The tender* Printing Oo. too. P. 0. Box 1756, Louisville l,Iy. 4JBw 1 * * *!" . J . WIRmirfi i Wn r SI ' 'WSj ? "•*' ■■ ■' J *r5A,y:,'5-v>--" VOLUME 74 Sebecription: $3.00 A Year; $4.00 Oat Of State, 10* Per Copy fARRENTON, COUNTY OF VARREN, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1970 NUMBER S3 F re Ida Htght and Kathy Hlght are shown holding gifts with George BurweU. Warrenton Rotarians Hold Children's Niaht The Warrenton Rotary Club held Its annual Children's Night on Tuesday evening of last week at the Lions Den. Sixty Rotarlans, children and guests were In attendance. The highlight of the evening was the program by Magician Bill Tadlock and his wife, Sally, of Rocky Mount. The children were treated to a spaghetti dinner followed by ice cream and fortune cookies. At each place setting were favors from the Citizens Bank and Rotary Club. Under, the Christmas tree- were individual presents for the children from the Rotarlans who lnvitt d them. Guests of the Rotarlans, in addition to their own children, weri the following: Mary Lou Traylor and Owen Mitchell, guests of Sam Massey; Paylor Sprulll, guest of Pett Boyd; Alice and Susan Dry den, Eleanor Davis and Barry Shields, guests of Robert Orvls: Everette Elam, Jimmy Hawks and Neblett Bullock, guests of Tom Holt; Kearny Davis, Herbert Thompson and Andrea Thompson, guests of Jim Kerr; Charlie Coffman, guest of J. B. Thompson; Dlanne Brooks, guest of Dr. Bunch; Fern Bugg, guest of Will Fowler; Frelda and Kalhy Hight, guests of George Bur we 11; Richard Blankenshlp, guest of Hugh Holt; Linda Bobbltt, guest of Bill Delbrldge; Jules Banzet and little Jules, guests of Charles JOhnson. Rising Cost Of Living Affects Warren Citizens NEW YORK—to wnai extern has the rising cost of living affected residents of Warren County? How much income does a local family have to have these days to equal the purchasing power it had four years ago? Considerably more, according to data obtained from the Department of Labor, the National Industrial Conference Board and others, m the fouryear period, they show, the cost of the standard market basket of goods and services has gone up nearly 22 percent. The rise this year was a record-breaker, about 7.1 percent, according to preliminary figures. It topped the 1969 increase of 6.S percent, the 1908, hike of 4.9 percent and the 3.2 percent rise recorded in 1967. Because of the erosion in the value of the dollar, the average Warren County family finds Decorations Contest Winners Announced Winners in the annual Christmas Decorations contest, sponsored by the Warrenton Lions dub, were announced Tuesday morning as follows: Outside decorations — The 9tv. and Mrs. Robert W. Orvis, first prize; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Drake, second prize. bistde decorations as viewed from the outside—Mr. and Mrs. H. V. MassengUl, first prize; Mr. writ Mrs. N. M. Millard, second prise. Judging was by out-of-town judges who used a point system. mar 11 taxes nearly 9a now to buy the same amount of goods and services that could have been obtained tor $4 In 1966. Specifically, for the family that had an Income of $5,000 four years ago, approximately $6,080 would be required today. Those that had $6,500 available to them at that time need $7,900 now. Families that were in the $7,500 bracket have to have $9,100 currently and those at the $10,000 level, nearly $12,200. As a result, for the unemployed and for those who are living on fixed incomes, the (See COST, page 3) Thieves Break In Ltcal Radio Station Local officers are investigating the break-In of Warrenton's Radio Station WARR around 2 o'clock on Wednesday morning of last week. Two or more thelves entered the station office through a window and stole around $30 In cash and $6.00 in stamps. Tbey emptied the files, drawers and record files and cut off the teletype system. They also ate peanuts and soft drinks found in the office. IONS AWARD Mr. and Mrs. c, B. Curtis have been notified by Joseph V. Goldback, president of the National Bank of St. Petersburg, FU , that their daughter, Mrs. Sandra Pearoe has woo the President's Award tor 1170 from the bank. Decorations Contest Winners Are Announced Winneri of tin 18T0 Home Cferlatmas Decoration* contest sponsored annually by the Town H Country Garden Club war* aamed on Mooter of thU Mrs. Jerome E. Branch*, OoUaf* Street, has been awarded the prlte tor th* ^*at outdoor decorations and Mrs. t Henry H. Green, at WarrentonNorlina Moid, th* prtas tor ta* * •. beat Inside dscorrfloos that could be rtswad from th* outNamed tor honorable menlilif i'h, ' , - •• ' if: JS. tlon by the Judgea wars Mrs. James Oopeland, Macon Rd.; Mrs. Jethro Turner, Baltimore Rd., Mrs. Mary Alston, Wast Franklin Street; Mrs. John Harris, Jr., Bote Street, Mrs. George Burton att the Macon BtL, and Mrs. Jtobart Green off the Macon RdMrs. B. w. Harris, pre