V 'J n e C a s we ll News. Katncd at tte rt OfCce in V.ctj;- IV. II. T.'JOMl'SON, - - KlUTOR. VANCFY1U . N.C. OCT. 1 3 S 3 $ S It ii with p!jrc that we an rec lo oar mvy iLrons Cat e hav agair) rri Ic airar.exncnt with tl.at auL: awake. i'lustralcd faim rragaiine, jl.e Awih.an Fakkik. pul:srxd at Furl Wayne. In '., and rfa I by r,cif!y ;&Y0 farmer?, l !u.! lhat grcal T.uLdication will trailed d.rcct. . J-'RKE, to the, address o any of our J-cnLyr who will cone ,t ar.J pay up all arrearage on sylAcriiHion and fmt tu in a!. ar.ee ten; dai., and ta any new saUtnl-rr U .iy one teiestcd in fifivmmg with agitV 1 Le wju'e I. rid !ct! eff a rice r in! r!t fnj then me Lad sorae .l.-.e itc.ti:;' a!rcriaicly from Miss V.Jc it.il Ms T.nW, ir.tersrscd jit;. Smc ct the rtc.iariom tre tru'.r rathctic an I rendered with an ea grace. hoir :hc natural ada; t:t !. y f cadi or.c cf t?.e f.iir or.c f.r ihc (ariicuUr pietrc the f:nt NrLi.j f vo crios a nature as to i'nimt !fi' a tea: -l prcve-rriy trc rnr chtrrch ii.-ft" started 3!i I the rrr tcr n-4 ret fax U.ioJCjtJ.c Sa jcrU. ur.al!e to ' eri-i aaid dr.rie 1 undersuch prcv-urc, bftMC Tcrtfi in a :ruc :ht juc Lear, then c cr-AvccI i h;ji'' tCausc a '.I llut jwi.t lip'tnirtfi ojM pel Iov:. UV l.u ! made a start liut our muih in to Lc fwloucd I) deep feeling when "Rock if ..fs A Woman from" Austria Near IH" vill.i-J cf Zilling tlorf, in rirvtcr Austria, liv-j Mam Hflf, r.irixrtdfc-rt Ttnd industrious woman, wboi; story of phvriral F.uff r. and fieri relief," iw rOutvd l-v LenvilX, is of intrt-ftt to EriL'f.Vli wonicii. I va crnnJoycMV1 sayn, in'tLeVork olf a large farm hotLsc Ovmrerk-brouirht on pick hti'Ltche, followed by A de.it hly. fuintii! arid sickness of tlicT pttrfnacii, until I w.-ls un.iblo to rc-Uan eitiier food or Irinlc I coinjn.'lled to take to xr.y bed for several weeks. Getting u little better from rest uiA quiet, I H.uptt to do sotnt? work, but was .snn eleft for "rue" came Honing in sch tnkyn with A tvoin in my side ; which in a mini wiau; seciueu To Yanceyville ! f.'frr Them a Chttps: T!Ut il ta MX, ytyar laagt. AliO ill jeer bre:kr. tn'rancry. Very wonder fol mi ciioerf il' U. only Ihe Urjcr ix-p- ijr. bot the tbouiand f lirt!e taUt nd tin ties Jfidioj from them. Whsa-tbes arr-cicKrd ad cbcied with oaf.rr which ocjht- cot to be there, jjpr jr cBft til do tJxir wxrtk. And what thry da, thty cannot do wcll. Call it co!d, cocri, cros?. prcjinonii. ca- !frh. cr.)uinpikn of anjroITtlfc family of Juoat aad tcc aaJ fceai ad luL otUfc tioei. a!l are bai- All ocjht to be got rid of. There i ;t one re war lo rid thca. Thit ii lo-u'e lichee' Ccraan Srmp. which any drugi: will k!1 you a? 75 cent a botl!e. ren if everything else haa failed you, joa my depend upon this foi swecttr.c l'ly h;ch gave rise to; thcu-'it lc the? hat we learn and hum a:. ! thiuk !:g!.t!y of in youth, miy L our solace an.J raiin4ay qi ol.l age or in attl.ction. It 1 certain I love that old hyinn better now thin I vver .1." I !"