Two John Graham Students Tapped For Governor's School Lisa Bobbitt and Melissa Exum, both rising seniors at John Graham High School, have been selected to attend the Governor's School in Winston-Salem this summer for an eight-week program design ed for intellectually gifted North Carolina high school students. The program is a public experimental school operated by a board of governors under the Department of Public Instruction iof the North Carolina Board of Education. The curriculum emphasizes theory into far-ranging fields and attempts to stimulate critical inquiry and thought for the students. It is designed to play a small, but highly significant, role in preparing gifted youngsters for their future tasks of creative leader ship. Lisa, whose area of concen tration is math, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bobbitt, III, of Littleton, and Melissa, who will concentrate on natural science, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Exum of Warrenton. Joh. Adams lived lor-rer than any other President, according to World Book Encyclopedia. He died just 5 months before his 91st birth day on July 4, 1826, the same date that Thomas Jefferson died. Never store your needlework in plastic. It won't allow wool to breathe and in time it will begin to rot. NHS Happenings By DANYLUPALMER Clubs which met last week are as follows: weight lifting, French, FFA, and drama. Varsity cheerleader try-outs will be on Wednesday. Each prospect will perform by herself and with one other girl. The final decision will be announced in next week's Norlina News section. Norlina yearbooks were distributed M iday. Everyone was extremely happy with their annuals and the autographing roon began. The annual was dedicated to Mrs. Bessie Hicks for her many years of loyaltv and dedication to her work, students, and Norlina High School. Mrs. Vilma Gatling, because she has shown determination as well as dependability in her teaching ability, was chosen as the most honored teacher at N.H.S. The most appreciated teacher, Mr. Howard L. Stultz, was chosen for his hard work and devotion to the entire student body. Henderson, North Carolina iHrv TNUtSOAV! (iCftMMHt. 4 Cm M c«ptwr« rt» IlKkbur iwamp iMnittr? Imn KwHi "J0€ P4NTNU"(G) T>w tl illlW "ytj'h. |fMI trucktr » war* "IRIAKCI. iff AKft"{H») COM IMC C« thru TNWSDATI Br vet IM I nccm« IlKI li. 1*0411 t «f 1 d*"*' -|»n IM OtACON. INTII I* TKH til tiMfeftioW " OilMI if 1'»« WrtKHXt1 "TNC lITHtlt NOW INIIVIV I "TMI MANY ADVlNTUtIS Of WINNIE THI POOH 101 tilt Sh««(»l ft SAT Sornif ChAj1 "HACK ST»»T fIGMTM '»> Some members of the Junior Senior Prom Decorating Com mittee, met last Wednesday to make a few final decisions. The extra touches and placement of objects was the main subject of discussion. Later in the day, the menu was decided upon. The members of the Decorating Committee are: Mr. Cheston, Mr. Ross, Mr. Settles, Mrs. Gatling, Miss Meredith, Cindy King. Connie Montague, Danylu Palmer. Oita Cheston, Patricia Hicks, Pat Brantley, Mary Lou Traylor, Maxine Campbell, Debra Seward, Bill Bryant, Shelia Lassitar, Yolan da Jefferson, Vickie Mulchi, Buddy Faulkner, Carol Mr.ntague, Tracey Epps, Har old Montague, Robert Durham, James Greene, Sam Bender, Pamela Kersey, Barbara Dur ham, Robbie Karbas, Catherine Perry, Reginald Jordan, An drea Burnette, Holt Coleman, Tommie Craft, Wendell Terry, and Cheryl Bolton. The band will be "Power Steering." A car wash, bake sale, dance and doughnut sale have been held to help finance the 1976-77 prom. Matthew Brady, the famous Civil War photographer, took over 7,000 photos while trav eling with the Union army. Smoke Signals ttews Of Warren Academy ' Warren Academy has only one more six-week term to go! The way time has been flying it will seem like three weeks instead of six. We all look forward to the end of the school, but when it gets here, it is a sad occasion as well as a happy one. The bar-be-cue luncheon was a big success last Sunday. We know the mothers enjoyed eating out for a change. Our thanks to the parents who worked so hard on the luncheon, particularly the chairman and her committee. It takes a lot of cooperation on everyone's part to get all the work done. A special thanks to the friends and patrons who attended the luncheon. Congratulations to Charlie Currin! Charlie is one of four incoming freshmen who has been accepted in the School of Music in the Organ Department at East Carolina University in Greenville. He will be studying under Dr. E. Robert Irwin. We feel this is a great honor for Charlie because students now entering the field of music have to audition and are accepted on their ability and talent and not just because they want to go into the music field. The Beginner Day at Warren Academy on Tuesday was considered a great success by everyone involved. Everyone had a good time at the social in the kindergarten classroom. There were many activities to participate in as well as a tour of the school, grounds, and