j nE Caswell News. '!' i jTt, a. well enough. They want '' ., v!h'.ols hut wjrt ihr riifroroe to ccrac m4Ui:w. fr(im atcou! d I n atlar.tac to - " " " " J '.Ntn, no to i.?ta.:n n scp-ijrt the W. II. THOMPSON-. - - KIHTOk.),,,, Th-r -i3 ; .ch- . 'er b'ii !;k- tho- best ho r.reach lev Iubttr Spirit. lialU:.? to rain J thy in Non! aroVi tVit Luxe pro-m arvd ;rf;r j ft!, cr,e aWt imVurxjnly jut elites j : tlc grut! t!-c runci i ten n j j,tnr) f r-;.t) !.n to gr:: cuter. !--n fettle j-ilIc. Aia! : : c ;:a U trti Ii-t ton thit hue tc' txroA ect.trr a-d a Ivsr,! a-- -r. y " a:cv2 for ijajt;K:Tt c -nd nar.u!-rtt:r:. c luvc lcn cont.Urcd "dc-! tjm b jr. use a few men, ooin property an! jjcrt.v-iinj L1- matit lo make them lljcah. Uiie crx-.cn t iiM them hy t ne jnemly, want J.c !ea! par a:d!-tlc up t': f:ct cWt;oirv Tuey want the cl:; ;? jn;dt i f r- J",; ' ti tl.a; is in f tit; ruar.cX .V w-r.X. z.-.;n aso- ft..-- 1 l f a.Ia:.t4C M wire- i elc arJ thc;r rrccd ! .cs not r-.c 'Tni.. the riat 10, ri lc;oivl w!f i I. ere r. !'.-; d.-;tr than a t-wn .'! n :!.!- . f :r a I t r: p. st trvi w.:: u: t: err. any twaa, r.o nutter !.a: i:-; j-n.i.nr aie. w-i! siriier or laicr u i. tub to tLe fiicviUbl. fr- JVior IZeituctlan. A njcctirtg at I'hiUdp'iia iheir u-.ter Uck o( cnietjvHC ar d puUi--' JiW4 P- : :ni It takd more than raikoaa,!. t , , , . . , , 1 I Ue no successful drfensc of a ncal ik!- f.ctks arj a frw itorr to aukc a ,ty whu:h uic n w;or fu; of thc !on. It takes Ie, s-cilre, j-ihin-, pocket of tax juen than is accessary rnereti. ib'ic tj-iruetl wen, uhojf'r icoroiuicai aum:niiration of thc hare th tntcrevt U the-r U)wa ana((Vtrm-:,-i Thc 'cir.etjy for ctcw- rlC 41 UC-Ul iIJ -IC NtH -4-- I . ... t i i It It-iit Arthur rcromriit-n.Irtl ti this cn L . , cttttrs. iociir.j j:te men, oil ei er-i . . , - , .. . , Ithe -Nil ti if tuc t-naco tix, ancn "K lo rc otf aU iaotfarat ol cap- haxeir.eat of thc free lUt, an ! a $ impli Ul, anl jrevenin as txr as in them iVtia ail i.Iuction of duties on cot- fics any inJitwJaal town ingTcss. (too, iron, stre!. Ju4'.r, wol art! w l- Ijct ujciurrast ll-e town prrgresso! cn IwJ.-nt Chcbn.I rtcommcnJ tree raw materials o: rninujacturej, an: pl yulllc sptriteij eit-aen who unite fa what U the test intercuts of the suih othcf-nri rctlyction on thc nec eNari of living as saali afford the 4xcr, and the town where lh at ixer.s caiest jKi-sibie reiicff thc public t re no er united on any move fc4 the j burden. Ji.Ivcv.ng that a bstaniiil general a!vancement of the town and ndurtiou of tirilf dutiei is derqanded i. ..... . W. rxr.,-, -,!ih tim m D a mere in.iicnininAte ipuur rad thera to ih (nnclunoa that the I . . , , . , .. , rrw icojv uul tporc .5, wc icluhich has in former times been most fhancc thry w U have to waxed. Utrenuouj for Uie uieservation of our InthekxTDCf pUre we sec lots ofier-1 national Industrial defenses, and that rd free ta any vec ho M come amd uch eduction should be noi only a i i f . -.Iu,c recognition put ix sentiment I tcld a rciilcncr. mill or factory, aod , . . land a measure of iust:ce to consumers. M 3n7 pcrueu u ra.y ou- but onc coododve . lhe KCncra, fn lamcL Streets are patred and shadevl dutri.l prosjnty and Ur.cfical to thc ar.d t!ic general health of tke town is social intrrots arTccted, it is hereby cudc of prune imo.tane. If street- resolved: That thc existing duties up I . . t - a t Iahij-, electric W&fr mater works o, p nw rnaiauj wmcii are to ic usw ..... . im innujiciurcs snquiu oc rcmoyeu : sewerage i;c ccrdrx!, Jhe tom is notl. , , . : . , ! i . t . I ' ' . .euioKiuir. lon runout tnem. i )f coa$unied L. who arc Icasl 4 r.urxhcx ac uuut terc axvd t'jc jvator al-!c to l;ir thc burderf of taxation arc M.d for then wvrk. Schtxl bui!J sliould tc reduced .