Annual 4-H Achievement Night Held At High School M> 1.1 f NN I \Ullslull \«cllt 1 H :\ i il \ !M » .Hi* . 'A .iST'-o i ".»ur:t> t ii 1 iul> !or tii«-si *upport hi* ■ ani paign and «■ 11-< t.■ i. .1State reporter He al.Se thanked the ; H leaders association *• ■ r their spoasorship ! Hi'er*: il.Strict <»1 ^ta'f retreats arid activities rhe 1!<85 ('iiunty < "UiH'i! off'.' ers and about 37 dub uff:i ers were installed in a special candlelighting ceremony The new council officers are Kennedy Richardson, president, Kenneth Russell, vice president. ■\nthony Richardson, secretary • treasurer, and Wanda Seward, reporter Friends of 4-H attending were presented certificates of 'ippreciation Winn Dixie was represented by Harold I.inkous. state meat merchandiser, from the Raleigh office I.inkous was accompanied by his son. Sonny I.inkous N (' Farm Bureau Federation was represented by Dennis Harris. Warren County Farm Bureau, and Allen \d(x'k. Warren County Farm Bureau insurance manager Don I.indsey from Rocky Mount represented Cargill, Inc Other friends of 4-H included Ricky Bryant. N (' Forest Service, .Iimmie Ikner CP&I Mrs Maybelle Hueber. I.eggett Department Store, Rosiland(iilliam. Warren County Elementary Schools supervisor. Mrs Carolyn Adcock, fishing instructor at 4-H forestry wildlife camp. Mrs Mae Vaughan, Norlina Middle School Food Service; Travis Pulley , Warren Soil and Water Conservation District, Mrs Fred West, 4-H pullet buyer; Arthur Brown, 4-H pullet buyer; Fred Carswell, Cochrane Eastern, Mrs Peygy Shearin, ex tension secretary; and [•",11a Dunston. Extension secretary Various awards were presented to the 4-H members for their proejcts, demonstra tions and offices in i984 The outgoing council ««alv *wt<r. *• m ■ . .■ kr.,: ' ■t »'t .i,ir tii'sli P'-Uvit V a, If.lf|« H.I \.->t"l, --p< akliit j! .ifiil Kenneth K ;i.ltiiu -*."f.:"T i ount> 4 H extertains •sinners wti" ri-'t'Uf.1 trophies. were lamala Uscue. Sheila .hlstii'i Yvonne I )ortch. Ni-'i-Je .1 lines, awl Manrne Williams H"nr> Pjile\ was awarded a trophv :><r ;>eiriK stat'.' w miH'i i'ractor Operator Contest Henry also w<iri ^\th place m the I astern U. S lifpiwi'a! I'ractor Operator Contest after compelirit; with delegates frun 17 nther states Thirty-one 4-H ers Honored as project county champions were Sharon Jefferson, health, energy, careers, self-determined music!; Jacqueline Jones, cooking is fun, foods and nutrition; Veda I wittv. teens entertain; Yolanda Alston, frozen foods Natasha Ho>d, i onsumer education, Joyce Copeland, clothing. Tommy Jordan, entomology. Kenne* h Russell, public speak ing Kvette Manson health; Kric Solomon, dairy foods; l.ynnette Barnes, breads, Adrian Davis, junior leadership. I.mette Alston, automotive, teen automotive, teen leaders teach, Felicia Hargrove, first aid, Yvette Jones, careers; Tracy Clifton, camping. Wanda Seward, communications; Patrick Terry, wildlife bird feeders i. Joseph Crews, working with wood and tools; Anthony Simes, bicycle one, Ronald Hunt, bicycle two; Pamela Ayscue, safety with medicines and household chemicals. Ter ranee Williams, fishing, Bobby Alston, forestr>. Henry F*ulley, tractor. Anthony Russell, plants and soils, Barbara Downey, dramatic arts. Vanessa Yancey, babysitting. Cheryl Young, family heritage; and Michael Kearnev, arts and crafts Bronze Clover certificates in the achieve ment project were awarded to Sharon Jef ferson and Linet'e Alston Harold Linkous wit! Winn Dixie, Don I.ind sey with Cargill, an<! > . i VI i VI' n K A .'h u: ! fVult'dU '<i J/t ' m! italU'I ■! '.: > '|i{.. ■ .»; .•! jilauufs> t■ -f mi.a' i:i»i i\i.. i P'.Ul-fV vtc< ! r- A. V ir. . .. .j> I '.if; VS. : !.: A » Ml juiii' M •'i' >s:; .