. - ' ' - ' ' .. . , tr nr t v m ; - . : -t : . Z : 5 J cr.i.L The nvmWr rfstuJi i n i . . . : ... i cajic" r erv rrrc r. .i k n i. i r a i i i - i a - i ' i . i i- - t .n n link QctK at V.-zbo... . .. . 1 .i 1 : 1 1 ' ' 1 I i I'- ' J if I S( MM.- I " If tf 1 1 I ill. The mctnber. of the .New. Hor) anlGa:.a wa.fcrorJKc I i! j ' ' . . -1- - 1 - - 7 - - - ; ' C church r-ocnJcu Key.; Mr." Hj:c tesfi.. .-.Pa, . .-i .' ." e rJ i ' '" " - . - - . ,5 v ' C cck' 1 ' ' . ; I h;.i if a competent uCTtrr. flc rcc4?- Z z 1 "ft. ti i-rfXitSi iijtc thf fjctthii :r.cc.ioo. Jrc ij t. j j" anil t:$ constant cS'Ui-.aT $CS l i lie po-CT, trijv-i tTTcVn tn an3 XX. think. Jirtri.ci SiL-ut : . ilimjinaj s it .v)v - 24t j f i.i ! cr.ci Vtnh UA xm M V;xaai. '.. ' , " 11 Tace b Scc"ty of the Daflviile To luccu Fair Th riJ.t. cian ia ' tnc rcl.t j lice. ! . . ' Mr. T. J. Wcnuck r.d vife axe their dac.tcr. Ma J. W. Wij. Jr ai Duihara. Know n caeti ly tK jtja: tLat you cs.r jl l boctua pr.cr a: .tiV '!r. R. H Wfllumo lus Uush: tha -ii .,l: "1:,lrr motet! to n uu wu. . v - ' 1 .. -. .:;t .i . i-? i .U..e 1:;.l . 'i jm !lr1 j:;:::ru, f. iht if ' !i -u Jt : ;v:.i the Jul ;. ;f.t n '.tiU fi tUrotijrh the i-t :uurir?r' th.it trntlicra I to H For; .Good . Goods, Solid Values I S"f. t i r - , - and Guaranteed JWiccr! The fare f.iim R:Iv,;Jc to Atlanta tl-jfir,; the K;oi:in tiJ! W $S 23 four! trip. Go.-! frcxri 3th to 25th Oct. . Tlie Largest Stock, The BejSt Assortnehh .!' ; "... and Jhe Latest-Style,-. ai2b, a4 wnr Kft. I 1 -.MA Uii Cl.Ol ii!U Ilx-ni ftn?. ! rr?R)E I).mrttnfWi- f .i tchoa A C. That r'rvcr jma; I'cM: t, !r. Ji,y i.er, of I;aciec!l , u.'i lc here on the ictljar.il nth, next Monday anj Tuo-!ay. u !.. t!ic inti u .-!: rxrc:c. "f ,,in.. T "' FJt ; flaiij ctnplcte. IIlV GOODS iirt; iiuantitie at Close Price? Notions and Fanor Article. ' 'Plows, Castings, llivcled Seam Jforse Collars,-. Tin, . Iloflom "ttfhl, Sfrhu'iiwrry J'tfr niturc, Saddle and '.Harness.' ;! ; r f ' 1 tJ;-. Mi 1 illic Thi- r c-i r . i ; i . . : 1 , fr :n 142 a r.tivr .-.-at ;jiJ'!v. , Mv?. TisioV rcn- i.'tiri of "Lat Hynrrr n-i -Cvuri- 71.c Kei!ni! e j : it riI.t itc an-i Sal" ;i mnch when it &4n! i-o; !c wh w.:nt tleir i::! 1 rtt l. .Ms.-i I ay!.r dii- liujif.eis Um.;;;cJ must first Lo.ni thr !"! '!! much ccut:wJ:.'il triuun' I ape; a little. laa. 1 : VaeLtt'. Ixiolatthr cenjerrwiei cf the weath er in jroar a!minac. We are not t. have a i!rop cf rain sccoahng to it fair every day. ft CT Goods -Can't Remember. $icryWmj, Thacli:: you f r past fivors, we inomisc our bct tiTort to picas: in ti.c future. 