The Caswell News, 'Actntr- .V C Am - .Rs CI tr and grm seeds at Ilanri'le mm - jCfc at Klorance, Hirrcbon .V Co I jadrcth's (tcA garden seeds at J M Near Sons. Jack frost viaited it tcrcral timej urtr: the week. If roa at r-i seed Seet Potatoes call oa Me. Tub P.cchback near 1 tamer. 7.Wf U'atrliforft.OOalleek A ?o!d wtch, datt and daror jr if morctficnu, patent compound yr .i!jtor, ttcra wind, with genuine ru It jewcs, lor $1.00 a week until pai! fut. "all at pAt ami learn pax ticu'in. Mr. N. M. I.tchmond and I.. M. War'.ick of Milton, arc in town to-dav. t Call early aad saake your se!ec?in before ear itcck it picked oet we are eJTcrirg wnf special bargaiat ia season sblc dress goo! Ac Kloraoce. If arrelsoa A Co's, Cknrr aced. millet seed and orchard gTiAi at J M Krai's Son. John Vanccr colM, was brought to jail till Wtk charged with thcl Itmrvlcr of ItiUit Oliver. , fc . - . . . . I tarrtP A Co a eo aa4 aee I of roar aa J be coaviacct. Insure y:r tlwclhn in the Agri cultural Fire Insurance ctx, of Water toan, N. Geo. S. Sartin, agents lUr.ville, Va. .V v. W. IL Copjoe left Tuc day t attend the tohiii of the c anp; I'mhytcry at Grvctboro. Qok fe pple dnpa aly 6ts. per i!. wvta 7$ct , at l lotaace, Harrclton Co. VIS VI ISLAND Tobacco (Juano U the mc-st most CMfoksi as well as the hlhct grade iVicC I Mr. N. M. Harrclon. (f Atlanta,! (ia., jcnt Sunday in Yancevville on fats way to New Yort City. lot tike last to years I have a ted the I Pa I Jaad g?ao. My tobacco grew ofl wt3, yvtljwed well aw the hill a ad curtd well. The T4aco raised with Tiae Id aa4 has alA foe bRcr prtcrt than that rais ed ai.a aay vher braad. WMic Meartir. !!itowcr, K. C, Oct. as, 1SJ7. Jccinl Goaliu's rtic!e for thi week's isuc cjime in too lafe for publication. Will appear next u mc. A'aew ha ol Ztejler Hrvthers celebrated aioes jast .reccirtl at Klocaece. IIarrcloa j A Co s Mr. anJ Mr. Johntton arrived at Yanccyvillc to-daj after a viit to friends and relatives in Went worth. Voarstohaad. Will tay ia rrp.y, that I I"a Islaa4 a-rted taely lo aae oa Tobacco. I t. t. v. . at. tt . 4 wen. 1 ha.e toed it side ly side with other firtitirer cvtig wore nvrney Contider j the riae Isad aagda.aay. U W. II. Jit'll. Coftett. N. C, Oct. 1 3, 1 Si;. " " av a aHM m . zxr. I. J. rierancc viil move iti! .his new houje this vrevk. He wt) efupjr the qwelling opjHite Mm. iwiftV residence. If yoa wsat a aeJut oe a sk( pair shoes o a sail 1 ckrfaea, remember we keep the Latest at popalar prkes, Kiorance. Itairclsoa A Co. Mr. Andy Wood near lnSect J fall Kt his corn cril and tablcs bj fire last week. It if thought it was the work of an incendUry. JU received at Ikwaace. ItarreLMO k Co's a hae real's straw aad maaiHa hats. tVe Latest srjles aad at piKts to satt ta u We rrtnni thanks to ouumittee on iuTitations for a ticket to celebra tion of the Battle of (Juilford Court jlocsc to take place on the old lat tlc ground, on the Sth of May. iVoat foejet to call aad see t&te pretty ew riathaaas aad calicoes at t oaacc llarrv.w A Co's. Deputy Organiser Sea well or ganlxeda Kanncra Alliance at IV! ham vcitadar. 1U will l at Pur- ley tiday, at New 2th, Ued HoUeVSOth, llcuhh Mar lt, 1, f seW, ..i- worhi that ca. U HllX Mav 2 !. .n.lcrH., Sror, ' r "f ' f ' 'f 'V I Zl'j sIl T claim. .HI U colled ty law. and all per- J-feasto lltSf pts , ... . t . . r .1 , T ces r-r Vuvhel. T. A. Tixcnau it. 1 Thu fana is weU adapted to the growth s havirig cU:ms agviat Mar .U ra.t.Uaa4,rvMav4tl,, N. C. Uet' - preset tlM payeat et or Ufore the 1 I 'a:np Srirtpi 3J.r 5th. Tl.v The bidU. tacoerrxence .' fio55. 