News & Society Items Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Carroll. Sr., spent Sunday with Mrs. Lawrence Edmonds in Rich mond. Va. Mrs. Edmonds is recuperating from surgery a few days ago. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmonds and family. Visitors in the home of Mrs. R. H. Fuller last week were Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis of Conway, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger I'urrie and Roberta of Alexandria. Va. Mrs. R. H. Fuller and Billy Fuller attended the funeral of Mr. W. J. Murray, a brother-in-' law of Mrs. Fuller's, at Hayes Rarton Church in Raleigh on Saturday. Recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Harvin at Hurnsidewere Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Thorne and Thorne of Greensboro and Mrs. W. A. Graham of Warrenton. Mrs. M. H. Long of Carv was a guest of Mrs. H. C. Montgomery and Miss Sadie Limer on Tuesday. Mrs. l.ene Powell ana children of St. Louis. Mo., were recent quests of Mr. and Mrs. .lames Wilson for several days. Mrs John Hudgins of Durham is a guest of Miss Madge Hudgins who has recently, returned home from Warren General Hospital. Miss Barbara Hudgins and John Hudgins, Jr.. of Durham were her weekend quests. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dinan of Winston Salem were her recent quests. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Neal and children have recently moved to Raleigh from Charlotte. Mrs. Sarah M. Read spent a few days last week in Roxboro with Mrs. William Bullock and is now in Lumberton with the Finlev Reads for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence We Have ICE COLD BEER C WINE SOFTORiHKSc MiXEPS lake: supplies BACON SAUSAGE MEATS FfMRMrMOffliES MILK C BREAD OPEN mJWL 7DWS MEEK /Qf *Warr»nton* Drive 'N Shop We Accept Food Stamps Stevenson and son of Hampton, Va., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stevenson. Wilton Roberts of Durham was a dinner guest of his mother. Mrs. Iola Roberts, on Sunday. Mrs. Lena Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Baskervill of South Hill visited Mrs. W. R. Baskervill on Sunday. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Davis were Miss Coco Pollard of Fayetteville and John Boyd Davis of Catesville and Kearny Davis of U.N.C. Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hunter of Charlottesville spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Motley and Rocky of Lynchburg, Va„ spent the weekend with Mrs. Mildred Shearin and Calvin Motley. Mrs. Mildred Shearin, Mrs. Lonnie Cox and Calvin Motley were recent overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Mason of Gladys. Va. Little Garden Club Has Meet The Little Garden Club met last week in the Warrenton Lion's Den at 3:30 p. m. The members present enjoyed delicious refreshments served by hostesses, Mrs. Janet Coleman and Mrs. Patsy Ann Coleman. President Katy Jones called the meeting to order and vicepresident Vivian Paynter read the club collect. Club members answered to roll call by naming their favorite wild bird. Rosa Fleming gave a winter gardening hint which reminded members to keep their house plants clean. Dust plant with a damp cloth or tiny soft brush, she suggested. She also stated that most house plants would profit from light showers under the spigot. After the regular business sessions, the members were disappointed to learn that the speaker. Judge Julius Banzet, had been unable to come due to unavoidable eiren instances. A later date for the program about birds will be announced. Birth Mr. and Mrs. William N. Guill, Jr., of 308 Mitchell St., in Hillsborough announce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Roark, on Jan. 3 in Durham County General Hospital. She is the former Brenda Roark of Virginia and the Guills are former residents of Warrenton. UDC Has Meeting With Mrs. Harris The Warren County Chapter of the U.D.C. met at the home of Mrs. A. D. Harris on Friday afternoon with Mrs. John Kerr, Jr., as eo hostess. Mrs. Thomas Ellington, president, presided. Mrs. John Kerr, Jr.. had the historical poem—a memorial to General Robert E. l