r h V. .TUMm. ) ;(TltAtlff limit. THE PUBLIC GOOD OVIl CHIEF STUDY. UitutifTrci rtici eiicruAmnut. VrOL IV. YANCEYVILLE, N. C. EltlDAY, APRIL 27, 1888. NO. 33. u . - n II I XXIII V -J -I Nl ILL V V KJ)n .: tr . .. ' I The News- rxattmiu avaav it av j W- II. Til UMTS OX. Cms I"k CiU acit Kerr's Hotel j.ca.l iV:.I?. IXADVAXCK. ctseaty. R ai es aaa-le I a oa spplkai k. j A. K. IIENDKKSOX, Jfittorncy-al-ZtLti'i YANCKYVII.LK, N. C. IT S Fatt". i.e. riif. it Yancey ili. f. (,k.N.l. acey IWRKKR & riNNIX, Attorneys at Law, TANCEYVII.IX. S. C. " I aai prtoat ancatioa ten t a! aae caUaUed to tLem lr l;e ort f I Vear e. llAfieNa A Ga Hwff. I f. J'ir. Ji lit lNINt Y4i;eyi!e, N. C. JOHNSTON A; JOHNSTON, Attorneys at Law, VANCI.YV1U K. N. C. Troaift ttrtivB gitca to line ea ftvl to then. WATT .V WITHKRS. A lfry !' C llir tt .it v.nci:yvi!.!.i: n.c Will f r frmnpt t?enion t U l.aineu -h !c? la ibem. I It Rior .ti:ncr. Ku, H. Wait. c '.y lx fr-ub-1 t thtir !fic Yai i!2 wnrn nut nccrnly tnt. Dr.J.A.Hnrflle Irntlst. i A N I r K o N'S STOR K, N . C. J WMI practke in Catwell conaty. N.C. anJ ' 4itiwt crmntitt CalU by mail an4 lh- t t't f r joptly attenJeJ to. J. C. Corhert & Bro., Watchmakers Jewelers, COKllKn.S.'N.C. WATCHES. CLOCKS. SPECTA CLES.iJEWELRY, GUNS, PIS TOLS. AND SEWING MA. CHINES Carefully repaitel aM wartante !. BLACKqMITHING. I Tae 'lrr;re4 -ill cnotioe the ttlack 1 tm.tKiC bioea aa "iti p e II the oli catiaaae a cuaae o4 . a n. Horse Shoeina Specialty, a4 i pffpare! to J. all wv. tke U. t eaaef. it wtit.c anJ on eafcooab'e U,m' Am D. WATSON. Dr. H. 1 Joyner, i S urge on Dent is t, Cuiri;wtiL. N. C. . Ueftfal!y dr I U eru to the citi. ; eat c CaiveU aa4 a;oiii Caanncs ia eery 4eprtaot of letUtry. Will Ce lvBp attctKa to callt ty mtA. Chiifti a James Fhicker, JEWELER, 328 Main Street, DANVILE, VA. I Watcfcea.Ckx.kA. Jrwelry. Ac. At a Aaj!e f e!at we are Joi we l 1 I A a Maplf eat we are Joi mt a (TTZ -Z f alSJeet HatacCAve. key wial. ol-f f )I i I TvVr-- ff Or 11 0i l Ace S;eer tro- iBvIir Wttc k 90. rotje aa4 Kfcff t e:ra. Ne Ssrne Wateibary WatcS. ttrt oat. ; f e $t t j. tjtare aa4 ir. eatr. I N i ! trrieta etery st k . VEAKUHDEVELOPED I . ti . . . 1. Vt ! Liver Complaint Ii more tartly a perJilj rurrl ty th B c A;cr Sxrijri:iA, tLui L an ciLrr rrmrIj. I a pcat u-xt frva liter LrvuVktaAJ tccrftfu&4 anj thin; iLU r1 cm ;rxau-al rtlkf catll I !-rxa ui!c; Aytr SraprinA, about two rrt ao. A few Uttt of thlc to4 kio ruJjcl a rIIraJ cure. -IT ra. E. HUr r, IX V.'lirook. U, IkMtoo, Ham. A Remarkablo Cure. Ajrr Sararr!W La rami r of a lJ cam of Awmi of th Liter a ur toBua trtiix eoukl t aClctnJ vha atxl tit. I u eooJnrJ to tbe bou fe two y er. aji, for U Ut Lbrr toootb of ttiM liiu. wj cnhl to leave tnj bL Tomr rbtcktuia treated cno without rtr tnx rt fUf. ao-1, Iq faet, ootMnx blpe4 tat, ottll 1 &VJ Ayrra 8araapelri:ta. Alter rfajr a raarter of a bvtiio of Uile isoUI ci I lm lo fl better, aaj ovtry iUtluaaJ le acxDed to briar are beaJtH a4 atreoxtlu I U4 tbrtw bottle, avi axa mw aLW to attril to ray boalaeaa. 1 walk to town one mik dittaat ao4 return. wiLbout OlfVuhr. Ayer ata gorilla bM imimpWwJ all tkia for Xac. W. tt. Allacr. Crou CHy, ilicix. . Sarsaparllla, tr.