gym. There was a question and answer session pertaining to the many aspects of the school. Our thanks to the parents who took the time from their busy schedules to come and bring their children. We hope you enjoyed your visit with us! The Admirable Crichton by J. M. Barrie is one of his best known fantasy plays, and will be presented by students at Warren Academy under the direction of Mr. David Peoples. The play will be May 6, at 8 p. m. in the Warren Academy gym. The play is concerned with an aristocratic English family who revert to the state of nature when shipwrecked on a desert island. On this island they are willing slaves of their former butler, but on their return to civilization, the positions are shifted. The main characters are por trayed by Eddie Conn, John Capps, David Connell, Chip Capps, Bonnie Greer, Dean Edmonds, Katherine Brauer, Mary T. White, Jan Gardner, Laura Burrows, Mary Bunch, Gale Floyd, Harold Seaman, Vada Harris, Karen Coker and Fred Hardy. We would like to take this time to welcome Mrs. Libby Moseley back. We have missed her, and we are glad that she is with us again. Our softball and baseball teams did not defeat Halifax Academy last Friday. The teams gave it a good try, but they could not overcome the leads established near the first of the games by Halifax. Congratulations to Everette Knight on his triple! The teams played Enfield Academy, Tuesday, and we hope to be able to report two wins next week! Friday, April 29, the teams will play Hobgood Academy, and both games, softball and baseball, will be doubleheaders. We need all the support we can get so come on out and give the teams your support. This may be all the encouragement they need for wins. Good luck to both of our teams in the doubleheaders. The Warren Academy Athle tic Banquet will be Thursday, April 28, at 7 p. m. This is an event that a" of the studcuts who participate in sports look forward to all year. All of the awards will be given then, and of course, everyone is always trying to guess who will receive what award! The golf team chalked up another victory over Durham Academy and Hobgood Aca demy last Thursday. Congratu lations to Jeff Andrews for being one of the low medalists. Jeff and a visiting golfer tied for the honor with a score of 74 each. This past Monday the team lost to Ravenscroft. The match was played at North Ridge Country Club. The golf tealh played Durham Academy and Westchester Academy on the Duke Golf Course Wednes day. We hope the news next week will be of another victory for the team! Northside Elementary Patrons Hold Last PTA The Northside Elementary School P.T.A. had its final, meeting for 1976-77 school year on Monday night. The presi dent, the Rev. G. Elton Cooke, called the meeting to order, welcoming those who had come. Miss Mary Burton, P.T.A. secretary read the minutes and gave the treasurers report, the latter exemplifying a produc tive and successful year. There was no old business. New business involved two projects for the enjoyment and benefit of the students at Northside. The first item, in which all parents who were absent are urged to participate, is the Northside P.T.A. Field Day. It will be on Friday, May 27. Parents who would like to help can call the Rev. Mr. Cooke, who is coordinating the activities of the day. Plans now are as follows: Field day activities begin at 12. The children will compete in two groups: first the kinder garten and first grades will compete, and the second and thrid grades will compete. A list of competative activities will be given the teachers and they will begin practicing in their physical education pro grams. farents ana leacners wui supervise the events, with selected judges to determine the winners. There are twelve events for each group. Competition will be completed at 1:45 p. m., and refreshments will be served all children, parents and teachers. At 2 p. m. there will be an Awards Program when all winners will receive ribbons and the top two classes, one in each division, will get a trophy. The P.T.A. will sponsor the day's exercis es. The P.T.A. voted to initiate the Summer Library Program again this summer. Beginning one week after school and continuing for nine weeks, every Wednesday from 8:30 3:30 p. m., there will be a teacher to superintend and supervise reading and ths distributing of books. Because of its success last summer, it will go into effect the week after school is out. The P.T.A. will be the financial sponsor. Students can be brought for an hour to an hour and a half, to read, to see filmstrips, and to check out books. It is not an all day babysitting service. Because of the loss of twelve books during the summer session last summer, the P.T.A. voted to reimburse the Northside Library in the amount of 135 to replace lost books. As the summer program begins, parents are asked to help safeguard the books. They are valuable to the school, and should not be carelessly mis placed. Parents and children need