It is beginning to look like Christmas at Warren Academy. The lights in the windows look pretty and create a festive appearance at night. The wreaths on the doors look festive, too. The rooms are decorative with scenes of Christmas. Not much time is left before the holidays, and we are looking forward to them with visions of rapture! We are working hard to complete material so that the resumption of work will be easy after the holidays. When we come back, it will not be long before we have to start thinking of exams. Time goes so quickly; it is hard to believe that a half year will have soon gone by. The J.V. girls won their game last Wednesday over Hobgood Academy. Congratulations to Lisa Delbridge and Wanda Carroll for being the high scorers. The next game is Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 3:30 p.m. They will be playing Halifax Academy there. The J.V. boys won their first game over Central Academy. All of the team ixad a chance to play which :aused quite a bit of ixcitement among the >layers as well as the fans. Ulan Burrows was the high scorer The varsity boys and girls won the games Friday night with Franklin Christian The teams had two gcxx games. The boys have a wii now, so things are looking up for them! Rhonda Reid Kevin Williams, and Davi< Connell had high scoring ii the games. The teams travelled t< Henderson Tuesday night t< play Vance Academy. Th< J.V. boys played also. Oi Friday night all three team: will be playing at Halifax Academy. The games wil start at 6 p.m. The J.V. cheerleaders an doing an excellent job thij year. There are 12 on th< squad, and the co-captain: are Alison Burgess ant Rhonda Robertson. Th< others are Joanne Robert son, Lee Brinkley, Tondj Lynch, Caroline Shearin Virginia Davis, Janice Cole man, Lisa King, and Lis* Spragins. The sponsors an Miss Mary Turner, Mrs Gus Daeke, and Mrs. Johi Burgess. The varsity cheerleaders have a large number this year also. The co-chiefs an Jill Wemyss and Rhond; Reid. The others ar< Elizabeth Newman, Marj Lou King, Robin Burgess Melody Hilliard, Lisa Haith cock, Beth Harris, Donm Coker, Linda Bobbitt, Cindj Isles, Tonla Seaman. Theii sponsors are Mrs. Gladys Wemyss and Mrs. Madg( Reid. The Norlina District Band participated in the Norlina ind Warrenton Christmas )arades Saturday afteriBqa. Also representing Norlina was some of the lomecoming court. Monday, Byard Houck, a professor at N. C. State Jniversity and Johnnie ietha, a sophomore at *ICSU were at Norlina High, rhey talked to some of the students on engineering. They recommended this The Christmas holidays are readily approaching. With it come thoughts of staying in a warm bed and [iot having to drag yourself outdoors on these cold, cold nornings. All of the stulents and faculty are lookng forward to the break. Last Friday morning, the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery was given to the entire senior class. field highly as a prospectivi career. Also Monday, Mrs. Le met with the faculty in thi library. She is a represents tive from WVSP and i working with education. The Blue Waves are wel on their way to having i great season this year Friday, the varsity team traveled to Eastman, wto had their homecominj game. The girls played wel but could not come up witl the winning score. The boyi drowned their opponents Tuesday, the Waves trave to Northwest. The junior varsity team; are also seeing quite a dea of action. Monday, the] played North Warren, an< Wednesday they playec Northwest and Davie. Don't forget! The blu< Wave Chorus will hold thei] Christmas program at 8 p m. on Sunday, Dec. 18. Western N. C. Flood Damages Can Be Seen Warren County groups and clubs will have the opportunity to obtain an educational slide presentation on flood damages in western North Carolina through a program preparHonor Roll At Academy Announced B.L. King, headmaster of Warren Academy, has announced the following honor roll for the second grading | period. GRADE 6: Jule Banzet, Debra Brown, John Clark, Paul Greene, Gina Phillips, and Lou Ann Quails. GRADE 7: Lee Brinkley, Wanda Carroll, Paula Hayes, Stewart Johnson, Tondra Lynch, and Joanne Robertson. GRADE 8: Margaret Ross. GRADE 9: Alison Burgess GRADE 10: John Burgess and Jay Johnson. GRADE 11: Joanne Daniel, Justyn Fleming and Jesse Young GRADE 12: Mary Lou King. ed by the Department 01 Transportation. The presentation is now also available to residents ii Wake, Durham, Franklin Granville, Person an< Vance counties. DOT Board member Ilej L. Dean noted that th< purpose of the slide presen tation is to inform are; residents about the massiv< damage done to privati property and to the State': highways and bridges dur ing the heavy rains an< flooding in early November The public may contac the following by telephone t< arrange for a presentation to their groups and clubs Iley L. Dean, 919-286-2833 Division Engineer, C. C Painter, 919-683-6851; or th« Public Affairs Office, Ral eigh, 919-733-3463. Secretary of Transports tion Thomas W. Bradshaw Jr., said, "Our employee: have been working around the-clock to make emerg ency repairs and to read isolated homes. We wouli like for those citizens o North Carolina who are no aware of the extensive dam ages to see some example at what happened and t understand what DOT face in the way of repairs." ..Joyeux Noel means "Merry Christmas" in French. French II students at Norlina High School kept pace with the season last week in creating their own greeting cards in another language. Tacking up the cards above are Maxine Campbell, front, and Tommie Craft. (Staff Photo) North Warren