'rn Caswell News. toured at the rMt Ofici in Yanteyvu. at mxoo4-!im iB!tr. W. H. THOMPSON, - - EDITOR. VaNCFWXLI.K. N. C. VVC. tt, iff; 'rom t:utfu9. . VctInc!aj-.I)ec. j.Utc in aft mr, I wcn!ti rar war ferwixil the Lc; it L!c rciidcncc of Mr. Jam Clunker an rvl upon arriaJ I rod :th Mnj ccrapanrorjowgg raami )our . . . . t an o!d fashioned wcxl fire Waeti erect fuHr in the rorkr and all wxs merry Jlbat fncy WCTC frcscnl rae:ry coutl Ti c t:onwaj A5 1 r.- e rece;in of Jno. W. Ci an Ur an J ide (mtt Mm ALce Wiht) ami the bn marriage of Mr. Then. V. S.okcs fk farv I. i hardier. daughter oi - j cur jovial hoa. Tlwr tnarruge cere rr.ony was performed in o!cnm ca tlcr.ee acctrdirg to the true Mcthudlst itjk Ly Ker. J. H. Arulcr' n, at 7, p. m. Messrs. Johnston. Frier, Wrht and Stokes of Kuftirt, Stokes of Reids vil, Jchnst n of Vance) ar.J Chin.L'.r, of Rockinghim, wac gruo::s men. M:vrs Pnce of RutT.n. (Jibvn and Chmd.cr, of Rockli.gham, Stoke cf Re.dsvi, Ratlhle of Went-ort.. and Russell of Kutrin bri Icsmaids. AH drcsMxl lu;dsotac!y and looked charming and it wzs remarked tl.-t the bride wxs very 1 rcttv." The bridal w jrtscr.ts ucrc elegant tail, ton ssttng cf many uwful ii tides aswc!l as ornamental, such a fu!l set of chi na, silver knhes and forks silver ioon, pitklc sunds and Viw ca';e ca.skcts. Arc, too numerous fur this ! tribe to mention er pc r.anic-i of rc Immediately aiicr marriage,. the comiuny was invited to auj jcr wlJch a,s not the least tf th; cIW tucuts. mik ..larger .u -u.c . ai.tsui l?ut department ;a Mts. Robm . . . , 1 1 r . ...n and Wnght. and I think an aM-re- tiatlon as given inanely toth.spartj. of entertainment. It mas a large, good supper. Tlie ub!c a! being hand .-.. 1 . . 1 1 .. 1 .v. , , 1 sioo. After partaking of the rcfich - tnn: frw rrnjul irvnt rffil Iniun in ! high glee, rucrry making and social in tercourse. About 3 x m. wc diipvrscd or betook us to bed, all cH plca.ed adglad to have lcn on hand at such a delightful occasion. Wh cor gratu lations to the )oung coup!cs, widiing them much lup;iness through life and to our hot and hotcss may thy enjoy tiC ha jir.ess they so richly deserve anJ x beaming radiance of rusctglory overhang their dcvl.nir.g )cars and at last break forili in erTu!gcr.t splcmbr forever. The appoir.'nent cf Rev. R. P. Troy on this circuit this yiar gives very general satisfaction, I believe, though he has not sifted here yet. I war.t to shake hands with riixl- thng Sam" m hrs suggestions and wLh him good success. It is time Caswell was waking up and falling in line with the rrogreM of N C Suck, to them V. S." and urge and write unul you awake a response am! let all the educa tors fall in lie. Maj. Thompson has teen Li ofrkc long enough for his ut tcrances to tc worth somethirg, let h!m gic all the aid powible. He luis done t,ob!y coniidcrtng the drawlak under which Ic has labored A gentleman of education and social position, teach ers he is worthy of your support, follow hU lead and roue the lethargic to the duties of to-dar. Tliis one thought now it is not so much an cr supply cf nr.V that keeps the 7YjcAcr's Corner empty as an under sopply ( ou know that is &.. Why j a school teacher sees, hears and knows enough to nil a column ia the Niws each week. Why not write it up? S?ooe opv-um hunters caught and killed a wild ca: near Telham other n:gh:t I learn. Sargent Iknz. rclhara, Dec 11, iSS;. Usivtastrv or N. C Chi pel Hill, Dec. 6, Sj On Tucvhjr nu;ht. Dec. tth, lYof. IV teal, cWe Forest ccllrgc. dch crcd .x lecture cn tided d.tch water" tcirc the MiuhcU Sdcsti&c Vociety. This iociety is cow rosed cf i rcfcvor aad indents inirrestcd in the cause c f CKT.cc, and wxs named ia honor cf V.uf. Mitchell, x man of rxrc takcu anJ x dot;cd diKi'.!c of science. The rubject of the lecture wi not cry protrjuai is rne rui) sec at x glance. Trot. Tctcot not only made uha subject 1 ca. He the wed uut uc n.ra cr Kxra on tLc suxlacc of ditch waicr was axnjjo-scd of living genax. Tbrtc grrnr arc known as bacteria. They