Dear Santa: I would like for you to bring me lots of food stamps and some aid checks U you have some to spare. I worked hard for many year* like every good American boy should but, somehow, what I saved doesn't go very far any more. There seem to be too many hands in Uncle Sam's pot these days. HUGH W. HOLT Warrenton, N. C. Route 2, Dec. 16, 1970 Dear Santa: 1 am a little boy, three years old. I have tried to be very food this year. I share my toys with my friend, Troy. For Christmas I want a bicycle, a "pick-up dirt" truck, and a doll baby that says, "Mommy, I don't want to go night-night." lhad atttthday partyoaDec. 5, ao Mommy hU I could Ml have a lot of fcoya. Hows; doaan't Ilk* tWolkgft la the living room, ao kMp them all together, pieaae. taw, JAY CARTER Dae. 14, 1970 Warreatoo, H. C. Dear Santa Claua, I am aevea years old and la the aacond grade at Maooo. I Ilka my '.eacher, Mrs. Draka, vary much. My raport card waa good. Please bring ma aBaby-GoBye-Bye, a at roller, a watch and some games. Don't forget all the children In my class and also lira. Haynes, the principal at Macon. Love, BETH FHAZIER Dec. 14, 1970 War rent on, N.C. Dear Santa daus, I am a little boy three years old. I have three sisters. Pleaae bring me a tractor, a combine, a Big Wheels and anything elae you want to give me. I have been as good as little boys usually are this year. Love, HEATH FRAZER Dm. 14, 1070 War ronton, N. C. Dear Santa Clans, My name 1» Robin. I am almost four years old. My big sister plays basketball for Hawkins. Please brine me Baby Tender Love, a carriage, a tea set and a nice surprise. I have been a smart girl. Love, ROBIN FRAZDER Vaughan, N. C. Box 134 Dec. 15, 1970 Dear Santa: How are you today? Please bring me a snow sled, skates, a talking telephone, a transistor radio and a walking doll. Thank you for the nice things you brought me last year. I hope you will have a nice trip back to the North Pole. Your friend, BRAVE TTA WATSON Norllna, N. C. Dec. 14, 1970 Dear Santa dsns: 1 am a little girl, four years old. I have been a good girl. Please bring me a Peggy Pen Pal Doll, doll Ugh chair aad anything else you have for a good little girt. Love, TRACEY HOLTZMAN Dear Santa CUusj Please bring me a teat, John West Crazy Car, and Indian bedroom shoes. I have been a good boy. Don't forget my sisters. DAVID LEWIS PASCHALL Dear Santa Clans: I want a Baby Tender Love, a typewriter and a Barbie case and clothes. I have been a food girl. Love, DONNA PA8CHALL SHARON'S CHRISTMAS LBT Becord player, records, record holder, glass horses, vetch, stapler, skates, agreensoarf. I Dear Santa: My nam* U John McRaa Pttchford, jr. I am ftoa yaara old.I have alittle four-monthold alitor nam ad Kelly Mania. I would Ilka tor yon to brine ma a record player, a Bit Wheel, a cowboy auit, hat, boote, guna and (tow, a bicycle and ton tot-wheel car a, I would like tor you to bring Kelly a doll I a Winnie the Poo er. I have been a food boy. JOHN Box 1SS, Norllna, N.CNot M, 1970 Dear Santa, I am 2 l/t years old. ! bring ma a helicopter, truck, and a train. llove you. «a a Hjroo Knit orllna, N.C. Not. SO, 1S70 Dear Santa, I don't care what I pt tor Chrlatmaa, but there are three Hi Elastic Bubble Plaatle. Lora, ANOTHER HAYIS I low you Santa and 111 be looking tor you oo (VWau Mt TEKKI wrwinrwrai Dtir I am a little girl three yeara o4 a«i. My name is Jerry. I try to be food. Will you pteaaa bring ma a baby doll, carrlaca, atova, refrigerator and a dishwasher and clothes tor my doU. I have a little Bister named Janaltor. She la 17 months at ace. Bring her a baby doll and tea aat, table and chairs. We will be good little girls and share our toys. Be good to all gliis and boys for we all love you. Marry Christmas to you and your helpers. JERRY CARROLL, Warrenton, N. C. Norllna, N. C. Dear Santa, I am a little girl in a bousefull of boys but I try to be good most of the time. We have a lot of fun so bring me something we can play with. I do want a "Cissy" doll that grows hair. Don't forget my sister, Rita, and my big brother, Bobby. Love, TAMMY RIVERS P. S. I will have some