u 1 1 I i ft. 4 tE Caswell News Jtarttitm' Ojttitfon, Yoa do not, any. of yvu, advertLc cr-ocgh. You ought to use printer's ink evciy day. You Lre ai!ecp and wan! you Lutim to run it-e!f. Sund ry. II. THOMPSON. EDITOR, advcrtiscmctiU in the pitr com- mat.i cr riM-ncc. ine roan wno iot a year it.es in one comaiuni:y and Ltutcd t thm IW OSc tm VrHc a mUUm flu!tr . VANCF. WILLI N. C. JAN. 6. Mb. coos a rcrjuo.e ii'c. cac.i iroura i.e .. - .be of nsolcrafc a!'i:r. trill j;rcw in the Kditob : In looking over tc j - r, ,..., . ,...." r i,- ...n,,. eye -f the rvuUr. cou-ty cVi!iit in your papCT tl, Ct!i. I ni l that the cumnmcri:virtktnctit bco.r.c fam.'i.r to the rhirite for ovtsule o-.cctjnv. I Civia. rve of the nrailt r. It rav be seldom moa. J 1UC lO know ;aj ucy ' . tl'! ,t rr.al- tl.- mm- anH 1j-i;5- ocs of the man fa;:i!ia ar.d its ;'es jenccin the rxumns cf a pa; cr inspires Ma. Kftro: I h c yu i!J Iv- j cor.fi-'cucc in srabI:ly of hb enter me a h.tle space in one column of ur K-- pi;r. 1 gte you . , IjfuUjtl jcrJcrt Cvntjxtnioti It :M Ifi'l. ua .Monuay, 20m, ai 10 utlk, the youn peo !e, as wcU n. frw f a more mature aje. and rcj resent. n Tr:n::v lUpcist church and the new j"'r Jntco! .J otcrcome. I w . r UP! prftlut any wsaa may tccom, .'- ItherwLhvat.urin-aaypainwbateTer. It jcmbc-lat innity tor tnc purjxc j tjju how to overcome and prevent norn- n!.-lrj.ti:i t!ic thy in the form of a C l:r::na tree. The weatlx r was bat! and the rah muddy, tut there was a !arc rrd to witness the scene and ccrrh:r went orT very nicely. The trtc I od-.d with nice presents for i and Ud and cciyboIy went I,., ;.c rcj ii.-ns- Tho tree was worth a: lc.it $75 00. Indeed. I can say tlut ;!.c tree !d great crct!:t to bo;h ?ih.--!t aj.d will be long rememlcretL There wcrr ccral visitor ffm a dis ii: rt and -s they witnes cd the success t i t!t: uT m put forth bv these schools then- r.ars: have t:cn tmu!ated to do re lur the wt.rk in their own schools. I think when the) return home they c.l f the times ar.d tiling they :aw a: Trinitr. Wc commend the su vttntcn!cn:s an I trachers pf these iif!s f r the success ( their work. I-:tit IIi!I is a fine p!acc to v;5it. Ah have cn;o)cI the holidays to the full extent with sociab!eJ. b: turkey thinners, Vr. A Vl'tTOR. Upca Ks? - like a thief at night it uteala in upon us unawarea. The pa tients hare paina about the cheat and sides, -and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and alccpjr; the mouth has a beul taata, OKpeciall in the morning. A eort of sticky slime collect about the teeth. The ajmctite ie poor. There is a foeling hko a heary load on the Htotiu-ch; pornetimeafainL all gnoe sieit!oa at the pit of the stomach which food does nos, satisfy. The eVea are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and clammy. After a while a coucrh BtsU in, at nrst diy. but paiM i . i.n r m m cw ik ly i(. after a fr months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoratiuru The patient feels tirtd all the while, and sleep do not seem to afford any rest Af Ur a time he becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing pensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positinga sediment after stand ing. There is frequently a spitting up of the food, some times witn a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently at; tended with palpitation of the paireo, with spots before the in Yanceyville. - , ." . .. . - . i - . ' . ' I - j ' " . - ' - ' ' ' ' ( ". i - fi'll K U 1P)i e 'Oi ;wiEste M.CQ., ' F tn II. Xtix. cieoNc Voik'scKs: ikill fa I rhyiciant that p.ia not ofcet- the Sunday schooH of Iry cLilJLwtb. bat results from cacc 1: ciciriy e a tno- irj sickness twaUetl 1'inbs. and ail o'J.er rriU attending prrcnaccy. It U reliable and high, ly rn!ored'by physicians ererywhere as the tife's true private companion. Cut this out : it will save yoa creat