AgrifltinllY Sptikiifl Hardage Lists Objectives Of Vance Tech. Institute By L. B. HABDAGE Extension Chairman Vane* County Technical Institute Is dedicated to tha battel that each individual should be afforded an opportunity lor the extension of his skills and knowledge. The institute is designed to serve the specific employment, cultural and recreational needs at Vance, Warren, Franklin and Granvile counties. Objectives: To provide expanded educational opportunities for young people and adults who need semi-skilled, skilled and technical training for employment. To provide quality education at a minimum cost to the Individual at ud» at. TD provide short courses that meet the general community needs at Vance and surrounding counties. Admission Requirements: A person may be admitted to Vance County Technical Institute who has a high school diploma or the equivalent, or has reached the age of 18 and Is Interested In Improving him self educationally, socially, and culturally. For further Information, contact your County Extension Agent or the Vance County Technical Institute in Henderson, N. C. Warren School Menus MARIAM BOYD Monday — -Sausage patties, buttered grits, turnip greens, biscuits, butter, baked apples, milk. Tuesday—Fish cakes, corn, steamed cabbage, cornbread, butter, cherry cobbler, milk. Wednesday - Barbecued chicken, rice, garden peas, biscuits, butter, Jello, milk. Thursday —Brunswick stew, crackers, cheese cubes, carrot sticks, cinnamon buns, milk. Friday - Wieners, baked beans, cole slaw, rolls, butter, gingerbread, milk. NOBL1NA Monday - Fish, slaw, French fries, coconut cake, cornbread, WARREN THEATRE WARRENTON, N. C. Phone 257-3354 - NEW TIME MON THRU THURS ONE SHOW »:H p. M. FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY NIGHTS 7:N ft 9:M P. M. MATINEE SAT ft SUN S:M P. M. SUN-MON-TUES . , , -QECEMBEK13iMa 'fc aB* MYRA <$ BRECKINRIDGE — Starring — MAS WEST Ik RAQUEL WELCH WED-THUR-FRI-SAT m DECEMBER It. 17. 1« * <« \ MASH milk. Tuesday - Salisbury steak, strlngbeans, grits, rolls, apple sauce, milk. Wednesday - Barbecued pork, potato salad, mustard greens, hush puppies, cinnamon crisp and milk. Thursday • Vegetable and beef soup, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, sheet cake, milk. Friday - Baked ham, navy beans, baked tomatoes, rolls, apple pie and milk. NOBTH WARREN Monday — Chicken, gravy, rice, candied yams, mixed greens, biscuits, milk. Tuesday - Fish, slaw, buttered potatoes, cornbread, sheet cake with peanut Icing, milk. Wednesday - Vegetable soup, sandwich, orange half, gingerbread, milk. Thursday — Beef patties, gravy, creamed potatoes, strlngbeans, rolls, cookie, milk. Friday - Ham biscuit, navy beans, baked tomatoes, peach cobbler, milk. NORTHS IDE Monday — Hamburgers, French fries, cabbage slaw, school buns, apricots, milk, f Tttasdar - Sausage patties, green beans, whipped potatoes, hot biscuits, oatmeal cookies, milk. •/• Wednesday - Fried chicken, garden peas, rice and gravy, hot biscuits, butter, spiced applesauce, milk. Thursday - Beef and vegetable soup, peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches, crackers, cinnamon buns, milk. PAST OF LABGE GROUP AT F ABM-CITY MEETING Andrews Is Speaker At Farm-City Meeting Here Warren County farmers were hosts to Warren County businessmen at a barbecue and chicken supper at the Lions De n on Wednesday of last week In observance of County-City Week In North Carolina. The meeting, whose purpose is to promote better understanding and cooperation between city and country people, was first scheduled for last week when the event was held over the state, but due to the state of emergency In Warren County was postponed for a week. Even a week later, the event was marred to a degree by rural firemen being called from the meeting to fight a rash of fires over the county.' Dr. Walter Glenn Andrews, chairman of the East Central District Extension Service, was the speaker for the event spon-' sored by the Warren County Extension Department. Elmer Harris, chairman of the County Agriculture Advisory Committee, presided over the meeting. The invocation was given by S. M. Ches Friday - Baked turkey, candied yams, collard greens, hot rolls, butter, prunes, mtfk. SOUTH WARREN Monday - Fried chicken, green beans, buttered grits, candy bar, hot biscuits, milk. Tuesday - Turkettl, turnip