The Public Record Warren Deed Transfers Lake Sites Development Corp, to John L. Rackley and wife, Lot 45, Section B of Quail Ridge Subdivision in Roanoke Township. T. H. Wilder and wife to Larry D. Johnson and wife, lot of Bob and Anna Lakeside Development in River Township. Eaton's Ferry Estates, Inc., to Michael W. Carver and wife, lot 451 of Eaton's Ferry Estates in River Township. Euge S. Stansbury to Tony L Martin and wife, two tracts in River Township. Philip R. Arthur and wife to William D. Scruggs and others, 1/2 undivided interest in Lot E-20 of Lake Gaston Estates in Sixpound Township. W. B. Moseley, Jr., and others to Central Development Inc., 63.74 acres in Roanoke Township. Stewart E. Rooker and wife to Thomas I. Evans and wife, certain lots in Smith Creek Township. Archie Chesley Coghill and wife to The City of Henderson, 50 acres in Warren County. Alvin P. Fleming and wife to Jesse D. Pegram, Jr., and wife, 61/100 acre in River Township. Edwin Hargrove and wife to W. G. Fowlkes and wife, 0.74 acre in Sixpound Township. F. Gordon Mabey and Joan F. Mabey to Joan F. Mabey, 0.58 acre in Roanoke Township. Lake Gaston Esta*?s, Inc., to Alexander W. Duncan and wife, lot 123 of Lake Gaston Estates in Sixpound Township. Future Industries of Hen derson, Inc., to Robert D. Perry, Sr., and wife, Lot 4 of Forest Acres in Smith Creek Township. Robert Simpson Ford and wife to William G. Reynolds and wife, Lot B-8 of Moratuck Manor Subdivision in Roanoke Township. Major High, trustee, and The Soul City Company to American National Housing Co., Inc., Lot 75, Subdivision 1 of Green Duke Village in Nutbush Township. J. H. Limer, as commissioner, to J. P. McRae and wife, 42.75 acres in River Township. Lloyd W. Newsome and wife to Horace B. Newsome and wife, certain parcel in River Township. Jennie D. Moses and husband to Ellis E. Fleming and wife, 69/100 acre in Nutbush Township. Marriage Licenses William Alonzo Jefferson, 23, black, of Henderson, to Joyce Beverly Skipwith, 22, black, of Henderson. James Henry Carroll, Jr., 23, black, of Durham, to Cheryl LaRose Cheek, 18, black, of Warrenton. Roy Lee Hendricks, 43, black, of Warrenton to Mary Louise Solomon, 28, black, of Warrenton. Michael Ray Brooks, 23, white, of Lady Smith, Va., to Sherry Laveda Chandler, 22, white, of Lady Smith, Va. Howitt Michael Carter, 22, white, of Rocky Mount, to Phyllis Ann Wilson, 17, white, of Macon. Elmer Wayne Smith, Sr., 28, white, of Warrenton, to LaWanna Joy Wardle, 43, white, of Warrenton. County 4-H Council Has Meeting Thursday ' * By SUSAN CURRIE The 4-H County Council held a meeting on Thursday, June 16 at 8 p. m. Danny Bender, president, called the meeting to order and Mr. Cheston offered a prayer. Jeffrey Bender read the minutes and gave the roll call of the county clubs. Miss Emily Ballinger and members of the flag committee presented a proposal, which was accepted, about the making of the Warren County 4-H flag. George Silver and Johnny Alston of the Soul City Recreation Department presented information about a swimming instruction program for 4-H groups. It was decided that the program would begin Tuesday, June 21. Glenn Woolard, assistant Report Received From Employees By G. W.KOONCE Extension Agent, 4-H In a letter received at the County 4-H Office, Barbara Kearney of Warrenton and Michelle Somerville of Embro, summer employees at Schaub 4-H Camp near Waynesville, sent this weekly report. Michelle and I arrived at Camp Schaub 4-H Camp at approximately 2 p. m. on Saturday, June 11. It is now 8:55 p. m. I am quite exhausted, the ride to camp was quite scenic and enlightening. The camp itself is all you said it would be. (What did I say???) Do you have a group coming up during the summer? (Answer—I hope the Haliwa 4-H Club's interest in touring Cherokee Village materializes, if so, we want to stay overnight at Schaub). Our dietitian ran out on us and there was a fire in the girl'i bath house. We were assigned cleaning duties of the facilities. We are not sure of the longevity of our jobs, but we do intend to keep the faith. Sincerely Barbara and Michelle. extension agent, gave an informative talk about 4-H Congress, which is July 25-29. Mrs. Mary Jordan, teacher at John Graham High School, gave a very enjoyable and informative program on Public Speaking. Jan Jordan, Lisa Reavis and Shirley Hudgins assisted her by presenting a skit on the do's and don'ts of Public Speaking. Mrs. Jordan gave a follow-up on the skit afterwards. Mr. Koonce discussed special interest groups in 4*-H and the meeting was adjourned. Many Attend Rites From Out Of Town Among those attending the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Alston Jenkins recently were: Miss Diane Smith, Thomas Jenkins of Hartford, Conn., Leslie Jenkins, Bennie Blount, Walter Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and La-Te-Cia, Mrs. Lena M. Steed, Roslyn and Ronald Steed, Mrs. Francis Smith and Miss Mary Smith, all of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Hodges and family, Miss Cathy Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jones, and Rufus Jones, all of Trenton, N. J.; Mrs. Norma Murphy of New York City; Previs Alston, Anthony Alston and Miss Mildred Alston of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. Annie B. Lyons of Richmond, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Barrington Henderson, Cheresa-Bernidette of Amityville, L. I., N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Alston and Darryl of Hackensack, N. J.; Anthony Alston, Jr., of Bergenfield, N. J-, Shepard Alston and Miss Lucy Townes of Patterson, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Somerville and Isaac, Jr., and Larry of Atlantic City, N. J.; Miss Connie Steed, Miss Debbie Alston and Miss Rosa Mary Alston of Durham; and Mrs. Pattie M. Tucker and Alice Tucker of Rocky Mount. District Contest To Draw Hopefuls From Local Clubs