerals lira. W. J. Hecht and Mr. Harman Seaman left Sunday for Miami, Fla., to attend the funerals of their sister, Mrs. George Kreldt, In Miami, Fla., and their nephew, Robbie In galls in Boca Raton, Fla. Robbie, IS, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ingalls and died Thanksgiving Day as a result of an accidental pistol shot In his home. Surviving are his parents; three brothers; two grandmothers, Mrs. Rosa Kreldt and Mrs. Dorothy Ingalls; and his great-grandmother, Mrs. Anna Klllan. the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wrenn, Jr., and son, Frank, and Mr. and Mra. Richard Matthews of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schumman of Gleiunont, N. Y., Mrs. W. A. Kimball, Miss Ruby Kimball, Mrs. George Bender, Mrs. Lena Bendar, Miss Doris Bender and Mrs. C. F. Holtzman visited Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holtzman over the Thanksgiving holidays. , The Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Kerglng of Wilson were Thanksgiving dinner guests of the Rev. and Mrs. G. T. Naumann. Mr. Henry W. Seaman left Tuesday for Miami, Fla., to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. George Kretdt. Mr. Billy Hecht of Baltimore, Md., spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hecht. COKESBURY SHOE STORE Old Warrenton Road Henderson, N. C. Wc will be on « \v -1 tvyj? alrt *f8 M«*roH mA Sunday until Christmas MONDAY AND FRIDAY 2 TO 9 TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 11 TO 7 SATURDAY 10 TO « SUNDAY 1 TO 5 ts uiiia i lii« Mr*. Rogers asked *or extra copies of booklets on "first aid" to give to some friends who could not attend the Eyteiystoo Home makers meettngjon accident prevention. Not too long afterwards, i neighbor child swallowed poison. The mother tottowed the instructions in the first aid book given her by Mrs. Rogers; then rushed the child to the famil) physician. "The child was not hospitalized and is doing fine/' Mrs. Mary Par ham, home economic s extension agent, says. J> LAMPS JIMMY D. HEDGE PATH 608 Kpaom Road Henderson SYLVESTER LYONS 822 East Avenue Henderson MARY ANN AYSCUE Route #1 Ktttrell RED OSBORNE 534 Wakefield Avenue Henderson DALE OVERBY Warrenton CHAIR MRS. SHEILA ELLINGTON 1854 Clear view prlve Henderson CMDINZA WILLIAM T. FOSTER 1079 Walnut Road Henderson COlOR TV TRENTON W. ABBOTT 1218 Par ham Street Henderson