' ' a wmmmmmmmtm lin ' ' ' , 111 m The Caswell News. Latered at lie Vzi OScc ia Yancey. I at preowdiaaa tsstt'f J w. ir. Thompson. - - KnrrrjR. yanchmu r, N c M:r. ai, i1;. S 4 S i HVKC1AT- T ft a strrc!-. IV.tci Lite ludi Iktlrr :c Lie -H.r iM .Viruh of Tiptoe." r.nji'-I in the lurn.cs fan of ly- ur o d fIJ c. W-rt, Sc;- lE-.h. S. A DRUGGIST'S JHSTiKE: A Utk Kn'l Will trtrr;sxs & Crr;tiTl KimiuMunimuiiH Net Hzilxtl. ! Oxnciusfiei to aerrinji'iih arnthtr. nmt s'txvl tc ether as o.ie mar- What is kr.cwn at pu!! c it an ur.se l;Vi s r.i. -. U i wiJi jure that e amoscce to or mar p&trons mc aTC (aair) nio xrnn jrtr.er.ti with that wid wakr, tThiitritcd farm rs;-Jinrt tSe Amijtxcas Fa awes, i.Lhhed at Fort Was or, IaX, r.d read Ly ncr tcco farm en, !y which t!ut great puUkatitja wil tc rnailcd direct. r RKF, to tlx ah!rcx3 of as of.x;r hc cf tl e in L4!ioI in crin fur the cocoon gcrt No tow:i or V.ty cin 4k-r or a Iva&ce without a thtt 'a of :L.s .;:r.t and to secure i; if. ere :::u.! c a j urovr en the Jart cf of t.li.c:.s to act t .:.'. c in ill-lhj.: lorxcru the welfare of the coiririiurjttj. as a !.o!c When j uLh- t.jvc trim's cf an s;r: ire s-citcd, when a raiJtJ is to be hu.It, v. hen an cxhi Li'.iu.i of roourt-ci ti t j Lc iuIc, tiic.c a rewr.ir ahoulj together a tu f t'.e'fnovrfr.er.t p- ir. a.ccu:e..: !.av;rj lx.cn I tn a wor-1 cz.rrcr Vy tr! iad ft 1$ emit r.f rat II; e t write It ttcr: Let E wife thtiUi it w ru rrfthn riht that I houU h t 3a Ltiuw w hat jci rtmij Lu Uj inc. an J X iLiak tv I he In Hat liTlh trcrt. trrirt of Tl 'rJ ttw. ar! have Urnl there for fcru; trr;tr-lhrw . r. wlrrr I own nl tjir . L : li.. tiu.c 2 ia Ut t j tti nt' .:; I JiJ U ti ti"nr. r.-fcr.. H.r" vi t'nay u.-ic ir h-4 caUrU l i the n irh!rho-i. but X hl rt j-. uju" v j J ri-! ?r n it. It vr&a . l.-i 1 v 2 h,.lV-y lir: -Ui. k. It cvae on Li i;t;jts .x'. u.Jy t!u. with hi .vlach5. !.riif ftjp( ti: ar.i -nibi-t- . chiilr iwuvtti ti ith !iit fevtr a? r""rfj, a Iijr.ti.n to jiwn nJ tr t -h. nnl f r'.lx. I n cinpIooJ al t'.tXL tiu.o at Ivihiiti v Hr:!h.T. f ir?.tl i iu Vo.t Sil In Hrirf.antl tothr.Totnt. it mitctj. Ialjcuka iu.'xto rso et mre. - Th- tasiaa djcstie fptJs is c f4 lie eol ccolicatci cJ wceItfa! thirst ia cuvtcic It'b raiiT rl t'l r4er. Grjy f.-3, toc-h fi. J ri LkViti, and a&asy Oliver hkh ttt ttot ta U. hate miiU tie AaicrLcaa f i Bat Green' Acut "twer hai doce a wcwierfaJ work ia rtfortciaj this txi Imii nets ar! acakia the Aaaencaa pec o bealitr that they can ea joy their Keal atd hehapjy. To JLJlil yiA.J Yancevkdlle ! W'ouK! not enable on to set GcxhIs here tnccli chencr thaii .VArcaiv h now K-Ilin them. NOTICE. i?y irtue ct aa enter of toe .Superior Ccmrt. I will, on Jloctliy tie Tth day of Nov. 1-57, at the coart hcuie dxr in the town of VanceyrCle, N. C. ell at peblic anctioa al tie hickeat bidder, the following lands lyir.g ia Caaarell cocaty. to-wit : One trict Iririr on tLe est tide of puWic roai leadhjff frem Yancej-Tille to Mihoo. ad- ut r.s l t I ti a cll- . t ; t in al arreaurci on uhCT ! t:on a.:vl ? . . , ' o . on f ji one car i;i a.!ar-rc from tlikr. arv! to j aj;referenc an! to