Pepsi and lots of pie for you to eat. Wise, N. P. Dear Santa, I am three years old and have been a very good little boy. I want you to bring me a big truck and some race cars, too. Bring my brother, Tim, something, too. Love, MASK WOODY Wise, N. C. Dear Santa, I am three years old and have been sick. My daddy has been sick, too, so I won't ask tor much. I want some race cars, and bring my brothers, Randy and Tommy, a race track. Love, PAUL CLARK Wise, N. C. Dear Santa, I am 10 years old and am m exceptionally little boy, at least "Lane" thinks so. just being me something that makes a noise and 1 will be happy. Love, TOMMY WHITE Dear Santa, 1 am a little girl, 21 months at age. My name Is Pamela Dlanne (Pam, for short)^>lease bring me a table and chair, teaaet, stove, sink, refrigerator, baby doll and baby bed. I have four slaters, Janet, Annette, Karln, and Lynette. Please good to them, old Santa, for they have been good girls and have helped my mother all the year. Love, PAMELA VAUGHAN Nor Una, N. C. P. 8. Merry Christmas, Santa. Anti-Poverty Agency To Held Public Meeting HENDERSON- Franklin Vance-Warren Opportunity, the local antl-povarty agency, will hold a public hearing on Its plans and priorities for the ant three years Thar ad ay, December 17, at the Vance Comty Office a Building at 7:30 p. m. At this meeting the Board of Directors will act upon Its plans and priorities. The landing document prepared by the atatt proposes efforts to alter the basic economic structure of the area by seeking to farther Industrialisation. suggests that opportunity for upward mobility ofthe poor may be created. Noting Immediate needs In basic areas, the document slso proposed to mobilise community, state, and Federal resources to aid the poor In tbe areas at mrtrttton, housing, l.H. FOUNTAI -v v«. *»*. *>'■ \ - A--t : J** •wry cooaumer. $1 out of « very $3 or |4 each of us spends lor medicine goea for advertising in one form or another. That's why the Government Operations Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Itel attorn, which I serve as Chairman, keeps a close check on the way In which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Is administering the law. Unfortunately, our most recant Investigation revealed that FDA's regulstton at prescription drug advertising Is considerably less affective than it should be. And, It Isn't pleasant to have to publicize such inefficiency — Generally speaking FDA does a good Job, but public exposure of bureaucratic mistakes like Congressional ones Is often the only way to get corrective action. It ia Imperative that drug advertising be absolutely honest and tactual. The good health and even the lives of millions of people are at stake. And, it must be remembered, that prescription drug advertising is different because It is primarily directed at doctors - not those who take the drugs. As the late Sen. Estes Kefauver put U: "He who orders does not buy; and he who buys does not order." Consequently, If our doctors are misinformed by improper drug advertising, whether Intentionally or unintentionally, the results can be catastrophic. Drug advertising is big business In America. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year tor ads In medical Journals and magazines, direct mall, movies, samples, printed reports, symposia and tor detail men, who call on doctors to promote drug brands. With so much advertising activity there are many opportunities for mistakes and sometimes exaggeration by over-enthused promotion agents. The FDA must be continually on the alert. However, our Investigation revealed many inconsistent FDA actions in correcting or failing to correct misleading flfjg Qr-nni ttmnfl tbev reoulxtd j i ^ ' V T ■ " ' corrections to be run; sometimes they did not, even though the cases were similar. Other times they merely wrote letters asking that the offending ad not be run again and on occasion they failed to even write letters for similar offenses. An Illustration of poor handling by FDA Is pointed out In a report Just Issued by the Subcommittee I head through our parent Government