«t:. ; .111(1 I 'aula \' . }iUl i t • am.j; F • « :• ♦ 'it' SI in w !f. - vs • • hnk K.::i .i:i•: V-11 a »>v X11 Us. t't»iI ■ 1 ! v« j I ^ i pi'Tl ami B \ H> vy, • • r a M! i, f vm* t' V < Itl'iphlCS WlIY aW.1l : In Mrs Dot [.retr !.I»! .tin! \11 R «s.?i II) Itfl ti 'A I1 - t UMli 4-H Pullet Stli'W and Sale trophies vtiTv r«'«tved by CorwHJ tjrand champion and \lar> I. Henderson ifscr\ !• i hampion Dan West was recognized as tin' high scorer tin the 4 H iavt s!"t k Judging 1 earn Special awards were given in 4 areas Ac hie vemerit Henry Paltry. Sharon .J e f f e r s 11 n. I. y n n e 11 e Barnes. K enne t h Russell and Tommy Jordan; leadership Sharon Jefferson and l.ynnette Barnes, Citizenship Sharon Jefferson, and Agriculture ».crir\ Pulley Six new 4-H community clubs receiving charters were AxtellPerrytown, Baltimore Community. Rising Sun, New Horizons. Wise and (line Road The Three Point Youth Development 4-H (Tub ret eived a trophy for toeing the county winner in community servit e The Busy Clover 4-H Club received ,i t ertificate for their community service \pprei lation is extended to all the 4-H members, volunteer leaders, parents, and friends of 4-H who made i'»84 a very successful year fur the Warren i "<.unt> 4-H Program Bute Street Club Gathers By N ATASHA BOYD The Bute Street 4-H ('liib met at the home of Mrs Rebecca Solomon Thursday at 7 p m Mrs Solomon is co-leader of the club, along with Mrs Jessie Kearney The meeting was opened by Lisa Wynn, newly-elected president Scripture was read by MissShantell Ebony Kearney led the pledges of allegiance to the United States flag and the club flag The minutes were read by the secretary, Jeanette Alston Members shared their trophies, awards, and certificates received from 4-H work projects Winners were I tu VSjrn n ( di'iit> I II ( duncil nffictTs LsUillt'd in a ipvcial caudlelightmg i <tt-11)<• 11\ mi ,,n 5 art- il<-fl In rightKriinedv Kichardson. presiil. ni Wanda ward, rcporU-r \nthnnv Kichardm, srrretarytrra.sunT; aim Ki inn ill Kusm'II. \ H r president I he ceremon) ms held during the \miual 4-H \ in. \ I'tiu ill I'r igram at W arreit ( • >untv High Seoul < Staff i'huto i Begin Holiday Relaxing Now And Relax During Season ■ :i ;-Lnias will Ik- here U'tdv vu kiicu it. and it s tunc tu !k thinking about -,a> s I)i I hfinia Hin.siexten~»"n family resource managmeiit >pfi North ( ai'iil'iia State I "fll\tTSlt\ There are three basic steps to staying in the black during the holidays, I)r Hinson says .Set ground rules, develop a budget and men follow it I he family should .sit down and discuss the situation, and then set guidelines, such as the following Operate on a cash basis. This means that no more purchases will be' added to the credit card account than an fx1 paid from right i,ff. Dr Hinson says Buy only what the family cannot make -r iio. "('sing family members' time and talent to make a gut or perform a service is excellent on limited budgets," Dr Unison says. Set a firm guideline as to the cost of individual presents Spend money only for quality items, rather than on gimmicks >r waste. "Consider the beautiful gift wrapping materials and how quickly they are shred ded and discarded is that waste9 Could costs be reduced by using imagination, natural materials or something on hand for packaging Dr liinsonsays. ( hristmas Budget Were you still paying for Christmas presents on Valentines Day and St Patrick's Day" "Control holiday spending and you will be Jeanette Alston, publu speaking, Anthony Simes, bicycle safety Charles Perry, bicycle safety; Natasha Boyd, consumer education; and Eric Solomon, dairy foods Club members select ed projects for the 1984 S5 year from the new project booklets, and the meeting was then dismissed by Vice President Eric Solomon with the club motto. To Make the Best Better Nutsaml Raisins A conserve is a jam or pro serve like product that con I a ins nuts and often raisins T rv tc< use home cannec foodi within a vear fhevwil emain safe for several vear longer, but the eating quality