3th day ,ofJ"7. dlv i4 1 1 "... . I t. i .v. v. Tv.A-itu t r C'r mill be r'eaded ia bar cf ieir rfw.cry. 5 to t-i ,r ay a..j ;s rrc ee Count V .TjCAMlaMUon Will l.laee - V . a t.S ,fU Tbi.oh Janaarv. . . -aeyW. . oa are Varied tree, ta, twe V t , . , laamioo Hoar escets s!l r-ee, iVM, r ,;,. " 1 , ,, . . . - uni I .k tf-) Fi't re.aue-. sWfkmmif 5! at aaneril!e MondaV MaV 7th. ; s4r , Wt.. ,.. mAl- - I M U- K-1 ul tale r.ea.a- n ; V t ! i. r -tJ -tciN Jsv at th av-k. A!! vu J 1 UMflHtf.-.U'ftt.HfliUi j sh?irg tiu land ta tove wishing tu .e f. i f ,e;l- . r . J.C J. -' . I f Marr"cf In h Methc:-. church ; r-iir..vr,r--o6rrrrr t RtifTtn, rn Wnlncvlar eren;rt. the! Tm Wtn.iv Niw am Ocsrtvr x is itth -at S o'clock:- Lt Rer I II timon, Mr. J otitis' Johnston to Mi. Willie Kun. The attendant cre a fol.owv Mr. j. s. johnuon MM Nannie uomaek; Mr. f. i. stoic ev ' Mol a at a he Hatchett; Mr. II K. Gravr. Mm Iknic kathtTe; Mr. T. J. Haiehctt, Mis LU Craves; Mr. K. Graven, Mm A-Mie Ixc Henderson; Mr. H J. Barren!, Mi I.v c SiJ ;vvin; Mr. K. . Mitchell, Mtv Donra Grave ; ?Ir. I- M. Neal 31 I'cUk Mthre. Miss Mat ic lit'rraM, h i ili!'.!:.! ijrrnrr i! the OTJAn. i,roJac ( . 9 . , ed the runnir. n'elolirs if the cdd.n mirth anj aaaLc.ol every accur.Unt no'.p and rom ine 1 aiid Uend'd them rn.oftacctc: wnicn luui an . enlivening, tirnn ard enrapturing ef - fect u-m the au Iicncc- The c.-fii.i - ,.t i , -,,.; i, ny wa cul:e 1 tn Leautau. un uai;e After the cere n ny a'.I repilre 1 to Sherii John Jt'-n here an elegant an ! suoittn u- up Tt hid lcn i retcretL Wc arc toU that evttjtlilng iusvd t lf lovely. S'fic.. tj )--u Urn. May ) 'Mir life le a rfin:inu: y of unctulng l ve, uad- l7cl bl:, l.u ' biu:y an! ever- lasting rest. May f he tden g!oric, of that tbr wlu-n f4rt sou knelt at ,.!ove pure shrine, now rcch thcr I ,.v.....v 1 ... ...w LaU....w..u.. of a purer love, and may the g idcn twine which binds the spirit of true lvc have no cloud to change its beau- v:,.i- T 1. : i.-....i , . . .tttciivtk 11 the Ltini I ft; o! J. H. Slade Dwel.- ifig hotlM?, and who OCai-d t!ie cnat.Mljr of the officer totnetirne n, wa airctcil thi week in Viruini.i fcnd ii now 111 jail at thi place. White and 6VoS the U ik iirh bMdIcr8 are out on (Jail. The Kotnan Catholic.- IiaVC t2 IroferS of HclirCW in thU Colin- try, the Irepytcrian til, the Dip tit 15, the MethodtVt Ul the Epi CtJalian 13. In lO counties of there are 1,132 Pah P and Itl I Counties there are no saloon. In the 11 counties there ia one prisoner fr cverv 72 vote. "In the 9 comm. -Jim flll'S l.LEr.AL there is one lor every, -o vo-es, being 10 times as many where liq uor is sold. A gl.iJ of beer coti thecoii:nn cr5cts.and there are at lMt tc tv in the gallon and 0I in the liarrels. So that beer retail :t a?ont f 32 a galoii, while ale e.-f-till more. The eosmiiptioti ol beer and ale la-t vear vim aln.ut 15. iKK),00O lamd;e- almut fli'S a, ) CH H. .