CLASSIFIED ADS MAL - W-SMI tr* CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING COSTS FIVE CENTS FEB VOW), im A MINIMUM CHARGE OF ll.SS. TO " BE CLASSIFIED. ADVTS MUST BE IN THIS OFFICE .1 rBV liN F. M. MONDAY. USE CLASSIFIED ADS FOB * H FAST BESULTS-TO BUY, TO SELL. TO GET A 1 JOB. TO HOttE HELP. DISPLAY ADS, TUES. NOON. Dm * FOR RENT )>■ for rent-farm on air.1: port Road, 9834 lb*, tobacco 9*ii allotment. Mrs. K. R, Wood, -n Warranton. Tel. 287-3578. . 10-34-c Went a kohijcr-campbell " piano lor aa little aa $10.00 ' Ja month In any atyte or flnlah. All rental money will apply Eto pmrchaaa prlca tf yon decide to buy. Saa at Warrantor! Furniture Exchanfe. pt. l»-tfc WANTED WANTED*— FALL CLEAN-UPS on yards, raking, edging beds, pruning, ate. Two yaara experience. Co i$ act, Davis Ball, tel. 257-2212. Dec. 10-pd. WANTED LARGE TRACTS OF timbered land . In Halifax, Warren or Franklin Counties. Write P. O. Boi 2573, Raleigh, N. C. 27609. J5®et. 8-Dec. Sl-c » OPPORTUNITIES POSITIONS OPEN rOR REGj lstered and practical nurses other employees. Apply to Plnecrest Manor Nursing Home, office hours 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. on Thursdays only. 176 Beckford Ave'., Henderson, phone 492-0001. Dec. 10rl7-C WILL DO SEWING OF ALL types in my homo. Call 2574009. Mrs. Eurane Must Ian Route 2, Norllna. Dec. 3-10-c AVON CALLING- GIVE YOURself and your loved ones a big Christmas this year with your AVON earnings. Call now — 442-38(8 collect. Oct. 22-tfc FOR SALE ' FOR SALE 1966 FORD EgodoIIm Super Van, exc. ' lr'tb' 11 passengers. T. C. Satterwhite, phone 257-3742. Dec. 10-c FOR SALE- 1 MINI BIKE, like new $100.00 cub. Call 297-4351. ' Dec. 10-c FOR SALE - HONDA MINITrall, 1970, orange, ridden less than 75 miles, like new. Cost with helmet $292.50. Sacrifice for $220.00. Knight's Appliance A T.V. Center, Norllna, N. C. 4565561. Dec. 10-pd. FOR SALE-ONE ELECTRIC guitar and amplifier - slightly used - call 257-3425 or write William Thomas Hardy, P. O. Box 54, Warrenton, N. C. 27569. Dec. 10-17-pd. FOR SALE- HEATER WOOD, any length. Big truck load, $18.00. Phone 257-3447. Dec. 10-tfc ESPECIALLY FOR VINYL AND other floors known as Seal Gloss acrylic finish. R'a terrific. Warrenton Furniture Exchange. Dec. 10-c FOR BETTER CLEANING, TO keep colors gleaming, use Blue Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent electric ahampooer $1. Warrenton Furniture Exchance. Dec. 10-c FOR SALE - EIGHT ROOM house located In Norllna, near school. Priced to selL Contact O. T. Blanks, Broker. TOL 257-4619 day or 2873547 night. Oct 15-tfc FOB SALS- BEAUTIFUL I room apUt-Uvel home: 3 badrooms, > full baths, living room, dinlnf room, kitchen with GC rtnd, family room, recreation room In basement. Electric teat, 2 fireplaces, landecipod lot withfniIt trees I and iwrmamatlMRk DanM's| Real Estate: Leonard S. Daniel: Call: Day 267-3145; Nlte: »87-W17. Sept. 3- tfc FOB SALS-TRACTOR TRAIL*T, elottea line pola. Hay also | tor Ml*. T. R. Paynter, Mil. tn-mn. Jane lt-10 feat to the beginning, containing one acre, and being the Identical parcel of land which was conveyed by Henry B. Bender et ux to David J. Bender et ux by deed dated September 7, 1965, recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, North Carolina, In Book 222, Page 235, reference to which la hereby made for other and further description and source and chain at title. This being a resale, the bidding will begin at *14,150.40. Five percent (5%) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the trustee pending confirmation at the sale. Dated this 20 day of November, 1970. JAMES O. BUCHANAN, Trustee Dec. 3-lO-c EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE In The General Court of Justice jBBKUBfcn Warren County Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Frank P. Hunter of Warren County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Prank P. Hunter to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the SO day of November, 1970. OLA S. HUNTER, Eaacutrlx of the Estate of Frank P. Hunter. BANZET AND BANZET Attorney. Dec. 3-M-c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE North Carolina Warren County Having qualified as Executor of the estateofEarlieW.ShearIn erf Warren County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said EarlieW. ShearIn to present them to the undersigned within • months from »c. 10-c NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE North Carolina War ran county Under and by vlrtua of the power at a ale contained In a certain deed of truat, executed by Qeorce Davla and hie wife, Katharine (alao Catherine), dated the 27th day of September, 1982, and recorded In Book 211, Page 28, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Warrenton, North Carolina, at 12 noon on the 5th day of January, 1971, the property conveyed In said deed of trust, the same lying and txtlng in Warren County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of the Ebony, Va., to Elams, N. C. public road, corner with F. L. Hicks, thence due South by an iron stake at the edge of the right of way of said road 210 feet to an Iron stake in the line of the heirs of Samuel Williams; thence N 59 30 E 105 feet to an Iron stake, a new corner with the heirs of Samuel Williams; thence due North 210 feet to an Iron stake in the center of said road; thence S 59 30 W 105 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.44 acres, . more or less, according to survey of J. L. Lynch, Certified Land Surveyor, of 27 January 1960, and being a part of that land described in that deed to _ Samuel WUUamft feporded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County in Book 182, page 141 the grantors herein being all the heirs at law of the said Samuel Williams who died intestate. Reference Is here made to deed from Goldle Williams et als., to George Davis and {Catherine Davis, his wife, recorded In Book 210 at page 52, Office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, North Carolina, for greater certainty of description. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes. This the 2nd day of December, 1970. ROY M. BOOTH Trustee BOOTH, FISH L ADAMS Attorneys at Law Edge worth Building Greensboro, N. C. 27402 Dec. 10-31-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment in the District Court Division at the General court of Justice of Warren County entered In'an act too therein pending entitled "Warren County vs. James Marrow and others," the undersigned Commissioner will oo thfc 11th day of December , 1970, at lltlO o'clock A. M. at the Courthouse Door of Warren County In Warrenton, N. C„ sell to the higheat bidder for cash lnfee simple that real estate In Warren County, North Carolina, described as followsi That real property In Warronton Township described in a deed to James Marrow and wife, Elsie Marrow from W. A. Qulsenberry et ua dated June IS, 1990, recorded in Book 143, Page 196, Warren County Registry, to which reference |s had as a part M the description of this property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of his bid The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of the date of the above mentioned judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court. :v'j This 10th day of November, 1S70. J. H. LI14ER Commissioner Not. 19-Dec. 10-e NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a How To Have A Merrier Christmas By MRS. PAVID PROCTOR Conservation Chairman Warren ton Junior Woman's Club Remember these safety hints In planning your Christmas decorations: Use only electrical equipment approved by Underwriter's laboratories. Keep all cords out of traffic areas. Use only fire proof decorations. Turn off tree lights before leaving the house or retiring for the night. Check tree from time to time; If foliage Is brown, relocate lights. Use a ladder to reach high places on the tree. Check all strings of lights. Do not use any that have chipped, frayed or damaged sockets, cords or wires. Water the tree before needles dry. Do not use candles near tree or flammable material. Locate tree away from heat source to prevent drying. Use only spot or flood lights on metallic trees. Do not leave any empty sockets tor fingers or decorative materials to get into. Do not overload circuits. Keep waste basket handy for disposal of gift wrapping. Use only weatherproof cords and lights outdoors. Keep all connections above wet ground. Make connections watertight by winding with electrical tape Q.r covering with plastic or rubber film securely bound by electrician's tape. NOTICE Tbe following resolution was passed by the Warren County Board of Commissioners In regular session on Monday, Dec. 7: On motion of Com. Skinner, which was seconded by Com. Jones and duly carried, the following resolution was passed: RESOLVED that commencing January, 1971, the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Warren County shall be held in the Courthouse on the First Monday of each month. FURTHER RESOLVED that notice of said proposed change In said meeting day be published for one week In The Warren Record and Tbe Littleton Observer, and that a copy of this Resolution be posted on tbe Courthouse