alejit hrzri:y the xnj new suhvrhber 'who will par one t! a Iv.tc::-i.";-!icn I Ion the tart of a"! to put iMr jrsn- )cax ui ahar-:e. TliJ n a trar.J op jmrtuait to obtain a f.rst cla form ioumal free. Tle Auuktax Farmek i a Urge 16 page journal, of naiionai circulation, whkh ranks arr.ong th kaclin agricultural tarers. It treats the fjueition of ccoiomy in aricu!ture or.il the rights arul ptiuh-sc of that vaat bo! of ciuxena Anicrician Farm cr whoc incluitiy i the basis of all '.rr.atrrial arn! rational troMritv. lt m highot purpjc i the delation and ennobling of Apiculture throu-h the higher and broader education of the faetkaixr wexnen cr.gactl in its j-ur-u;u. TYjc tcjubr ub.enp'jon prire I the AMtrtra Farmfr i $1.00 jr jcar. IT COSTS VOU NOT II INC. From an one number iilejs can be obtairxd that win be-wt rth thrice the ubscrijil'.otj price to you or tnctnter ofyoarhctischoM.)ct you cut tr iKtr. Call arxl ice lamplc cnp. .a 4 courx; decided ujon & & Oif Itittfut' Talk. "Lxti pla 'cm up a tunc called so ber second tliought" is suggetcd by numerotn thirst, reading and happen ings late!. For instance, a preacher itantto cTuickc a U.shop a good many of the wna'ler try ledn a defence and a I' H aa thev Itlhor a in niAttei I ft ami spirit he hkes lcsL" Such twad Me, bejing fr a bi nun's ;pu!arit. Kvcr one in public life U up for criti cism. Men dare cnticbe the Fresi !cnt, or a governnr. No Roman irT r.uest to stop them or intimidite. Again in u nc cmj;rcs and mrnaahie it is hell thc Kin can dj no wrong." Not so here, people can sec others faults. I heard a man say he went a gixxl distance to church not long since cipcrting to hear a good sermon and was dgufrd to hear a campaign har rangue tor prohibiti-o of a bitter type. Said he ti not aAcr ohl fellows like Hon. Jcffcnon Dais but the )Oung. And he vays to mc, 'that's it after wo men ami chihl.cn, want to lead them astray." Why tut if ti-ht get the thinking men U ihink over iL "The power of the pUpit on the wane,' we hear taid some timet. How can it lc tthcTwiac?. All gene ofT after strange C! s:rarge inocn.e burnt ujxn tle AHar, the odcr of which is not pleasant. When an upstart j-rociaim himself wiser than hit father the wot hi calls him f-sillr. Every one who U inter- . . . etcvi la nis country, hi life, &c, ouht t to think bvf-xc acting. So much fanaticism in the world no-. 1 1 g nen wihl Fanat icism on al! sLIes, easy" to imbibe. Our prcTcts lor time arv! eternity dojnd on actions. Church. and state must le kq Airocr aeiorale for the gool of the people here arnl hereafter. Fohtjcal ceacher aredangerou they "have aU a)? pb jxl sorhaTvc -with the rights of the o lc,bothas to li-es ami projrty when crcr tlcy roevklleiL The civil war here was largely due to the preacher of atl tkriominations, both North ami Sjuth. They may say it was a guod thing foe the country, but t!;cy stayed out ol the way of bullets while the wtilowrs am! orphans of some f the best and bravest will tcllrottdirhrrentlv. While on the Gospel they arc g ! xru . t i .t ... ... . by his. r.ij jri:y as tlic Lnt fa- le pcriud. It is in tha way tlut great ati;s arc built