News and Events of Interest To Norlina Readers Phone Norlina 4G3 2329 Tn Have Your News Included On This Page Mrs. A E. Haddock of Cary, Mr and Mrs. J T Fleming and children of Warrenton and Mr and Mrs Bill Fleming and children of Norlina visited their mother. Mrs Myrtle Fleming on Sunday Mr and Mrs Charlie Barker were in Rocky Mount Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs Glenn Newsome. Mrs Dot Richardson is recuperating at Durham County Hospital after ha\ ing had surgery Mrs Thurston Ayscue has returned to her teaching position at Mariam Boyd School after an extended convalesence from a fall in her home Little Marty Maughan of Wendell is spending some time with his grandmother, Mrs John Smiley Mrs. Smiley had Mrs Lucy Farmer of Wendell as her guest 011 Tuesday Mrs J F Bobbitt's daughter. Mrs Barbara Covert, is a surgery patient at a St Petersburg. Fla , hospital Claude Harris of Charlotte visited his sisters. Mrs J T Walker and Miss Minnie Harris, several days last w eek Mr and Mrs Walter Weaver and children of Rocky Mount were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ira Weaver Mike Pullen of Goldsboro spent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Milton Pullen Mrs Buck Wiggins and daughter, Stacey. of Winston-Salem were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Henry Wiggins * J T. Fleming returned to MCV Hospital in Richmond. Va.. Monday for treatment. B A Thaxton has returned home after having Been a patient at Maria Parham Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis spent the weekend in ^ J^/ Virginia Beach, Va., with the Bruce Boy kins. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Hundley were in Atlanta. Ga.. Sunday to attend the ordination of her son, Wayne Newsome The Hundleys also attended a luncheon in Wayne's honor following the services in the home of the Rev and Mrs. Raymond Jackson Circles Hold Annual Party The Annie Armstrong and Lola Sue Circles of the Norlina Baptist WMU had their Christmas party Monday night at the Norlina Baptist Church with 19 members and three guests present The Rev E Elton Cooke asked grace prior to the covered-dish buffet dinner Mrs. Forest Seller opened the meeting with the Christmas story taken from the scripture of St. Luke For the program the members reminisced of their past Christmases Instead of exchanging gifts, the circle members brought gifts for their friend. Mrs. Imogenc Arnold. at the Louisburg Guardian Care Club Meets In Foster Home The Norlina Literature and Music Club met with Mrs. H H Foster on Thursday. Dec. 8. Mrs. Foster had her home beautifully decorated for the Christmas season. The 15 members and two invited guests enjoyed a Christmas program and carols sung by several of the club members. Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Richard Powell was named "Clubwoman of the Year" at the annual Christmas dinner of the Norlina Junior Woman's Club recently. For her honor. Mrs. Powell received an engraved silver platter which she will keep. Church Events Scheduled * - i f • ■. i * * . i i- i- 1 /"'i : i lit* .xii iiua v iitiru mciir odist SliareGroup will meet in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hege on Thursday. Dec 15 at 7:30 p.m. The group will be studying Acts 19. Gn Sunday, Dec. 18 the Men's Bible Class will host a coffee hour during the Sunda\ School hour beginning at 9:45 a.m. The Chancel Choir will have their rehearsal at 7:45 p m. on Wednesday. Dec 21. The Rev David Dudley has announced the following schedule of events at the Saint Paul's Lutheran Church. There will be a Sunday Sunday evening at 6 p. m. and will be followed by a fellowship hour On Christmas Eve there will l>e a special Candlelight Service beginning at 7:30 p. ni. and on Christmas Day there will be a service of lessons and carols at 10 a. m. Circle Has Dinner Circle No. 2 of the Norlina United Methodist Women had their husbands as guests at a covered dish dinner in the church fellowship hall Monday night.. The fellowship hall was beautifully decorated in keeping with the holiday season. Special guests were the Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Campbell and their young son. Colin. The Rev. and Mrs. Campbell presented an inspiring Christmas program of devotions and special music. The group of 30 joined in the singing of Christmas Carols. The circle members