7 f aa.l.ii.i r tu. LwTfcl a::J 'the intti anH TIiUhe." 4 I T!i? torv rnn-1 - lac cry IwcU pticr at Ncal't. There will Lc no service iu the lethodUt church neat Sualaymomio Rc-. Mr. Bute will attend tlje dedica tion of Bethell church and will prearh here at niht Jftz tam'tif atiHctptm! ftortm. 1 1 r ft !wa A Ctr'c . . . See the fall announcement of the leaihng JJjnville CWthing Houie If. Hirsh ,W Co- You ran get clothing arul furnishing go.-U at the very loweit ftgurei at th:$ hotie and then ff any of the articics you byy dnot come up to f t- escalation the money will tc re funded promj t!y. 'H yy have jolite ant! attentive sa'esmcn. Mr. ''ILnes (IhanJ!crt fuiraerly of this county with them, (me d.c:u a call- At!cnttv u positttlarfy ctUtl to ou yrciat eto ccatt. J. 5f. NcaI font. When a" ma ti malt an humble legitjoin and rl?cs to wealth and distinction, he i Htntcd out lv hU fcllovf'ttivn a model elf-inadc nun. If a wotniQ commence lift oj a clt.imber ttiatd, or any othci position In the humbler um1L of life, and altcruardj r;ie? in tin xrorldj.'the rest o woutauhind nev er forgtrc her. Whv i it ? ; (Wbta' a4 UIie tltr. new 1.4 o ' 7xlet' jt rrcctttJ at F"rane. llrrttn A Co . S250 in cash ! j Wc-ccmov anJ j Weltcr'i Piuicaarics, worth .usd 4 Picttisi.)- Holdcrss wurtli 515.5 jjiwen ar Pria.-3 for the het rs sa answer: the rjuestica "Whj h u!J I use a IKctiowary Ho!dcr r" For full iurticu!.i:5, ?end to I.a Yr jlni W. Xovl, i: iwj W. Mor.ric St.. O.kjgo, t!c uuker .cl ll.uionar HiL!er. (rt inijutre at your IfoV store. j yw arvi urt rwa tnepey, J. t. Nca! The board of citrnty eommKi eieri met last ConJiy. iWre waj cr- Ut ile dvne t-evdes the a:Ht:n2 cf a Ivrje number of accounts, attending to thej county p-or anJ o-t$:e jauptrt; a:v; there tecruol to t an u:;usual nua.!f cf the latter. The opeairt- of the l :i for th,e overseer of C jmkt wa laid ocr till ncxi meeting. There are nine or ten' spphcana and tcre Uno telHo how many mere will put in LcJore the next eiectin.;. Satort ai 6o3f mtAium cloth U J M Kal Sit. ' 1 . ....... - . "' ' rtai ajiiJ !.a -ocjI -rrted frpj y 1.2 cti p ai NcT . - Jtf JfccL",-f Jrw p-d. c-d-cwe lm m ch;tj a. he if 41 t N?i. " lVa tail to rf tt !xa W Kca! 5cI - j that i'yrataus, aUabylonian, killed hinir:!i nuuer a tiitdbcrrj' trco b jrffft; Tiitbe, Ins Wcr; had tbu emled her .life. Tlie quintet wcrf swcctiy f ting and fhowod that th( jiartirhad beca carcfullj prac tictd. Mr." WitKn deserve men tioji iu tji way.tn vhich ho sang tbe tasa'coloin .tljp koii, l(Corac where 'tblUHie - Blooni?,r.Tui- song fJU tnccrbdr'The-Iattcr talf of Uie prrara'vv.16 devoted totbe AT r fi Ilitr 1 Snhnnl zvMPmMo'Jis H I cm r r 1 -JA s V AND SUGAR MAKERS SUPPLIES, r $ t . ROPULAR THE OLD KELIAULK PERPETUAL. ' nied 'Hjo ictorr Wni' torhionil? nil 1 r i rn.'i Ti:e cnancien v.crt- i3 i" j-j!dT:di Jiy it p.'caiitLi- Capt. Diu Ncal'ii critic war jt!cti our lia plui'ins and rhcok our rhiblcs thoroUifldv. Huic tleK-rvcs mtch crcdif for ihc'inannur.iu which fhc ha otU-ii uj iht nnd other-eTitcrtnin-incotp. it show that tU richly cm.I6wed lad v alloWii hctvcll not to niottnt.cvfry oltaclo 4fidiiCour:ig- 5.V Lteqt. The decorou? u'.idic-sre !i.ft- j iMiiGcd ftho nnileirf-tlic prtrr.tn h.ii'ln ei'jyetl one of the best mviicy catrrtatnmcntf ever wit- TK-tU'd. iuVucc v illo. 4 Y ;int vrille. Got. 4; 1 i The Ciicap;t4 Kv-ipftratur in Uw Matke?..' Tliirty Vcars hwcciiVj. in the LcaJ. Tht ! -AUTOMATE; SELF-SKIMMING EVAPORATOR. !r ?:'n . SIMPLE- EFFEOTIVE AND CHEAP.' tfT!ic Victory aso.?IIH 3K The hcit. stroilgait, anl simplest mill jr thcifinncy, m4c,' Wri'r fcr CtaWue, irinj fal! descrijition ; also frte sample cry of l!iSoRCHrvfU,wj'iaip!. ' 5 air man V uuvvj 1 my jaiu uuuuw , Male arid Female: I'irpsre (or . the; j? i n in cc!!c o The necil 0 in ihu!atiuo ot hrh rtaJe io 'i'nfm4.! the citntai of the tw aivtluci. u fat tare the cclelntcd iiX?!5lO Portable Soda Fountain ; ' '. .! ' "- - --1 . - ' : . ; .t4v- -5rf - wr-- - i i ; ( i 'h f ? s "I ant.to ihai.k ou," vrite .1 youh,; 4ia:i to 12... IV' Tohnsaa. 3; Co.. Rtchmiul, Ya. ."for- f4:cir mc in a itOMtioa by nhxu I am enah'ea to ma&r rttor.e, Taster th-n I tx did bc-i lore. l l:rs jj out-a sarup; eairaciui mm W V the D.ai Irucv'cd of sliHir letters re- i it inc: ui'otc wa.. oww i. c.i uhcrtdcren in another column . jro e3uold should bc wirEaw 7 M ' ..,. j .... ill urn ll i-v. f A 7i 1 I r r. a -a ' . a '.- . ? . 1 .. i r. .V . :! v r Vi" I Jleardlff oi the Ilurd Titius it that chxi ! im,.!! nc 1U ' 8 f i ci; for Uie a lii!'Sn ot rtv dctita, hotll mW ant female, the thirt IfcM? in Aiivit. . , The softbod ot ftiivii .j!f mem) ' A . U. t w hkh ka loe bn tVr a4 aL '. fPTCi in ohef thJitrt(d5 eiM. Ta , . Jfdfc of c4y mtyJ'tlctritrJ irkaj6t -?nd drrele habits of tet:Tteiand tbf Prci4i