' - . - . -- - -' .- - . - : s - 7 . 1 ue Caswell News. fAUrti si thm Tit 0S if Vtjt: T. H. THOMPSON. . - r.UITOR. YANCEWI U.F.. !. C JAN. 1; 1 .1 IZnilrtHid Niisffrmtrd. Miiii,.V. C, Jan. iSSS II. A. Losrx,, fls.; , Dear St?: Kn ifiz this yuj arc a ttrong railroad rail, and that yoa !e te to sec the a,t roo-J '(i 4 your cw7 dce!ope J I haw ir.V. tut I would trr.:e to 1 ox . At this t.rae w!.ere ernr pirt 'f ur State it lb t funevcd over ar.f ra:! nid laid o:f anil be:r f a it. I hare ten surprised that no r r.c bit attain! the bu.ld.r lA a ridJrvm yur ton ria Mebar.c and Yarce) . H.'e to Dan ville, V'a. If fua ill tok upon the map you w.H Lr l that it ;t a straight Itn an! on!y 70 mild. A road bu:It frura your place woc!d natnralJjr run eptbe valley of Vu mer, cr.!r r.vcr near the oM Jone Ferry andennv in up by O-iks to Mclur.c. cr jirz the North Carrlina Hmd at thi; p!jcc. After leaving th-t t Ure a few rn.Ict it it gmrratlr a riuc r'mtc to Danville Nov thlt Lnc would afford fard:ties for utilizing the vaa water power of Haw River. At the farthest point fmca t.-.ejrivcr (Swersonvide) no raill site would be more than six tri.e from tie line of railroad, j asin ne.r :escral unimurov' ed water powers an I tLrouli a rifl grain, cott.o and tobecco Left. I have no hcttUtton in tJitinj that thaandr Lcit cf touih AU:iu;.cc and Orange couot:tt and nfrthcrn Q.a;ham has acie of aa fine tcbc. Lnd at to be Lund anywhere. The r-od af;cr !e.inr'th-s tilace truul-1 pan through n jnhcrn Alatrance and Ue fu'I wid'h Cxt!l nuati one Cuotinuotit tobacco !r, .hcrr the farmer inwho toraiic fine tobacco; it ha in? lrn the:r money crop tor more than 45 can. Everr ncro man know how to make and cure fair to bacco. From this iJae to Grecmboro it 11 miles: fivra orcensboro to DanviHe ts 4S mi!c: making from thi place to Jiantbl, v:a ireensboro, 80 miles. . from u.i place, va ianrc-vUe. to Danville is 40 ta.lcs, making a. ahort cut ct 49 IQUC Caswell county is about 2$ by a'5 mileaandisexclaurrif z troacco coun ty, I mean as a mcnc cror, but they rac the finest wheat on their tobavcn lA am! geocnlly raise enoisn corn to 1 mi! the fop! and feed their stock I kr.ow thi is no visionary wild acheme to build th.t roaib Iiurhan w:th thcr Lynchburg scJirme hxnt a better location than this line would hare. 1 have taleu Lhis line for rein but 1 there is no one to'takc hold of it. But ih time Kaa come when it will be built. A line farther wesv thin the one I )ue srrrted would be too ner the C. V. Ac V.'V. R. R.t and any further east wou!d be too rear the North Car-f-ltna am! the Durham a.ad Lynchburg roa It. Tl.c Ralegh A Gitto.i tad Ralrh V Augusu should build it as a leetlcr Lfthcy d j not I think that the the Kkh- mund A: Danville wiL, ajtheyrouU; r uv iuu;c psii uic:r ireit ana I as-cn,;ers in Danville br the time the) could get ready to start Iron Grccns bofo. I wiitcthit to get yoo aud tUn Lke jcrtcil who are loterrsted m the welfare and 4';cnty t4 Tiitsbrro and of Chatham county to think cf this iru roe rent. Ik'png that Jim will eiarrae fo: v ..v.ii iuu, 1 rnna:n yours UUT. A. White. Tl.c abose communication taken from the T.usUro KutJ pomu out another way hr us to base 1 railroad if we w-.I! d our jwt towards iL U cttu n!y net ! one ind badly need iu We arc geitlnj? poorer esery year and those counts in the 6ute that two yean ag , wh le we were taJkini? 