are real! microscopic f!anj. He also shuweti that thc germs rvjt on!r exist in ail water be it ever so pure but also in the air anJ that they were the ca rse of al! pyirifaction. He gave the method of j rect ving fruit ia cans as an ;llutraticn of this fact The tru.t is paxJr h :ic! in oricr to kill these . bartcna and the cans axe l j vdMol, a nd iter bcin-r filled, zsc raljc jjr.tisht. He showed that lhy - 1 m Jn I? . .j-orun: factor ir d.scase in a 1 eonusc- rri .n he ut and l.calthv, t,:c cum form f ?w n:, tCu!J Iiavc o I - - tor q Lul w,jtn 5s:c:n Worn out by age, thcc -tras begin th.ir ravage arid make doubly true "dul ti vj art and ii.to duU thou shait rc laa" He expressed 1 hpc that many ihseav.s liculd, in the future, be eradicated nrw that their cause was known. Aruong others he iiitntioncil consumption. He said that the shmy substance of ditcJi water was oniioscd of plants having the jriwer of moving thenucl.c about. He curnparcd man and the higher f jrms of arimals with the amce- ba. which is a onu celled animal of the lowest onler. The amoeba hxs no il's or !ur,-st no dcvclojsctl nenous s)stcni, no stoin.ich, no nou"Ji, no legs and ri3 shaje, jet h breaths, has the ci.c of fcilinjr, assimihtcs food for nourishment, moves with the greatest eac 2nd ran change its shajic at will. The cact was, he said, ih.it the arnur- . , m. im f, . m.n - . ... wtt, thinJ Ilhit wit Tliv- imore cr Ins .than protoplasm. He - "ii.rov - d that ail form nfhf.. wL-re verv 1 ncar IchtCiL roC poleal is un(loubt. iflf . . -..llf.n, u:n!li,v uJ , :cJ an5rnil or , ,if coulJ l!cVeWI ? Mv war whatever - w - I cept in the relation of parent and off- smin?. He seems to incline to evolu- 0 (;oJ & h beginning of , It is imjossib!c for me to do justice J to his lecture. It was rcci-ivcd with much applause. May Caswell seme day rue to the j high jiositon once given her by her illustrious sons. A Spectator. Scrofulous humors.! crvsincla'?. cank-1 cr, and catarrh, can be cured by taking! Ajcrs Sarxajurillx "I have used this! medicine in mv famih. for scrofula 'and I I know, if it is taken persistently, it will 1 ' - - rfr , eradicate this terrible discac. W. F. Fowler, M. 1)., (rccmille, Tcno. Jo loir HVmf or !o htve an idem of bs)ifg an Organ or a Sewing Machinr ? If so call at the Ntws oflke, we can sell you one cheaper I Lin yea cxa get it anywhere. To Mirr. Shell. Wad. Towdet aad S!t at Vacgbn'a as cheap as anybody canacllLbcta MAHU fill All pertou are foibiJden I " irt.A otk ay Und cither by day 01 night I with or ithtt dcet or cuna. All person ui doiof will be proecatcd to the eatent oil the law. I. L. Mlrrat. w 1 L'iiitsj S?!ci!c for Liter DIseisa. Vi.urJUit.Ji llU rM - - .r .-.wl .?!. t.r-B fyr; fxin In ' - ' . r J'. int vn muTiktii il:" -.1. ; mm mr toNel: r, ,- r Uva; C1im nry sd Mrt3 .-r... -. . 1 l:rt:-i orwttv s. ! .,.. : :. trf m-7s rr. vlUi . , i : . mi- n T Utitc tm'VS to Co . t. t.i . jrUav j. ,- t - .a u l ': r; th or5r U SIKS05S irTua HE5UIAT0S rif: crract it an o Bowels. H Atari. 1..1 rc;!J. y A "!"el. Carnal. TO? t:ST FA.VILV KEDICIME L CWiLSrrk. l J K .If 4. ONLY GCNJIHC J. . ZeXn A. Co . PXIztte'a. Pa.. iosUuctlTc Lot al titac5- iite Lc:nor" Is tils BSkm th2t Is Coning U;:a03? like a thief at nlglit it steals in upon U3 unawaress The pa tienta havo pains about the chet and sides, and eometiinea in the thick. They feel dull and ale ;v: the inuuth has a bftj tasuj, especial iy in uitr mcrnin. A wi t of &l:cky slimo collvctn kljut the teeth. The appetite poor. Then? is a feeliiig !iko a hoary load .on tlie ttow v:h ;. poaifctinics a fiV all gone miinniion at the pit 01 the st'nnacli which food doea not satiny. The era are sunken, the han. L nd leot become cxld and cUnimy. Afler a while a cough -t in, at first dry, but after a few mouth it u attend ed with a greenish-colored ez pectoration. The patient feels tir-J all tho while, and sleep doj not secra to afTord any ret. iVfttr a time he becomes nervous, irritable and. gloomy, and ha evil forebodings. There