eniirtktlr cltkl'M U' Xf f 6 (.Ily l5atM-that t-wtUviiie.ca i . aivI nttciirf a t-f tF 1 ctcij-d al tbif ty ilit.it iotcfc.., Scp-uat rutiil wU hi V'"i Vj.. trei for tfce ! bor and J,fr! ana it wlJI , 1 15 UunUon Qf ihae- t? bWate the ; V I fir c'pl. tj'i WiVjettf orrKy ' rfa thiiTiviia ibier oUigitiona of tt. Tihki9 Jtriruoaaff ivI r 4 : "' " . AIa.j!M?n2JfITt sv ' N"'l nia.'.tjhaxj;rii wilt tc made for Uc -tude .of 5iet4f a3.!;(0r- ...;r' I he that. pit tks ?io ba cbi'!(rn to -'iucste ,! tl iut fail p jiu.trth;ciVv t ofturi'v.- . - ' r.' j J,C. 1 iNNIX, UI V; ou!l aay tu n;j lrjcr.4 that my -j v itl iu t any way interfere w3b my 1W rV. . , -'ice, l t:t any b4ia eo'r'i j i !! . Iwr.yt receive ytbipl atiJ'c'cfil atrtiUr , . ... y the Great Book of ths Century ! The mc-t m n; ficer -jre.t inn imri, ea! Jtl - Thr I In i it ( s i 1 iu IJji 4 . r.v V f 7! tl.'iiiBguibWii ibj4kl-I.'gfiUv ..' I .. "nirei!;tr.lde'fltt wtjfinu -V':i;';., i It on4i"ttir rvt . '..,; .1 ;" '-. -12:00 'j ij.o j.t.c..t"'.:i';titl.: nt-'in :U4':, .. ; I .; Iu. i.'-tc vr.i bc :i t!n . . ' .'; Cil) ji;fj t iiutt i ci tht hct t aj-e'r ' ! ! u'iti b l!e Jjit piji.Jikb' J In I Mtig- j ''Z ' !''- tatani cf V'.(h The 6Weatind stand ahead 'cfarv W'a-on in th Sui: Ac r.T ,?-t tr.V; !3 'vur.!r 4 .tuwarJa vu. in, expcrieiicedwoilunetj.andaTethocicPrt cordrr-rg t! 1 gbtntw- --f hafr. W.i ( r-o ta.jr f.rO, TS'iUV " . rf .a. a p-a - 1 w .- pa s- r;- iiisseii: SY7' TJtimlic Skeins ivitlioul extra ehaie. I k " MadchTico E. ISSilNi: CO., S.ilem. C. (V c s arc,.. Notice. Dealer in a!! kjnd tf Nurseries Stocl:, ar.d Ja?cat fbr Standard Tctiihz :t?, G1 1.1 V. 1?ft4 It a. rrmCTvv v9T.a mnni at tDtc. i CACOO, CA Prw. OHEtcilir A jXc-ardh- ? oi the Hurd. 'Iimi-IA!,0 lEfJ:rnt j vv aij ixwr.. . v -Hea .U,d njityJliOt) inA fturu CKT" llvinz M fl ' Delay in h,he 1 I.prcJ dUrhelfd f-OUtXfi.-'l V f , ar.i c.inv.eoieot C K avo:!f;t. 'ia,araaa ' ' m a mm- v r ia w m a v mnn nmi n n i nnmir nt nnn H H x fl K N fl H i nil tin ! . ' ' lllii Ul Ail. Uiil Uii illaiiUll-i Vviw. t;i zA U ut iU tu Cti, ... i7'rh. ... - . f 4$trfiT t'U? f 4 V'iay:if't j--;ri.l l l-v ?. . ' iVW"V ! a cerlasn rract of tr.1 irtP,trt I1t;?orf if th !an :vf;.jir:--?'tl,f f fff- R " IS'! ::.;,.' '.li;r.-ir , 4- '. . :noTeorieiaxi kpofrn'aa tKe V t.ius War- rrnjsx':. , . . . .".. lertri of, .: ).n.e --th'tt 1 -f -ll.'