News & Society Items mr ana Mrs w. r Farmer had as their guests on Sunday Mrs Marshall Henry, W. F Farmer. Jr.. and son. Floyd, of Wendell. Mrs Nettie Gilchrist of Colonial Lodge was the weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Hunter H. Morris of Richmond Va Mrs Katie Creech spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Henry B Creech in Richmond. Va Miss Noll Wood of Colonial Lodge was the weekend guest of Mr and Mrs. T \V. Reed of Norlina Mrs Howard Oakley spent several days last week in Raleigh with her sister, Mrs Gordon Liverman. Mr and Mrs Jon Walter and daughter. Amy, of West Chester Pa were weekend guests of Mrs Roy V Shearin Mrs Walker Burwell has returned from spending several days in Raleigh with Mr and Mrs Thurston Hicks and sons. Cleve and Walker Mr and Mrs. Frank Banzet and Julius Banzet spent the weekend in Charlotte where they attended a luncheon at the Myers Park Country Club honoring their cousin. Mr. Benjamin 0 Hood, on his 98th birthday Mrs bred Cheek of Kinston was the guest of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Bill Bovce, tor several days last week. Mr and Mrs Stan Bumgarner of Tarboro have moved to Warrenton where they will reside with Mrs. Robert Macon Davis. Dr. and Mrs. Perry crouch ot Kaieign were tne overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs William H Crouch, Jr., on Friday night Mrs. Perry Crouch was the guest speaker at the Woman's Missionary ( Society of the Warrenton Baptist Church. Mr and Mrs. Jack O'Neal of Winston-Salem were the Saturday night guests of the Crouches Mrs. W R Hedgepeth has returned from Richmond. Ya . after spending two weeks with Mr and Mrs. Richard Hedgepeth and son Dr and Mrs. Frank Genovese of Kent. Conn., were the weekend guests of Mrs R H Bright while en route to their winter home in Key West, Fla Mrs. Lem Kornegay of Rocky Mount was in Warrenton on Monday. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. E E. Gillam, who has been with her for several weeks following surgery Mrs. Gillam returned to Rocky Mount Miss Winston of Colonial Lodge spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Crews in Henderson Clinton Neal. Jr.. and children of Raleigh spent Sunday with his grandmother. Mrs. W F. Neal. at Colonial Lodge. Mr and Mrs. James White of Scotland Neck visited Mrs. Agnes Fishel last week at Colonial Lodge. Mr and Mrs. G.M. Flavel of Washington. D C., spent last weekend with Mrs. W. F Neal of Colonial Lodge. Mrs. Malvern Hayes of Henderson. Mrs. Beulah Wilson of Manson visited Sears In Warrenton Will be Closed Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th after Christmas Mrs Helen Hayes Regal at Colonial Lodge last week. Perry W. Regal of Raleigh was also the guest of Mrs. Regal. Don Collins of Emporia, Y'a., was the guest speaker at the Wednesday night prayer service at Colonial Lodge. Mrs. L. H Priday of Colonial Lodge left last week to visit her sister in Wilmington. Del., and her children in Philadelphia Mrs Bob Stroup and Winston Regan of Spruce Pine and Miss Gertrude Winston of Louisburg were guests of Mrs Mamie Winston at Colonial Lodge last week. Mrs. Mamie Fimple of Littleton spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her sister. Miss Verleen Pittard, at Colonial Lodge Mr and Mrs. Everette Hall of Richmond. Va . spent last Saturday with Mrs. Ethel Green at Colonial Lodge. William R Baskervill of South Hill visited his mother, Mrs. W R Baskervill Tuesday. Christened Maria Benjamine Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, was christened on Sunday morning at Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Among those attend ing were Mrs Roy Bennett of Raleigh, aunt of Mrs. Davis. Mr and Mrs. John Boyd Davis of Raleigh. Kearney Davis of U.N.C. Chapel Hill. Miss Nancy Williams of N'.C. State and Charles Lassiter of Raleigh. A delicious luncheon was served to family, close friends and out-of town guests following the service. Moves Mary Russell Burroughs has moved form the E.E. Toney Rest Home in Oxford to Pine Ridge Nursing Home 1716 Legion Rd.. in Chapel Hill. Mrs. Essie Mae Southall of Warrenton and Thurman K. Carroll of Raphine, Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Georgia Arelene, to William Wyatt Pegram. son of Mary W. Pegram and the late William Brown Pegram. The wedding is planned for Feb. 4 at 3 p. m. at the Warren Plains Baptist Church. Friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend. UDC Chapter Has Luncheon The members of the Warren County U.D.C. Chapter enjoyed a dutch luncheon at The Carriage House on Friday, Dec. 9. Upon their arrival at noon, they were greeted by Mrs. A D Harris, who presided, and opened the meeting with the Pledge of allegiance to the flag and a salute to the North Carolina Flag and the Confederate Flag. Mrs. W. R Baskervill gave the chaplain's prayer. After the luncheon the regular business session was held with various matters of interest being discussed and necessary action taken. Mrs. James Bullock gave the program on the life of J. E. B. Stuart and Mrs. Roger G. Norwood read an appropriate poem for the season by Henry Van Dyke. Following the program a Christmas fellowship hour was enjoyed with gifts being exchanged. The next meeting will be held at the regular time in the home of Mrs. Thomas Ellington with Mrs. R. B. Butler presenting the program. Lodge Guests Honored The guests at Colonial Lodge were entertained Tuesday evening with the annual Christmas dinner and party. Hosts and hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ormsby and Miss Janice Ormsby. Mrs. Claude Pepper rendered Christmas selections on the piano. Honored Governor Busbee honored Fletcher Wolfe of Atlanta, Qa., recently with the presentation of The Governor's Award for Music for 1977 for his outstanding work with the Atlanta Boy's Choir. Mr. Wolfe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wolfe of Norlina. