me warren necora, warrenton, North Carolina, Thursday, August 18, 1977 — Page IS Suggestions of Water Withdrawal From Roanoke Protested By ROBERT BASNIGHT Frank L. Wootton, Jr., and Bob Nordstrom of the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers met recently In South Hill with Mecklenburg County Administrator, Ben McCauley, Executive Director of the Southside Planning District Commission Morris Wells, South Hill Chamber of Commerce President T. E. Lee, Jr., and other local officials to answer questions raised at a public hearing conducted by the Corps on May 23, 1977. The hearing had been held by the Corps of Engineers to accept comments from local residents concerning possible water withdrawals from Kerr Lake or Lake Gaston. In 1975, the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers received a $300,000 grant from Congress to conduct a three year study into alternative sources of water for the Tidewater area of Virginia. Since that time, the Corps has narrowed down the list of potential water sources to about twelve. Among the twelve remaining alternatives are proposals to withdraw 70 to 75 million gallons of water per day from either Kerr Lake or Lake Gaston for transfer by pipeline to the Tidewater area. Two years ago, the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) located in Norfolk asked the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers for a permit to withdraw 40 million gallons of water per day from Pea Hill Creek in Lake Gaston. SPSA has since withdrawn their request, at least for the time being. There is still concern that someday SPSA will renew their efforts to obtain the water. The Norfolk District Corps of Engineers study for Congress differs from the earlier request by the Southeastern Public Service Authority in that the Corps projects the Tidewater area will need 70 to 75 million gallons of water per day by the year 2030, whereas, SPSA projected their needs at 40 million gallons per day by the year 2000. Those attending this latest meeting with the Norfolk Corps opposed the withdrawals from either Lake Gaston or Kerr Lake on the grounds that this large amount of water being transferred from one river basin to another would set a dangerous precedent which could have far reaching consequences, both in this area and in other areas as well. As an alternative, those attending recommended desalting ocean water as the only feasible long-range solution. By the Corps own calculations, a plant to desalt ocean water I'-'- •. , . ... , will cost $222.3 million to construct, as compared with $280.4 million for the Kerr Lake proposal and $211.8 million for the Lake Gaston proposal. The Corps contends that the annual operating cost of the desalting plant will average $23.8 million per year, as compared with $14.5 million for the Kerr Lake proposal and $11.4 million for the Lake Gaston proposal. The local contention is that technological advances between now and the year 2030 will more than offset the anticipated high operating costs forecast by the Corps. The Corps has stated that a buffer zone around any water intake structure in either Kerr Lake or Lake Gaston would not be required. Local officials have previously been told that the State Health Department would require a buffer zone which would prohibit boating and certain other recreational activites within a certain distance of the intake structure. The Corps stated that they would supply local officials with documentation from the State Health Department that a buffer zone would not be required. The Norfolk Corps of Engineers plans to hold at least two more public hearings somewhere in Virginia between now and the summer of 1978, when the Corps recommendation for the most feasible alternative water source for the Tidewater area will be delivered to Congress. At that time, the Corps will most likely recommend who they think should build and maintain the facilities, that is the water pipelines or desalting plant or whatever. It should be noted that if the Norfolk Corps chooses, they can recommend that a local water authority, such as the Southeastern Public Service Authority located in Norfolk, or even the Corps of Engineers themselves build, maintain and either sell or give the water to the localities desiring it. The only other known water source built and maintained by the Corps of Engineers is the one serving Washington, D. C. Should the Corps of Engineers decide a local water authority should construct the facilities, then the local water authority would have to obtain consent from the county or municipality in which the system is to be located, according to a 1975 change in the Code of Virginia. However, if the Corps of Engineers constructs the facilities, they would not have to obtain local consent since federal law would apply rather than Virginia law. In all, the group decided there are many major questions remaining to be answered. Until these ques tions are answered satisfactorily opposition to either proposal involving Kerr Lake or Lake Gaston will remain. Moody Family Runs Into Travel Trouble The Moody family ha planned and saved up for whole year to afford two-week vacation on th Pacific beaches of Mexicc The Charlotte couple an their two children though they'd taken every possibl precaution to keep anythini from spoiling their plans. The Moodys were wrong • They had the car checkei out at a neighborhood ga station. They collectei maps and drew arrow along the route they'd take The Moody kids evei polished up on a few Spanisl phrases gotten out of i dog-eared school book. Thej thought they were all set. As Mr. Moody was drivint through Guadalajara, hi