PATTIE A. HARRIS Degree Received By Miss Harris Miss Pattie Anne Harris received a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology during recent com mencement exercises at Atlantic Christian College. A member of Pi Gamma Mu, the Inter national Honor Society in Social Science, Pattie was also presented a certificate in recogni tion of her achievements in the study of Social Welfare Services. A 1981 graduate of Halifax Academy, Pat tie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Harris of Littleton. Her paternal grand parents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris of Littleton. Maternal grandparents are Mrs. Moses Powell, Sr. of Freeman, Va. and the late Mr. Powell. Mrs. Powell Is Club Hostess Mrs. M. H. Powell served as hostess for the June meeting of the Town 'N Country Gar den Club, with the presi dent Mrs. Sallye Brown, presiding. The meeting opened with the mem bers reading the Official Collect of the Federa tion of Garden Clubs of North Carolina. Plans were discussed for participation in the Warren County Fair exhibition this fall. Mrs. W. E. Exum suggested that the theme, "Unusual Plants," be chosen. Pamphlets, florists, and encyclo pedias would serve as references. Members accepted her suggestion and made plans to develop it during the summer. The president an nounced the upcoming convention of the garden clubs of North Carolina, scheduled for August 5 7, in Wilmington. Mrs. C. Hawkins, secretary of the Executive Board, read minutes of meetings she attended, in which rules to be followed were outlined. Mrs. Powell was ap pointed official delegate to the convention and members agreed to financing represen tation, assessment, an advertisement and delegate fees. The club's scrapbook and yearbook will be taken to the con vention by Mrs. Powell. During the program, Mrs. Mary Jordan used pamphlets and a single lovely rose in an exten sive presentation on roses. This, one of the most beautiful of all flowers, symbolises fragrance and loveliness. Flower ex perts recognise two main classes of cultivated roses: those which bloom once a year and those which bloom more than once In a single season, known as perpetual roses. The meeting adjour ned with the singing of the dub song, followed by the social hour, at which time delicious refreshments were ser ved by the hostess.