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edmonds of Warrenton announce the birth of a daughter. Shannon Leigh, on Dec. 3. at Maria Parham Hospital. Mrs. Edmonds is the former Gloria Munn of Warrenton. Party Planned Residents and staff of Pine Haven Convalescent Center. Inc., of Henderson will hold their annual Christmas party for family and friends on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 18 from 2 to 4 p. m. PTA Set The Mariam Boyd Elementary School PTA meeting will be held tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 p. m. Parents will also have an opportunity to look at or purchase books at the book fair We Have ICE COLD BEER C WINE SOFT OHtHKSt MiXERS LAKE SUPPLIES BACON SAUSAGE MUiS FRESH EMS rGKOCUltS MILK e BREAD OPEN 73(UMOl 7WS MEEK /Qe ^VVarrenfolT Drive 'N Shop We Accept Food Stamps The lobby was beautifully decorated with Christmas appointments and the tree was aglow with lights. ^Residents were served a ham dinner and presented gifts from the hosts. The dining room was decorated with miniature Christmas trees. After the meal, the residents enjoyed Christmas fellowship. Declare Dividend Directors of First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company meeting in Raleigh today declared a common stock dividend of $1.25 per share. The dividend is payable April 3,1978 to shareholders of record March 10, 1978. A small church at Nashua, Iowa, commemorates the hymn, "The Little Brown Church in the Vale" written by William Pitts in 1857. U. S. postoffices have issued money orders since 1864. ?■> > J THE LIGHT TOUCH From . . . ALEX S. WATKINS, Inc. Your Home's Best Friend' By L«roy Tann«r One good thing about higher Christmas tree prices - it's a lot easier to reach the top now than it used to be. Thirty years ago, people didn't sit in their living rooms watching 30-year-old movies. Horse sense? Wasn't it the horse who was afraid of the automobile at the turn of the century, when pedestrians were laughing at it? At no time is a little knowledge more dangerous than when someone is using it to start a rumor. Rumor has it that our new line of fireplaces and accessories is fantastic at Alex Watkins, Inc., Montgomery St., Henderson. Warren Plaza News By MARTHA PAGE On Thursday night, Dec. 8, the Providence Missionary Society, with Mrs. Anna Fuller in charge, visited Warren Plaza and gave the residents a Christmas party. Refreshments were served and Christmas carols were sung. Every resident not bedfast attended and enjoyed it very much. Christmas is an exciting time for the residents here. Many, many of them have no families or anyone that cares for them and this time of the year is the only time they receive a gift. On Wednesday night, movies were again shown by James Page. "Freddie The Frog" cartoons and "The Story of William S. Hart" were shown. On Sunday,evening, Dec. 11, the Bethlehem Christian Church of Rt. 3, Littleton, again visited us at Warren Plaza and gave another Christmas party for the residents. Refreshments were served, along with lime punch and gifts were distributed to every resident. I've never seen happier faces than I saw that night. It would gladden anyone's heart to see how much this means io these people. We put up a Christmas tree and some decorations on Monday. We invite all of you to come by and visit with us. We are adding rooms for 12 more beds and will have 80 residents by spring. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Higgins of Slaton, Texas, announce the engagement of their daughter, Stephanie De'Ann, to John Bradford Stalder, son of the Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Stalder of Anson, Texas, formerly of Warrenton. She is a graduate of Monterey High School in Lubbock. Tex., and a senior at McMurry College. Brad is a graduate of John Graham and is studying at McMurry College. A Dec. 30 wedding is planned at St. Luke's Methodist Church in Lubbock, Texas. Warren General Hospital Patients Patients in Warren General Hospital on Tuesday at 5 p. m. were listed as follows: Lena Rivers, Warren Overby, Mary Hargrove, Sylvia Cooper, Kenneth Byrd, Bell Dale, Murphy Aycock, McKinley Johnson, Eric Twitty. Effie Ellington, Hawkins Thompson, Lillie Hargrove, Buck Williams. Elizabeth Palmer, Ida Hecht, Raby Traylor, Telly Alston, Rosanna Webb, Meatrice Smyth, Madolin Harper, Eva Riggan, Sadie Alston, John Shearin, James Hicks, Claude White, Doris Spruill, Kelly Felts, Daniel Riley, Wilbert Harris, Hal Paschall.