greens, beets, peach halves, rolls, batter, milk. Wednesday - Hot dogs, navy beans, Mexican cole slaw, fruited Jfello, hot rolls, butter, milk. Thursday - Beef and vegetable soup, crackers, cheese toasted sandwiches, cinnamon buns with raisins, butter, milk. Friday - Luncheon meat, lima beans, corn pudding, apple sauce, rolls, butter, milk. ton, vloa chairman of the committee. Dr. Andrews, presented by Howard Daniel, vice president of the Citizens Bank and vice chairman of Farm-City Week, spoke on the relations between farm and city dwellers and their environmental problems. He stressed their dependence on each other and their need to work together to stop the pollution of our environment and the waste of our natural resources. H. V. Massengill, local manager of Carolina Power and Light Company, expressed the appreciation of the business men to their hosts, the Warren County farmers. L. C. Cooper, Extension Agricultural Agent, responded. Farmers introduced their guests, who stood for recognition. Soon* 170 farmers and business men werr present for the dinner when barbecued pork, smothered chicken, vegetables and coffee were served by Shearin's at Essex-Holllster. MACON Monday- Sausage patties, creamed potatoes, strlngbeans, hot rolls, chocolate cake, milk and butter. Tuesday-Ham biscuits, navy beans, baked tom*w>es, applesauce, milk and butter. Wednesday - Country style steak with onion gravy, grits, turnip greens, hot biscuits, peaches, milk and butter. Thursday - Beef and vegetable soup, crackers, peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches, orange, milk and butter. Friday - Turkey, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, garden peas, hot biscuits, candled yams, Ice cream, milk and butter. ANDREWS Jurors Are Drawn For Jan. Court The list of Jurors for the January criminal term of Warren County Superior Court was released this week from the office of the Clerk of Court. Judge Maurice E. Br as well will preside over the session which will convene on Jan. 4, 1971. jurors held over from former sessions to serve at the January term are Richard John Bender, Mary Elizabeth Davis, Calvin Gardner Young, A. L. Lynch. Other Jurors drawn tor the term are: Helen P. Alston, Mora Grant Alston, Maxlne bert Brown, MelvlnM. Brown, Mrs. Walker P. BurweU, Cynthia Matthews Capps, Larry Wayne Cheek, Grandlson Christmas, Virgin Thompson Coker, Lucy Ruth Cole man, Janet Paschall Connell, Thomas Grant Connell, Arfh copeland, Alston Coplln, Rubin Arch Creech, Jr., Landon C, Davis, Henry Dicker son. Also, Charles PerryEllington, jr., Lucy B. Epps, C. J. Fleming, Mavis V. Fleming, John Douglass Foutc, Dorothy Dare Trader, Aim eta Hargrove, Raymond Allen Harris, m, Willmon Harrison, Mrs. Mary P. Harton, G. E. Harvey, a are Marie Hawkins, William L. Hawkins, Joseph William Hawks, Mrs. Hazel L. Hlght, Eddie Lee Howard, George B. Jones, W. C. Jones, James Jordan, jr., Edmond Kersey, William A. Kimball, George Willis Koonce, James E. Lee, Ma D. Martin, Geneva Christine Moody, Ruby Palmer Moore, Edward Harold Moseley, Macon Gibbons Moseley. Also, John D. Mai, Mrs. Weston R. Northlngton, William V. Palmer, Jack Paschall, John o. Paynter, Billy Pernell, T. H. Pettway, Blanche Josephine Plummer, Thurston H. Qulnetchette, Ace Richardson, Milch E. Richardson, Alma Williams Robinson, Mary Cheek Royster, Lawrence Williams Seaman, Robert M. SUver, Mrs. J. L. Skinner, Barbara Babb Walker, Felix Morgan Williams, Peter Wilson, Harry James Yowg. Ii Heaoriam to lovtof memory of my •later, Mrs. J «n«tte Elliott, who departed this life October 31, 197a When Jesus, celled yon borne with Him w to that Heavenly band. 1 miss you more, and more each day aince you left me. I know yon are luppy. I dent understand, but I know God knew beat for me. Sister, you ware always jolly ■dMlof cheer, had a arnOa, to spite of pais and trouble you alwajr*e had time (or me. Ton worked hard ad were a Jurors Are Drawn Special Court Term For A special ClrU TtrrarfWirM County District Court has bam scheduled tor Monday, Dec. 18, with Judpe Claude W. Altoltf Jr., presiding. jurors drawn for the special term are: Howard Adams, Frwd Alston, Willie In Alston, Bettye Davis Benton, W. W. Bolton, Jr., Charlie Boyd, Ruth H. Burchette, Robert H. CarroU, John T. Cawthorne, Janet Whltlord Ooleman, Van Earl Coleman, William Glenn Ooleman, Kenneth