Bulletin Board by the Clerk to the Board. Dec. 10-c of Justice of Warren County entered In an action therein pending entitled "County of Warren vs. Charles E. Jones and others", the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of December, 1070, at 11:20 o'clock A. M., at the Courthouse Door of Warren County In Warrenton, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash in fee simple that real estate in Warren County, North Carlina, described as follows: Being that real property composed at six acres in Sandy Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina on the Milford Road described in a Commissioner's Report partitioning land of which said six acres were allotted to Charles I. Jones by W. M. Fleming, Commissioner etal, dated September 24, I960, recorded in Book SOS, Pace 390, Warren County Public Registry to which reference la had and made as a part of the description of said property. The successful bidder at said sale shall be required to make a cash deposit equal to five per cent (5%) of tils bid. The sale of said property shall be subject only to taxes, the amount of which were not definitely determined as of Uw date of the above mentioned Judgment. This sale will be subject to confirmation by the Court TMs 10th day of November, mo. Easy To Make Movable Walls RALEIGH- Need a movable wall? Mrs. Edith Mcdamery, extension bouse' furnishings specialist, North Carolina State University, says a few yards of brightly colored fabric can be used to create walls, hide eyescores and divide space. Fabric hangings are used for architectural effects In place of permanent, rigid walls and doors, she adds. A boon to the budget-mlnded, they are easy to put ig>, take down and keep clean. To hide unfinished walls In an attic room, you can use hangings made of a colorful print. Or you can create a separate dining space in a small apartment by stretching panels of fabric across the celling. A room shared by two children can be divided by hinging fabrics, perhaps in an awning stripe, from the cellingon drapery rods. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES IN TOWN SEE US Satterwhites HENDERSON, N. C. Congressman L.H. FOUNTAIN Reports TO THE PEOPLE 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. Through many decade* of strife •nd turmoil, the Statue of Llb'rt'h«s *ood In New York Harbor as a symbol of freedom to the downtrodded and oppressed peoples of the world—a beacon of liberty. tescrlbed on this magnificent statue s base are these words: •Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yea£w to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.'1 Those words from the pen of Emma Lazarus came sharply to my mind as the confused and deplorable story of the Lithuanian seaman, who sought and was denied freedom from Russian bondage, came to light. We don't even know for sure the full name of this "tired " homeless" man who yearned to breathe the precious air of freedom - reportedly it's "Slmas Ionovlch Kudlrka" but we do know that he desperately wanted such an opportunity. He wanted it enough to risk his life t0 get it. He wanted freedom from the unbelievably harsh oppression and regimentation of his native land, Lithuania, which Is now under Russian control. But American officials refused him this chance and that refusal may cost him his life ' Slmas," the Lithuanian seaman, is reported to have hewed and pleaded and to have even prayed to American citizens for safety aboard the American ship. Hls pleas and Prayers having been Ignored, he was forcibly taken from our ship after a bloody beating by his Communist fellow seamen. It's completely understandable why anyone from a captive nation would want to escape to freedom In America. But, it's hard to understand why the United States Coast Guard ud State Department, apparently after„houM of i**,. cislon, would allow Russians -to h^.fd 0ne of our ships, to bad,,, beat and drag back Into human bondage a man whose hopes and dreams " freedom from tyranny had seemingly been achieved. I m told that the Coast Guard * flne distinction In deciding not to give him protection; that if he had jumped Into the water first and had been c^ntr0m the water' then the Coast Guard would have given him sanctuary. winn' "If eV6Dts aeld0m develop neatly and the man did not Jump into the water, jnSSeiv ?lmPly ^Ped-des£t 0/ L,JUmPed ~ ,crM« ten feet of open water from the Rus OXFORD LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Oxford, North Carolina CERTIFIED LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY 1:00 P.M. Oomm 5%, Maximum 8.00 par Hd. Top