--4 i7 ..c u,uc..v iou There -rc a?i Farmers' Auut.ces in find here tank bupd.r. ar.d loan as-Ithe Mate p-iattajn fire coapanies. public halls ,,c Ncwbcrn truck farmers arc plant- fc-d.nc-tooftiS. r.esnairrm and a rrn. I 1 ..-t ...'. I . i . r . . f i TiVje .ire now 21 j siudcrjuai anc . . . I r'VC fc ""lieu 4n,i it tt ey arc not 'IVo nrgn troic to death in Q a! ic to havr a'.! thec things at or.ee. county last week i!.rr o! rijn ih-m . 1 v .l.r--., f On the ist i March Wilmington will ' 4 - - j ... j,. v j ! . ... t . ..... i tint ilmn a progressive tomnonly lwlc t,n 5UlP- nJ lItr exxenu ror es are l uricd. tnc C V' Vl V- R' K lM lhat cit' ru!l bock thc shroud and let us thc t KaIch i$ tn hxxc anol!,CT M th kIIsi izt a lie whiTe on the traturcs of aU.oco t'ea! town. You will rcccrnue then, r 11 s t .norm hahmomcas. C.J t JmV "I'lOAfnc" ".'Uno." Ton r.i'cr t tr.ce a e jn;nt tr.em o.::. hv.:ei 1 j I I ts lKr. t.:Tcrrd free to th !:.' -i!c at all "I he rncrrd apf can: t e oi ! iVc tJn ;s :Ut uf d.! ipUh:n and dr ia arl the ue of j axt is a! h-iro! Mean evil h:r. Free: pahn-s are pel kept up tvtauic thc s:ck law ... .i .... ... i it unnrt-csAary ana r.c4I.ir. inc; J lc K.mv.if- r..r Jore t. a. is not a!?o.u:ely csx:r.:.al , t . .. , . . . Kupwioff. I axes arc general!) l tn a ;J-ad t -n. it don't uVe ttv & n xi. OH' I. I k.TT"NV no yai. n. i nxoxjn-A .s. The rir Mouth I I.rnnic jxu!e to if. Ur, m tich picker t-s itan thc h rUKHlCXlMD M3IttU MlltMAIDiat. 4 i l .n n I r. N Y'.hk. .r,: ! Philadelphia singer. Low Ana )car te a:r i: : tvUN- , the :.mc !o J.jj it t,p the p i.t.3rt is ma.!e trcets .r:- . Id i -..- -ru:.;i :.r tl..i) t hr ; c Ivt t cr i.-! !;rasc--rd- out t? e 1 -Sts It re thev rre yy a-Kntr escry Vci'er' to a !t.. tem No public o rit here r. wn:tv pf ctfar: a id puri-r er.sy tVrt.'.uc suvttfd a d a k.ik f.? ;f. Ufta'cs errrT mn lr L:.rc:f cscrv h . i.ti an;; i.; .:xaefctt tu a, ile Hlsrh 11 Ann, i28. f t r-r i: ULko a tlikf at night Hctcali la upon tin unA'trarea. . Tfco pa tients Lav paiiia about the cheat and eid'A and ocnietiujc inthoback. Tber fool dull and alcfDT: ciouia cas a bad U&Vs piaUr in thr xrKxnli. A rwt of bticiy aline ooI)cCi aWut thd tcth. The r,rviV rxwr. TLr is a 2 - - ft5iu5 liko a Lcary load cn the HtotSLMzk; cnie.V.V2 ithit, all gew ac-aptic- at tin; pit of tic svwu-i T.Licc fool ioca not satisfy. TLe ejca aro iatinkcn, tha iactia aad feet bcooiae cold aird dnnuj. After a Tiiulo a coub ikU lUy at first dry, but af tr a f ir rccntha it Lj attend ed rrith a trreenish-colorod cx- jwctcration- The patient feels tiri all tho while, and sleep doa not seem to afford any real After a time he becomes nerroua, irritable and gloomy, and has cril forebodings. There U a giddintea, a sort of whirl ing sensation in tho head when rising up iuddenly. The bow els become oostive: the skin is dry andhotattimea; the blood. become thicx and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tingod with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de