pain, and possibly yemi life. Snd two-cent stamp for descriptive circulars, testimonial, and cocrldential let. ter sent in sraled entelope,- j Address Fka.sk Ttfi'MXS & Co., 'ublUhers. UaJtimore. Md. Tke Ktchsnce Warehoose, Danville. Va., Joidao & Bernard . proprietors, not only beat :be average made by all the other nine Ware hemes of that market (K X-j) one dolkr and ninrty-n'ne and a third cents, bat adds last re to its glory by excelling largely tbe average made in the sale of samples es-hibi'-cd at the late tobacco fair. While the avenge for the entire sales of all the tobacco esh.b:'.ed t y nil ti e wcrcSUis was $4 .3J. the l;chanc Var.h.a e made f.r its lare naruber of esh.btts of tillers. stnuVcrs, cut trrs and wrzrpcrs ths handwrae average c $S5. rr hundred. Who'll beat it. New Goods 1 We have jnst opend a stock of STAPLE GOODS f AND GUO- CEKIES at the alovo wcll-knowiiistaad. and would bo plcaicd to have our friends call on its when they como to Yauceyville. We shall at all times have a full and fkksii stock and will tr.uko oar prices as Louf. as ihc Zowett. ' V'- f .. '".' t '-:"'"s " GEO. O. Will SO N & CO. AT .Vrir JItfjhr Han. Mivscs Florence Mitaras and Ikitha llijldowcr from Kcidssille, N. C. fpnt their Xmas holiday at Mr. W. V. Taylor s. From ail appearances cupi I has cast many ilarls through the hearts of our youn men, whom we often hear ex pressing rrgrcts that their happy days" are over. Our community was never mere gay than it has been this Xnias season, kh:chu ill long be remembered, for the r.uny pleasant faces wc have met, and th 5e - peasant pictures will forever han fn memories walls. It was the writers pleasure to attend 5ecral parties and one t f the most cn jyab!e occasions was at CapL T. M. Mct'iary's. After several hours had I ecn whileil away in the gay whirling dances, we jurttxA of a sumptuous sup r sh:ch mipht have been prepared fr the gods such was the variety and profit , in ( !c!icic:cs. Miscs Kina Cham!!er and Ar.nte racs liasc ictumct to Danvi'.L where they wi?l toumc the ese.ciics 1 f t!ic Female College. , R os r r e in i99l 199.I 199!- 199I- Mr. Kditor: In the grand street parade at the Danville tobacco fair the 7iih. the Ex change Warchonte had all about on its war. on and horses the figures 199 i-j. ssill you please le kind caoach to tell us what it meant and oblige, Kespectfully, ' KsijVitLKK. Ccrtain!y, I !!. It meant that Exchange Wai choose, Jordan fc llcrnard. proprietdrs. sold lat vear hrr It over its trotortionat part cf tobacco so!d cn the Danville market others for HdneV diseftWk etc.. and that it averaged (199 1.3) one dollar and I etc., bllt nOQ9 of thoSO kinds of n,nty n.ne and a thud cents rer tundred treatment have boon attended more than the average made by the other I . : : IK. nine warehouses of the Danville market for DUUWOf p"y the ssme time, she in- vhat hard work and COnstlDatlOU and d WDeDSia. It pohdlds. ftltu. g-.l tt,nt fifmtpr TT-r. tract of Hoots, or Mother Bei mel's GujFHtira Syrup, when properly rxerwnl wilTremoYe this disswe id all its stages. Onre musl be taken, however," to secura tshe genuine article. IT WILL SKLL STTS TXULX eyes; there is a feeling of great 11 1 J I II X rv nrrwtrabon and weakness. iaJl JL j jjl jljl'V of these symptoms are in turn 'present. It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy ician3 have mistaken the cause of this ducaso. Soxno have created it for a liver complaint, It j To Yaiicey ville ! Would notenable you to'' gel Goods here n melt cheaper than VAt:ni!C is now scllniff tlieni wJticl Dea'ti Believe anything' ynii mny liear to the courrry but COME PJG I1T OX and see for vuttrsc lt. He t? now reetevuig lui r ALL blOClv sists of STAPLE'GOODS sneh ;s r Domestics, Elaitis, Manuel, Pant Calicos and Notions, mow, Goods CROCKEKY, GLASSWARE, TIN W AKE, and he would not have vam fArwsf"thof hie hrmcn t;5 ctiii '. i rf? V, fl IM f 11 '0-U.X'..5fi.t l". a 1 HO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE wituOUT N i o c OTfSPKIPSIIA. ItSTLESSNCSS a srsiervv veorvt4.a riBtrvtas 9 assftv MociaC. nCOPt GA. P HI LADE LP HI A. Prin. OHE Dollar irri FiiiliNii Wilf r 1 88?