Hoes 1.00 Par Hd., 1/S% Yanlagr I OS i AS.U OK HAULING SERVICE Phone 693-361* MONDAY thru FRIDAY Checks from sal as can ba pick ad up or will ba nulled on data of sale. North Carolina's Fastest Growing Certified Livestock Auction Market. Better Price* TJbrovfh Cost pet ff/ve Bidding Toar IwImu U AmooIiM stan ship to ours. Since he did not get his feet wet1, he soon found himself back In captivity again. Mind you, all of this took place In American territorial waters—leas than three miles from land. We're told that a meeting on fishing problems was being held with the Russians and thai the Coast Guard ship and the Russian ship were tied up together. The meeting was reportedly held because Russian flahermeh In Increasing numbers are poaching In American fishing grounds on the high seas. Nevertheless, this unusual meeting brings to mind questions about the basic wisdom of allowing negotiations to be conducted with the devious Russians in such an offhand and casual manner. But, be that as U may, the ships were moored together and the man did ask for asylum after notifying a member of the Coast Guard beforehand that he was going to attempt escape. Regrettably, it's entirely too late to do anything to help this unfortunate man. He is once again firmly In the bands of his Russian slavemasters and they'll never let him go. Unquestionably, he faces a sad fate. I am happy that the Administration has now taken stepsbelated though they may be— to develop proper policies so that American officials will act with more wisdom and humanity and Justice when the next Refugee case arises. We should not callously refvse political asylum to those pitifully few victims who are able to successfully make their way to freedom from Communist lands. PAYNTER'S Portable & Acetylene WELDING You Name it -We Can Weld it! LOGGING EQUIPMENT CUSTOM BUILT TRAILERS FARM EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND PAINTING CLOTHES LINES GARBAGE CAN RACKS See us for irrigation pipe repairs, general repair work & certified welding WE BUILD, BUY, SB LL * TRADR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 297-4687 NIGHTS 257-2160 PAYNTER'S WELDING SHOP Highway 401 Aftoa, n. C. r Special Concern Over Number Killed RALEIGH—Motor Vehicles Commissioner Jo* W. Garrett today expressed "special concern" over the hlgti percent •Co °f young people killed on North Carolina highways during the past weekend. Garrett said that between 8:00 p. m. Friday and midnight Sunday, a total of 11 fatalities were reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Only two of those were above the age of 19. All died In singlecar crashes and high speed was definitely a factor In at least four of the teenage deaths. Two youths died when struck by a train and one rode his bicycle Into the path of an automobile. "Any highway death Is tragic," the Commissioner said, "but the needless death of these young people Is particularly tragic. It is a great personal loss tor the Individual and their families and friends. It Is also a great social loss. Society has Invested heavily In these young people—spent thousands of dollars on their education to insure long, productive lives — only to have this great potential vanish in one moment of carelessness." "As we enter the holiday season, a vacation period for many students," Garrett continued, "we also enter a season when spirits are running high and when a higher percentage of our youngsters will be driving more than normally. I want to make a special appeal to them to drive with particular care. You prove nothing but your immaturity when you operate a car In a careless or unlawful manner. Please slow it down and live." Food prices rose less than three-fourths as much as all other consumer goods in the past ten years according to the latest reports from the USDA. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG wnx a UP HI 579 PORTABLE 95 *ITH CARRYING CASE CASV (UOQCT Tf RMS DCMOMSTRATION . NO OBLIGATION Warrenton Furniture Exc. Warrenton, N. C. 1 ATTENTION FARMERS You get substantial savings on Property Fire Insurance when you INSURE with— Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association W. J. Heckt, Pre*. W. K. Drake, Sec. * Treas. >97-3370 - Taylor Bids. VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM Sfl THE 1971 MOOE1S Plymottfh-Valianf-Chrysler ELLIS MOTOR CO., Inc. HINDIKSON, N. C. i . I NOW OPEN TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! NORTH HENDERSON BRANCH UST CO HKNDERSON, N Locattd US Business 1 North At Offering Full Bonking , Chocking, Loons, Insurance, Night Dopos