-. I r. ,rf.i lit ? ml!I f amount of prejulice before. I will not jjo!cn niy jr.dJ'ni by giving 1C to 5jrt a.l over my whole body, imd tlirobWl in my every liuik year in adar c?. Tl: u a par.tl oj " I I " "V 1 "o- o c - jxtar.:ty 19 obtain a frs: Iii3 farta j jfromnic but u:ike it to say the cn- -journal fcee TtcAM.MCiS Yix KJUInn,e" S- ' ear 10 say 1 j!1 I would IiVr to uv in i-ri'v nf the - 11 " J 1 --ircuta:i n, mhkh rar.k among th? J don't wish tbem to think I ivouM be tcadirs airtkuhuja u::rs. Ii ticais guilry cf thttcry or even common p ar c iK- ..ninn of rfonorn in arricuhure wmIntB' 1 " ' ... 1-- - - " i 1 : 1 1 . . ; j : . . . r..- . . ... r t I "JX- 1MHI IIUl.UIC ItiC tUHlllUlll.C lit . . 4 I for uo.'jc tnicrtaunicnts and s-.cn otn- au lol f ri:iicn Amcntsaa raxm- , , sinc Counln. rc0!,i, ruf. . . . . . ..I crs wI.onc tr.!u:rr 1 the baj of a.. (a Krovxl cntcrtair.na.Mti. More of 1 . . rtatctiI ar.d ra:IoriI j.rw5j--cn:y. Its I thti kind, h:gh moral and en.ihteirng. hishcM purine is the tlevation and wool I step a great many fioai seeking - IcfiMl t t,,. f !-fif fi" .iir 1 curb I.r -!cr and Uoadcr education of the y , . 1 tJ 12 11 thtn. I them much suc- rnenan oticn cn-al in its r:r- Ccss at their other apRint:nenu uiii. The regular sub cription piice J.cc an I family, of Damiilc, tt the Amikiciv FARiitR U $1.00 perl have been spending ihe summer and rar. IT COSTS YOU NOTIIINC. fa!1 al topping at Mr, . , . tierce's. ' ':' Mr. UYLster of R. .L- I). R. R who pLtair.ctl that .iU he uth tl.ticc thel mc - tQ IIurr:Cil has Cagiged wUcnion j tKc to you or rncmbci board for a ponth at Mri. Header- ofyour household, yet you oi.r it rkre. soa';. I'aJI ar.H ee ami!e conv. J biOKc, o: Kcutsvui?, is i ....... . . . . ...... , vtsi:;ng incndi and rcutxveo at tel ' 1 2 2 2 '' Mivs Johnson, cf I awsonv;IIe, is vs " e i ... . ii In lac rrcat varht race the Vo!un- lun: ,r-c'Jl rt'-ves at l uiuin. . . . . I Tl K.M ... I , .,.1 lcr conic out irtorvn. The Th;tlc ,,w v lzs three lh;n.l whtr. the Vol- sni!:"lc f,;avc P"ahtscd the Possien r,crr cfuSAC j .j . place adjoining the church lot from the executors of the late G. W. Price IWicnt Cclind started on h:s and preparing to build the school house UxU VcM and South last Fruity. The on of it and imHOVC lne othirsnd rvaucc on wmc.s in wnuii nc u ravci I sell in lots. f )n h!S rcru,n hcfwl11 st0P ovcr in '" IVIhani, N. C, Oct. 3d, 'S7. u;e or. the aist. I -ri ir;,l ..IVm, frr;, rl... itLK I The Favoant-the bca and largest set. t i ct nn Uf mtt'.rf at niAti i .t a. I If II. I 1 . t - I: I t - . . Take yonr h!f wrrs shr to Mr. IcKta- eey iastead of tbrawinj them aside. He will fix them nearly aa good aa new for a smill up. Ve haa moved hia ihoc (hop in the bciuse op;4i:e Toteat hotel the old pct ctlice. ' 1 - . j- " The best lantera ever invented will cot Mnoke--a? Vane001-'1 ' . " rpi . e .... i v.. I 2ec i.wc nice aQDie ww:n tnaica ma This fo4;o.ed by a couira a;.l!c -L,r- n4iM .v t rtfifSS of bit ath, Until (only 20 md 2ct. per yard. To Hunters Shells, Wad. Towder and Shot at Vj.agfcn as ch;ap as an)bcdy can soil thcio. Toharco knive, Thermoir.eters and lan terns for the curinj season at J. M. Real's Son?. aiid sl;ortf j finnlly I could not t-ow, nml I took to my lK.d ior the ?ocoi;l, mid, as 1 thought, for the lost timo. My friend.