to regard the privilege of reading books and take special care of them. The new officers for 1977-1978 were installed. Mrs. Janice Crump "took the giant step of responsibility" into the leadership role of P.T.A. president. Mr. Bill Perry was installed as vice president. Mrs. Sandra Norwood is the new secretary, who will be assisted by Mrs. Fannie Plummer, both installed. Mr. Rufus Andrews is the new treasurer. Mrs. Crump expressed appreciation for the vote of confidence and the promise for great progress in 1977-1978. Mr. H. Greene, Northside principal, expressed apprecia tion to the parents and to the officers of the P.T.A. for a good year of cooperation. An excellent film on North Carolina, secured and preview ed by Mrs. Hunter, school librarian, was viewed, with the hope of introducing possible points of interest for parents to vacation where their children would gain rich learning experiences. Refreshments were served aa parents and teachers discussed the May 27 Field Day. If moid appears on cheese in your refrigerator, just scrape it off. It ia harmless. The yearbook staff at Warren Academy dedicated its annual to Mrs. Nancy Williamx at a brief ceremony at the school Friday afternoon. Co-editor Beverly White present* Mrs. Williams with the book while other staff members look on. They are, left to right, Carolyn Keeton. Elizabeth Newman, Laura Burrows, Denise Leonard, Jan Gardner, Burgess Burrows, Mrs. Mildred Johnson, advisor, and Everette Knight. t (Stuff Photn Normalcy Returns To John Graham High By KAREN HILL1ARD Everything at John Graham is back to its usual busy schedule. Since the spring vacation many excursions and other activities have been planned. Students, as well as teachers, have begun the countdown towards the end of this school year. Mrs. V. H. Levister, Guidance Counselor, accom panied a group of seniors and the Health Careers Club members to the visitation day at Vance-Granville Community College in Henderson last Tuesday. The group toured the college, observed certain areas of interest to various indivi duals. and enjoyed refresh ments which were served for all guests. The John Graham Chorus presented a concert for the public last Sunday afternoon at Louisburg College. The Choir is working on some new music for several more performances before the end of school. Mrs. Glendora Powell directs and accompanies the choir. The Drama Llub, with the coaching of Mrs. Mary M. Jordan, is practicing for a spring production. Stay tuned for more details. Ben Howard has been making plans for his annual trip to Washington, D. C. This year the trip has been planned for April 29. Three buses, carrying approximately 125 passengers, will roll away from the JG campus quite early Friday morning. The group will be able to visit the Smithsonian Institution, the Washington Monument, the Art Museum, and the Air and Space Museum, which just opened last July. Bill Phillips, guitartst, will visit the JG campus on May 2 to render four-35 minute folk music shows for the students. This presentation is available through the North Carolina Department of Public Instruc tion. As the end of this school year draws near, the annual job of pre-registration comes also. Rising juniors and seniors at John Graham have accomplish ed the task of choosing subjects for the 1977-78 school year already. The rising sophomores from Hawkins Junior High will visit the JG campus on Friday of this week to tackle the job. The National Honor Society members at JG will assist during the day by acting as guides. Baseball has really been "hitting" it off this week. Thursday (today) the girls will play Louisburg at home and the boys will travel to Louisburg. Good luck teams!! The highlight of the season (except for Norlina-Warrenton ball games) is just around the corner. A Salute to John Graham—Hee Haw Style, with the Finale being the Woman less Wedding, will take place May 4 in the John Graham Auditorium. There will m cameo appearances by ,-everal "stars," Hee Haw cnjm-dy sketches with a .JG flair. and the wedding of Junior Sa and Lulu Roman. You «■ : want to miss thi-> hilarious event next Wednesday evei. at 8 p. m. Advance tirket are $1.50 and can be obtained a: JG "box office." Tickets at tl • door will be $2. The eve- t is sponsored bv the JG A■uiu.ii Staff. Congratulations to Lisa Bobbitt and Melissa Esum both Juniors at John who have been ho: .red b> being elected to alien, tl . Governor's School this .-,ui. : This is a great achievers at we are very proud of tin Congratulations als? to Sheryl Aycock, a Junior who has been selected atti ' Girls State thi^ v, other girls from this < o: • \ * iji be attending also. They u il it,* participating in their own government sy sler.; t>-.m w • • • they will learn how hi * l r< i-. pf government and poii'ks turn. The arrival of tin I77 edition of the Harrentoniun soon. Hang ki there student-; be patient! The fastest animal is the cheetah, which sometimes runs as fast as 65 miles, an hour.