brought gifts for boxes to be delivered to various nursing homes. Pity The Boss The boss is the gun who has to get up early to see who comes in late If there were more selfstarters. the boss wouldn't have to be such a crank 1 Shut-Ins Remembere^By Circle No. 3 Circle No. 3 of the Norlina United Methodist Women met in the home of Mrs. Bill Delbridge Monday. Dec. 12, with 14 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Clayton Taylor opened the meeting with a prayer. Mrs. Julian Farrar presented the Christmas program and Mrs. Clint Hege led the group in Christmas carols. Mrs. Delbridge was appointed chairman in charge of the nursery during the Sunday worship services. The circle members brought gifts for four persons in nursing homes in the area and a money tree for a shut-in in the community. Other Christmas remembrances and poinsettias sent to shut-ins from the circle members were reported. The meeting was closed with a benediction. The Delbridge home was beautifully decorated throughout in the Christmas motif. Gifts were exchanged among th<* circle members. Mrs. Delbridge then invited her guests into the dining area where refreshments of punch. Russian tea and party dainties were served. Luncheon Held For Prayer Group Mrs. H. H. Foster was hostess at a luncheon in her home on Monday afternoon for the members of the Mattie Pridgen Prayer Group and guests. There were 18 members Dinner Party Held Mr. and Mrs Fred Newsom were hosts for a dinner party in their home on Saturday night. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Crane, Bobby and Larry of Portsmouth, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Billy Harris of Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Richardson of Townsville, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harris and son, Jason, and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hicks, Jr., and Norman, Gary and Glenn of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hicks and Gene. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Barker, Laurie, Stephanie an Martha of Norlina and Mr. and Mrs. William Harris and Mrs. Ella Faulkner of Wise. Woman's Club Has Christmas Meeting The Norlina Woman's club had a covered dish dinner at the club house Wednesday night with their husbands as guests. The club house was beautifully decorated throughout. Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Alice Marie Robertson, Mrs. Tillie Daeke and Mrs. Dot Bobbitt. Special guests included Miss Patricia Hicks and the Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Campbell who also entertained the 38 present with beautiful songs. Mrs. Maggie Adcock was honored for her excellent work in the club over the years and was presented a lovely poinsettia. Mrs. Mamie Thaxton have a program on art and Mrs. Lillian Kilian read a Christmas story. Bitter Berry The American Indian name for cranberries was "i-bimi." or. "bitter berry." The Pilgrims, noticing the berries were a favorite food of cranes, called them craneberries—and, eventually. cranberries. r present with special guests including the Rev. and Mrs. Elton Cooke, Mrs. Forrest Setzer. Mrs. Virgie Walters, Miss Nell Wood and Dr. Foster. Prior to the luncheon, Mrs. Foster led the group in Christmas carols and stories on Christmas traditions. The Rev. Mr. Cooke offered grace after which the guests enjoyed curried chicken and rice, string beans, peas and carrots, cranberry salad, hot rolls and ice cream and Christmas cookies for dessert. Ordained: Wayne Newsome, a native of Norlina was ordained into the First Christian ministry Sunday, Dec. 11, in services held at Gresham Park Christian Church in Atlanta, Ga The Rev. Raymond Jackson, pastor of the church gave the morning address. Newsome, a junior at Atlanta Christian College, will begin his duties as interim minister at Clayton Christian Church in January. The Rev. Mr. Newsome is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hundley of Norlina He and his wife, Kathy, make their home in Clayton, Ga School Menus ..(Subject to change without notice.) Dec. 19-21 MONDAY - Hot dog in bun, mustard and catsup. French fries, cole slaw, gingerbread with lemon sauce, milk. TUESDAY - Baked turkey, dressing and gravy, candied yams, tiny green peas, hot rolls, chocolate milk. WEDNESDAY Pizza, buttered corn, tossed salad with dressing, cookie, milk.