began paying too mucl attention to the Pacific Coast scenery and ran intc the rear of a local resident'! car. Damage was slightmore to the Moody station wagon with its dusty Tar Heel license tag than to the Mexican car. But police arrested Mr. Moody for operating a vehicle in Mexico without valid auto insurance. Mexican law doesn't accept auto insurance policies written by non-Mexican insurance companies. Agents Qf Mexican insurance companies may be found in most of the cities of the Southwestern U. S. that are near the Mexican border. Mr. Moody didn't know that. After the accident in Guadalajara, the Moody family split up for the night. Mrs. Moody and the kids were given a lift to their hotel by the police. The Moody wagon had been impounded as evidence. Mr. Moody spent the night in jail. An Insurance Information Institute spokesman says that it's a good idea to add a visit with your insurance agent to the checklist of things to do when getting ready for a vacation this summer. The "Moody family" accident in Guadalajara never happened. But it could have. And insurance problems can crop up on vacations a lot closer to home than Mexico. Another vacation insurance problem involves the different auto insurance laws in force in the other United States. Financial responsibility laws in most states require a driver involved in a traffic crash to show proof that he or she can pay the cost of medical care and auto repairs up to a specified dollar amount for those persons injured. Auto no-fault insurance laws also differ from state to state. The Institute spokesman says that if a North Carolina vacationer's auto insurance is written on a form approved by the Insurance Services Office, coverage is automatically extended to the financial responsibility limits set by other states and Canada. Your insurance agent can quickly check the "policy to vef ifyTKat y 6QT ear insurance will protect you. If not, he may be able to arrange a special shortterm insurance policy for the vacation. If you're going to stay away from home for, more tnan 60 days, you also should let the insurance agent take a look at your family homeowners policy. Some fire insurance won't i cover a house left vacant for long periods of time. The reason is that fire can start and bum undetected in a vacant house until it does major damage. You may need to arrange an extension or to purchase extra coverage if the house will stand empty for several months. It's a good idea also to enlist a neighbor as a "house sitter." Hive them look in on your house several times a week .while you're away. A lot of folks vacation in Canada during the summer to escape the heat tad 1 humidity. Auto insurance i laws in Canadian provinces i recognize a special "yellow e card," or non-resident interprovincial motor vehicle 1 liability card as proof of t auto insurance. The card is > available from your insur! ance agent. Mexico has different requirements. A stay in a I Mexican jail, a hefty fine or i impoundment of your car I could occur if vou're in a car i crash in Mexico and don't have proof of insurance i from a Mexican Company, i You can buy a short term "Special Automobile Policy for Tourists" from an agent for a Mexican insurer in most Southwestern cities. The cost ranges hum $10 to $25 according to the car's value and amount of coverage. Along with your Mexican auto insurance policy, be sure to get a listing of the company's agents for the part of the country you'll be driving in. The Institute spokesman says, regardless of where you'll be driving this summer on vacation, it's a good idea to take proof of auto insurance with you. The proof should include the policy number, date issued, the name of your agent and a description of the coverage. If you're in a car crash while on your trip, get the names, addresses and telephone numbers of occupants of the other car and witnesses. Don't say anything to anyone present at the crash that might later be used to fix blame for the accident upon you. And don't divulge the amount of your autot insurance coverage to anyone without first talking to your insurance agent or a ,4 representative of your insurance Company. Top Tobacco At Button Stage For Best Results Topping and suckering tobacco have important influences on final yield. These are tasks that North Carolina growers will be doing in the next few weeks. North Carolina State University agricultural extension tobacco specialists point out that topping in the button stage increases yield and body, compared to later topping. They suggest that, if the market for bodied tobacco continues as it is expected to do, many growers would benefit by using spacing and topping practices to produce 110,000 to 120,000 leaves per acre. Since most growers use spacings that result in a plant population of around 6,300 per acre, plants should be topped at 18 to 19 leaves to give the desired leaf number. When tobacco plants remain untopped after reaching the button stage, yields are usually reduced 20 to 25 pounds per acre per day, the NCSU specialists warn. Although early topping promotes sucker growth, there are certain advantages. Among them are the following: —Topping is completed before harvest begins. —The risk of plants being blown over is reduced by removing the heavy flowers from the top. —Root development ia stimulated, improving the plants' tolerance to dry conditions. —The populations of certain insects are reduced, because egg and larva survival on floral parts ia lower. The NCSU specialists suggest that these advantages of topping In the button stage more than offset the disadvantage presented by the more vigorous sucker growth. "