up and in this way only. 1 1 is impossible for jarring factions to accomplish any thing in this direction. The strength whlih ihe community josscvscs as a whole is dissipated in the failure to agree. The sticks of the ancient phi losopher's bundle were easily broken one by one uhen separated from each other. So long as they were kept to gether t!i' furnictl a combination un trcaiablc. There is ti lessen in the fable tor c cry community desirous of making material progress. Ix-t us all take it to heart and act upon it when ever an occasion calls for genera! effort in any direction. Xru s O.'rrcr. Kx-Govcmor Blackburn died at his home in Frankfort, Ky.t on the 14th- Spies, Parsons & Co., the Chicago Anarchists u cxt;atc thetr crimes on Nov. 1 1 th. Tl;e lower court's decision has been con timed by the Illinois Su preme Icr.cli. When the system is debilitated by ilrsraie, it should 1a strengthened and renewed with Avcr's Sanaparilix - ? ' --.it. r. 1 1 nis meuiunc invaruoiy jirovc iucu worthy of all that can be said in its fa vor. Sold by drugguts and dealers in medicines. Price $1. Six bottles $c. Mr. Randall is represented to have said: "They (the Democrat) must have my help in organizing the I louse, and I w ill trust them to take any step they sve lit towards Cumulating a plan or tariff reduction without consulting me." The history of the Democratic party shows that it has dispensed with the services of far greater men than Mr. Randall, ami still it lives. kn-vrn in I :;i , v. !. ; ... f The btt batctn ever inrcntcd will no: sraoke at VjofcliaV See .bote nice double width checked and dbj-omU at Florance. Ilarrelsoa &. Co', at oaly eo and 2 5 eta. ryard. To Ifttntcr Shells. Wad. Towder aad Shot at Vaog'in'a aa cheap at anybody can sell tSeii. J. S. DOAK, I D VANcnvvn.i.i:. n. c. Offer hit prfricnal aerviccs to the citi tnof YaBceyvill and urrcund:a country. tT.tice at Kerr's UotcL ?.rtr IU AiJiiT. !. u'V hi . v .!r!. v lir.t to c . 1 t;: .!.! i:t- li t'-t i.ir . ia : w i.-r-!.. O.r.i .mhy I v.-r-,i hit-! t:- f.,.- x dar r Ivr , hut n th v'.i.:.' I .'..ivk t tvi.k. I ktpt uki'i ' ..!:.; ', i. h:rrr d fr.-ru y jt :.i yivir, ...r t on -t-ttliig M-aJi- rr -:.U n-.rw. Jiut ur-!'. ail t UniK, Air w..s i;h' will ri-fi.r.r. I li.nl nr.:!.:. n.ruf it. lis worst frm. au! it w.t riii liu j; in; :.vn in j.it of nil tli-tt I cn! 1 1 th doc- tTi rotil l It -id" mo in a gup ltt'Z fit in Lur.tinj'u mine I u MHti had pnc ali tiiii.M ;ii ami over r.ic and iiotJar.ir ;,.. t t.'iuii it.' I vras .'.tAt iorii ih!i::tjti -.:.-1 j. and about Mr.n h, I-5-!. I I.t-.h-J;'.! :? w.-rk entire ly and Wi tit h-ir..i to rti ;rk, and to die fur 'i I g ali u l. 1 n:j t.iwn- raidly th .t I mmi ? .i.it; un.-ihlc to walk .my dNlaac.'. L.u-r 1 wr.at from ro-p to r-.n i:i n:yon;i onlv.hy fri'-utla hoMia !!.; :t;i lV :;-!. arm. Tci! of i.iiv v rv iir rr.t4f i until nfltn tv)k th-rltf t;nti'iX it .1 i'o.