will drop jbit' tn filter the N* War feelinM financial blessed instead of bL> and burdened," says I Unison I jet the family budg rather than generoi impulse determine wtu is to be spent Start wil the extra money in tt budget in November an December plus an special savings set asid for the holidays Then make a list ( tjifts hook over the li; and set prioritie.' Eliminate those that ar not important enoug for you to mortgag youi 1985 income," Di Hmson says. Once the list is finals ed spend no more tha you planned, and les whenever possible Keep a record of exper ses, check it frequently Make avoiding debt a ^ift to yourself Food Bu\ i Would you like to save 15 percent of your food posts" Most people know how to do this. says Itachel Kmlaw, extension foods and nutrition specialist. North Carolina It is simply ,i matter of putting basic rules into operation Make a list and stick to it Don't shop when hungry and avoid impulse buying- Plan ahead to lake advantage of speciahs and to use up leftovers. Don't bu> so much of an inexpensive product that much of it is wasted. Comparison shop. Cut meat and poultry up yourself ACP Expertise Available Here IK- A^ricuUuiill i "ii irr\ at 1 uii Pi i a m M (' ■ i.i the pniu ipa; tulllu'l Itll UU^h (ill t: IMS talllleli iirr> nut i "iiM-rvatinii a Mil t- it v ii u 11 iiii- n t a! pi "to lit n pi .ii lli .ii runliiiK t" I (i"iiiu- I WaLM'li AM .N ut.\. illlVl t.'l ll 1.1 .1 ■"'|m• I ah".. • l> !ji !;»••! el unit-lit ai. i : ■ aim itin'i tii i*upsiil\ t' v»ll. Aatrl .ill 1 I e1 a t r >1 l"f •» u ,j I • i pl'uUelllN ttlMH.'Ufi ' ■1 t sharing aiui e.v liain • : i \|M'rtiM' M 1' .hMvtar. > it v a i la bi<• i-tiitjlii(.;iu' t.• 11 i • — planum: i'la-M" ii. ; lemiuifi t»• ain ii"i i ..wt.illnu' uah i w a> - ami -li i> tlJIVN t" ilHtTl I'Ut')n!i watVr pra< ti< in*; iiniii Il.liii'lj; tillage and liu-tlll tai ! U1!11.'. clIllj dduptHIK !!,.•> :tn-aNule^ intendf l t" i eruMon. \ c >v titer n(i ,u'i n ultui at land V\ at -."(I said i "lie ti l in jtiif :,S all- tieli!^ "•■red .mdri the I'.iKo ] till Kt-i| l,c t- !•■' ee I.i■!i.tyi v\;,i [n ted " ! i.k'|] \ ill I '! ' e!'"s iif'i'.i '-d Hi . li.': <•«.•! nj_' In ,|I ! > out |i! ait lie- 11\ i-1 a [Hi h«i ,r '.{.iti- 'i[' jrars fialii ■ i iiito t their Soil , *?ft atiuii Vrv li e ut ' • : •! a.->> bailee Substitute vj.vimilr 1 LiMe[ i- in Mi it dill seed t"I" .i 'ie,<i 1:. ut N:evh dill Hill •• •••! e- a less puil^ fiit tl.fini than trwh iii! () FARMING spoken here n : i \ ' ■ > A . V.r DEBT CONSOLIDATION spoken here. . -A t-'O Robin K Liggon Phone iS;-3930 Warren ton N C If you're looking for More for your money, you just found it! ANNUL RATE 90 DaV CD ANNUAL YIELD 1000% 10.52 % 6-Month CD ANNIAL RATE ~ ANNUAL YIELD 10£2% 11.20% 1 2-Month CD ANNIKL RATE ANNUAL YIELD 1130° 11.63° 0 •\ K.if»• < < uijii if vt !• - i i f £ ffec.tivp Nov 1 i to Nov S >'H) 'inrumurn .|.-pnv.l I ...4.1. highest mtrrcs )ti\i)tirs«ivin^s ()ut utr i*. ,inn<iiirK c(ivcckK and the (ertiti < it')c(x)s(Mill ther, tlx- time ( onnrr Savings ,1 I,in ( nrpnMhnn .Ml* Snuff* M.nn Mrrrt VV.urrrtnn hrth( ^r<.lin.i "»8« '»1*i i.M] • '!» is. ,.n.|M mi .r. .rm.if i. ,n 'I, .. r,n h I t,„ S I'll. ,f ,, MMli,'. I i+\' iMltv*- n-i;. f. •• r! ft!h ' ■ X l« »v\ \.l(lf < lf\ S,|t ".I.IUll ll |N K.llt '■ " « if'llll l\\ I ( (^INIR WINC,<& KV\N v 11' •«•#« ll.lf v • •• • run i > ... '.fin.' >11 | Mil 1 I MM' MM I Ml ' Mill II 'I I I I V nit ,11 I mint IX iMMiird up t< > SHX' i**) h\ I I V sti ip in ,ni(l st.ut ''11nU mure t( II \l III! MIOIH'X CONNER SAVINGS SLOAN ( ORI'OKAl ION More for your money. Ro< kv Mount 11'i North ( hur< h Street -Uf»- \y> Wilvon Mrcntwood Shopping ( enter 2 Wurenton 20" South \1,nn Street 2:t~ I.Ml Spring Hope High w.iv M 4"B IWVl Mn'rhc.Hl ( 11v P.ukwav Shopping ( entrr " ' Arendell Avenue, 221 ',\2\

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