- told me that my time h;:d ncarh iiime. and timt I co!iid not live longer than when tiro ' tn juit on their green once muiv. Then I Iiat'Ih neil to iret:'-? of the Sei- r 1 t . . 1 .-x ... 1 my. . dcur i:.ilir Lought m ft H.. Ull'SJl C hQ Would iV.t ei.al.lc von to get G.kkJs Jicro much chenj-cr -.UiaflViiM 'ft t .. ' . , . ... . 11 mi - im 111 an 1 . n - ir v - - - anything you rnaj hear to the contrary bnt CME HGIIT OX and , see forvvutimjif He U now rveievin his FALL STOCK which con 6?6ts of STAPLK GOODS such as ' Domestics, Plaids, j?lankclf j Calico?., a ncL Notions, nil 7 -ci LIU' V lOf i MI CIIOCKfiRV. GLASSWAUP:. TIN WAKE,"a!id, he yo:l!d not have vju forest that his house is still , T Atifl T A Ik TT 1 . . j uttniAiiAi JlDttUl Udl IUI C5 1111 A Vcrd io the Public ! Comer Main and Craghead Sts. Danville , Va. Now cfTer a full line of Fall and Winter C 1 0 1 h 1 n g FOR H tell You rialnty tious uttcrattces duxin the evictions of tcnanl'i at I itc hells town ended in a nat Simmons I.iver Keclator will rid you . . r 1. t .1 1 f DfpP. Headache, Constipation and erd:a of gu.hy, and the a.cujcd man :.uJutac. It wi bre;k chMl acJ fe. TX scnter.ced to three rr.ont!S imi ris-l r and prevent their return, and is a com pieic anuaoie ur ail maunai poison yet entirely free ftou quinine or calomel. Try ... 0.. - (l,aItsof the renuine Mmmoa Uver Ke-u at ion in Mu.r.esou the frt of Julylat. I Ut't prepared bj J. II. Zedin & Co. 1 he la provides th.it the license for aclUn cnmcr.u NoTici. o i)4ViCN io& kKijar. Summons tsocd in the above entitled tti'.ax. ra::n r 11 m- ( . I u tc.ii CuJ.f( tVHql, in all fiMM r tn rvrr r rurrr. I - : ..rf... ,1 I i the srrsKioa lovkt. ., . ,- . I A. B. NcKta, OOO I-OPUUUOiL. I uLhe s-nl.mcr:t il I . ..-tlu:i rqx?rtcl ai o-.erwhc!:ang:y ia uvor of jofc. T Mltlct and wife A C Matlock. Jaa. ILCr.CVUw. I Jones. Laravette lone. I. V for.es. KJ Macy, K S Jonns. W J lonet, N U Jones, Ocr reotle td learn ntth tnnch r.ji unimpjtun n.i Aionn famine . . wan. I 'casuxc h it the initctitiary auUi r : c at kalcth have arcrpctl the cfllr c i the dlrectori cf the .Udison branch f,a? u5 Vlh-1 "7. J retarna rauroaAiio c.LiiC DC same Horn blokes-1 Uc ia the town of VanceyriHe. N. C. on cla!r to Mad son i n-i W...V Monday the 3!st day cf N. v. xc7. at which , , t me the defendants axe rtnuired to appear 1 capcctcd tu voror.ur.ee tn a shat and answer or deiCar to the complaint a cpy time. Grcenslro Pj:iuJ. ot akhwi!l bc n!ed in tha orsec of the . ir , " 1 f icaeraoi ir.e apnof Court or said coumy 11 i..c Ijopjc awng i.:e line trora I within ten day f ruta the data of the avervicr tins p:ac la ftUItcn lud went to work 01 lhlt araocOB- .Tlir proceeding itt . . , , . . 1 lmsmcieu fr me r uioi.n aesirnt ir.e d-tcnJ ncht and icorked tietlwr tl.rv rtiiiM I ' " ca"'fnu . t -o w-j uu i ji l'Mipgic u oavtc a uastec ai- nare iu.i a running to Aiil'on i utw ci trust ccc.tej on the t . tr. ,-.