-. . , The cheatvest hind if honor n !, onlinary whiskey ia rnrcly 'ld at 5c.. and average At least ids. dtillk .it half a' gill to the drain. tins makes $4..rS per gallon. The coniumption last year wa gallons, eot to the con inmcr about $313.0,00(1, adding vrine there h ccrtainlv fi-ent for spirituous drinks more than $ S ihMyHH and the entire Mini raifetl hr Uses of all kind, national, ftate, county, city, town and fchool dis trict w ?atel on authority of the ccnMi Wreau to le not more than NOTICE. I hereby foibrd any person or persons fmea biria or harboriag Dock Raid or Frank Radd. aa I have hiret them foe the vear tS Aay ea so doiag will be dealt wua accoedinc to law. S. C. WOODS. Aprd 7h, 1 53 J. .Y0TICE. IlavTi TahSfd as admitttrator tm the e.a'e f Jae 7. Clmjn. ded. I hereby rwv tfv aI prcf hvte; rlitni aaiaM saiJ 'ste to pre Tit thewt fw nsvaseft ri or t-e-Vr e tt .'v 4 Mae tf n rr thi net ice 1!! be plead ia ttr ef thetr reevrv-rT. II. O. HOWARD Adaa'r Jaae Z. fiwysu May itt. tS . . . .. . .... . . . . 1 1 A... I Z WT L pat-er fttr r.b..shcd North Carol. a i. I: it a credit to tie te aid to the State. Th: jop!e shccTd take a pride ia it. I: shod! be ra every family. If . mm . V .,..... -S l f-f f.Y o. tt ton .f reajiPg ir rr. rcw,, I or is cod Lioods, a r .tt.l.a - r'PN 3i J ' cBiotinjrj ill fjmnb the 'WkT Nmi aad Clrt cr" oatil January it. for i. f-j Mtnj.W copy. A !!rt Nr.wn am Oi avta Ox, lth, N. C. Do loll IlVfii or do have aa idea f tayieg aa Organ or a Sewing Machine ? a M v call at the Niwi ofSce. we caa sell yea - cnfli-r an cn " "7ne.. V a . Kill ihr Inrtn Pr. Oxide of Silicates is the best bug and in--ct destovtr. and it 4s a fine . s -1 lh:ni, fur tol)acco anJ other iJints. 1 1'iants arc much stronger and better xrowr. in the sun than under canvass. While it is fatal to insect Lfe it is a . , . ., 1f bvsccrai in section last season. h-Vr'salc in any quantity by Geo. S. bmu, DanvtLc, a., dealer m Nurse. 'X insurance Agent, vc I ft M Vat at o St ij. Mr. J. C. L. 1! arrif Klci2hf N. C. will have by the 15th April ihe fo:kwin kind -f rato liPa for tale- It.ily Led I eabody per i.oc. y 1 50 1 50 1 o Kloritta Trovldence ir,. v. Virginia Naaiemond Sugvr Vam Georgia Yam '2en of the South i 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 ;anivh Rel Vam llaitudoes 1 35 1 00 " f 1 00 I .Norton vam 1 00 Inl t of 5'i ten per cent off, lota of 10,- m lmtJ cenl tff. Lc. re yor order. at thit oQice or tend direct to J. C. L. liar- Kaleigh N. Mstuly Vcrject onjmnton PaiM rs CillLDblKTil. a new took ty Dr. John II. lyer. one of New Vork'a most .kill- 1 ful j hjviciani, slows that pain is not nsces- I iary in childbirth, bat remri from causes LaUJy umjetoo.! and overcome. It clearly prove that any woman may .become a mo ther without turTrin any pain whatever. It also tells how to overcome and prevent morn ing sickness swelled limbs, and all other evils attending pregnancy. It is reliable and high ly endorsed by physicians everywhere as the wife's tnr private companion. Cut this out : it will save you great pain, and possibly your life. Send two-cent stamp for descriptive circulars, testimonials, and confidential let- Iter sent in sealed envelope. Address Famk Thomas & Co.. bashers, Ualumo.e. Md. m (iwrubnl vavrtur to ail vhrr rwru- MMtraSf. It. lis, K IrvoMMitfct., Ivwtoo, Mm. LIfi ef REIBT W1RD BEECHER txxiBain cl0 It IllwlralMt, stntf k r front him UrtU tu lu t.MO DiMIK CO.. . rUiOoB Lirooklin. Hf.l. Dnfiillng Specific for Lifer Disease. JVPlfaTftMC Hitter or Uv! tAte In Ol iilr I UllIO tnouth: temzne ttM nLlt-rovrr.-t with alMrn rur; pain in th t'u'-k. s!.