-e. Hie Tct-Li f thi tiri:i.':.li?: ytiinulMtion k.is tn mukc s;c nr;;rh wild. It broke ny fhvp !1 und'I ft-n walked the tltr, or stvi ri-1 :iho?it it. all nirht !oug, aetrce! nhh? to Icar rhv norx-r or ercn human spi-ocii. iljr Umpet wiu extreme! v frritaid . As to foo!. cue ci ray cNa.trvri wou.il eat n;ore hi mm a! tkm I could in a day. I world onu-r frd and thru turn from it in !igu. I livtl on q siui ic and otVr st:s.in!.ir:td od on ut ; If, like a i lu: .;m:ic stit my md tlit lio'fr crivim a a mo!,. !r.' ma !c my sUHuuoa t-lck 1 cov.Yl :. :J'T.it;' it. From llo pvu'.d (vy pnpcr wcltrht) I ran dowlt t. U7 ji::.!s -the weight of a light i u.d w:i jran-ely betUT thnn a !:::. lj"unhfli .':: .'' a haich.t ami lnckol r;-r ;; n-.d killed hie I Jould JUire fc n ; c.'Vr 11T. During th- !u?i.-r i:rt of this period, imrly in 1 my , pliysieian aaiSi Miller, there' m iu3 in my taking rjy more ti;-;;ty of 0:1. I can't do you a- gojL I m'g'it piurpumds of aui nine down your thrtjut a:;d it wouldn't holji you." 0::"thu .trenrth of thi I cjin 11 n tho u- of iptlilh i :t!totJ4, yt ntul :n:wle up my miudjlo do nothing mow aud take my rh:uc f. Jhr'N- ur, !;s .-.fterwards aIout the. i:f Mty my tvihawan advertiso-tm-:it of K tJk:iu in a New York jnjcr. ihj tol'I-aue ..f it I said.: .Stuff and r;')T:. ii4 ! it enu't do me an' mxl." It:it ill.? i t:t ton drnj.vi.it's. ijovcrthe-h-.-e, to :i t ir. Th" dr!:,:.;ist advistxl In r r.jtvi-it K:iivh:f: he smM it was mt:;irig hut sti;rr: ' that he o!ig!it not to thro..- aur.y her money 0:1 it. ic. He aid Le did'i't kej it. hut could pit it if ! iui;ei 0:1 having iL Turn- in.: :; r. ::. lils'.t my wife sjKke to imr n :g!.h ". fr. A. "(i. li.-gewahh who 'xt Ju r a botilc at a drug toru in Sixth av.ntM. , Aluiost ."vr.-iiu't my S ill. and without the le:u-t f.ilt!i. 1 tak n IL In one week 1 u: U-tler. I In-gan to !eep. I s:o's?-I " iMin; irhot.." I u-g-ui to liuv.' ;:n appetite and to pain" !tr-ngth. Thi uai now tire first of Jnno, lKVs r.nd hy the end o .that month I .v li.uk r.t my bench at L. 1 . joioicg the lr.d of G. T. ItaLl ird, Thos. llatocs, J. W. Chandler and ctKcss. contain ir It? Acres, tcore or lcs. heirg ill the and owntd br ihe late L. T. li. bcits at lie f cf hi death, on tfce easi nee 01 w.t nab lie road except two acres which has been to: cfl to W. II. Roberts. And one o:hcr tract Iirg oajhe uest iide of the aforevaid Duhiic road, aiiclcin ll:e Undi cf J. W. Chandler. G. T. at-bard atid o'Jiers, cor.- taicicr Zo Acrxt, more or les, tctoj a.l of .... A :Lal vaiaable body ol wctrt lanu lying ju across the 1 uLlic road ia fiont of G. T. Hub bard's store, which belongs to the estate of the said L. T. Roberts. Tr.sws of Sxtt Ose-third of the pur chase money to be paid cash and lae balance in six month?, the purchaser giving S per ct. interest bearing bonds for the deferred pay menu, title retained until all the purchase aioaey is paid, K, SLADE, Adta'r w-Ji will annexed of IM T. Roberts, SA'LE t Olf Valuable Lands. Ry virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Caswell county, we will offer for sale at rrospect 1 1 ill, ia Casvrcll county, on the, 22ddaijofScptlb7, ! the following valuable tracts of Land.