-,, r-i aatH.lavof j etK ty the defcndaiu noar UnuCX the Same terms. Madnon Jao K. Matlack and wife Annie C. Matlock ittx tas large a p!acc aa thiv and there 4W Vancey Joues, his heirs and a:Ti. to ;. ... . i . e pa j f" ci wtfl lot twj bun- v, ..v - V'-v.. 1 u-crc jrej o4 un dUlars due the plaint.ff. A. li lt more mJwV It is t:pOsIb!e fjr NB,a- The laid Vancey fones. ttus:cc. and ttui ra th very reason, ami the poly one that can be pica. why we hate no railroad to4iv. llnfmai Entrrtainnrt. I enjoyed; myself imrocsely at the b:t!e entertainment riven at Shadv llnve Friday nn;ht by that Vance v;ie foenjuny. Mi-illuie give us a tew se lections on the otgan h: the crowd f crt asvmbhng hkh were rrhshed and all the moie by some I stror.'y irjx t al o seea. d to take advantage f( that pirtTutar ttrre to l dtep'r in- I th.s acttoa apon the aVdavit A- It Ntwrun. plainlid. t: u ordered that service of sammniapaa lie defcniaats :. I. Jones aaJ K. J. Macy. ha are nub-tesidents bat have j foperry in th.s stxte. be made typab lahtaf a to.rce of this actio. ivicg title and 1 irjH4 cf the uxr, the nature of the demand tad leuinec said defendaaU to t ...... 1 1 . . r ni n.wcr or uctnur xu tne complaint a cojy cf Lh i:i Se dpowtei ia the of r.e if tae crk cf the Saprrw Cue rt this cuaaty wiiaua tea daya from Cie date of the KiiAtcJ liii uaatvSk, once a wrck r sis ucceMiriv a the Cawti. Nf.ws. & new. p. pr piKuhed ia Vaocevvillr. N. C.. aoa Hat the satd piiilicatioa hen nude fchall le e-iivalen to a personal scaaont ef said dtfcttdaats. k i;e at auy .Ac ia Yaaceyvdie. N, C, this IKt. 5!a, l!s7. rinu b. Al'iws c. c. lot!ie o: r::r.;j.., .s dyiut (Shaker Extract f Kwts) which I k e.ietiy accoidinij to direeiion?, and had not taken the whole of it I.fore I felt ft chfjige for the better. !My Ijut ulnt'i bi'gan June d, 1882, and continued to August IUh, when I eg:m to tnke the rynip. Very soon I could do a little light' work. The cough left nie, and I wss' no more . 11? I . . il TV" T irouojeti in ircaiu;iiifi iow jl am perfectly cured; and oh, how happy I anil I cannot express irratitudo enough for Si:ioelY Syrup (Shaker Ex tract of II(K)t). aNOW I must t4ll you tiiKt t! dvvlors in our district c:.,t:;:H:Ud handbills cautioning Le - o)le ngain:5t the" medicine, tailing them,. it would do no gcoJ, and mrny. were thereltv iiniuencid to Je- ftroy the .S-igeti-'viiililets; but now, wl.eiifVcr one Li to bo found, it is k-pt. liko a relic. The few jireseived aio bor rowed to i t ad, and I have lent mine for eix inilcd around our di?tiict. l.oplo have como jightccn miles to get me to buy the iiK'dicino for them, know ing that it cureel mo, and to be sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who was look "ng like death, and who told them there won no help for her, :hat she had consulted several lector.,, but "Ona could help :icT. I tol.,1 her of Seigel's yru, andj wrote the name iown for her that nhe might nako no ini.-it.-.kts. She took 3iy lUlVlce and tile sTnp, alia I have a collection of the finest Roses aOW She is ill TM-rfect hplltli. r?- consisting of tlvrid l;erretals Hy- . , . 1 1 I mm leas, ionrbons i-.vr y.oc.mirj; Teas Ilia me jx.