-. r Jttir.t ru-ii noiaken f-ir tlh.nunatura : Mur Umch; loa f PPiite tue:ii-. nauu-a and water Iraf.'i.or litIttfetlMn ; r..tttilen-y and acid enie:.itltn; l-cs alternately ctlv rulUt; lieadarhe: liMsttf rn-niorr, with a p!r.rl .i,llii of Iwtvtnc fAliod Im do onfllilnjr litrh uucht U have trndne; d Miity; Uw j-irlti: a thick, yellow ap--eur-.a.-e r the aicln an I evea; a dry niuit; fever: ret!ene: tlie urine la ar-inty .ud hfhmUre.t. anJ.I.' allowed to stan-t. tlTU a Mllmant. SIMMONS LIYER REGULATOR IfUatLV VCOtTABLO Is a-n.Tki!v iel In Of ith U crusa Im- rur; id r lu a healthy artuu.. It Mil ita 9Ur4 mrj sflcsey IVER, SIDNEYS, and BOWELS. a o'er. uiW'S . aTAlArta. IVowel Corapllf . ,pepl. Nrk lledfce, ('UwilloM. lUlloateM. KMrey AfTrtloB. Jt4l, MeLJ lepr.ioi. CoUC. IaImm1 Omm7 Million a lVtU. aa THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE lar CiOldrvs. fc Atf Ut. a.J t it Agd. ONLY CCNUINC sa ew X Sckavy tm rmi em frv. vt Wrsv J. H. Zeilin a Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.. ana riemiawl l'rioe. XOTJCE- la ptarsnaace cf aa order of the Sopmot Court of Case!I cruaty I will sell at puM aactioa to the highest bidder, oa the rren- ev. aa Moaday the I4h day I Ape. hat valusbl tract of laad lying in Andef- on's tovashtp said county, on the waters of South Coaatry Liaa creek ad;oia-ag the laad of Davtd Richmond. Jeha Bird aad other, con'aiaing t3 acres more or lesa and known as the kiaoa poawell place. Tit MS m l t One-hail ol toe pa . --- - . r 1 chase money cast, trance on a crexm ci i u ( bm bi ist TMircnaaex r 1 i c i." 3 iti 1 a The House to ir. - oV i to - cd At Sard Times Prices. i 1 Our READY-MADE CLOTHING Room is full. S., is onr SHOE Department is full and complete. DIXY Plows, Castings, Jtirctcd Scam Horse, Collars, Tiny Hollow ami tonrwarc. Fur niturc, Sadtllcs and Harness. 'c ;Can't He member jEvcvy tying, cZu"t"'' St'e r 'rh'" v "' Thanking you for past favors, we promise our best (fforts 10 please in the future. amfioun 1 For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. . i Gi 'ca t lla 1 'La in IN .Mill MAHHIMFRY I isiaa.a. w . . . n ... . . . AU the Machinery which was in Caj t. Jas rotcat s fine Mill when it was burned ail be aold at a sacrifice. The Urge machinery was not damaged much. It consists of t harar Turbine wheel, not hurt, 1 Pool &. Hunt ' with iron case, not in fire. 1 targe screw iur iiin iiiii nu . 1 pr Fairbanks 240olb scales, not in fire, 2 farce Gudgeons for water wheel &h:vft. Spindles and Drivers. 33 feet Shafting and pullirs, babbit boxes, Saw mandrel and gearing fur same, Cairiage rollers and way irons, . Four head blocks, , Two large bands for mill stones. m llntt. nnwrr 1- nfinr m ifli in&mralor and a 25 Horse power Jloiler which had a liht Vl.nV vr them riana snea ever mem. Any one wanting such machinery can get all this for less than half the original tot of the encine and boiler. Call on tr address W. II. Thomtson. , Vinceyville, N. C. J. S. DOAK, M. D., YAXCEVVILLE. N. C. Often his professional services to the citi zens of Yanceyville and surrounding countty. Office over Florance, llarrelson o: Co's store. RICHLY s llcicardcd are those who read this and then act; they will find K.vr.rKl inntnfiiiit that will not take them from their homes and families , j t : The profits sre larg and sore for every in !atnous person, mny