aidant, wishes to publicly thank men uOMuimar who displayed Christmas decorations sad helped tomato War rentoo more beautiful during the yuletkto V . I "a * * • • • • BUI Tadlock, left, is shown performing rope trick with Owen Mitchell at Rotary Club's Children's Night. Shown above are Herbert Thompson, Robert Or vis, Andrea Thompson. Becky Williams Susan Dryden, Alice Dryden, Selby Benton, Tony Delbrldge Shown above are Sam Massey, Owen Mitchell, Linda Bobbltt, Lisa Delbrldge, Kathy Might, George Burwell and Frelda Hlght. in the [MEW YEAtFB *W« heartily wish that this New Year bring* to all of us the abidini love and understanding that lead* Thanh you, our loyal cuatomere for a truly wonderful year. VtstrYHto Are Elected At Emnuivel Episcopal Church Three vestrymen were elected for three-year term* at an Emmanuel Episcopal Church congregational meeting an Sinday morning, Dec. 27. They were John G. Mitchell, who succeeds Gordon Polndex tor} Laurie P. Beddoa, wtoo succeads Mrs. Boyd Davti; and Whttmel S. Pacplas, who succeeds Mm. Junes l*,I ■ Jumi T. Kerr *u re-n ad Senior Warden by the rector, the Rtr. Robert W. or vis, who . : atoo presided over the meetin(. Alban C. Fair was alao raateetad Junior Wanton. Othar vWKrymen am Arthur 3. Williams, Benjarata t. Tarrall, Duke Jones and J. shipp MoCarraU. • vM • Two Killed In Warren Accident A Pennsylvania man and a two-month-old baby riding in his car were killed early Christmas morning on Interstate 85 five miles south of t!)e Virginia line In Warren County. The highway patrol said the car driven by Sidney Steele, 23, of Sharon Hills, Pa., was traveling at high speed when a tire blew out. The car left the highway and overturned several times. Also killed was Dlanne Moore, 2, of Philadelphia. Three others were Injured In the crash. L. A. Fowler Dies At Local Hospital Sunday Lucian A. Fowler, well known farmer and resident of the Inez community for many years, died Sunday, Dec. 27, at Warren General Hospital where he had been a patient for several months. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at Shady Grove Methodist Church in Inez bythe pastor, the Rev. William Haas, assisted by the Rev. Ben Clark, pastor of the Inez Baptist Church. Burial was In the family plot near his home. Mr. Fowler was the son of the late Elbert and Tabetha Cooper Fowler of Knox County, Tenn. He came to North Carolina as a young man and married Maud Connell who died In 1944. He was active in his home church having served as Sunday School superintendent, adult teacher and lay reader. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Thais McClung Fowler, formerly of Mt. Lookout, W. Va., and two sons, Martin and James, of the home. ii MAKES DEAN'S LIST Alfred J, Ellington, in, son of Alfred Ellington, Jr., of Warrenton, made the Dean's List at W. W. Holding Technical Institute at Raleigh for the fall quarter of work. Miss Betsy Taylor of Orlando, Fla., spent several days here last week with Misses {Catherine and Nonle Taylor. Criminal Court Term » To Convene On Jan. 4 Four murder cases and one manslaughter case are on the docket for the criminal term of Warren County Superior Court which will convene on Monday morning; with Judge Maurice E. Braswell of Fayettevllle presiding. Cases are docketed through Wednesday, Jan. 6, as follows: Monday - Herley Flnnell Moss, speeding 110 miles per hour In a 55 mph zone; Joseph Eddie Alston, forcible entry and assault with Intent to commit rape; James Alfred Fields, drunk driving; Larry Alonzo Jordan, reckless driving and speeding 85 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone; Charles Cheek, carrying concealed weapon, public drunkenness, and resisting arrest; Charles Hargrove, forgery; Douglas McArthur Burnette, drunk driving, driving while license revoked, and transporting taxpald whiskey with seal broken. Also, Zollie Wilson, murder; William N. Southerland, aiding and abetting in murder; Otis Alston, allowing drunk driving; Johnnie Black we 11, second offense of drunk driving and operating a motoc vehicle without a valid operator's license; BUlie Tucker Ayscue, speeding 130 miles per hour In a 55 mph zone; Romas McGee, Jr., possession of utensils for manufacture of Intoxicating liquor for purpose of sale, and a second offense of manufacturing non-taxpaid liquor; Eddie Holmes Williams, driving while license, revoked; Elijah Rodwell, second offense of drunk driving. Also, Martha Harrington, assault with deadly weapon; B. C. Brown, receiving stolen goods; Louran Weber, in, speeding 56 miles per hour In a 35 mph zone, and no operator's llnense; J|mtqH,enw«rdEvan», manslaughter; Alfloyd Alston, four charges of assault with a deadly weapon and one case of affray. Tuesday - Ivey Felts, second offense of public drunkenness; Lawrence Hoover Tuck, Jr., lending operator's license to another person; Edward Ernest Leonard, second