90 much cf a roa-i, went ahead nd voted subscript lorj to roads now have them, and today are enjoying the beccait of t.Vs budding up frca ccnur to c:r cucifcretice. O trjurc asweirs va!u ation personal an! real estate w:;h try cvuDty wi:h radnads anda:yvf, them da.le us to ly and on! a lew years io CxwCd as rated is t; e second CAontt in tie Siatt ia wmt ifj eal.h. The reor.!e of Chiimcwn-, ty fjt a Jong time were ttaerlv 01-- Ihe public tjintr. the i-iaic ana u tnc rrsonirccs of tne county were property cievelopcd it w!J I aa it e4-.ee waa, ore of the fir!.?:. We cou-2 have our own mar kets and baild up towns of our own ! t,ui ir.cTe-i'e the sa'u- of our rei' fa:c IjcX tli- raitter be put to thi ; ro; '.e and let them vote $ 1 o.oco tor a rot! from Htuboro to Da:v;I!e. wah lonti to run fur 20 years and it will be the bekt dayi v-oik th; pejp!e ot Cos well ever drs. l.e frr.:chiie tate? on 1 uad o( 2$ mdrs through the conn ty wcuid pay the debt, an! ihe taic on the inreAscd va!ac cf prr.jKTty and .rujfowcmmtiin YanceyTuIc and alon ihc iiae wfuld mre than pay the inter "O. "21J is no ivIon-LTr scheme. It has been ilcre jn rv-j:.t:ci arour.d us and all os er the Su:e, and many o them were deeper in debt an J in a worse fit g nerally, if josib!ef when they v-tr.t into it than Ciswell is to-day The im.re5sijn ha.t font abroad that :he tcotiIe if Caswell do not want a railroad. There is an element ia the oun'y epposed to voting subscriptions ty the county. They say they do not wan: the negroes to vote 1 tax upon their property. There arc but few thouh who nut'un such 1 subterfuge. There is not the least founJatioa for riuirjg up suddenly. Thebow such an argument against a vub.cnp- ela become CCatlTC; ihe sltin is lion which is to be paid in twenty or dry and hot at times ; tiie DJOOd thirty years. Who knows who wiil own becomei. tliiclc and stagnant; the property in this county when the tho whlt3 Ot the eyes Decome RUBBER STAMPS, Like a tkkf at n5gnt H -eaals; m upon ua unaTrarci. The p& ricnta Karo psins about the zteat and aides, tnd eomctinio intJbebAck. TLey fcl dull: and accpy; tLo.ri:outh has a" bad tattle, erpecLdIy in the ipp-tlt U POCT. rmtire Pre tod k. neu hoaei wtr th ct try r 115 usetr PS . ... r s .1 1L1 5P nmrz ou . . . . . ,. c.i mt IIjmr. ?rzndf. etc. I GKXTS 1VATF?I every cocatr in rbc.State. ixna lor circulars. tems 4ni rrCC U 'W. H. THOMPSON, ' , Ymnceyville. N. C. Stencils, Seals, Badges, Inks, Pocket, Pen and Pencil Stamps, Daters, Self-Inkers, &c- I 1. prrpW to fm!A o. riioft KKic wphtag In tic Rubber StiP line, i.elada The Wheless Self-Inking Rubber Stamp jPress, 1 Fifty Years at the Front. For rrlr to oe&n the recoruued amtbority the wot Id orer 00 all gricttlturmb matter. Alwrt abreast of the tiaxs. and always tpendins laruhly for the bst talent and .eipen fferiiar liko a tcayyload oa ihc toiiiij; nictiiscflii.xiiiyaii Oce s.2it:oa &t the pit of the stsch Trxich food doca not satisfy. He cyi are aanken. th hard xad Xe?et bcoomo oold and danici y. After a TrHIe a cough ta in, at flret dry, but after a Uw months it is attend ed with a greeniflh-colorcd ex pectoration. The patient feels tifad all tho while, and aleep flow not soeni to afford any rea a uuiv uc w I ; wuh; ,The AAmE.ican AcicvLTUtiST keens pace with the knowing interest nerroua. lmtablo and crloomv.' hn rrirvhnre larTelr broaht about throoch its teachings, and continues t-day, after ab- . .n( Tl fnmhrulincrfl. There KrUng twenty.foex other agricultaral papers, to furnish the current affncultnral literature . "f? 5 10rCDOain& A frV3 here the EngUsh and German languages are spoken. Every number contains nearly too IM ft inddlliees, ft SOrt OI Whirl- original illostrations and original articles from 50 different writers. Price $1.50. ye". iru? aenaation in tho head when V1? t 1 rrt 1 rays ence. tne American Ag3?cnltna?iSo begins IS34 with new contributors, new, artists and Hew type, ana tne editorial stau wnicn has made this Periodical a power in qoth hemipheres, reinforced with