- ! One Tract ia Orance county, on Kno riv er, adioinir the lands of Richard Tbomp- son, Louisa wiikerson ana omers, on wnicn is situated a very j 1 i jFiric 'Grist 511 ill. , I This tract contains about Fifty Acres. The mill is in fine condition, with a good custom, and all the machinery and' fixtures will be sold with it. One Tract in Caswell county adjoining the lands of Renjsmin Wells, the heirs at law c f Sandy liurch, W . K. bharp and others containing about 205 Acres. This tract is a very valuable Fine Tohac- co Fnnn9 situated in the very finest to ' bacco section in this State and is in a high state of cultivation. One Tract in Car well county adjoining the fends cf A. Jeffries, G.' Y. Morgan, Miss Mary Turner and others, containirg about i 200 ACRES, krovrn as the "Turner tract." Oae'Tract of about 2.S() Acres in Cas well county adjoining the lands of B, 11. Warren. V. D. Salterheld and ethers. The three last named tracts ar.2 also fine tobacco farms, well improved and in fine state of cultivation, with all necessary houses, bams and other buildmes. Terms One-third of the purchase money cash, one-third to be due in six months, one- third to be due in twelve months. The de ferred payments to bear inter?.t until all the pnrcha.se money is paid and the title is re served until the same is paid and the sale is. ! confirmed by the court. W. A. WAKKIi.N, J. B. WARREN, Avg. 17, 1637. Corns. Hillsbore KaorJct and Perscn Courier are requested to copy and send bill to the Com missioner;, t- hear to the conirarv bnt COMK UIGHT OX and; tec for yonIf. He i now recievmc hi$ FALL STOCK whielt cn-i sists of STAPLK-OOODSi such as r, - , '- ' ' :- :' V-JyT: S)cin cstics , rla ids, J?la n nclf Pant Greeds Galicos and Ndtions its tip -mm CKOCKEDY, GLASSW-AKE, TINWAKEJ and he Avould not have you forget that his houfc is still v ' - -i ; I e a d q u ar t er s for Gir o c er ie s v EVEIIYT1I1XG in tho Grocery line and a full. stock of Co3.footic3.eiieo ' 1(Q always on Innd, aUo CIGARS, TOBACCO AXI) SNUFF of tho Ust brands., f-Conic to see mc and it will not ti ke you long to find ct nnt jvu uau ta e iiioucy ny iracuii witii me. j . ; j r J. 1. VAUGHN: ; rKJMP :y- Ji MGEWTS W will ciirr.lc tt "IIVKI.I. WaHIIRTtTl kettrr work an4 do it emaler mhSim lemm tin ikm i other mKbiif In ih. worM. Warrants ftr, i4 It it lont aK)i 0ckHii claa vlUwat lottiiaa. tU ixfootl lit moiir. WANTED' I la fvtrr ronntjr. v c-JM HIIOW PUOOK tt Aetto . araninkiiig ir.m 7 ! Miao Mr nsatau J 'At- !--T . . . rzjl. 1 prtfv -well X'aj trv-ra make f o t durlnc tba talrr. ( Tdira bat air! i ucrruft M-:lrlt lhl Uulitr krlail airir. f? I" I l.irin , an aif-ury S'J. A Wo lb. tViflr4 . .-J- KKTOVK WUlNlF.UH at maaafactar-ra' I-, pnet e turn I ha atrictct intlall. 0a4 timt Mjtal card tor (nrlber parllcalara. LOVELL WASHER CO., Eric.Ta, : twin- I.iclnry I :;o v. in 116th R6m& foi Safe, I have a col!ectkn of the finest Koaes grtmn. conuttingof Hybrid rerpetual. Hy. bri I Teai, fkxir&cns Kvcr looming Teas anl IVlyanthat. Tit cxhection incladei 1 France. Marsha!! Neil, feile de Jaidnev, (Ica'l JaceraBot, Paul Nrron, (:be largest rose ptoarn), Suv. de La Ma?mairtn. Cor aeha Ccae. fixtnr Uoihchild. Mad. Jo. S.twart Mad. Wc!che, Mid. Itravy, Mad. Isaac i t mre, etc. :vtt of thee Koaea are ow ia blvx n. Call