-.C.Arrro,Lotn.MA . ijFrlusiang Liniment Milt- K.iti. lJTrT. rm-rtratm 1. iewwjee Siffeat ea J Man e"aj juoiuiun 2uDjcn-j mum a It hat beca ia conataat c for 16 years, with a re- ird eAllcd by aoae. irJrrrwerl to blow dowa malesa the Tower roeaw.th it; or artiaat any wind that doet not Unable AabalAntUI tarn baiU- to be perfect; to era il Ait aad do better work thaa aay olbcr mill aaade. Maaafactare both Paaapiag aad Geared Mill aad carry a fall liac of wixn MILL iliLtcv Send for catalocae aad prices. AltlTS VAITI3. ITS! f 11111 Will IXll AX CO Miahawaka. la -.aa 4 SSSiStlSx ! DiTllJljTTinQSEEpSi y!ih?rK X is sij jsir- e 3 rsa j 1' i v . r zzl i f- 11 is m7 L-3an not rrA: JA2UTIUL ?r , A Cttcrhlm$H of Miircrm. A SKKIKj! Or QO3TI0X4 XVOKK ISTTi:- 1 To wLat cause do yon chiefljr attribute you ucccfc! 2 What oUier can&cs do yon con sider hare heljKxl ytn to ncc? Q VI.. . r.-.i: 1 ....a-.v v.. u.cs wu.cu you w,niu roTo.i young man starting m active nie cuitiTaai 1 4. Whaiis your opinion as to the tunc of life when a man u hoi wishes to sticcccd alionld marry! 5. What are the thiugs yool would adriso a young man starting in life xot to do? 6. Plcio Uto the special qual ities which yon consider csntial t' succcea in yoiir particular proft-s- ;;n or 'jtisiiie. 7. When a young man has saved hia tirt 6 100 whaf would you ad vise him to do with it? 8. Durinir your early business roxecrnow many nours per J ltd you nnd it nccc&ary to work! 9. Do you believe a man should ceisc thinking of business matters when ho reaches home in the even - n? 10. Have yon followed this rule? II. What i your definition of "luck." and what is our estimate of -luck" as an dement of eucce? 1. Hard work. j 1 Jiavc never ociievcu mat ten Bc m3ixiws in the highest and best ! hours wasres should le paid forc-,e- i cMit Iiotira work 3. ieh'ability and general know- lodjre of a II a ire. 4. Vhcn he can not Jiclp lutn-l feil. 1 1 1 5. (Not to sjcnd more, than he earns; not to waste time. I 6. .Attention. j 7. (iivc it to him mother. ; 8. I have always worked from twelve to sixteen hours a day. Yes, but work on other lines. 10. Yc. 11. Fortune comes to all, but few know when or how to move. AWEI.L-KNOWN RANK PRESIDENT RF.COM- SI ENDS OLD RULES TO YoUNG XI EN. Sit: Any youth having good health who will heed th j following hints will have a right to cxiect to be successful in the best sense of thit word: As to the body : 1. Keep the person dean. 2. Bc as much in the open air as cir cumstances will ernut. 3. Kat abundand of plain, whole some food, especially of fruit. 4. Have nothing whatever to do with intoxicating drinks. 5. Be in bed not later than 11 o'clock (10 o'clock would bc far better) and ric at 6. Beware of late hours ; of temptations in the streets ; and at theatres and balls. 6. Have no jrsonal habits such as smoking or chewing or others that are injurious to yourself or disagreeable to other people. Have dean hands and clean domes. 7. If occupation is sedentary, take your cxeicise in gymnasium or n other ways, the simplest and cheapest of which is walking. 8. Always give place to women in streets pr street cars. 9. Spend any ftoliday of days or weeks in the country or at seasiJe." 10. Be not extravagant in dress but, bc well dressed, not at your tailcrs expense, however. 