have made and are makiug several hundted dollar a monih. It is eay for any one t make $5 and upwards per day, who is willing to work. Either sex young er old; capital not needtd; we start you Everything new. No special ability required. yeu. reader, can do it as weu as any .one Write to as at once for full particulars, which we mail free. Address Sanson Co., 1 or: land; Maine. Special Prices FOR Vianos and 'Organs BV JAM ICS fRICKEKm Xaxn tcreftm Danville, Va. In view of the special chse condition 0 money matters. Mr. Fricker has decided to tffer his Lirut rtiKiC of pianos and organs at WHOLXSAI.E raicis. Now is the chance to secure a bargain that will no occar.agaia Five octave solid Walaut Cise Ofjiai fof only $35. Pianos at corresToeding'y low prices. These offers are for spot caih. Doa't delay In yoor order. NOTICE. Having this day qualified as etecator Bp-; .v ; r . - t .. m . - .c - . . j m. 1 bond V allies and - The Largest Stock, The Best Assortment, and the GOODS large nuantities at Close Vricc Notion nJ Fancy ArttcreH. Vours ana ioa to serve yoa, T. deal's Sons- A KERYE TOHIC. Celery and Coca. Xh pfBSxtneat ta rmuecu. me bm ana hm h'erve Tnoka. It strrcxibens and cuieU tb nervous tytem. curtcc Ferroua Weakrif, Ujrstena, isieep Lesxu. dec. in ALTERATIVE. It drive out tba poUonooa human at tha blood purUyinr and ccncht&x It, acd so overcoming Uioae diteaaoe revuiunc rrom uspcxa ur uspuvcr lshedbluod. , -- LAXATIVE, - Actof ai!J!rbct rarely 00 the bowel . lt curt- babltaal rontlrUon, and ' procintMaretralarbabit. Itrtrenfta ens Uie stomacb, aod aid difctOoo. mA DIURETIC. I In lu romrxKttlon tb beet and most aeli ve di areuea of the Materia V! eitca areromt'tiiod acienttncallya uhcher J eCfctire mnedie for dUeajwa of ihe kldnej-a It ran be relied on So (Ira quick relief and speed y cure. from pwwa bo hn umi tbta n ro.dy wtO rwtnarkU bvoeAi. bmai tor mtrra r. ylrmj (all prUcUr. Mm ti es. BU Sy VrtitU. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Prop's BUKiaaoTox vt. TKK Bsf way ft ret a Flr4-ClmMWtclt i- la oox Ca-0eraUva CUaa, HUE IVATCHES AT tks LOVEST CASH PRICES Only 81.00 a Week. mm Thousands of tbc best to8.00? i"7." ri ir.t.u , - Gold atcli ever made oro sell - ing- in our Oo-operatlvc Clubs, f J:,fhtM,' Mf"i$m'"?Vt, lad co-operative FynK-rn of selllrf watrhp. Ibewatchea are Americaa Lever Btem Wtndt-r. rh vilhM ant AmrU-.n T -wmv fii.m n inm JontaJaln every essettlal to lU hT to ddUloo, mmwcmimx t. cry em.-i.iiai w accurary ana aura- numerous rwtented other watch. They are uoiaiy the only Z and nrprvf nnt made tn tha World, and are leveled oat with UK XVI HE It UBlES. Tha futma Stem H im mmd Srt fa the rtronfTsat and amplest made. TKey ra Wvi oMoi fmr mp- aroramce, memrmefftdmrmbUltp mut mrH0t mmy $73 WmteA. Oar eo-operatlve Club System brtofa them within the reach of every one. , mlCEYSTOrJE WATCH CLUB CO. 096 Oscatamt SC P. O. ItoxKl PaUlaw Pavi Wi rmUr Sa mmj Com- t aCCITS svSslAwaer. 1 BAITED. Clnba ConstanUy Tcrminx Jeia Sow aad Save at eaaj. tiff Mtvi Aacaeica in eveav ussi Cm Ca WANT -AOCftTS CVCMTWMKRK W. I'AISLKY S, Neat door to the Tostofiice. KEIDSVII.LE. N. C. . The Cheafst Hook Slorc m ihe SjJc, School Boots supplied at State Tut prue, by mail, postrge paid. Liberal discounts to Teachers. S:nd your orders to me. feg re a 1 S ' fm I- ' . . ' U v . . .,- .i mm V, . - i-1 f 1. .