on or aJdre- J. P. liLTE. Vairccyaille, N. C. .7 Great Jlargain HILL MACHINERY! All the Machiaery which wis ia Cipt. Jas. rteal'a time Mill when it was tamed will be sold at a sacti&c. The large machiaery was ao dam.ged and. It caatists of I Kara TarUae wheel, not hart, , I foct k llant wi'Ji inyn catr. not ia fire. I Uijr srcw foe raiacg Mill stoaes. I p KaiiMaLs 2o4b actio, not ia fire, a larce Cdr fat water wheel slait. j pioJies and iiners. jj feet SHaftiag and ai:ies, balibtt boxes, Naw saAaJrcl aad ceanng for same, Cairwje rvllers aad way irons. Foar Lead bkKaa, Two large taads fir sail stoaes. so Horte power Eegiae with ieptrator aad a 25 I Ijtse power 1 .oiler hkh had a light r laak shed ot er them. . Aay oae waatin sach nachiaery cxa get all thi f lr thta half the oriiaal coa of the eaiae aad Unler Ca!l cm or aJixeaa W. II. Ti'vr3. , ' Vaaceyville, N. C. :i:t;l -i vr-.; i!rvt, .vh n- Sin.f t!.-:i 1 r. ;v n. rir lt a day frnn ..' ktn . T;.hhi' Ka.L:ne nly, .iLout furt v sh If ir. f.jjr qual d-es a c.iy, I ii i.i;:i.ul t i. aiu. The ma lari.t ap;n-:.ri'd to Lv kiih in my sjs tii!i, and now I've pt u k niy old wd;;!;t 2 7 mii:iI. u:ul r.ij ohl utrrnth to l!r. I am an a-tonih-ni'rit to r.ivl to r.iy friends, and if KiVi.:t JA :uA do thi I ih n't know whrt Tho only rre.4t T thiupj it rot: 1 1 uo M'oid'l ! t' 1 1 in' a 1uJ tuan Fi::ir:.t;v. A M::.leu. Crvi K..t 1 Mrrvt. Ki n- York, r. S. !"; t'-.' ai.hitf'tri:th of the ahow tai. in : t 1 t fr t.: the follor.ir.c; pcntl-iit.-::. mi.;i. arc j-o. xinally ac-cp:aj:;t-d wit! lii f.i;t: Mr. Alex ander W.-ir. Ci J l.th jt. : 2Ir. Gt-orjre S t:inn, i ':Ii :r . t and CVuitlaadt avt-tu: : Mr. A. M- ' :. 151th trvrt aud Court land t act:::e: Mr. P. F. VcU 1"m:i trw-t anl Onirtfandt avi :..ic; M . Jhn Lrnnr, f '30 Hut l.Vth tn t; Mr. Jolm ll iifhaw. 121 l'.V.th tn !. r.ml many other. I will ah- n-p'v t- h:t-r- t.f intury. Wr auht::it tint tho above a.tnn!?h Inc ct:ir. .u. -!ul for aa it i hy repn tlh iiH-ii, it d ti in j of a thorough and eiidid iuvi-titoa br thinking ai'p.r. Ail mi tr.rlucr suotait llal aittcii uruj -''-' turn array cntomrs ty fali4fi:i'4 tho character" c f a rvmedj bocan'th r do n.t Lif; on to have :t on harnl, tiwy do a jjrv.tt wnrnj. If thi atnt4-l man h.id not dirtanU-l He lns;it" ailiiro ,ninl cut o wherc fur ibo n-ia-l Ih; rtuld without doubt har Uvn in hi ravc. OthT h t?ct of a :i.iiUr character "The Old Reliable" Northwestern Poultry Yards G. K. DCOLITTLE, raoraicTos, Otcatouiia, -Minnesota,' Has Eers for sale for hatching from L. Brahmas, Wyandottis. Iar.g?.hn$ and Hack ar.d white Cochins at J2.00 per 13, $3.53 for 26, Elack javis. yard ro. 1, S2.00 k-r 13, yard N. 2, l.