U a giddineb, a sort of whirl ing Benaation in tho head when lismg up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the white? of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positing a sediment lifter stand ing. . "There is frequently a spitting up of the food, conic tunea wltt a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this 13 frequently at- tended with palpitation of the heart: the vision becomes im- paired, with 6K)te before the eyes: there w n feeling of great . . . . -1 11 piwtrauon anu weanevj. of theO symptoms UTO m turn present It b tliought that nearly one-third of our popu- . . , . , 1 lation has this disease in some of ita varied formal It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken tho cause cf this disease. Somo have treated it for a liver complaint, othery for kidnev disease, etc. these kinds of treatment have teen attended with success: for it ia riaallv constipation and dyypepsin. . It is also found that hhaker Ex tract of I toots, or Mother feei- kel s Curative Svrun. when properly prepared will remove this diSSASA in all its stogee. Care must b taken, however.' 7 . to aacuru tho genuine article. it will sell eastteu than cottc::. Mr. John C. Ilemptinsrall, of Chubvfinnee, Cleburn Co., Ala., vrnicni "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Extract of Boots or Seigel's Syrun that she says ihts would mtlior be without part of ku food than without . , , , , umjcv gwu ukui tu uwwra miu .f nfkaf nri'nn twifc irrhr , . . . . . L. I wvuld rulo twenty miles to - w txet it into too han;ls of any suf- icrer if ho can get it in no other way. i ieiiovT3 it wui soon &eii in thid SU-t better than cotton. TSSTIUOXT mOM TSXAS. Mix S.Eb Barton, of Varncr, Ripley Ca, Ma, writes that he had lva lone afflicted with dyspojwla and cliseaso of the urinary org'aria acJ was "cured by fchahcr Extract of Roots, r t 1 ...1 " I Mrs. Isarton the medicine, saya ho ha.-! sold it for four years and liever knew it to faiL SITE VTAS A1UIOST DKAD I wc to low vith dyspep sia that there waa not a phv-.-ician to found who could do anything with ma 1 had fluttering of tlie hert and swimming of the aleAcL One tlav I rea.1 vour iamnhlet called "Lif Amcrtg the SkaJcert." which ciedfribed xuy disease letter tii.n I could myself. I tried he bnater istract of Root and kept on with it until to-day I reioiee in pood health. Mn. M. K. Tiusiey, Bevier, iluhlenbur Co., Xy. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, AL J. White, Limited, M AVarren St., New York. STILL AHEAD ! New Goods AT POPULAR Recrardlers of the 3Iard Times cleared our shelves of out of a-a U V. tTV M . T . . . . aav aw a a H w Lon poodsj and they are now being tilled with iT' MAJ t W mm m AT. mm mm Jt 1 c-.iii wvna.-. stock as to Quality, Style and ortmcnt Second to None ever offered in the town of Yan- a iceyvnie. COME TO SEE US wl.cn youviitonr town, and ex aniine our itock and be convinced Jca n gt wiiat you want at SATISFACTORY PRICES. 1ST" AM Good varan tcJ a rx-p id. Ff-otaiNCE, IIaccjoon 6c Co. i lallAm WMer 1 r HIT . ' ' i ' i . I 1 Yancevville. J in -I ' ! i ! . " j (SrEO.-Oi-WIEfS We have just opend a stck of STAPLE GOOPS AND GRO CERIES at the above well-known stand, and would bb pleased to have our friends call on us when the? come, to Yancevville. Ve shall at all times have. a full und fkesh stock and will make our prices as Low m iJtc Loice-tt. j ': ' t 1 - -i - - 1 : , To Yancey yille ! Would not enable ou to -jjet Goods here much cheaper than Vai;uy . is now sciiiiig tneni f3 n't anything you may hear to the contrary but COME IlIGIIT OX arid see for voiirsclr. Me i now recieving sists of STAPLEiOODS tuch as Domestics, Plaids. Calicos and Notions, l n. 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 vN c CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 3'ou forget that his house is still - ' pa P 1 8 S i 1 1 it, I itTf I rY u.wa' -V M iv? EVERYTHING in tlie Grocery, 1 1 1 - -1 c 8 I w ii m 11 n i 3 irt 1 always on hand, also CIGARS, TOBACCO AND StJEE of tho Ix-st . brands. jgCome to ee mc and it will not hike you loi'-g to find out that you can save money ly trading with me. ! i . J.W.VAUGHN. The BEST W. fevIf -a aacct rtrlrS M" NOTICE. lmouaviivw v ww vw.a v a.