- !' ; " 4 ' - - 4 . . . I. " f & M a m. nrrn Sra t9'n$titrr rust ia tiWasand hhr off nabat are sarpssed by fh aaai carrel of ieeta. i &ae as rk L .L1 iTO7 ISM Deal With. Guaranteed PriJ t We. Latest Style MARVELOUS MEMORY T DISCOVERY; Ultolty unilkr artificial ifUni. Any book Icaranl in on mutiny. FM4SOtrAi l'aiciri.a of ihe I. mmti tian ifitm : I. Wholly anliie Mnemonic H Cnncep tirn,' Process, D .velopmeot aad Kesalu. II. Ti Natural Memoty Resumed to i s right uit and made-powerful. Frecisely as the Microscope and Teiecfe consiiiute a Scienlii'ic eaiension of the Natural Eyesight so ille Scientifically trsitied !erary an c s tetisiun of the Natural Memory. III. - The power of Coaii!aus Attention growirg apace with the Memory. IV. Memory and Attention being s'rengih ened to the highest degree lv the live le.n, ihe no longer ucd, eicept in rare ca e at first, and afietwards in n ae at all.. i "Prof. lxi en e gave me a new memory on. Judah i. Ilenjamin. "It ha greatly trengihened my natural memory,"- I L-n. W. V Ailor, late U. S. Minister fo Italy, "Prof. .oisetu's system appears U me io warrant the stmnget endorrment""--l. hn C. Minor, M. IK "I regret 4hal it did i ot form a ia rt of the dart Kulum of our MhoJ Stephen Rand, Esq., Paymaster f the U. H. N avy. "There is not one institution of learn . a - a ,.a ' -a' tn? ia the tana tnat wouki ue wnuaui its aii if its worth were known ktv. A J Mcln ery,4Rrctor of St Mary 'a Church. Anapolis. I have formed one class by cot rrs pond e nee ard have decided that hereafter I .hall tiy to inrlii- .11 m tfHrlentk In mtllff I Iti. iv.f.m its .v k- ' - l : . . unaer mvuirecnun -ivrv rnnni u nn. i t t it.i - .v. it. -iki.l,.i 14 VI JUUICW MS, aiflva vai Seminary. "Piof lxtisette'a sytem is a get boon not only to the undent of aW.h.f.d. , .. .. . w w heeteran npoitei W W W Uevn, Class of too Columliia Ijiw atadeats; two classes cf 2t o each at Yale; 40? at Welieley College:" 400 at University of Penni)ivania and 30 i Obcrlin College and three Urge classes at Chatauqua. Prospectuses sent rosr llf-. with'wns tn full of enJrxM peo ple in both crmtinrr.t. (reat inducement tocotiepond.iH.e elat es. Day and Evening classes to fwrmusg. Address 1 . rnoF. LO I SETT I. 237 Fifth Avenue, Nc York. O'EO.-S. SAHT1N, General Fire Insurance . Agent for Standard Fcrtiliz n and dealer in all kinds of Nt'tttl v Sis, DANVILLE, YA. Orders atd communications by mail sohc ited. - - ." ' . : I j O fi-e at IL D Gierrant & "V ':', ! Store, 430 M sin Sr, Darire. f hi UU ill au iai raaUlf frvft. lawr. tw nun, c rwrwi T?ai r-t u a I r -t f r rT c r I holier Pla Cora for fVrxumt)Urti aav! M my liav A. jj. uowr.Lt, Ivlltor EnqulrtT. Fln loo, X. C.. ApHI 23; 17. 4 Tba aorr CouKh Maali eiio la I';o'n Cm son Cosrarnos. ("hlldrvo t4 It wiUvfit olek.n. . 1; all dmiprata. rr. I Mi. - i.Jlli irLt CmU Ufiu aU 1U iaxi. I I Csa yr. 7rtMrMl ca 1. 1 la U.anL f -y ieT rTj xoricx. If stj k-s af ay -J,li(',4 a a-4'flr5ie 3f ; e e te tf " ,:,Eva. L t heresy g vra ap parsoasia-eM-M. a J stre ! cvMr forward a4 saaka a'ttt j,iyje. it-J Kuk: o lii-e iUti wtll Us c4kct4rd If law, ad bZ r-us ka. claiats aaiatt ! ena'e w.I! pnt theaa t jrmet c ' befe tb 14 h Feary, 'i ;." cr tki wjce-hi- lix't i Vi srtd tiketx !.. r. 1 W t 14 h. lt.l. "W.js PAKNWLLI A 'es-r ; ol V.', i-vi. . iltvM, pisq

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