-opic arouna U3 are and Polyanthas. This col'ectkn includes lina-ed. ' The mediemO has i:1 ,r.nce' warsnaii weil. rerle do jaidnw, , - . Gen I Jacquemnot, Paul 2eron, ( he i3r"cst JLOiie Pllell progress m Olir rose grown), Souv. de La Ma'iuaison. Cor- leighUiriioo-.l tnat Toplo say n.ei,a -eo1lf ; L , ' Jrd-Jos- kl 0 , .. . ., ' J hchwarta. Mad. Velche. iltd. Bravy, Mad. riJCV "Oil t Want the doctor any Isaac Krcire, etc. Most of these Roses are liore, but t.Ky tui:e the Synip. novv ,n tloom 1 r suftervrH from gout who were Varceyvijie,-n. nil.ntia to ti;eir bels and could hardly move a finger have been :ured by it. There i a girl in Dtir dihtrict ,whct caught a cold by going through some water, i:id was in bed live years with ' sustivcne-sfsand rheumaticpaina, and had to have an attendant to wateh by her. There was not a doctor in the surrounding district to whom. her mother had not applied to relieve her child, but every , one crossed lh":n Ivr nr.d uid tbov muld not help L:r. V.L,-:.cvcr tho little Loll Men, Youllis, Boys & CMlflren Special attention was paid in - the selection of these goods 1 y cur buyer, and they combine quality with style and 'satisfac tory prices. We have mal large additions to our line of FURNISHING GOODS and offer as a special bargain 100 Dozen Unlaundrisd Shifts AT 40 CENTS EACH. Other articles at comparatively low figures. Call ard examine cur stock. Rcmeniber our motto : "Low prices, guarsntcc each -.rtitie as repree::ted; mcr.ey refunded if purch.i e r!Ot satisfactory." H. HIESH & CO. J. S, DOAK, M. D., VANCEWILLE, N. C. Offers his professional services to the citi- ensof anccyville and surrounu;ng country Ofnce at Ken's Hotel. ' 4 eerier ' EVHIIYTIIIXG iif the Gnccrv Hue and a fulistockjof: IF'reslnL Coffee tidiiex ies always pa.liand, aUo 01G A USr TOHACC( VN1 UFF of . the lC6t brands. J5Sf Comb to sec ire and it will hot U ke voli lor to find cut tuat you can avo money by trading with me. i . .... .. . .. - V ' J. W. VAUGHN mm Jl WewiIlcnrButth "LOVKI.I, WAMII KIl lo belter. Mark and Uo it rntrr 1 ia Iru-timt tLn th, i, otbr Mitcuiit? in th world. i Warrmnlrd hrt jt-tn. mnt tt fit (Soa't wuh tli clatLcn cKau mtLvut rutl-it. w!m refund IL iuey. i l ACEPJTS WAWTED 1 in every murty. w ('AX NlltlW PKIM1F that ABli re m-vkintc from 873 I IAO per nntfew rru.r v?-pS ruak S.'ixi U SVm .inrinit the ititrr. Lati liae rri jr--nii tncrei-i 'm'lUnK lhiM tUn. K-l ail prit-e tnly laBi. -ZLTllC-rli T TT-OT . ,tVT it DTT-PT1 nf -r. Iff iM3 mm a '-a j Tioici for Safe, ran;, uVuh ii ivicp hi rur f loco tvl.t n iirvl-.Tv i?, fwt we thought i:rej i: n-r.i f r l:cr; hat Hrz Ya tT.:p I': :.h SIuJuj- Kxtr ; cf U kiN) .vvl he life, and now fha b m LcL:hy a nn ly, gor to churcli, and cm work ' errn in tho li?Ma. Erjllr rw nrtor.L'lKil w.cti Lhcy saw ljor out, LncmiDj l:nw mnar years sLr hod lrn in l-t Td:ty hc toLLi J.t.r fp-.ili-tuU to Ciiiio for God s mrrrii 4 ciid 5 iceVm STti p. 3 taxu I faa . hirxlt r 3Iclieiaes are eotv Kinf? fold in all part of tLo woriil xiad . f ( h cu t Ba rga in ' mil MACHINERY ! . A:l the Mat-winery whicn a?iC:-t. Js. Po:tt fine aliU uben t vjes burnt- i i'l be old at a sacrifice. The large machHcn was not damaged nitich. It consists of I Farar Tcrbine wheel, r.n lur', I Tool & Hunt wish ir.m (;at-, i.ot in lire. 1 Urge !ciew fcr rr-iir M il .!ouc. 1 pr Fairbanks 2pU ica!c. r.r.t i: fire, 2 larce Gu-gcon tor. witcr vh"ci sli-.it, ?pind!es and trivrs. 