Operations Committee. S says: "A recent example Is FDA's re quest on Sept. 24, 1970 to Sandoe Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of Se rent 11, that It stop advertising the drug as a t raiment for alcoholism. FDA'a totter alleged that the ad falsely and mlslendingly represented or suggested that Serentfl "diminishes the need for drink" and is useful as a prophylaxis against or treatment for alcoholism. "Complicating FDA's objection to the ad Is the approved claim in the first paragraph of the package insert stating the drug is effective in the treatment of alcoholism (among Many other conditions). Elsewhere In the "indications" Insert, the claim is modified to limit one to the amellorrfkm of anxiety, tension, depression, nausea, and vomiting In acute and chronic alcoholics." medical service, recreation and the problems of the aged. Continued efforts at community organisation and development are proponed as a communication means as wall as a way community residents may work together to solve some of their own problems. A specialist la a man who has trained his patlenta to become ill doing office hoar a. FOR BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD HEALTH CARE PLAN •• - CALL Off WRITE FARM BUREAU AGENT I .• y > . ' WADE SHORT BOX 584 WARRENTON, N. C. 27569 PHONE 2574305 I » ad VM stopped. Bat the FDA not only failed to require Utat another ad be published to correct the false one, but also failed to require that the correct information be transmitted to prescribing physicians by other means. FDA did not more than this, because U had carelessly approved the false labeling claim In the first place. This was a serious case and if, In the future, FDA takes no more effective action than this, then It's unlikely that any lasting Improvement at prescription drug advertising will be achieved. Unquestionably, FDA ought to set up clear and consistent guidelines for the benefit of our prescription drug manufacturers, who, by and large, do a commendable Job. In addition, FDA enforcement policies should be justly and uniformly administered. These and other related actions must be takgn, and our subcommittee Intends to maintain surveillance topee that this is done. The healUi and wellbeing of every memtoepof every home,depends upon tfatftfuldrug advertising. Id tllfw Warren School Menus, iSffW NORTH IAMEN do ^Ik^' «U»*«MSa^|Uld»Tuaatfay - Turkey drtaslnc, gravy, oranberry fm, gardai»>e*e; candkKS y^s, rolls, milk. ' ' * Wednesday - Vegetable Sbup, sandwlcbe s, orange halves, cake .squares. ' NpRTHSIDE Holiday Sausage patties, buttered corn, green beans, hot roils, butter, peach cobbler, milk- v Tuesday - Fried chicken, garden peas, pweet potato fluff, cranberry jelly, hot biscuits, batter, ambrosia, milk. JOHFI GRAHAM Monday - Sausage patties, grits, steamed cabbage, *>ple sauce, hot biscuit, butter, milk. Tuesday - Turkey, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, stringbeans, candied yams, milk, butter. \: 'i-y-'-' ~i%-' ' 'I " SOUTH WARREN Monday - Barbecued,, pork, steamed cabbage, beets,rolls, butter, prunes, milk. Tuesday - Baked tufifpy, dressing and graipr, tpoen beans, orange halves, pineapple cake, rolls, butter, milk. NOKLJNA Monday - Hot doo.^aoot gjg. chocolate,^*, Tuesday — Turkey, dressing, gravy, Jmm, cranberry sauce, to* cream and oocBUs, rolls, mUk. * Warren Student Is Honored At Reception GREENSBORO—Ona War ran County student was among the 170 sophomore scholars honored at a special recaption on campus Dec. 9attt'C University of North Carolina at Greensboro. J She is Miss Gwendolyn Y. Davis, daughter of Mr. 4Pd Mrs. George Friday Davif of Rt. 2, Box 1W, Norlina. w The purpose of the reoaption was to acknowtsofa outstanding scholarship by the students and to give them an opportunity to talk informally with various faculty members about areas of study In which they have an interest. • • KOREAN RULE Mothers in Korea tell ti^lr small sons that if they persist in holding their chopsticks In the middle when eating, they.r^ill grow up to marry ugly girls, (ha National Georgraphic Society says.