Gains SACS Accreditation North Warren School in the Warren County school system was presented for accreditation at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools held Sunday through Wednesday in New Orleans. tary and secondary schools were presented as new members of the Association at a meeting Tuesday. "Accreditation by the Southern Association represents a measure of excellence over and above the minimum standards required by the state," according to Craig Phillips, State , Superintendent of Public Instruction. "It means that the individual school staff is : constantly trying to improve ! and extend their services to | "children." A voluntary effort on the part of the school staff, accreditation by the South1 em Association requires a ; self-study using standards 5 and criteria designed by the ' accrediting agency. Once the self-study is completed, a committee of educators visits the school and files a report which is reviewed by the state accreditation committees and the regional agency. The Southern Association, one of six regional accrediting agencies in the nation, servies Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. North Warren's efforts complete accreditation for the entire Warren County school system, excluding Hawkins Junior High School Superintendent J. R. Peeler said definite plans were being made at the present to develop an accreditation program for Hawkins due to the poor condition of the school's physical facilities. Peeler said an accreditation team from the Association visited North Warren School this spring and submitted "excellent reports" upon and recommendations to the selection committee. "I am extremely pleased that the school is accredited and I think that principal W. L. Rose and his faculty did a lot of work." Preparation for Southern Association Accreditation takes about three years. Principal Rose attended the meeting this week to receive the school's certificate. Veterans keep getting smarter, VA says. Statistics show 29 percent of World War H vets who used the GI Bill took college training, while 51 percent of their Korean era counterparts used their benefits to go to college. The percentage is up to 57 among those who have used the current GI Bill. . .The Special Winter Olympics held for learning disabled children of North Carolina last weekend in Henderson gave wins to a number of Warren County students. Shown above, from left, are the local winners: first row-Jane Adams, teacher, Dennis Wharton, John Jones and Becky Richardson, teacher; second row-Fred Rod well, Virginia Paige and Cynthia Watldns; third row-Eugene Johnson, Odell Harrison and Anthony Jones; back-Princene Owens, teacher. (Staff Photo) Job Corps Recruitment Set Jan. 13 i Recruitment of 16-21 yearI old youths for job training at f the residential Job Corps t center^ will be in Warrenton . Jan. 13. 1978, at the ; Neighborhood Community > Center. s E. J. Roscoe, Job Corps counselor, will be here that day to interview prospective applicants. According to figures released by the state Department of Human Resources, Warren County has had one Job Corps applicant within the last 90 days. From Vance County, three applications havf been received; from Granville, six; and from Fran\lin, three. Those seeking further information are asked to call CARELINE toll-free at (800) 662-7030. Although the December temperatures have caused most of the activities to become more indoor-oriented, they continue nevertheless. Mrs. Levister accompanied some 30 students to Hardbarger's Business College in Raleigh on Monday. The Jackets basketball schedule was indeed full last week. A Friday night game was held at Scotland Neck and the Lady Jackets made amends for last week's defeat by Enfield by easily defeating their opponents, while the boys' lost by only one point. Saturday, both teams easily left northwest behind on home territory. Hope we can report more wins like this after this week's games. No other game is scheduled for the Lady Jackets until the Holiday Doubleheader on Dec. 28, with Norlina, Fuquay-Varina, and Millbrook participating in the contests. Yesterday (Wednesday) the John Graham Chorale Society held their annual Christmas Concert entitled, "Christmas Serenade" in the J. G. auditorium. Mrs. Levister recognized parents and special guests with Mr. Terry giving greetings. The vocal ensemble presented excerpts from Handel's "Messiah." while the choir performed traditional as well as contemporary carols. Ms. Loretta Bullock was the featured soprano soloist. Mrs. Glendora Powell, directress, also has been following up on her former choir members who now perform in different universities and colleges across North Carolina. These include, LiAnndra Groom and Tony Fields at N. C. Central, who performed in concert last Sunday; Dorothy Davis, Deborah Fore, Lorna Jackson, Lela Silver and Charity Jones, who attend St. Augustine's (Ms. Jones was the featured soprano soloist in concert last Friday night); George King at N. C. State, and Shirley Robinson at A & T State University. The choir will also travel to Rocky Mount Dec. 20 for the annual Christmas concert at Tarrytown Mall. Tomorrow (Friday) a representative from Elizabeth City State will be at J. G. to talk to interested students. Vanessa All^n, a representative from N. C. State, will come on Dec. 21 to talk to juniors and seniors interested in the field of engineering. It goes without sayingnext Wednesday is also the day school discontinues for the holidays. Until then, yours truly wishes you a safe and happy holiday season. I'll be back the 5th of January!