T a s Caswell News. ,A a: t rt Cif at acoi-U J H. THOMPSON - - EDITOR- Uv; MocW. Mr. Carl !c cc c ' . : I am ftlx.1 they arc x- 10 f.c - I ihi!I attend a wcinS cn Of that rrote hereafter. There i a r..t a. ci n i .,,' t!c fict,hcnsni:l" r.:- ...!' I ctli nation mcel- cc , : K. . , t Jt seem the f-ir rr.t nr. cWt'mikc m difference anyway :hr free oV. are a cur., - a I il.e rrrhincty if it. S:eaker. U'asliinzton Letter. Fro... uri:u!ar Corn :.,t, beirv !:ku'.cJ m a.. the (Vi , coh2tca:c these f S-,'E0WcC;G 0U3 CHAVES? lwa .1 or w cit VT net r all uati d.o bj tia? . - -..r crarr with cir liPTr I0O.L-.O ... ti c c r t-t::r. n i r.'. I.rfC l. a - . . Uc arc th: Ti c c:tf -n-l roV.ici arc if.fl-.ui. t c( the f tain cai rca U)- : . . ;. ' lhi. hx wcJ ' j-oU in ir.U.ct .he t-o pmncnt ani Hum thctr.wlvcs ;r ' .! n't cj!c!i an.. . a, t. Fo!Us cf K. A: D. R. R. exec i "1 : r..ci 41 - . . f . t KiTe c:od short n -ir.rt$ -r K-avy ever Ix. --.rfitet. have to be .at un t ill no cts. Iiluoltnowatif k win rare to U b ought fonrai;L Th - - nrus is :!cvl fur Sa:urliyntt,ax;a Hi -t it fri j trn- V i 1 A- - . a fry. TIMc 1 m Yance yvijle . a .... riA 9 Ul 1?C.i.v M tJu.! :tLi IB GEO rttr l .jart-s J they - 1 IT t rf ji rdhisi. N'.C.. Dec. 5. S27. rMiUtiff'Satn t glad t hear Mr Kmtcu: 1 he fall ami lively ar- much Krat.ficatton. It of itdf cai at V?AZ culaicd to do much gL He J pr,nl fc;i x k:j-Vcol ored frtir.Hr rt:nc!cJ the rub!c tint th- ur tw,te :n tho ?X rJ cc tch oU cannot be removed and on by pn rlUtum o! r.callgotowork tc ha Jht; imrJl 1 , .1 iiiur the better . ., . . bvuext iritis r rnltC infill iu". - ctviLH H-i-l . n t t tHT,ha.5r:.2t. There ' . . . .v.,.. . !Lb raticnt could . .m r nnnns AND QUO. Wc have jun opend a sto of Mai -v , CERIES ,t .U above wcUo.n . d P M , v , , ,! FnESH stoCK anu wi - ., all times nave a i I 1 I Lowest. more cr iv-a neau- etud r.r vrrk; (?m 0. WILSON & CO. Am. trrt T PI 11 , 1 Ixr It does scc:n w - : y-i , -r nn ti luii r" idtuifc. f the air U.'ore the a corgn. the fame t. : - ..til,!:- (.rnoui a ii i : . rwr cicuit 1 u,h, U,.h pUic and P;.tc ami cxn u (t be bcu .7 . .... hool all ihe t:mc. L..it ka ;,-mIchva3 r.nd ntill pur- I w oaM be to heir from someone tbcnl. 'It y tLb comonct oi .5?..u fai- Thompson r:. . ,1 Ta tho xi:ot coiuph- else f'-o4s a "Tcac rnnnciT for the w . ' -r v.;nf the teaenci Pffl'i.:; Sc ion twcthcr.ar.d . .he schools of out L":.'. TtuUtaU l.at I have been .A'' .,me. and I am now w 7 meet !.im in YanceyyUc al- ,-atod and :i.jrMioas. - , otifi lner f.T 15ut ila rl at-ue la that ol i j ? i: AWftr.fi and coot 1 hoic he will set a day and d ppxaoaad Wooa raUn'thc teachers of the county to 3 bola bodT-melmW aucnd? Put wiU it mtcrf.rc m the tJtl9 Der70U1 tern-is fealt t;th our corner in the News? 9t(trvl. eton jn tLie Urn UYltHri not be splendid curatives ? Ullaeiati-n tn toll the end storj 1 .fc -U :- ihev l work toKCthcr, each Ex?eriirr. lun '0 .tbat there" ne cnhveinT and aiding the other. put 1 1 VUI gladly try to do all I ct? for both eare m aJ . It U Well that the teacher mo-Je,t. Sf.-vr -. lt Kotvith 1 1 ... K erml.l Will in lryiig other to- 1 kn fn c ' .... ir... Carlisle and Randall 1 tnet setcral time at the LapitoM . th tariff trob!em but have 1. J' no full d;sccsba Ucaa5e of the ...n-.iou interrttptlons by Cor.5tcsv croi2 in on them. It seems f ..I thutU thalCaric will appoint Vr.ckmrid.c of his cvrn state chtannan ,. of the Wan and Means committee. 