$o for 13. $2 50 for 2 All egc will be from first-cl'.vi srock and c?.rc- fui.y picked in ba:Lcts and st.if-ptd n gooo lorvter. -r.d your enters to u. r. jAJKJ- I.ITTI.l. h-jck Ax rio. Owati r.ni, Mir.a., or leave them at the News orT.ce. 1 1.3 "W"eelf Pomona Hill Nurseries, fOMONA, N. C. , Two anda half miles west of Gicr.lfrr, X. C. The main .line of the R. & D. R. R. passes through the grounds and within rco feet of the office. Salem trains mckc regular st-'ps tv,i"ce daily each way. These interest- t ed m Fruit and r iuit, growing arc coiuisIJy 7 icvitcti to inspect this the largest nurfty in . the Slate aid oce'&mong the largest in the south. . , .. - : The proprietor has for many years visited the lezcirg Nursrrics North and West, and corresponded wi.h thos cf foreign countries, gathering every fruit that was calculated to suit the South, both native and foreirn. Tl-e. of Poiovna Hill Nurseries is rcputafaon of Poiovna a I til Nurser.es isMicit that many agents going out from Greensboro' . "";. H representing other curseiies, tiy lo leave the r vCv laijTession that they aie lepretenting tiiesc nurseries. Wliy do they do it ? lt the public tnvwer, , I have in stock growing (and can slow vis itors the same) the IarCit and bet t.U tk cf trees, &c, ever shown or Ctn in zz-.y io nurseries in North Caiolir.a. consi.-tir.p ' of .pple, pesch, pear, cheny, plum, gryp,-Japanese persimmon Japanese plum, j-rtccts, r.rctaiinf, fs"a.i apricot, muhlherry. qvin ces. St:all fiuits:- SttawbeiTy. raspberry, currants, pecans, ThvIhh wall h's, rhubarb, asptr.tgus, evergreenr, shac trtes, roses .c. . Give your order to mf authorized agfnlot otdcr d.rect from the nursery. Correspond ence solicited. Descriptive catalogues free to applicants. . Addiess, .".' i J. -Van... Lindley, : - 1'omona. Guilford county, N. C. mm urn r-a y 1. ' H ! . 'i. - j, r. j 3 13 3 41 SUilc of Xorth Cdroiua, Caswell county. IN THE SUPCKIOa COURT. 0 J. A. Stanlicld, Adm'rcf Htary Fuller, Heirs of Kmiiy Jackton, Eliary Whitfield, . I.-a Fu!Ier,' Heirs of 1.U Alle, Call Ful . h.r and I'risciihx Fuller. ' ' NOTICE OF SOlMON lOR F.F.LlEF. Summons issued in the shove entitled cause Srpt. 8, i5S7, and is returnable before the clcik of the Supenor Coart, at his cmce in he town cf inceyvi!Ie; stae and county for&said, on the the 24; h day of October, xsey. when and MLere the defendants are reqai:ed t appear and aawer or demr to be crrrplaint whica wui fye bled in laul 01 ice w-tLin t-o days frosr the date of this notice. The purple of ths action :s to ofc- tain aa or ler to sell the real estate of the late Henry Fuller for assets to pay delta ch the The Great Southern Remedy fir ll TfaOOBLES AMD CHILDREN TEETHING. I Th re are vry few lu -w f ' iiiK-'Ui-h rfins 'fciwaalU t r-it vwif tffi b.itvir ft-w r-x-im U o ll-.c l.Uie "iuri4 UfTy, L t ' mf M M isav? t-Kt-tl m mt t-vt-ry hf , Ut t? n .t tiav'.nai a -nrtrfu l'-l . V wt4 Dr. lU-AM-r ltwr,kltrr ta ilUHKAT Utaifun assfcw of. .twv tl.? lu'ue on (-trctl.iJVT. r4 xi Ino7;- ' ttvnt-ry arvl Vtn- ti?'Jv . it a cnn.t l t ";r' ILf your tsM'i bf 'l. ;.'rw ' , . I.la tr.ao rr?-J-.rt.M.ta; .'