-je7ia' aDty W i t tafch, -... tint Jk tf ' aaavJht ar. !h icu.ainic in inmlir muh the jpanJK' S;tt" 3 yer cctt iUicU jjre lon l fvr tfc t,tirfti pfycau. T ilia KAMPFE BROS.. . AftoaT-loiiaTttv, 5Te a::., store. 430 Ma Su Da!!?e. - S Head" St., Xefa York, I r( K ui W t- V ftoctfaT'To 1)1 j' Scct)hd;to;Nohe ! 1 1 a1 chen and Jrwlry JejKttr- Mrs. Kerr's School. r' : .t. , I am still jeparea to Jo ay arnt U It cbcl wJlopen at the r.ei heat place, of -xk ia tlc ee!rr line. W;H d -v-jtV 1 -,,. ,4- 4 , IctXldllV AllCf. Still a cheip of cheater tkn it aa Ur kal f- - ' . ;ru... .. ., luce o ! t!a ...V itl r ji. Mooihlr rarmenLi preferred. VCv f 1 Extra ;uiirt?a kU?bt adran moo coarvc. hi airani or com- f ' - ar;,4 cl H. I K JTi wrw ti I - 4 :c J wwc 1 vlun rou vitt our town, and ci l j inunc oi:r teV and be conrincIf ( that vtu cacut hat you tract ' 9 r . No deduction mide ei.ept in catea cf pro.- r.j-c- . m C. K. KEKK. 5 I O. Vacceyre. ft, rm T bKtra"?u rm'.ftW.rrJver. ' t.All CuwU rv.-arat-rcd at rtr SATISFACTORY PRICES: .jjivoo? - ;s""v: XOTJCE. Notice. ! I tying jalbc4 aJmrni4raor, wjcb h rxV-eirf ur lv V h!Ui ar.a Lrr4aea ty cttc U. a aieauny . f larieg qaaJ:rt?d at Lxicc'rlt rf the 2ai will and tc:i:uert cf th- !ae Dt. A. C. ar.cey. r.oU i terctr girtn to al ferws. etce it turtebV n-s !! r- L indebted to ti e etate of ad det'd tc ir.ae vt. itJbd u .Va- Wanea U kuU ijnee:ate payxnea? ara a.i pericr. itt,EiCLa:e pjseat aad aettkmeel or tk caias aaien aj4 ettate to present them f-r . !7 f ftl:'f.tltu aeJ all ktt. . :,it!rni .iu!a aa:LrnTiAtevi on uf lk-ie the v . f . . . . .. i - rCCntet!, itherwtC metier tXdu&d m fiar f SettesUr. IS.. cr :ba i,:;cc . , iitm, paawetit o Of bfc lie- rttaleci ar.til all ibe f w'tba K rj i J a4 .TXi U a Alib!e fara Jucuf oir IW Rkige, a wt.a r.w'faft6j ff br f-'iC. tHft .f--'fK? tl.cW I'ttHfm :iiu; fxJ.fatto wa4i d'r tU i:?;4stla Thi Av- a!,Jitt;. . '" ,:; '.i NOTICt f;s.i;Xe-T . '-T tei-.tf Vr, w tj jyen aai uii w Ue ;'.A5 , c e.i ii.u iai-i ' "jnoeft-t ih-csi lea pjrafit . f bfvf pe J t 4ayf A a ut,ikm a&uec vil b pUadtJ bx ;f iWf rec'fT IhiAfcj. !, lt5j. AtaV t:b. Ki:aAaeaed. - Ft 'KA.t K. II Uttl!ON fc Co. be f!ead in Urcfartcrciy. ThbMt .r;i r tlu wk miTl ( JIAKYC.VA.VCIX Ea i. r ;Je. VaU-IN, Wd Aeraai $ioo. to $300 Lr:-i,':r. s: Ages!, j trfr rrtl ab' ca f trrttb &jf tra p , bvrt it4 rre'aVri I flMf xiett. - pat ;!jr tiie fUS etd alv A few tc4a4 t a 4- ;fT- . k j on .'pir a Co.. iu v j::- A taset. K:;i,i, Ya- . r. m -I. '1 ; L 1 .Jli u i. 4 i

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