Added Emphasis To Be Given Education, Health Board Told Health Education will be given strong emphasis In the future in Warren County and will be combined with chronic disease screening clinica in a two-pronged effort to Improve community health. That was the i^iessage given members of the Warren County Board of Health meeting in quarterly session at the Health Department Monday night. The commitment to health education was outlined in a report of department goala and objectives given by kla. Carolyn Klyce, health director, and Lennia Retzlaff, county health educator. Additional efforta will be made to fight childhood disease through an improved immunization program, Ms. Klyce reported. She said that immunization levels for childhood diseases Public Comments Are Sought In Developing Aging Plans A public hearing will be held on the preliminary plans of the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging and its subcontractors under Title III of the Older Americans Act, for services to the elderly in Region K on June 27 at 10 a. m. in the District Courthouse in Oxford. The hearing will provide the public with an opportunity to have input into the Area Agency on Aging's plan for the five-county area during Fiscal Year 77-78. Persons interested in what is being done for the elderly of Region K are invited to attend. Those having questions or requiring additional information are asked to contact Steve Norwood at 492-8561. .) have reached dangerously low levels, and that although Waren County's immunization level is high in comparison with other North Carolina counties, approzimately one-third of the children under five living in the county have not been immunized properly. She also stressed the need to develop a comprehensive venereal disease detection and treatment service available to any citizen of Warren County. She said some strains of venereal disease have appeared which are resistant to penicillin, although no report of the new strains have been found in Warren. Ms. Klyce said that by the end of August her department hopes to develop venereal disease services for men. Members of the Board of Health were told that Health Department personnel are preparing to increase their efforts in detecting early the symptoms of hypertension and diabetes. Board members gave unanimous approval to a statement of goals outlined by Ms. Klyce. Lawmen Recover Stolen Tractor A tractor was reported stolen from the A. P. Holtzman farm near Drewry on Tuesday morning. The Warren County Sheriff's Department said Holtzman told them that the tractor had been unhooked from a combine. Deputies Capps and Bolton reported recovery of the tractor some five miles from the scene later in the day. The investigation is continuing. Hospital Patients Patients in Warren General Hospital on Tuesday at 5 p. m. were listed as follows: Lula West, Peter Currin, Elizabeth Weston, Sam Davis, Verlean Pittard, Agnes Bowers, Emma Jenkins, Lona Whitby, Sam Davis, Loyce Blaylock, Gilbert Egerton, Dorothy Bolton, Katie Perry, Louise Champion, Sally Limer, Charlie Jones, Janice Shearin, Bessie Shearin, Bessie Richardson, Ophelia Hargrove, Warren Overby, Theo Stallings, James Salmon. PIT COOKED BARBECUE SUPPER If You Are Looking For An Evening Of Fun "Join Us Friday Evening, June 24,1977 At The Old Wise School Bldg., Wise, N. C." WISE. N. C. Supper From 5:00 To 7:30 p. m. Music Starting At 8:00 p. m. On The Ball Field its: On The Ball Field Featuring: Music For All Ages ALL THE BARBECUE AND STEW YOU CAN EAT FOR ONLY $2.00. With Slaw, Hush Puppies and Drink The Singing Ray Bros., Rocks Burr, N. C. The Rock Brass Band, Lawrenceville, Va. J. W. Hight Band, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. The Country Squires, Raleigh, N. C. The Warren County Senior Citizens Band Cindy And The Critters, South Hill, Va. Robert Hamm Band, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. One Of The States All Black Gospel Group*, The Michael Creek Spiritualettes, Oxford, N. C. MUSIC FOR ALL AGES If yon are 65 years old the show will be Free to yon — This is Senior Citizens Night. Children under 6 Free, From 6 to 12, $1.00; Adults, $2.00. Proceeds Will Go To Pay For Work On Ball Field Sponsored by the Wise-Paschall Ruritan Club Highway Patrol Reports Three Warren Wrecks The Highway Patrol r#ported three accidents in the county during the weekend. Saturday morning an accident was reported on SR 1235 about three miles south of the Norlina city limits. Louise Durham of Rt. 2, Norlina was charged with driving left of center when her auto struck a car driven by Elizabeth Kilian Bender. Damages to the Bender auto were estimated at $1,200 and $450 to the Durham car. Bender was reportedly injured during the mishap and taken by ambulance to the hospital. Charges of driving left of center were also lodged against two other motorists in separate accidents on Sunday. Maude Gill Duke of Middleburg failed to see a car turning left, applied brakes and veered across the center line hitting a car operated by Edward Lee Blanchard of WinstonSalem. The incident occurred in Manson on U. S. 1. Damages were set at $450 to each vehicle. The patrol reported that Duke complained of pain following the accident but had no visible sign of injury. Glenn Ray Riggan of Macon crossed the center line and sideswiped a vehicle operated by James Kenneth Pernell of Rt 2, Warrenton. The accident occurred on SR 1133 about nine miles south of Warrenton. Riggan was charged with driving left of center. Damages to his auto resulted in $250 with $300 in damages to Pernell's car. Prevent Mildew By Taking Steps To Meet Threat Anyone who has had clothing damaged by mildew will agree that precautions against it happening again are well worth taking. Molds causing mildew have a liking for moisture, darkness and warmth, says Judy Walker, extension clothing specialist at North Carolina State University. Unfortunately, clothing stored during muggy summer weather is a perfect setting for mold growth. Cleanliness, good ventilation and a dry atmosphere are effective weapons against closet mildew. Because soil on clothing can supply nutrients for molds, clothing should be thoroughly washed or dry cleaned before storing. Clothes should be hung as loosely as possible to permit air to circulate. Shoes, suitcases and other leather goods should be stored on shelves. Chemicals to dry the air can also help combat mildew. Silica gel, activated alumina and calcium chloride, often sold under trade names, help control growth by absorbing moisture from the air. Silica gel and activated alumina are not harmful to fabrics and can be hung in cloth bags in closets, placed in open containers on closet floors or spread in the folds of clothing. Calcium chloride can be placed in open containers in closets. However, it should not come into contact with fabrics since it can make holes in them. Paradichlorobenzene, often used for moth control, also controls mildew, but since it damages some plastics, you should remove buttons, ornaments and not use plastic hangers if you use this compound. Electric fans will help to keep air circulating around your clothes and an electric bulb burning in a small closet will prevent the darkness molds like. Briefs An alligator's legs may be small but it can run with considerable speed. Spinach is. rich in thiamine. Natalie Wood began her movie career when the was 5.