.! J n. l W Iwr'rU.ii t!'UtlJ.w- I 4t t. a wxf n 51 . r.U aat s'i'-!)aHli-lV ! loiea r fc l-N-rr I'oriflal 1 tM a fT, cwu a !,r-.V.tii4 virr:n A.TAVtt '- : ; Xa Jr'a 4 in.kn-ilfi'"-' " ,'" 14 Untlrln wM fW "tatf-. t '..:: Cu V- . , Xurt'i Qirvlmai -CasUxU Cvunr, it riii! st iitaioK, cot ur. It H, W'r.hcr. Adm'r. withthci will acneid of ij. L. M ithy,' ' ; - : .;, ; - j ' . : - aiimt , , " ; ' ) Virginia Totters and' her harCsrud .r,ry 1'uttcn, Ja. Snead Othclia.S3eaJa;Bjr chiidrea of f(9a Snead. . ; i; . , j.'OTir.fc . o.. ssiMOXi ,(r srtrtj.. Summons issued in the! above elntitletl cauc Act. ITthi ia??, ar.d is reta?aai!e-he- fore the Clerk of the SafeTjor Ctri il h' The rOUCE GAZE TTE will l mailed. ecu rely wrap ped. to any address in the Uni- cd Stales for three months on receipt cf ONE DOMiAE. J -l "1 Fx Liberal discount allowed to postmasters. agents and dabs. Simp!e copies mailed 1 free. Address all orders to RICHAIin K. FOX. Fa.wKtix SQCAit, N. Y. In this actios upon the afiUavit of Y A. f?nlr orciaid, on tbe.i day "df 0:Wrf Starfield, AdrbVof Henry Fuller, the plain- iM7.:hw and where the defeaat are te tiff it is ordered U,at sciice of the .amnions FPff ?a4WfT.0,.i?Pr upon Ihe defendants, the heirs of Family Jack- co;laml wbtcivwiH be flle f in said te kc. ho nae are ask now. E:vrr Ur leC ih da!e cf 'r?1 ft'e- Wbuficld. Lea Fuller, the heirs cf Ilell Allen. PttrrS ?f e,!? " to f43 .M..K-,tnA-M i-.H rn,r otatt to k:i tlic tanas of the late folaa i XOTICK. Havirg this day qualified as Fxecalor cp- rn the estate of the late Geo. W. Price, oc ticc Is hereby riven to all persons ir.de bted to said estate to rat fcrxard ard mike im mediate pavmeet ard settlement or the claists ill be coLcctcd by law, acd all perrons hav teg claicis s gainst said esUte will present vmur iniri.., '.'j ..rk tUm fcr psyieat c or Ufore the 30 h day from rr.m.tu at mdn.dual. whsrh Lf Aar. t55S thu wifl U plea- .... - ' . . . .. . . ... j iscilla Fatkr. mho are noo-residenU f ' 'T. ot w Ia7 tiet or me sax i!i tt V rrl v f! - ,t lestaicr. .. .p.. w . . j r wM.Mte i V. icjs acnoa gvng iuie aua purjo.e 01 Lie In this action upon the anSijit of E. f. ' st-vrap vi:.r a a n nnMj 01 up- i k,r -rv;. .. d.ubtcal inrnt. will be i-tit on appl- I -t. . :c. ' Iloa. 1 ri. t . c " -iw, aw.; j- Sdd by Ii u-itta, wr m.ui Lj mail oa pt of 1 itt. T Kt;.' Cviupiiiy, 51 Warrca t-t N Vvk. . , . . W. P. PtTUfJLL, O. R. HlTTOX. Ears of G. W. Trice. umriR'l frAA.n; ..M t ieTa, r wiia ine wui acacaeu o j pear aad answer or decwr to the compUint U dey, the plaionir, it U ordered itat wLich will deposited h the cmce of the rvice cthe attcms ac thdefetdaats deikof the Superior Coart of said coanty Jf- Sa6Ae!Sa, , who are Hosnttj within ten dsys from the da'e cf thU order. U "f bf, a notice of oe a week fur six weeks saccetoivelyia the t!as actio. t.0'4, VV of Ah, Casual News, a aewvpirxT pabhited ia ae aad itwteuia ihfndtBU loisr town of VarceyIle, state and coarty afore- cer 0t.zr.! ''5 ' raid, and that ihe. said pnblkaiion whew ffJf Jlei madetfcaUUeqaiviUTatli personal saa- T'l f 2t Wrtbi ' Z j 1 t.s. .v.:. fee six weeks tscceauvclr La the Csj-mil wb . v li sil.l!ei ii. i(i a u " a.a 1 ih ibsa ccrt thi liih 0 Sep. I sSy. ' Sr HVCU H. AI1AMS CSC -a wxA titMa 1. a aa aa&wia ADVEH7ISER3 1 irrLQBD STIIflilS. .Viv, a sewspeper pabhshed ia Ihe towa of Vaaceyville, state aad costaty aforeaaid, aad that the taid pabheation whea snadc shall eaivaleat to a personal ituanvoaj of iaid defendaats . - Given nader my hand and the seal of this conrt this tyi day of Asgnst. iSby . JsrrNCtE B. AbAMs, CS.C t.