11. By all means keep out of debt, and do not borrow money for personal expenser. As to the mint!: 1. If without education, try your best in some way to get at least a knowledge of sjcliir.,:. arithmetic and grammar, for ou lave l.ttle hope of success without. l careful what you read arid do not confine yourself to newspapers. U)o net tead anything in thrn that is i Likdv to bc hurtful, especially polkc e jand as to choice ct ljks sctk advice froia othera. Rcxd best novels, ha mcrota and pathetic, and write for your own eye brief notices of the books you read. Buy few books use public li braries. 1 3. As to public entertainmcms for recrcaiion in the evenings go to no place of seeing or hearing where you TOttfl; Tne tl V tinitr tnAtK.. n. . J Vi Ifyoa keep to this rule jxu are not like ,rta&hurti As to gzmes, avoid bin- wi gamUng houses or par- I , v4. If you are a deik learn shorthanJ writing if you can. I As to business: i.-Resolre to be faithful in every- I thing. 2. lie on nana among the first.; 3. Be among the last to leave. 4. Be quick to answer any calL 5. Be prompt to do what you are told. Say "Yes, sir,' and "No, sir," with hearty expression, and say "Good morning as if you meant it. 7. Be not lazy and slovenly in any work you are ei to da T alive and robber m Ubor u dcinjL ..g, Xrcat your employers with unfail- ling respect and your fellow clerks and I workers! whether superiors, equals or 1 inferiors, with heirty good wilL I o. Let no temptation to lie, dtrectly or indirectly, or to indulge in or listen 10 fiIy talk, overcome you. IO- Uc a gentleman alva-s lor it is wllu,n your awuir-. I 11 Make )-oursclf indispensable to rour emniorers this. too. is possible will hereafter have others depending luoon you for sunnort or heln. it. Do not wait to be rich before I 1 you mam-, te to your duty to God : 1. uont supxse you can go witn out Him. Many do think so, but they are not wise. They are not successful Lin the best sense. The best men and women you know arc they christians, or are they people who care not for God? Timely Suggestions. In selecting ' young peach trees for spring transplanting examine them care fully, as the borer is often found in them. A healthy young tree should have very smooth bark, plenty of roots, and show no signs of puncture Dis eases ol trees arc easily brought on the farm by not giving proper attention to the source whence the nursery stock is obtained. By actual experiment it was found that it required on an average 4.12 pounds of shelled corn, or .074 bushels to produce one pound of pork in four weeks. It required 4.37 pounds of corn meal to perform the same service thus demonstrating that when fed dry corn is robre economical than com meaL A western fanner bought hogs and fed out 100 oushels of wheat and it re turned him $1.63 per buhel for the uheat. Others report that they thu secure $1.35 per bushel for their wheat when fed to hogs, with pork at 5 per 100 pounds. The wheat should be ground and moistened and not fed whole. A Missouri (aimer bought eight acres of land with wheat sown on it, He sowed do vex on the wheat. The wheat yielded three bushels and a peck to the acre and there was a tolerably fair stand of dover on the most of iL The following year eighteen torn of dc er were cut from the eight acres. The dover was allowed to stand for two years, when it was turned under and the land sown to wheat. The yield was twenty bushels per acre and the land has been producing well ccr si ace Coal ashes art of some vlue as a fertilizer, esr-ccully to mix with clayey soiL But the best use to make of the ashes is for roads and paihs. A good