SFlavor Adventure from the GRar SEast The Far Last can be as near as your kitchen with this exciting recipe suggestion. Oriental Sweet 'N Sour Pork is .111 easy version of the colorful, tantalizing Chinese specialties, so popular toda>. Cubes of boneless por k are lightly coated with batter (begun from pancake mix) and fried in oil. I he pork is then combined with a tang\ sweetsour sauce, boasting squares of green pepper and iuicv pineapple chunks. The ' sour" of the sauce is vinegar, and the "sweet" comes troni maple blended syrup. I he mapleMended syrup lends ,1 disiinct, yet delicate flavor to this expertly seasoned sauce. Served with a bowl of white rite, Chinese snow peas or any favorite vegetable and tea, Oriental Sweet-Sour Pork makes exotic tare for adventuresome diners. A light, seasonal dessert might be colorful chilled melon balls and crisp fortune cookies. Your family or guests w ill be impressed with your creativity and delighted with this dinner with a Far East flavor. ORIENTAL SWEET N SOUR PORK Fried Pork: 2 pork blade steaks, cut 1/2-inch thick 1/2 cup pancake mix 1 egg, beaten 1/4 cup chicken stock 1/2 teaspoon salt Vegetable oil Sauce: 1 large green pepper, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 garlic clove, minced 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/2 cup maple-blended syrup 1/4 cup vinegar 1 teaspoon soy sauce One 15-oz. can pineapple chunks 2 tablespoons corn starch For fried pork, cut pork steaks into 2x1 -inch pieces, removing bones. Combine pancake mix, egg, chicken stock and salt; mix until batter is fairly smooth. Dip pork cubes into batter. Fry in 1/2-inch deep hot oil (400°F.) 7 to 8 minutes or until crisp and golden brown, turning once. Remove pork from oil. Drain oil, reserving 1 tablespoon. For sauce, saute green pepper and garlic in reserved hot oil. Add chicken stock, syrup, vinegar and soy sauce. Bring to a boil; simmer 1 minute. Drain pineapple, reserving 1/2 cup juice. Combine corn starch with reserved juice; gradually add to green pepper mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until sauce is thickened and clear. Stir in fried pork and pineapple; continue cooking over low heat about 2 minutes. Serve over hot cooked rice, if desired. Makes 3 to 4 servings. from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK OATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS July 22, 1934—"Public Enemy Number One", John Dillinger is shot and killed by a group of 27 federal narcotics officers in Chicago. July 23, 1829—William A. Burt of Mount Vernon, Michigan, receives a patent for his "typographer," claimed by many to be the first typewriter in history. July 24, 1866—Tennessee becomes the first seceding state to be readmitted into the Union following the end of the Civil War. July 25, 1866—Ulysses S. Grant receives the rank of general of the U.S. Army, the first American officer to be so designated. July 26, 1947—Congress passes a bill merging the U.S. Armed Services under a single Secretary of Defense. July 27,1909—Orville Wright sets a world record by staying aloft in an airplane over Fort Myer, Virginia, lor 1 hour. 12 minutes and 40 seconds. July 28, 1821—Independence Day in Peru, commemorating General San Martin's proclamation of freedom from Spanish rule. R. H. GREENE FUNERAL HOME i Home of the Warren County Mutual Burial Association H Friendly, Courteous Service 0 Complete Chapel Service H Attendant on Call 24 Hours | Conference Room Available Life and Hospitalization Insurance Richard H. Greene, Owner Valrie Greene, Secretary Oscar Williams, Funeral Director • Jack Jones, Assistant