poaitinga sediment after stand ing. Thero is frequently a spitting up of the food, some time witn a bout tasto and wmetime with a sweetish taste; this ia frequently at tended whh palpitfcttou of the heart: the vision bo cornea im paired, with apota before the eyea; there ia a feeling of great prostration and weaineca. All oi theao symptoms are in turn present. It la thought that nearly ce-third of our popu lation has this dis&iQ in aome of ita varied forma. It has boen found! thai phy ticiana haro mil taken the cause' of this cli&zaaoL Some hare rivaUd U for a liver complaint, others ior kidcsT diaeaoOj etc., dte., but ncme cC theea kUidaif treatment hame betnj 'attended with sneeze;." for it isaa oonatiptioc arid dyipenrjt It ualaofousKl thAt csnaicr Ex tract of liccit, or llottof ; fiki el'i Cuatira Byrup when prcpevrry prepared .wiu remore tirU disaaie in all ita trtagea. Oarf muot be iokrn, however, to aacura the"'gniiiaa--articitajj IT WXLL SSiX lSTTSSL TSXJS ' i COTTOX. Mr. John C, Heinpticoiall, of CcuWnzvw, Clewirn Co., Ala.; wriWar 4Ky wife has been bo zxoch. baoedted by Shricr . Hxtarrjct of Roots or SIrJ'a Sjrrup th$ aha tcja th "rruld rather without port of hrr food thrsn wrihcnit ih sJKrssA It h doos her riwt thftn the dociccs aud all rcftdicinos trt toathVr. I vculd twenty S3ile to .rC k into hands cC any anf lensc if hn can yot H in no other wfij. I bclLru rt wul dcdc eoll in thia Su-w henor than cotton. TXSTUiOST THOU TZXJLS. Mix ail Barton, of Varcar, Kiplry Ocu, Ma,' wriUfl tliat ihe fcd b&n long afHictod with djnspej-x-U and dijeao of the urinarc' organs and was cured by EfeaW Extract of Roots. Iter. J. J. McGuire, merchant of thd aame place, "who eola Hra. Harton tho medicine, Bays b hi-c sold it for four years and kw it to fail, caa was auo3T rxaj I waa 90 low with drrriv m ... m RUBBER STAMPS, TIRE Stencils, Seals, Badges, Inks, Pocket, Pen and Pencil Stamps, Daters, SelMnkers, &c- I an prepared to f oral! oa wboct notice myt-ia- in the Rablxr Suwp Une, ioJuding The Wheless Self-Inking Rubber Stamp Press, huh print! rerfrctV Kte Hfa-!. Statements. ?ol .nd Bnanew C.ri. T.g. Enjcl- Thi is the onlT fteftec beiXinKJC S-smp fxvntir !"r. -r- besinei hoes .U or the country - ng lhf pnctsrgl tih them. Csn a'-w fmih Ker chcck. KJ nrp. S re! S:xps Uurtu .-raftdi9 e;c AfJJXTS it'ATKl n every ctcn:j in the h:atc. ctl lor cicuiais. icii V. H. THOMPSON, Maiufdtiurcr of RulUr $Lwfist Vanceyrille, N. C. Fifty Years at the Front. For narJy go oears the recognize! authority thc woiI J over oa all ri cultural Baal!er alwzys abreast of the tunes, and always speadiag lavishly for the lest talent and experi ence, the ' m t Ajnerican Agriciiltiirtst begins tS?S wiih new contributors new artist, ami new type, mjid the editaiial stsffKU ha made this Periodical a power in qoth hemispheres, rc-iiiforced with fresh .blood and brains, thereby combining the experience and erudition of years with the vigor nd fresh ness cf yonth. The AAsftaiCAN AGkiCL LTi Rirr aeeps pace wim me powwg ipwtM in afric-lture lsrgely brought about through its teachings, and continues to-day. aner ar orbing twenty-foar other agricultural papers, to furnish the current agricultural literature where the English and (.erman languages are ipoken. kvery number contains nearly ioo brieinal illastratioas and original articles from 50 different writers. Price $i.S 7eAr I