By GLENN WOOLARD Extension Agent 4-H Twenty-six Warren County 4-H members are among hundreds of 4-H'ers from 1« counties In the North Central District who will participate in the annual District 4-H Activity Day competition on June 30 at Smithfield-Selma High School. The District 4-H Activity Day is being held to select winners to vie for top honors during North Carolina 4-H Congress in July at North Carolina State University, according to Glenn E. Woolard, County 4-H Agent. Similar events are being held at six other locations in the state. The 4-H'ers will compete in some 30 events, ranging from archery, cooking, and sewing, to landscaping, automotive skill driving, crop production and soil, water and wildlife conservation. The Warren County 4-H'ers who will participate in demonstrations and their programs are: Shawn Cheston, Archery; Ben Sellers and Pamela Kersey, Automotive Skill Driving; Derrick Cheston, Beef CharGrill; Elvelon Williams, Bread; John Skinner, Tom Skinner, and Scott West, Dairy Bowl; Susan Currie, Egg Cookery; Alvelon Williams, Electric; Cynthia King, Exploring The World of Plants and Soils; Jeffrey Bender, Forestry; Robin West, Fruit and Vegetable Use; Tina Salmon, Horse; Jan Jordan, Open Class (Puppets); Angela Downey, Public Speaking; Pamela Currie, Safety; John Clark, Small Engines; and Billy King, Wildlife. Those participating in Share The Fun and their talent areas are: Tina Salmon, Pamela Currie, Susan Currie, Dancing With Puppets; Lisa Reavis, Recitation of "The Creation," and Diane Butler, Patricia Hargrove, Joanna Harrison, Darolyn. Alexander, Tina Harrison and Varnetta Har■ison, The Oine Specialist (gospel singing). Lynch Represents County At Meet On State Campus Each year the N. C. Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, N. C. Chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America and the N. C. Soil and Water Conservation Commission sponsor a Resource Conservation Workshop for high school stulents. One student from each of the 100 counties nay attend the workshop. Steve Lynch, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Ben Lynch from Vorlina, represented the barren Soil and Water Conservation District at the innual workshop held on the Y. C. State campus, June 13Fune 17. The workshop :overed subjects such as forth Carolina soils and heir management, estabishment of conservation iractices, forest managenent and many others. On Friday after a week of lasses, field trips and ntertainment, a short exmination was given on the ubjects covered. Then wards and short talks by epresentatives of cooperatfig agencies were given. The Warren Soil and ITater Conservation felt that his is one method in which tiey can effectively further tie soil and water conserveon concept by stimulating iterested young students > pursue conservation caeers, to practice good onservation measures, or > becojpe staunch advocat> of conservation. Hawkins Is Named Outstanding Pupil Anthony Tyrone Hawkins, son of Charles and Odessa Hawkins of Route 3, Littleton, received an award for best-all-around for 1976-77 in his kindergarten class at Vaughan Elementary School. Mrs. Christmas was his kindergarten teacher. Mr*. Julia Alston's New Home. Laurens Scuttles Florida Plans Laurens Glass has scuttled plans to build a new glass container plant in Florida in favor of expanding its three existing plants, one of which is located in Henderson. Charles W. Bussey, Jr., Laurens president, said this week that Laurens had made a reassessment of the industry climate and had decided against building a plant in Leesburg, a central Florida town, in the foreseeable future. The company said that expansion of its plants in Rushton, La., Laurens, S. C. and Henderson would permit its many customers in Florida, southern Georgia and Alabama to be served both now and in the future. Bussey said a highly significant factor in the decision "is the proliferation of restrictive container legislation being offered to voters throughout the United States." He pointed out that legislative trade at state and national levels were considered in making the decision. Extension House Plans' Lead To Family Comfort lira. Julia Alston of Route I, Warren ton (Mayflower Community) and five of her tan children are enjoying the comfort, convenience and beauty of their new home, built by Extension house plan number 75. The house has three bedrooms, living room, kitchen and dining area, bath, a utility area and ample storage in each room. Furniture for one of the bedrooms was refinished by Mrs. Alston and her son, Guy, who has 4-H projects in Home Environment and Woodworking. In addition to k taping his bedroom clean i_d orderly, he is also responsible for the well kept lawn. Faye, one of the daughters has 4-H projects in Crafts, Independent Living For Young Adults and Babysitting. She is responsible for assisting others in duties of housekeeping, and in meal planning and preparation. Mrs. Alston says "I never thought this could happen to me, building a new house; but I give credit to God and to the Extension Service, and all others who were concerned with this project" <1 She added, "Me and th« children are really prou# of our new home." Mrs. Alston is active in aR church and community affairs, and is president of the Mayflower Extension Homemakers Club. * Construction was done b/ Cooper and Watson Genera? Contractors. Service of the Farmers Home Adminlstrad tion was used in th# construction of Mrs. Als^ ton's new house. Local Student a Is Named Page 0 Michael Rand Boss of Ebony, Va., has been selected by Speaker Carl J. Stewart, Jr., to serve as a Page in the North Caroling. House of Representatives,^ He will serve from June 2Q-) to June 24. A Ross was appointed byB Representative William T. Watkins of the 13th district^ Michael is a student at John;. Graham Senior High School and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Ross. (-> .(.