33 fee: Shaf'irg anu pul'ies, babbit Loe, Saw mir.d;d and rearing for uwr, Cajrijg: rollers sr. l way iiosr, Kcur bead bl-jcks. Two lage ba-d for rr:J! I'cces. So Hrrs power Krgine with inpira'cr ard a 25 Horse ocr lkika- which had alight plank shrd ever them. Any one warning sach machinery can get aU this fuf les thaa half the original cost of ihe engine asl l-ciler. Call oa cr address : ' W. II. Tn mi st x. Var.cejvil.r, N. C. " North Carch'fia Casuell Cturr t ' X Tim WPERlOR COURT, Fannie V Fitzgerald ijv E. MKiuucy ... NOTICE QfSUMMOXS fOU REUti'. j Summons fiie l in the above enti led cause Auj 2oth, if S7. atid is returnable be fore the clerk of the Superior Court at h''s oiiice in the town of Y&uceyville,'. state ar.d cour.iy aforesaid, on the ttath day of Nov. iSS, when and where the Defendant ir ic iiuired to appear ah.l anva-er or deni'.ir to the complaint which will be tiled, in said office within ten iTays from the date of this notice. The purpose of this action is to 'jt)tIain .An ; order t sell a certain tract of ' lan J for parti-' tiorr, 'situfttMJ in Caswell county, on the 'Ireer sooro 'and Piedmont Jl. R., adjoining the 1-nds cf Js. W. Nunnally, E. I?. With ers and others, containing 460 Acres, more or le.s, and known as the Robt. Hack well place, upon, which 'rooljs Ic Kinney jived at the time of bis dca: h. In this acvior, upon the affidavit of Mrs, Fannie V. Fitzgerald, the pUintiff, it is or dered thM service of summons upon the de fendant," E. W. McKihney, who is a tu.-n-tesident, be mads by publishing a notice of ' this action once a week for six weeks succes sively in the Caswell News, a newspaper published in ihe tov.n -of Yancey ville,; state and county afare.-ard, giving title and pur pose of s.nd aciioti and requiring said dc 'endan; to appear and answer or demur to the complaint which will be idled as aforesaid ... ,tUMv... wuc .. . ms. owIo(C .nrazulde cf our tnont.lHU The Great Southern Remedy for all DOOEL TROUBLES AND CHILDREN TEETHING. - Tifwvar-very Tew who do not know of ttiU h3ll be equivalent to a personal summons . arxt lull: but very r-w nllu !! fuel, that 10 taid dtfwndant. Given under my hand t1! 1 J,PrJlt-V?i,2rj',,.i7!i atT J21 and the seal of this court this I71I1 day of cipio In t tmvio m wtiMcrftil eflret tL uowrui. 14T aii(Str:p uuu'w riy, Sept. iSSj. SrtNcEft p.. ADyVMS, c sc NOTICE. !.(. SKAT MIUrnKRW HtMtCY tlht Tfp.t the liitln on Wxubiraf, rimS curi LnfcrM- U'v.itry avitdl'towip t'cTS. - ' '. Ihp rr luiMcnand liit n.t ki'.JM iML.f'ia ar f frevjUfiit, atul It vi m rutaf flf-tb oe-urrin b-rn. a fhvililia can b i,y "ue or an orcer or tne Superior htfU hjHlM p.vfu" ii-mv.lvi- Court, I will, on Monday the ?th day of Nor. .aily r-eiwf. n f n.hx b jr r ;.v it . 1 337, at the coating dor in the town of j&rM& -pyWX anceyviie, JC. C.Jsell at public aactioa at 1 ( mtcIiim b iri;c 1 '. in Caswell county, to-wit : 'l a. I.ar One tract lyir.tr on the est side of public b4 Vimirin win rnr.