offense of drunk driving; James Albert Turner, assault with deadly weapon; Joseph Perry, jr., drunk driving; Wilson Feruver Pendergrass, second offense of drunk driving; James Otis Alston, possession of utensils for manufacture of whiskey; Rose Bud Whitfield, murder; Mary Chavls Jones, murder; George Washington Bullock, murder. Wednesday — Carl Eugene Boyd, falling to reduce speed to avoid an accident; George Owen Hecht, drunk driving; Billy Ray Hill, breaking Into coin operated machine; Roy Lee Dlshman, breaking Into coin operated machine; Robert Champion, trespass; Julius L. Roberts, Jr., allowing drunk driving. jurors drawn for the term are as follows: Jurors held over from former sessions to serve at the January term are Richard John Bender, Mary Elizabeth Davis, Calvin Gardner Young, A. L. Lynch. Other jurors drawn for the term are: Helen P. Alston, Kora Grant Alston, Maxlne Drake Baxter, Durell Boyd, Walter R. Boyd, George Herbert Brown, MelvlnM.Brown, Mrs. Walker P. Bur we 11, Cynthia Matthews Capps, Larry Wayne Cheek, Grandlson Christmas, Vlrgia Thompson Coker, Lucy Ruth Coleman, Janet Paschall Connell, Thomas Grant Connell, Arch Copeland, Alston Coplln, Rubin Arch Creech, Jr., Landon C. Davis, Henry Dlckerson. Also, Charles Perry Ellington, Jr., Lucy B. Epps, C. J. Fleming, Mavis V. Fleming, John Douglass Foutz, Dorothy Dare Frazler, Aim eta Hargrove, Raymond Allen Harris, HI, Willcnon Harrison, Mrs. Mary P. Harton, G. E. Harvey, Clare Marie Hawkins. William L. Hawkins, Joseph William Hawks, Mrs. Haul L. Hlgbt, Eddie La* Howard, George B, Jones, W. C. Jones, James Jordan, jr., Edmond Kersey, William A. Kimball, Georft Willis Koonce, James E. Lee, Ma D. Martin, Geneva Christine Moody, Ruby Palmer Moore, Edward Harold Moselay, Macon Gibbons Moseley. Also, John D. Nasi, Mrs. Weston R. Northington, Wflliam V. Palmer, Jack Paschall, JOhn O. Paynter, Billy Pernell, T. H. Pettway, Blanche Josephine Plummer, Thurston H. Quinetchette, Ace Richardson, Milch E. Richardson, Alma Williams Robinson, Mary Cheek Royster, Lawrence Williams Seaman, Robert M. SOver, Mrs. J. L. Skinner, Barbara Babb Walker, Felix Morgan Williams, Peter Wilson, Harry James Young. Local Garden Club Cited For 'Outstanding Work' Mrs. E. W. Harris, president of the Town 'N Country Garden Club, left, Is shown accepting a check for $100 from Mrs. C. H. Hawkins, center, and Mrs. 8. H. Brown, right, local Delta sorors, and treasurer and secretary, respectively, of the 1971 Jabborwock Committee. Mrs. E. F. Ward of Wise, a third Delta soror from this area, was absent when the picture was made due to illness. Si WV«i»l J UWVMU Club at Warrenton was recently chosen as the recipient of the 1070 CMC Award from the Oxford - Henderson Alumnae Chapter o f the Delta Sigma Tfceta Sorority and was presented a cheek tor $100 from the sorority by Mrs. C, H. Hawkins, local soro and treasurer of tha sorority. Mrs. Hawkins told tha membars of tha dab prior to tha presentation of tha check that tha Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Is a service organisation that annually (Ives scholarship* to deserving students and civic awards to worthwhile organisations. The /own K Country Oarfon CWb was chad tor its -civic projects and programs over the past 22 years and especially tor its part 1c (pettort la the October "Aatt-MKar Month" campaign. of tftQM eloto over ub put a rears nave includes donating and planting shrubbery at John R. Hawkins School (now a Jr. High School); planting trees la the Community Center yard; donating an Incubator to tfca nursery at Warren General Hospital; clean-up campiigBs; ffltunlhg vscsnt lots; planting and maintaining a wayside garden from which flower arrangements wen donated to churches, community center and the hospital; sponsoring the Little Pans tea jr. Garden a* which had the honor of being the Or at Jr. club to re three years la succession, and sponsoring lttterbng poster or Football Fans Leave By Chartered Bas For Peach Bowl Gaiae Seventeen Warrenton football tans toft by chartered bus for Atlanta, Ga., on Tuesday moraine were to be joined by the 18th member at the party to witness the University of North Carolina and Arizona Strte play in the Peach Bowl on Wednesday night. Those In the party from War* rent on were Dawson Alston, H. w. Holt, Mrs. Junes Bullock, Mrs. Alice Jonas, Mrs. Nancy Blanksnshlp, Mrs. ElbaBaoset, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Currln, Mr. and Mrs. Whit S. Peoples, Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Mm and Mrs. man's brother, Mr. McWhorter at Washington, IX C., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BrOtoa, Mrs. W. A. MOM and Dlaon Ward. Mayor Mites, who was scheduled to make the trip, was delayed In Warranted Tuesday due to a court case manning the town and was scheduled to fly to Atlanta on Tuesday ntgtii to join the party.