1 4M.kn Merlon was chairman, - n.1 Willis cf Kentucky was cl.airmir. - f t!;e liner and harr om.nnttec. t ..i vrrr important committees, . . r.d the Siakrf ;ccnMn..., lave hU own state rqrcn!cd at the 1 ...1 ,r . r cf them. The Rcpub.i- nns wIU hold their caucus at 3 dock TV hive HO atunlay aitctnxm. of clcctin,: oHkcrs, but wM .... co through the fnn of nomi- . TLAtin- Their wi. ' .he CJUr; tolcpunuctl by the party cn tht imjorant qreitions to 1 ! 1 f.,faiil Now H.s: h4 bcoi tianslcrrcd to the Senate t.ie Cj1 po cVrcmc isdes.raii.e. tlontsas to wrvo ww- sxan.. . . Mnf- , ieican, in the House UUe,b, , .o "ffi" fi 3 ; ,f ..... .1 r..nnrnnn : un. . ... ,t ns:.v Ro;h arc arsresiive men, nJ w!r Reed is the abler man f the inttterwoitli ha ne qualities Hut Wtu-r fit him for Ue jiticn of leader. -Th5 s:tuatioa on the Senate side is alo intcte-tin- as the two parties are dithlcd. At present kkiuic- hddf the balance cf power and . 't V.i-M "h ).c U an unknown quamuj, he has in the past almost unUormly actetl with the Republicans. Turpie, the new Democratic Senator fron In chad iU probably be allowed to take iu without much opposition. if,, ha all alonz drawn lii saUry al- ,vrtcK a Republican IagalU-has :.i.t -f iVu Senate in the been mc t.vivn v. .. intrrim between the last and the w- tCnn-rtis. His name has also been i.!ircd cn one of the chain, which fact ..Mhrr miJi the r publicans in the as- -rmlarxr aal aU the Senate officials !.V.cans. rather lox ks as if the data- innt party conceded his nght to the :? w j- Ihcre i some talk 01 in- i. --tatic Senator! InsUlin?: on a division ' cf the efcecs and it v there may be a ihoxp coctest over the aJraissicn . me of the Senators, and ovir the ganization, as ibe RcpuUicans will sur rcn!cr none of tbc oihecs. The session otthe Cabinet on Thurv Axv waa one ol the roc&t protracted held for many months. TT.e lresi tlciit's xaessae was under discussion, and aU the subjects were discussed in all ihr:r Phases and bearing Noth ing ccuU be kamevi as to whether there was any d.rTcrence copmian on any of the sul-jects or not. New Goods Would not enable yon to get Goods here nnich cbcr than AT 16 now celling them ON and POPULAR ontr.irv but see for yourself, sistii of STAPLI domestics, midsM Calicos and Notions, ml not navu - riaally burner ; - tlai voa s not proud of, and ill. atw n-. f. -it efttoke " proud boMwPrdiuO.Wnj)4M?- r oTc the teachers wiU tmr.ic oi u 10 guv K..-. b2&. 5 aLc of their moJe.ty r, r, Srf- Sjfct-usher from all of them very Eilri of n..o- or T..f' EaSSs pfSE IMAM ffllMdl Letir a, to the correspondence in the county paper. It must b: that or Tcv.u Co., y. . some similar cSiscasc that wde up lo meeting each other so much .ca J! f, ,.ft' MO of:ener. ! hope to hear fro.-n la,, '-j, f chil!a-l 1 W Mf VfY - ' Tl.om;son aRiin at once on thb sub- JVAT'. cured 5-7 it.' - 1 A 0 U U jrct I am willing to whatever w.ll U olW CROCKERY, GLASSWAUE, TINWARE, h1 to wonW vou forget that his house is etid : , . ' l . ' "..II EVERYTHING in t)ie Grocery tine anu c..,v.. - alwa'S on liar. ,r cnvr moncv bv tr:tdm witli me. LiiaV JVU V r J.W. . . . . .1 CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF of the lst .a, aiM kjlw' !!., iLn lm.rr fn find cut itii to see. mo i , . Uiilliuc. AU . . The BEST leCL promote tnc scnooi wuciw Plodding Sam. IoaU Oflf-A'.l pemm are ... trcspa on my Und cilher by diT o. tb ith or wilhoat J or gans. All P ,o dowz will be prosccuud la the eaten t ot .he law. J. L. MtaaAV. jfO EOUSEEOLD SHOOD EE TITnOCT of or- m i .1 r vt U II 11. ht- finam' club, at the'r tnectin Ikccmbcr ut, (it has leakcd'out) oe cided to have a l.iUe sct up during Xmas bivUp in way of an opter and taikey dinner for their enjoraent. If they decide to have it it may be count ed as a vxeess, for the c.u'j is csi;-- . cd cf tie very lot men in t'.its cr any j other coc.Muaity.srction, u:e or crun- j