-c 1 .;r . V road leading f roaw Yancevville to Mill on. ad- r"?f'"" t'rl,'f" joining the iar.da of G. T. Uubbard, Tho. ' V&r Ctr0t,nrf'CA.nfaVuK Harr.es, JW. Chandler and others, contain- 1. . . . . inf 117 Acres, more or less, bein the . T iiihrvnuH.,. land owned by the late L. T. RJserts at thcK8. Vi:herv lyi'th thp iU nesed time of 'death, on the east side, of the 1: oP j. L. M&Ky,' . f - f i ' pablic rpd eacrpt two acres which has been J i "i'" ! i, S cu: cfl tii-.W, II. Roberts. And one, other AiAfnia ttten and hf r ha (bir.d Srr:rM tract Iyirj on the est side of the aforesaid Xt;.cn. Jo. Snead, QihtlJa Siica)!. .ic .C duWic road, adi jinici? the Lands of T. W: ' , i,,c..i . ' a'w" Vlllii vii wi sa i M-a tf , i Chandler. G. T. ubbard and others, coftt ; , ...... . raric Act . ror or lesm. hein, Vlt ai f 0 KM . ihat valuable body oCvrcod Ian4 ju just Swont issaed in the above entitled across the pohhc road in f BDnt of U.T. ilttn-- caaie yug. j jip. m 77700 is rnnraMc t: bard's sicre, "which Ixkngi to the estate roff focep e Clerk ol ihc -ipeTlor CrA.t "at fris ibeiaidL T: Krberty. - V r n Vanceyville.l Uf and TkRM or SALK-Oaehlri 0 the ctMnlT Sreaid; jon the 7i day id Pcttbr, chase money to be paid cask and ihe balance IS7j ben aad h te the dtfendaatsare re- in six months. the tarchaser riv're i per ct.' JHd to ajmsir ar d answer ut demar to ihe - " . t- . . 1 a. ' k -II 1. aTf J f . . : J -f I a a . a a a.i ..-.a aza s rx tj 1 ati ni ic m wi.x itr- i.if 1 in fan in FVr w iiraiinp iiauu iui tuc uriciiru a bbm wa-.. aw a - - - - - - - - va,w art w urau.p worauers, thoa u ua i ti -k f wi,- r tetwrrwaua' 1 aisi; a lkk. (Vi:n Uuu Irurr, Botto, IUm. mtnt. mcnts. title retained ilil all trtc V chase within ten days from the date cf thU ootice. monevttpaid, - .O T r 'I S rrfP"rF0,,' to obtain an K. SbAUtj Adrn r ' ;flrr we laic Jordan JU with will acneaed of L. T. Robcat. Motley for a;. Ip pay debtsof ihe said 4xlator. J .---Iti (Sits .niyM m U 1: . , , tftOIJCjE i : rs, Adm'r wla, ihe U1 aiead of II Haviaf liisdrQnaIirWdagiTtUifil; It is otd-rrd iv, on the estate of the fete Geo.."W. Prifee. .- aCTi-fee of' the snons pa ihe defendants ace is hereby given to ail persons trxiafcted JpSae!, 0:bclla Snead, who are non-rei-to said estate to cme JdwTrrT n 1 majte ira ideals, be made by ouHtbic a notice of mediate piyraerJt acd settlement c r :irt cbaiics tLisct ion. giving title aVd nirpose of the ill be collet ed by law, and all prisoashav-i ae aa teolrieg said defendants lo $ptit ing claims against said estate will presenr- ,rd answer or drxssr to thiscom plaint iich thtra for payaecnt on. or beb re the .otll 47 bl deposited in the f fTce of ih Clerk of. of Aagcs:, t??r, w tikis botk wili UfpUaa Jiepenor Coort of ald county within ten ed in bar iA ihcir recovery. This (AigaH days from the date of this crder. occe a 'ek 3-L r!!7. 1. ' - fr si wetis saccenivcTy (n'the Caiw.'t AY. T. Dtrai i t, Xcu-f. nJTrpwbjnktdin tke town cf i. ll. lUrys. : ..VaneeytrlOr iui4 caVAlf soicaakf . an4 I ui G: .i . fnce, Oiat.-tae ti4 fwiUiVitinw aaU skali be iaivaleat to n personal mnvmons of said - ; : : -'defendants1. ' -t --- - t rrvnrT TA'PTTi7 -10' t v-v Given ander nsy hand and the seal cf tbi r a v i ccan ttiaid daT of Aarai. iStj7 SPSXCL Q. AlfAM C S. C. : : f t t i