ftesh blood aad r,riaa. therebv combining the experience and erudition of years with the IpCQT and fresh- single numbers 1$ cents. bfflJt y 1 li-mds would fall due. The vtry men tinged with yellow; the urine who &ct up such an argument to-!a I is scanty anu nign ooiorea, ae may control but little cf the property positinga sediment after st&nd- m the count then. j Let our public l tng. inexo ia irequcnuy- a spnted citiens take the lead in :Jj:i puung up OL mo 100a, some- matter ami have 1 proportion submit- lunoa wiin a Bour WLSia ana ted to the voters of the coanty and it sometimes with a sweetish wili!ecArT.i,l As we hive before said taste; this ia frequently at- Kaulnadj are as impc rtint in this pro-l tended TTfth palpitation of the cressive aire as cood dirt roads were o neart: tne vision Decomea im- years aga U'c cannot get along with out them. So let us move to hive one. U'c arc informed by CoL Geo. William son thit there is 1 charter for the above road. He savs it was granted bv the 9 w-r m legislature of 1S74 or '76. The First and only Reproduction in this . country, and These magnificent works of art are neither oid time chromos nor ordinary engnmngs. The latter is an exquisite photo-etching far superior to anything in the market. Christ on Calvary, the companion picture, is executed for us by the Mesaograreure process, which far surpasses any ctner tor soilness 01 tone, vigor 01 action ana general superiority 01 ex ecution. They are on heavy plate paper, 22128 inches in size, forwarded, post-paid, in New Goods American Agriculturist, (English or German) with choice oi Pictures, American Agriculturist, " " and the two I'ictures, naire d, with Bpota before the eyes; there io a feolincr of irreat prostration and weakness. All of theao symptoms arc in turn present It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forma. It has be 9 a found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause tubes prepared for the purpose. Fnce, $I.oo each, both forwarded in tube, postpaid, to one address, ior M.50. 6 oc Sendpcstal tor Specimen number, full description of the Fictutes, and portrait of Munkacsy. the painter of these great works now attracting wotld-wide'atten- , Canvtssers wanted ereiywhere. Address. , PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, David W. Judd, Pres't. ; 751 Broadway, New York. tion. I1W POPULAR The Chicago Trilune gives the ivcr- ige prices of wool for every year from 1S24 down to 18S7. The-list hov-s that tle price .ranged fiom 47Cts. tol nf 4li? Aa( Rfvn Iia-ta- 7ccts.f up to 1S67, when the high ur treated it far a liver complaint, ttl was nut upon tt. i-rora 1667 the! rthm fiw V-rrtnAtr Hi.ioajwV ir price fell and was from 5cts. to ccts.l etc, but none ci these kinds of 111 Yanceyville. howir that the highest and best nces for wool were previous to the tanfT in 1867. Since 8: ind 8jf when 1 portion of the tariff was removed the prices have improved. This knocks up Sherman's argument that the reduc tion of the UrifTon wool in i8Sj pros trated the sheep raising industry. e5 January aiat vras tbt coldest day ev cr known m Minnesota. On that morning the standard government ther- momejer showed 40 below, the lowest 1 notch that can be registered on it. mc ruwn 1 nncc tn trermany is the subject of 1 timely article in the f bruarv number cf Tnii Cosmo t-ou tam, by PnfcMor H. II. IJjycscn, who occe met hi con uins m abjut the heir to the German throne. whLrseskknesi has attracted world-wide attention! trcatmeot havre ben attended wita iiiccMa'; "for it is real! y ' constipation and di-mJL It is als? ioucul that sha tract of Hcofcs, or Hotter irol s Uuro&ra Syrupu . vlnen properly prepared xriH reaaove