try. We Warn a gl sum, sir 25 or 33 oWh's was s'-lrctibed rcad.ly an I peedtsch rcOLaiki aid social U -n 1 ai o .e o c s 1. irrrrti' r iri iU Mr. lor, G-scva Cc, Ua. worth txs rcti-ivs iucrni Jlr. Thorr of the firm of F-rana A Iwa, Marchents, Ilorn, aJt. hU U-n .ick with digeje iu cJrr for rrwny yoaia nod had ned xaasT Th7VriAiia wid medi- Sliaicr xtrt of TU or Sca oU Sy:up uVout the ll of Jan. US37,and w:a .no roach bttUr m tl.rt wcels tlir-t ho cor.sidcrodhim. lf pructkVdy a well mno. He d Ut -I hru at .th: tusj one bot da ha:, I. and if I could not get . I - t f ,iT: . V! 1 i VAUGHN t - 1 1 -111 .n.rinl' lb K.V V -71.. f It don't wMb th clolbwi ea. mv refund tb moDr. - f I ACEWTS WAWTED ! 1 irl.U. IU itrtewt llW-- ' i i iAi V i-laX WASHElitJOfT Eric, Pa. INU 1 ' -..f vmkr.re executed ! i nptirxnarceoftheorderof the bPrtor . ajof Shaw atld cluVy rjcordtd in nrt of Cll county, I will sell at pub- JJ J cf d.je for fW? V5i . . m.A t n i!iv 1 - v n in w " - w-w Mm m m vara a w lie anction on ibe premises, on ic . t prpacr JS4 ann 353, T7". - of Dember 1887. (Monday) at 12 o'cloclc lMj sellwch S.. Uiat laable tract cf land s;tcd la J at 5 cautt boJ do Clsll county. N. C. on boih dcs of the YnceyUle. a .Vkto idmont Railroad, in the .e'ofMb.B be ateTf of County Ue creakta cUwst aiMnine the lands of Henry v. u c.Biy. ,ininC thelandsoft . . " - - . , il' . m ...... U.irifirrvifia nm. yym.i ' , 1 VI irnwnKin fifiy acres, w " . . .A tnbaccrt Uta. McKinney tract. ;r- - - , , JQU u GRAVES. I tirble portion , : Motlemrte. ? suu.ii" ... . - . v nnr tie ud -II - COtlTCDicai " 7, 1:1 1 r 1 ft nv ia"ro ftitf for.it A told a Un Jl J. All dru.ts ?'a. lr T?rcsU IVew ools, . j ,1 1iav m now bctnsi , u With ""0 improve. nfCD 11V!3Z1 m-nts necessary npon a laxm. . ; , yuui m..-ci of inventijn. ir '-1 - I . . mmr rt at in . 1. -ir f th nuriDueuiuui . .. ., .- . i. . PHILADELPHIA S1I1GER. Arm yatvtyasa nJ -aat p H U-ADELPin A. ' Mwut r Um 111 m Um ' hArr'a" r -Tta lWm bn2' IJrrr la any U aoy oo n2. KTE TTIXT OC OCT TllK OClTlK. High r t a. n 1 a . i il I 4-aVAf I I f t. N . J No (ilst, tit lUlf . I W J . 1 mm W nu l w. 11 1 . ml Era T .r -kj1 fil are this and then act ; rfuy wUJ finji ... C...1 ntwl A stock aa to iiiiaiity. p.-i Awortincnt Second to None ever offered in the town of Yan ceyville. . nmrPl TO SEE US , .... ,:.;,nnr!toTrn. md - ES5.M. orMbt, y.- f4f iiock and be convinced fa'.l inlornvstfja can em f waids wKeie. ree. Capital aot cash, and Cive bond w"r""'T . ihir addreu six months tor baur.ee. 7 lin. aad receive itte. ; til payment of. line eUbcr .ta, ofUK Nor. ,5h. IS37. ll sXe made cr to those bo read le day at ihu w oik. All aacceaa. UriPt thia day. qashfied a Kects JT tb ta of ib late Ceo. W. nil peo3 ' . ll. niruiv llluilLI .. ...tiTfflMii thu will not take them from 'lJZfgl ,M i,nti- ami Aure for every - duanoaa person , ni-Bj - . lke u urt'oj gitp 10 m.kio; aeVeral bawircd doIUrs a rnonb. it & fo is eay for any one t maia $S and apwaro p,rintet i I on the : per day; who is OW to work. Either o-oroid: cipiUlnot fp ,w B j. r i- cL.iirs arainit iai4 estate wm r'' . v - - k . 1 1 v.tw a- . , - - . - 7si i that yen cm p.-t liat joo vrant at 1 we nuil f rte. Ia4, Maia. as r icalar mM Aiiirts Sutto p. jo-est cn or wiore ii zZl td in Str of thr rtcorery.. alws a. ? FIFTEEN DAYG'TRIAU THE C. A. 3C0O COVKStt JJSftC' SATISFACTORY K-All Goo da waranted as rcn xcea, otherwise mjney refund ed. Florjlscj, Hareaiox & Co. faiCIUnDEVELOPED W. P. Brnirtx, O. K. Htvro. EaraofG. W. Pnf, j-iV -T T'--l ,.-T... j XT 3 J. S DOAK, M. D., VANCE"VILtE, K.C OU'rt ti r oTcaia6al nic to tie cf YJsseyriSle J asrrxu&dicS coa OGe al Ken' IlcAtL '