Goode Copley, William S. Davis, Miss Helen Delbridge, H. E. Dlckerson, Marrlan Durham, Mary Edwards, Hat tie Faulkner, Eddie Lee Fltts, Ellis E. Fleming. Also, Frank A. Gupton, C.E. Harris, LJUlie G. Hawkins, Philip G. Holtzman, Dewey Slmms Isles, O. R, Jackson, Jr., J. H. Herman, Shirley Mae Jones, Fred Jordan, Sr., Margaret R. Jordan, John A. Joyner, Rebecca Elizabeth King, Shirley Copley Lyles, C. B. Lynch, Re avis McCoy Lynch, Doris B. Massanglll, Roger Crawford Moore, Herbert Glenn Moseley, Roy C. Neal, Joseph Pull am New will be so happy for all of us to meet In Heaven together, once more. Your sister, CLARA KIMBALL. t. aim, W. W. O'Neal, Mary Uu Patrick, Ray U Pike, Richard A. Powell, Percy Read, Holyls Richardson, Tampa Rodwall, J. D. RMS, Margaret A. Rosa, Lola Rivera Sadler, Richard Henry Seaman, I* T. Shearln, Claude J.' Smith, David N. Sprulll, Mollle Efulah Washington, Charlie L Williams, Sam WlUlama, Floyd Eocene Wflaon, Sr., Roy K. Young. Bowers (Continued from page 1) man. Roanoke - l» W. Kldd. Attending the meeting. In addition to representatives from the Littleton Observer and The Warren Record, as an observer was Henry C. Hayes of the Warren Regional Planning Oommlssloo of Manson. Much of the remaining two and one-half hour session of the board, was taken up with examining and approving bonds of various officials of the county, and In waiting for their submission. Roy Clark and William A. Pulley were sworn In as constables following approval of their bonds. The commissioners, who had approved the bond of Sheriff Clarence A. Davis at the morning session, were called Into special session Itfiiflki I Mlfef hfltffc&t IC JUIHI llHiPP P y Held At Heatfirsoii ~T* V * . 5 ' * A Joint luncheon meeting <* the sister chapter* XI and Bet* PI of the Delta Kappa Gaawa > was hald Saturday, Dae, Mil,At the Henderaon Country Clii. Dr. Lillian Minor at Oxford was th> speaker who explained the scholarship program of Ob society and encouraged any member to apply by Jan. It. Dr. Minor related her experiences and opportimltiea as a scholarship recipient, audita also reported on the convention held In Portland, Oregon, last summer. Mrs. Rachel Flshal of the XI chapter presided over the sea-' slon, with Mrs. Mamie B.Clayton, Beta PI president, addreae-r log several remarks to the group. U A white elephant sale was halt! at the beginning In order to ralda funds for a scholarship for some young woman Interested tn teaching as a profession. % Monday afternoon to witness the swearing In of the sheriff his deputies. This was delayed due to the absence of the deck of Court and Sheriff Da via on Monday morning. Mrs. HapM was In Loulsburg to take tto oath of office of Clerk at Superior Court before judge Hamilton Hobgood, resident Judf*, and Sheriff Davis was ill at hi* home. 0l 1 WARRENTON FURNITURE EXCHANGE; THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE SOMETHING FOR THE HOME a FREE 5-lb. FRUll CAKt Our akiaara baat wtahaa for a JoywiCMMaariiHw Now Vaar. A* ■ Milan of our appreciation, wa ara (Mnf you thw dilkiom 5 lb. fruttoafca - -FREE - - • for tha ChHaMaa naaon with your pur chat of onlySM.Mor mora. Your fniMoka la poekad in a Chrk Gifts For Her i a! CARPET BEDROOM FURNITURE BOUDOIR CHAISE BOUDOIR CHAIR LINGERIE CHEST LANE CEDAR CHEST LANE RECORD CHEST BOSTON ROCKER PHILCO STEREO PHILCO COLOR TV PHILCO ELECTRIC RANGE PHILCO NO-FROST REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN AID DISHWASHER PHILCO AM-FM RADIO ZENITH STEREO ZENITH COLOR TV ZENITH AM-FM RADIO WAFFLE IRON PERCOLATOR TOASTER BLENDER ELECTRIC BLANKET FIRE PLACE SETS PICTURES CANDY RECORDS - ZENITH ALBUMS SOFA, LOUNGE CHAIRS SIMMONS HTOE-A-BED LA-Z-BOY ROCKER, RECLINER DINETTES SHOP EARLY WHILE SELECTIONS ARE GOOD! il >7TC *1 1 ml Gifts For Him LA-Z-BOY ROCKER, RECLINER PHILCO COLOR TV ZENITH COLOR TV PHILCO FM RADIO ZENITH FM RADIO ZENITH STEREO PHILCO STEREO BOOKCASE DESK HASSOX VALET CANDY ELECTRIC BLANKET DOWN PILLOWS ELECTRIC HEATER SUPER COLORTRON ANTENNA KING SIZE BED MATTRESS & SPRING BY SIMMONS MATTRESS & SPRING BY KINGSDOWN MATTRESS & SPRING BY SEALY GIFTS FOR BOYS' AND GIRLS' STEREO RECORD PLAYERS RECORDS RECORD CABINETS LANE CHEST RADIO FM TRANSISTORS CLOCK RADIO ROCKERS TAPE RECORDER BED ROOM FURNITURE CARPET DESK TV - COLOR, BLACK 8t WHITE 8 TRACK PORTABLE STEREO TAP*J PLAYERS CASSETT TAPE PLAYERS