-'88. osr o Jlun it Totcit. Hither run it with im or sell out and l.ae iL ,.Mcn who arc a!was trying ti get out of business wid never do mut htobudd up a ton. One cf two l!.irf rnnit !e done tun the thin,; for a!! lis itth, get up steam and kgcp it, 'r iu't the vh!e thutj; ; slide ut and let r.atere txke its course If you want I Liver ltculatrr ha Wen the mesa ... ' of rmturtbar luurv rvr to beallla and .,e tho.c who d CvKne. If you want a pi;crous town where prjvle cm ou cliutc l:st svd to make borne, ta.-n !o airtv with and burr frvm siht a!i jea'.-u) and spite, work m mere Th maJoHtjr of th tils ef th hnmia hly art from m dUjd IJver. lat- r.aprir" Ly f tvln them a healUay L4vr than any chvr mceney un earth. STB THAT YOU 12ET TUB GXCUIXC I irB-,.f an rtr f the Sarenor coir. t ..1 i..-it t .i t 1... .L-..L. t r a tew trKhu!aaK but ah work to t a,w B1M lt .heeourt heuied or in thetn -f Vwey4'l-. sell at public atctin .ithc lirvrt t '.:.er. a certain-ract giincr tot a common prosjierity an I mutual bcr.cnL Wake v rub your t)-, roll up your beeves and all go to work, ittt wcrk with fear and trvm b'.tr.j:, but take it U granted that tUxxl w.'.ltcll. Iac foulls to thcr..Kt ; lrruar tuj trwub, but aJi unite to male it the te-t kinl of a town. i t i 10 Wik. 1 Vr Hatt- Tfce Hta.k S;ccboa ojv. .it J. M. Nea!" S. laicly cccepUd by j 1; bt. O'ivtr. It contain fi 21 rmmn. a vc!ar atd iKtd rt.ta. Apjly lo j N. I- WAI.KFI:, j To llttute v V. d. ru?n ' of the same place, who sold Mrm. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and naver knew it to fail 8ILB WJLS jLLMOST D3LAJ) I wsjt so low with dyspep sia thtit there was not a phy 8:cicn to bj found who could do any thifi with ma 1 had fluttering ti the heart and swrmminc the Head One day I reaul your pamphlet called "Xi7 Aiiwng the Shakers? wh'oii described my disease . betttjr than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of VEAKrUNDEVELOPED ! SShpSJaS ?r.T".,v ' .M.s- KkH " f Mm. tL . Tinslev, Bevier, : : .,rL itfr.r'r Muhlenburg Co.. Ky. ".:.V TrZrlr ror sale by all Druggists, or COTTON. Mr. John C. Ilemptinstall, of ChulT-irme Cloburn Co., Ala, writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker ILxtraot of Roots or SeigeTs Syrup that she says he irould rawer be without part of her food than without th mediciae It has dona her more gvod tlsftn the doctors and all oiiujc lpHth cinea put together. I would yvto twenty miles to et it H:to tixj haads of any sui te rur li hj cam tjot it in" no other way. I bJiaw it will soon sell in this SUia better than cotton, TcyjTMOjrT k:om tkxjls. JIix SIL Barton, of Varner. -1," L,l KT ' HI .-At. I iM-aiM.wo w. xmiin cuauuiwwmut-uwiiu and cearcitv of money we have avsrCTa ana disease oitne M..-.ri r,...-cU c r.f rkitf nf ca-t uritiAT)' organs and was cored. Uou g'ods, and they are now hciug by Khaiier Extract of Root', filled wnh Rev. J. J. McGuu-e, merchant, lm !r a w a t tj s rs v yi 1 n rx mam mumftim- .muwnm EVERYTUIKG in tlie Grocery line and a full stock of always on hand, also CIGARS, TOBACCO AN t SXTJFF of the best brands. ggrCotne to f ec me ard it will not u lai yoiloi g lo tiiid cut that yon can save money by trading with me. j ' The BEST nin LTU fefP W (rnrnttb "LOVELIi WAM1IEU lo do omcr mkcnine 10 toe world. Warranted ft nri. aad if la aajr it don't waeh the clothe cleaa withoot rulUttg. 0J reiuna U inooey. , AGENTS WANTED I In every coantr. Wo CAN 8IIOW Pit OOP that Aetata ikine fr.-m 873 to SliaO w-r rnanlk. Farnurra Diakf) fHM1 tn P'iti Hutlnif tho ultil.r t . BHCC selline tliia Waaler. l!