ctrrcri'.g, over w hkh a lit'e Oil his ; been thrown, will s-xn fo-m a bird sol id roaJ.f To make a Utter walk pre pare and leTd the bed, excavating it a few inches below the general surface, pour oa a coating cf coal-ur and rov- er it thickly with coal ashes. When this shall haTebecrmc diy repeat wvtij another coat of tar and ashes, and so on until there shall be four coats of tar and as many of ashes. In a short time this will harden . and mike a walk as hard as stone. I Uousehotd Hint To anlecoil-nnished paint or hard wood use weak tea, almost cold, and remove the dust and discoloration, and then nib it over with a flannel rag di- ped in furniture polish, made of one third Unseed oil. one-third turpeutiue and one-third vinegar. Shake it well drive them away. Thoy toon be together in a bottle and pour it into a came very tame; and, f he jsclr saucer and rub hard. It is a very satis- rabbit is rather an affectionate aid factory polish. " "j. mal anyway, they kept making Ingrain carpets, worn beyond repilr more advances aiid trial of friend should be cut into lengthwise strips and ship until they and the old tnah ''bo woven the same as a rag carpet. 'It is came qnito "sociable. When ho unnecessary to sew the ingrain cuttings sam out af tcr jiis cows two or three weavers generaliy preferring to overlap the strips as they weave. Mats and when made in this way, and arc very ' ' durable. Never sun leather 1 1 1 I thoroughly on a windy day in a cool nlace. The sun draws the oil and gives the feathers a randd smell. Tin vessels rust and are often worth- Jcss in a few weeks, because, after wash- in- thev are not set on thz stove for a - j .V moment or in the sun to dry thorough- eat. Several of flic nirwt intelli ly before they arc put .away. - gent he has singled out for special A dish of whiiing should be kept by favors. He lias taught them a every housekeeper. It makes nickle number of tricks, such as jumping shine like silver, and removes grease over a bar or through a Hng, walk and dirt from paint without" injuring it ing on their hind leg, and jump- une ot me motners wno nnos Knit- ting stockings for her robust bop an irksome task has adopted the excellent pUn of knitung the leg and foot separ- ately, without any seam or narrowing in the leg. She then overcasts the leg nA frva-it tvTatViar anl avKn lK afn t - ... 1 ned from the foot and the front tinned 1 - " 1 "O ' I 1 behind and sewed again to the foot, and before the stocking is discarded entire ly the foot is again ripped off and top and bottom of leg placed m reversed positions, and the foot is . securely fas- tened on again. This 1 lan would work admi:ably with any slocking ..thit has . . .1 .U 1 I. - not goi a seam iiiicnuuwn uc uo.k o tne leg. 1 nc leg ana 1001 joining uu- dcr the shoe in a neat, flat seem ren- , . e ., , . .l - 1 ders it fuJy as p.casant to the wearer, I and curtails the stocking wonJerAilly. . , Do you ever make a;ip!e pick.es in the spring ? Tkey are easily made and J 1 1 ' .1 Li - n,,. 11.1 ill! II IV. .l .V. - mm and tiuarter tart aunles. nut into the stone pickle jar. To one quart of Oder vu.egar add five pounds ofsug I ar, heat togctner. .une a smau cioui bag and fill with cloves and anntmon nut into the vinegar. Tour seeding f . f-t rntf r hot water over the raw fruit. L-ovcr 1 u . close, ihe next oay reieai. 