1> t\ietaw Vuii ♦Jkc pitkrt fEBRUA RY (JoNTW ,, \17 9~feL /*'. Conjfwna! c*~~ «u3l«n tor Conci l«J; v n ^ c°l on i es \ 1C>* • fei. Jl : CUafcer « -fiVkt- n#f-4 |f\ a^a'insl* slaver • ■■'Treaty of Wc*4-_ fh in lifer "p wi-cJ* ftlforej Horrible sea monsters, dragons. ^Cw York 4o CnalanJ. boiling foam—that's what most peol\ ni/: 20. Morris ple, 'hoU6h, theuy WOuld find lfJhey • q • i i i r s®'le4* °»« . A NEW WORLD IS FOUND It wasn't easy. First Columbus had to persuade Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to give him money for ships. Then he had to find men to sail them. At last three little ships, the Pima, the Nina, and the Samu Maria, set sail for India After a frightening voyage land was sighted in October. 1492. How thrilled Columbus and his men were, as they claimed a little island in the West Indies for Spain! Back they sailed, accompanied by six Indians, and with tropical birds and gold. Columbus thought that he had reached India, but actually he had found a whole New World Wl NoVWxtwel lv\acon "Boci\ 4*> £i'>Vk. yfacJ^ V1S*1 served S«r» I A/"»y Acres number Can \e«i 4-tii. Vncl^J vwwv vu w.. vXx.\r«. 4t„st ot w.n.r MJUC . A-A »\oV \&«s><- VW»»!*a.\f\ Wc»uk. oC p«'1>r \o^m 4L. \tV4ed e«ct 'MS a\Off\« Ttf^e "twii\ Some ■Xn-VW.W voai. ^arr,ed \ou>€.r ^ ^ ^ f.o., UacW Were \o*\- U L l • A a.Qr«.c«.-V Ico-dtr o* 44m. KioT-Ut ot^THe liv^ or NATHANIEL ron&!(=. &£ #/L . *T rrifrA. c-k t - J U9 £>u. ftp fy <=-/*> /e (L. flll Mind a I I u i> as /a 'e s i « *J? \Or\cc)c. GtCtr ncq rs^> &. i~) PtUie: 'yp)£*2u.+C- ,,J* D.aa " ^ fiueJitukeS " 7.9? ' * L.i>* 4-Ke.tv-i Pft. A \^Vs U) i^Wvv^ cCrxc . 222 no«m+^mcv^ £+bl&ncJe< *