-f all rrlff nnlr A. a.. -ii rl to t how d-frt an nfr aJ. ilao tt ltrata - KRYHTO.NK WKI.NUKJtM at mannfacttrrra- krtnl prr init the at riairct lg vortiraiioa. &o4 fet Ztr aJUrt-Mna iMftal card for rurtber frartitfulara. LOVELL WASHEK CO. Erie, Pa 4 Sssd l in Cac'l county, on Cxiatry Line vrrcV, a,'j n.r ihe laoi. f Siiaey Brt -. ittrrH1 sn.t tlcrt. c- otaia "V " .c:c. m-re iea aU Laowq a the Tvrtr.i of Sale O.ic th"rl c! aed thi I recnr tu-th Jt in s a muth. Th. f utarr c vjl e prr cent tircT '-ti m; N"i.t f-r the HcfrrrcJ (cfrntat. Title rr laineJ aul all tl. n rebate iawocy ts piJ. TUa Nov. r-H 1 556 H. S I'.AKKEX, AJanV of r.l!y Sssael, Je'd. aJ at a2.." caa m.11 tcta .u a a.itjly -'- taw aa a wwy fH taNa' I .,l:..'r.,rMvv -t-iui addreia tho nmnrii-tftr A J: j Jute, Limited, 51 Warren I Sf v.. iv- Y..-1- IPrcsIi 9Tcw Ooocls. A stock as to Quality, Style and Assortment Second to None ever nfTered in the town of Yan ceyville. . COME TO SEE US when you visit onr town, and ex amine our stock and be" convinced that yen can get what you want at SATISFACTORY PRICES. fSTAil GKdo warauted as ren le-cnrcd, dtherwUe monev refntid!- ed. A Great Bargain in -j.. .; : . : : MILL MACHINERY ! All the Machinery which was in Cadi. Jas. Poteat's fine Mill when it was burned wi.l be sold at a sacrifice. The large machinery was not damaged much. It consists of I Farar Turbine wheel, not hurt, I Tool Si Hunt ' with iron case, not in fire. I large screw for raising Mill stone's. ; l rr Fairbanks 24001b scales, not in fire. 2 larce Gudgeons for water wheel shaft, Spindles-snd Drivers. 33 feet Sifting and pollies, babbit boxes, Saw mandrel and gearing for same, .. Cat rirge rollers and way irogs. Four head blocks. Two large bands for mill stones,, so Horse power Eogine with inspirator and a 25 Hurse power 1 toiler which had a light' plank shed over them. 1 . Any one wanting such machinery can get all this for less than half the original cost of the ecgine and boiler. Call on or address W. II . Thompson, j A'ancey ville,, N', C, nrrn Sett irantlmt txit iin mtls MrrK of fotm bat 'are mpi.i by the ; castvel of iuvenuon. Those who a e in need of profitable work that can be done while Jivmg at home should at once ; rrd their addiess to II l-ll it Co.. Portland Maine, and receive free, fall is format km PHILADELPHIA SINGER High Arm $28 S2 ... 7a i S LvN '' NJj 1 g"a Xidf. .! : ' i1-1 I Sas' FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL ffl TB8i sua asctc ircac rat far tic cur. laon't pa an acct tU r Vui atbd tut circuit, THE C. A. WOOD tft.MklS Jta DIPLII V tira r " those w ho read nil HI I this itrid then act; j they will find I1IUUI.I horrirable employment that will not take tbem froim their homes and families aiorraaiios . n.-t a. t. i n rc Threats arc sarze ana u't v how either k. of all agea, can earn from ' .mm -t- ni nrwards w bet ever. r-. m.l. ;i ,v -it on trf Rafted free. Camiil not ,u' v cr 55' rork. All succeed r.qii stcgle day at this ia are $5 to 25 Pr day and incyiic. aoaaresaiicairee. wapiti not 1 nnwada -- wv 3 v. a" . -II. V'ithv sea S. W. I'AISLEY'S, Neat c.oor to the fostoSce. KEID-iVlLbk, N. C The Cheapest ?fli Store in the State. S.hj.I n-ia sa 1 l,d at Sute list prrce. tiM Ha,, who is wtilintr to work. . : - . i . : yoangor end; ca ptaai not neeutc; we nan y Kverything new, Xo special abilUy repaired. yea, reader, caa do it as well as any ffi Write to as at once for foil particulars, which we mail free. Address SUcson A. Co., I'ort- land. Maine. FLocah'CF, IIai:ealox t Co. 1 by rnti!, fjmij :.:. L-jcral i;w;aar to Teachers. b:n 1 cmr'ov.'cr t sr.e. j: s; ppAK, d yanceyville; n. c. ; Offers his professtooaf serrkes' to the citi- Vaaeeynla ad wrrounoiBg rer Flora tce, HarteIo A. Co ioe. sens Of OSceorer . ; ' . " ". . -. ' :.:.. .' v . .. ::.. f- ', - ; - ' ' -V..'-':--.' v.." ' r.' - l.'-l V

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