inu.ai&cae in an ita siageo. Car must be iakwi, however. to mcujw flid gonuino irtkix XT WHi SIXL lUHTia 1UX3 OOTTox. i Wc have just opend a stock of STAPLE GOODS .AND GKO- Mr. John C. UeinptinctalL JcEKIES at' the above wcll-tnown stand, and would be pleased to kave 11 Li-r 1 ' lour friendfl call on ua when thev como to lanccTnlle. iHo shall at nix., wnw; juy wui aaas 1 all times hare a rax and wrk&u stock and vriil make onr prices as Lew u the Lowest. F alllHD Iffif tcea so caoca oneiitecl. or Shaker TLrtavt of Boots or iminKor,ay. The article a tht ah W. imy delightful anecdotes b.WOuU rtT ba Without th sxdC3tsw It & decj Lor tnort zood ihojQ the doctoo and 1I oUi4r rrEcicoa puttocther. I roild te twenty to it k into tbe hacils of any af ictt i! oex got rfc- bi no otho way. I USsro. it will coco soil in this ZUmt better than oottoo. T3TO0BT TJLOH TXXiB. Mrs, 8L11 Rkrton, of Yanr, GEO. 0. WILSON & CO. JOHN Y. STRATTON'S JtOVTJi UAIZJSO.XICAS. Car Jenks- Tiafre, :Jxm.o. "loa? raster A 4 .- RAILfiOAl To Yanceyville ! -I - "! '" .;"(.,, -Mist arsn." JOHV K. NTRATTCN'S It OI' AM IlAIiJJOXMCAS. The hoe t llouta Harmonicas poss.Me to make. 47 tIS LNC. NtW Vl'RK. Ripley Co, Ha, writes that I Would not enable von to get Goods here much cheater than Vacohx S V " jrl . II . tne naa oeon icriv amicLca vnm 13 now sciun mem dyFp5piA and cissaso of the urinary organs and wzs cured PHILADELPHIA SIIIGEIL High J " Jjqxj Ann, . 1 d tJ rsilroads. yotng men a.d the ho ha.! do-,-) wrni ii Lie I.e tons i n the ra.:roais tos;otr.to tutv;i.eiA, and that cvuntv ac ".ai-cU tut rtni 1 n., t ... ..... BM-'wu . jj ranie m the U4 ot counties, bet tie xfe at U-t cpenol their ne ct to u.-k jind the new the Caf e lea, .V Vadl.a Val ey R-udl:, ,:, ab.anvhr.id f o P.r.r,., ..He t.,n( ly seat. t. II.,.,.! jndthev rep lr:i..-. i . . : c t j r., r ts i ; c it 1 1 Arm. i ( ffflSriU? -atVsnng cf the heart and ii lVl ! swiaxaa;n 0 tho HeAi One s ill! i Eirrresr by Eiiiicr Extract of Roots. Tf dr", Ker. J.' J. HcOuire, merchant of tihe same placo, who sold hire Barton the medicine, says h2 havs o!d it for four vekra nd asixr Ibicw, it to fail. 3 US WAS ETAD I was so low with dyspep !a that there was cot a phy citm to b-fcuttd who could o .uayrhiBg with ma 1 had Don't S2i',e r a a I FIFTEEN DAYS TRIAL f mi m Mst acrttc rva mt est crar. UairVMMMlMMWlMilif cwtM . 1.... J". b-ttr than I could myvdf. I tried tht Shaker Extract ef 'loots anJ kept on with it until o-day I rejoice in pood health. In. 2.1. R Tinsley, Bevier, jruhlenbtir Co., Ky. lor aaic by all Druggists, or A. J. anything you. may bear to the contrarv but COME lUGHT OX and sf for yoiirfVIf. .He U now recicving big FALL" STOCK wliich con- 6i6i or oi.irhL UUUDo such as vaiiuuo ctiiu XN tlltlli, CROChEKV, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, and he would not hav you forget that hi lunuc ii till uai'fers for Groceries. h ERYTII1NG in Ue Gr.Krcry line and a fail etock of six Ccn.ectib2a.exies Headq siren St, New York. .srs on bind, aIo CIGARS, TOIiACCO AM SNUFF of the ratidK rT( .,rne to mc .r.d it u 1 , ( ? :-U voti Icrg lu i;,d tltat you can asv tuoi.e by tr.ding ith .tv out J. W. VAUGHN. Ttegardlcrs of the Hard Trw-s and eearcity of money we Lave cleared onr the! v of ont of ea mh goorlSjiand they arc how beiDg filled with ; ' '- - - - . ':'..;"' FreiHlt 'New CSoodiu A.Joek aaj to Quality, Sirlo and A6wrtuicnt Second to None ever offered in the town of Yan ceyville. ' f -;). COMB TO SEE US when vou vuit oar town, and ex- -mit.c our itock and be convinced that ycu can get wliat you want at SATISFACTORY PRICES. 2FA1! Good waranted as rep- resented, otherwlMj money refund ed. ".'! y-y Flakaxci IIaExuLoa fe Co.