- ounvi uoun ot caswcii coaniy. 1 win sexi at pur- a v a a ai He auction on the premises, on the 16th day of December 1S37, (Monday), at 12 o'clock m.. that valuable tract of land. , situated in Caswell county, N. C, on both side of the Piedmont Railroid, in three mile of Pelham depot, adjoinine the lands of Henry W. rmgeraM, lames W. Nunrally. t.. J3. Withers, J. T. McK.nr.cy and Wm. Durham, andcontainirg four hundred and fifty acres, and known as the Brooks McKinncy tract This land is situated in a desirable portion of Caswell, convenient to Danriile and Reid&ville, and has upon it a fine residence in good condition with all other improve ments necessary upon a farm. Terms Tie purch&st-r will.be required to pay onc-hait ot trie purcnaj-e money in cash, and give bond with security payable in sixmonjhsforbalar.ee. Title retiined un- til payment of all the purchase money. ; JOHN I. r I TZ G L K A L D, ' bpecial Comr. Nov. 15th, i3t7. PHILADELPHIA SINGER. Low Ann $20. USiii ??JS 12,? vj? r 7 2 1 FIFTEEN DAYSf TRIAL ; Ttoa tva Baste acitt Tt ray rat ctrr. : THE C. A. WOOD CO'KdVS? aJ A fi-Li:' . f. alL.iSt. High Y "TX- Arm, J ; - Hill a Lie IBilcii.an.gp.1 : v i GEO. 0. WILSON & CO. 3 ' :y:' FALL STOCK which Colli FLanhcll Pant 'Goods f T .i ,TINWARE, and he would not havw . III! A y li nc and a full stockjof lulls Ltd will traat-MitM tb "LOTPLI. WABnEtt t 60 r wark and do It easier a d1 in tin tkmm v rm i mm other mac bin in tba world. Wrrantd Irt 7ra. and if it don't uli tb clothe cImu wit Uoot rattltaft vtu rfand tb iuon7. AGENTS WANTED ! inverrcoantr. W.CAN WIIOW PKOOP that ifHU - making from 075 to S luO per month. rtHri mall f3rw to eu durins the wlntt-t. LmtH ba ra - aa mtlliag thia Wnabrr. Ktail prtcvonlrSA. Kaa. KKVMTONI! Wkl.MJKHM at manufacturer.' iwa . W' prio init tba trictt invealiffatiun. e&4 wf to thfxM d-irin an rnif K-i. Alan f ka .lahi-.t.vi4 LOVELL WASHEE CO., Erie, Pa. T NOTICE. -1 . Mir virrn Al mrkrtflpsnra aV o h Br virtue of a morteape eaecuted to m9 bv Mi or Shaw. an du v rfcnrdI in the rnitcr of dted'a office for r!aw.l r. u-.i. in bock P P pag 354 knd 355, I will on, Mondav. . ibh tk-r: u, thcth,ht bidder for cash, at the court house door la the town of YanceyriHe. a certain tract of jand on thc WJl(eif of Country Unc creek in Cuwrll a.tii.tv Kliiin ihhnH.Ar rtmi. ra o.le. Isham Bird and n!hi.r enntaintn 17 acres, more or lessj' No imDroremenU except a cabin and tobacco bam. m joun: Ii CRAVES. . Mortgagee. HCCD tea H'0lfle' in thousand Jjrrr of forms but t,e fai passed by tie - - mine! of ir.rrnricn. TW who are in need of profiiable work that can be done while hsrz at hotre" shoald at once snd their addie.s to Hillet & Co.. Portland Maine, and recti e free, full infnmai.oa how either sex,f of all agef, , o earn (root 5 to 55 per day aril upwards whexser they live. You are .ated free. jCapitaloot rt qaired. Some have madjp overj $50 in a sinl; day at this work. ! Al! aucceed. D I pill V Sletcnrtletl are those who read llllilLI WM4 theclj tney will fini riororible employment fnal ntf, take them from their bones and fami!.e The profits are large and sure for every ia aatnoas person, mny have made and are makia several Lunded dollars a month. It la m -m mi. mm. mm A . t at. J - ' T. -"-""' " pr oay, wno is wining to work, hither e ?5D2 or old; capital not needtd; we start yo Kreryhing new. No special ability required. yru reader, cm do it as well a any one. r.te to as at once for fall parlicaLars, wMch iauii irte. .aaxeu 5:iaoo & Co., i ot land, Maine. y S. DOAK, M. P., VANCE CLE, N.C Oiltra his profenionai services to the tis Vaaceyv'!e aad ssrroasdin? conn til Ollce al Kerr' Httl. 1 1. I i- t t I 1 t. I tc f T . ir. r." t r : It . r-

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