1 ncy will be ready for use in a few days. Crops for an Orchard As a rule, an orchard should not be cropped, but if it is in vigorous condition and making inncli wood it may be a benefit to ir to be crop ped occaiiona!ly. The beat crojs are those that are cultivated, pota toes being ilic besi; peas beans and clover are desirable, but grain crop are not. Care is to be taken not to break the surface roots by deep plowing near the tree, by which the growth of sucker is eiicon raged. When an orchard is not thrifty inanuring an 1 plowing and seeding clover, leaveiijg the clover to fail on the ground are very beneficial. Ne-.v York Time. BiUe depots are CiUblislicd in cvory lulianclty.i If London did rM have iu four hundred inUsionaris said the Karl of -Shoftibari it wonl 1 rerintre forty thotvand more poKce." Japanoe friends of - the bibb IS tie UUe of a society wnicn numUrs IM& nietnbers, caeli of whom is plciged to read a portion of the scripture daily. A JOTam Adopted by IZobbttm There ; is an old man ut in Xfoon J Valley, Xcr., a hmil jipcr ays, who has been adopted by lot of jack rabbita.' 1 heir fricndlinciyi md good feeling have bccvtnc so btniiive that the old fellow won hi be thankful If somehiu would happen to alienate their .; affection.. He U sort of hcnuitT living all hit time to cattle and horse raking. C As ho doeant try to raire vcgeU- C3 hies tim rabbits could do him noC harm, and to he has never trici to" juZCM jwai come iwming alm, aftP hi 'l...':,,.. ..,.1 1.; w J f-a 'nu aiiiii runninrr llMrwn hia ! : ml nlll i. 1 t xr e I lilt f 1 rt rr i m, ,'ft . drove of them will gather around I IHB V Fill mv v.n 1111 Hit ivf O? tk I . . . 1' xroni 01 nisGoor. leap oil- ias be J, jump into his chatrir he w not ocupying the only one hitn- self and n.c around among liii kettle ami. diahes fu somclliins to jfl over one another like leap frog. Hut the rabbi U have devcl- opeil 6Uch a liking for dviKxarioii that arc about to take ,6es. ,; . M. . 11 . gun to reartheir broods in it, o tha the old nian hardly kiiowi now cr owns tne nousoor sun. 1 . 1 .1 1 W tIlc with he rabbiU. Mf. W. A. Britton, of Ashcville, has established a hennery in that town. It cost 5 2,000 and is fitted up handsome. My. Such industries make a town. ff you piaingu ,hit mmoo, jjr Reiatot will rid ya of DyijxpnA. Headache, Conuipanon aad y.uouuea. 11 wiu Drean up cnuu ana ic er ana tvtnt thelf relorn; '.B! u cnm jntlo!e far all maUna! poitc--tet lenitretT lice from oatnioe or cawtnei., 1 ry antf JOil wi AtlonUleJ al lb cwo4 reulu ot ihe genuine Simmon Lieer Htgu paior, prertarcu vj 1. 11. ,ina a. v-o., W unTh W f J. for Any purJosef and at Jrom a- cents lo $t o lex than you can get Ithem of any Nonhern house, The L naess seii-inxing Kuoocr oiamp is the best thing out. limine , , . . men can do their own nnntin? with one rtf nfTur antj 'lt iUI Tltt BESTTQIIIC h TLlf Tiirtr, eebfeff Ina W r-rrti Uimr. aatrklf aad' esti4 t mrrm iriKrr- 4JwtA. ewkaiwa lf$m hit aartawCaaaiaa4jreaa 1mrlU. ' i t - tRZJ.r rrsscdy avr VmmmtlV kMrr Ue. , It U tftAu4 fue fAmnamm t SV WwH,&J J U klittM7 ' ' t -V we tstpt Umi Uatxeaa iAZft t r" jnt eor'iC Jhm It rf,-f t 4 ft it Uaai mmtvi'miicmt r-- .- tf 7Vf.-jrrf t- Aia ttA tt ao4 t,M4 r4 Nta mm w-. Ti a-U r lajcaa caw ais I MJVESTISEas.r; LOnO&TBflliAS. THIS paper rtts:G-i iiifilEif ft 1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 t 1:-1 111 If I A- 'f ' -1 - I