gtnal illastratioas and ong single numbers 15 cents. CHRIS u 1 1 u The Kirst a nd only Reproduction jn ihis country, and BEFORE PILATO. These magnificent works of art are neither old time chroiuvs nor ordinary engraving. The latter is an exquisite phutc-etchmg far superior to anything in the market, Christ on Calvaiy, the companion p:cture, is executed for us by the Mex? graveure process, which far surpasses any other for softness of tone, vigor of action and general supenortty of ex ecution. They are cn heavy pUte paper, 2x28 inches in sire, forwarded, post-paid, in tubes prepared for the purpose. Price, I4 each, bpth forwarded in tube, postpaid, to one addreis, for Si. 50. American Ackicvlti risx, (English or German) with choice 0 Pictures, $i.rV American Ar.Rici'LTURtsr, ' " and the two Pictures. $2.00 Send postal t-or Specimen number, full description o.f the IMctures, and pot 1 rait of Mun(3csy, the painter of these great works now attracting world-widaltcn Hon. canvassers wantea ererywnere. Aaaress PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, v David V. Ji-mi, Pres't. 75 1 "Broadway, New 'York. r in Yanccyvill c. New Goods G 0.-. 0'. WEISQW -& C0; Masonic S"ULilca.5.iD.g-. - 1 :,,v : POPULAR . . .I'.'-;-.- ;' ' I ; yK ' i : 5 - ' i : ; 1 . : I " " "" - ; ' v . t AVchayejnst oinnl a stock --of JSTAPLE tiOODS AXD'TjKO iX, Ul I ilitU ft iliv VA 'l-ItIfC3 at tm pbovo wcllrknown stand, :ird would Ie plc;ucl to'havt: our friends call uti na-wlien thuy come tu Yancc vrillc. We ahall ar nil times luro a rvt.h and Fiticsit stock nnd will. make our prices as Loir tfs the Lmcest. h " GEO. 0. WILSON & CO. mm. i To Yancevville ! Woultl not en-Me von tu :ct Gds here mueli chcaicr than Vahjux , 1 ' ! is now felling thc-i 21 anytltii.tc vu may lioar tu the contrary hnt COME UIGHT ON and gi? for voiirvmn. lie in ww recievinir las FALL STOCK which con t.cjfTAPI.H GOODS :.i ' . domestics, Plaids. Flanne Pant Gccds, Calicos and Notions, ! 4 - KcardW: of. the Hard Titii- hwl Rarcltr i tt noiej" ywc Jqvo cleared vnr $lielvcs of out of u ton goods, and they arc now being nlh A afock a to Qtiality, Stylo -n i Ajrtmcnt Second to None a m a a . rilif futHM W the Wt asd ICUOCKKKV. GLASSWAHK, TINWAKE, and he would not have V ' Vlf v jjffj rinuninff c tke tuA One ; o:1 U T'-Vt tI,at ftiiI COME TO SEE US rlTr. v- w-, o.cr,, ! ! P ! M fl II l II HIV llllc l-r lII I tt ll Ut? when vou vilit oar town, and ' -r a .-. v 1 ci iiji ii ii ijii, 1 m w m m a m m ' i 5 -waled acKr.i:a mj uianc . v v. v u v VA A V A M -V V V A a V M :: Inod tbt ShAkcr Eilnvct 01 . .ie rrccry tine arQ a iu!i atoolc 01 ?jl F Hoots arvl kept cn Thitii it ar.til j : V-fH c-iaj I rejoice in cood hrrJth. i 1 : jurturrs-a dc.d i, . :t . -f-.t . . . :!, rP? J U-'J; a CIUAI5S, TOIJACCO ANJ SNUFF of - , u- , FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL Muilenburg Ca. Kj. hni d.. c..jIlt to . me nd it xvui i u U y. u jM - i. tind out t ixt 1 " rc 11 ILSrjrKaSUSVlV . For iJtle bj all Dnwitts, or j tijat .VO!1 ve money by trying will. .... - " ; r.ulIan.r.iuU'a.r.r ,f :l TJTE CLtfOCO C0'WS2Ji ddrr the proprietor, A. J. T tx x x V-rv' O. YY V AUUniN. I amine our stdck and U oonvincw ttt.t ., tin rit virlit rr yrmt at SATISFACTORY PRICES.' ? Whit, I.tinitetl, 54 "Wairer SAll Good waraiitoJ aa rep j resented, otherwise money refund ed, t" -:r'.J v. '. I FlOB3C W II AUBaLfQX & Co. I