.1- w. . Trsimji. ctr;a ai3 PiiuiKt. y T THE PUBLIC GOOD, O an CHIEF STUDY. jiniztmitt rtttt ( cittruAtJUfUi.' CASWELL NEWS 1 JhlJtL v J VOL IV. The News- n a.:.att ivsiv f tu.av rv w i!,. tiiom rso.v. 0i I'mk H Misj scit Kert'i !!rc! J.oo.f J';.tA IXApl'AXCK t ft' "Ta tt aitertiun Kctilgta ia iLe c M y. I tt ma-i laji cm aj j!calU n. A. E. IIKNDK1SOX, lllovncy-al-Xw , YANCEYVILLE, N. C . T.S f ii.tt. J.C.Ilxi jr. N.C. Vaixey'Uc.N.C, PARKER Ar MN'NTX, Attorneys at Law, TANCKYVILLE. N. C. V-:t ai fri atlec'icm gita to aI L-si;aeat en travel to tirm OS;e oei flfif. IUntU"n A Co'i atcrc. Wet nit. N' C Yar.ceyril'e, N. C JOHNSTON & JOHNSTON. Attorneys at Law, YANCI.VVILI.F.. K C. !r a; J .iti.lK-o to txtiae cn- Iitr4 to tics. WATT Ar WITHERS, C' -nt'yt nnt (.,!uHort at Iaw rf t t VANCI YVII.I t: N.C. I CA Will pf wjjm t:ion i. !! tatinni rtft in (i utn. i if ifinr pi unci . . l . II. Wtt. aly be I.csJ at tf.etr rtc . v?. UI.U.A.11U1 UJU AS t It l: 0 NS STOK K, .V. C. ! W.tJ p:tce i !. e!l caaaiy. .C. Jiit rti C!.' by wd jikI oth (iit ftxm?tlf te4e4 t. . J. C. Corbctt & Bro.. V itchwakcrs"'1 Jewclrrs. COKHKl TS. N.C. VATCl!ES, CLOCKS, SPECTA CLES, JEWELRY, GUNS. PIS TOLS AMD SEWING MA- CHINES Cirf!H tifc4 ! waifjr.'f J. BLACK-MITHING. A. I lac im ---- - Horse Stincinga. Specially, lit pt-pnt In Jj all th K 1 aif. a rt oo?k an.J rn icomMr Ulmt A. II. WATSON. Dr. II. A. Joyner, Surgeon Dentist, tf U Cc!l a-' or.ij 3"itf " pvp a:iraiK.a !a call I f csa.. I a!tarr. if James Fkickeu, EWEIvER, 1?H Strpot. ' 1 t DANVILE, VA. cKf.Ar xrnrcnex rr- UaufccsCVxka. Jcwetry. ic. A a aaa! ( ba! t ar J nr r '. t vtirt v jui iy alt. Utet chit. f a Liver Complaint la Bort ure!y t. J J..y t -rcl by tba u cf Ajr'a 6it;'-a.Ili, iLia by any cclxr rtxJy. f it great u5.rer frvia iltr trwlkf, tcwr fwusil aajr t '..? XhMt Kara irsiaaei.t rxlWt thill! I a Ukln; A j r" 5 an s ; ar.lia, a U,a t two ) eart a-r. , f w iv.i of tU nel-J-loe J rI.it,. I a r- "cal care. Wm. Jl A Remarkable Cure. A)r't MmhiU Lm carrJ m cf m tvi ce of itKca cf tff Lirrr m aar I.9run beta rouVl b t!Slrt4pl whb anj I f. Im r t.rt or-i Ut lb bm fur two jr. oJ, f jc tl Ivit tLrr donltinf thU t!3ic. wti ucb to JTC Dlf bvi. Four thciao UT1I cie w!thjct tft bi4 rvik.. ko J, In ft. utklajc bftped oh. Du'lJ 1 trUU Afrr' fkrutfui:ia. AfVr uiuf UATtr vf a Urfi of tii c!ne I U(q U fI bctur, laJ-avarj a24!iktuJ J4 xk2 to brio mw bith al itrcoa. X uk ihrt botC( a J am ov aLU to k!Uod in ray bulatu 1 will V town - m tsU c'uuat ami rttura. itict dfOrvhv. ATer Far partila L acciap4ttwl all ihU for xsa. W.tf. iIti4r,CaroaU:,iilclu vcr's Sarsaparllla, - - I C.iMfkf x, Lowell, Uaa,. X - i I rf A.r- f Vt . 4. ttl. Tat n 4 ?3 4 f-i mn 4 13 5 Wi 1 5" .fi? 5 .f i? i P4 l f n m CO Tfivwnrrugi 'tin rir; miiWdcno jlUGUIjUf 2USSnF - 1 - It Ka been ia constant r for t( year, with a re vjpH' Warranted 4 r.ct to t!ow Jon cclest tVe Tof r wu!. it; er anr! any m l that J.-ct a t Iable ubtt.r.'t! farm bctlJ- i' ptirrr. ouitii; ana co iiii thaa any clT.tr taul ru-It. J! r af tcrsre bjih raaiun aai Geared Mill an.! cairy a Icll line of wit M1U M r.'lttv Sr! tc catal-vrr aad price. ASIITS ValTIO. rr?i!u:ni!itiiiD Mit.r V.a. luuian I LI 4 3? rrs I 3 1 5STF YANCEYVILLE, N. C, Tjc influence of Home. How often has the sweet and torch ing raclojjr A 14 Home sweet. Hose" drawn the !tn t3 the ejes by iti pa thetic xnrlody. In th:$ cliy cf hcrry and confusion, of jailing and smartness, there is one spot in the heart sacred to all, and thit . , , . is the one consecrated to home. . . . The hojc of every country rests op- on the hearthstone ; the future life rnd years of the dtizen depends upon the eaily and sacred association ol home. Napoleon was once taunted because he could not aca:e a French ans.ocra. cy. "What care I for a nation of no bles i" he aked. 'Givc me a nation of tme mothers, and I will be stronger thanall the motuicU of the worid." There was wisdom and truth in that s;cch. Parents are very apt to Ion! their aliortcomiosontlte backs cf their chil- .Jrcn. If in t!.c morng the boy or tl greeted with a growl or a instead of a kuidiy 'good morning" . , ' , . " wi lt nn Vw rr-t,. I Jn wVirn Th ... ' . Caincscmair.ta.nthatchildrenaren.it- urally inclined to be good, but thatl their elders spoil their nature. Perhaps this is true. We do knew that as a rule ch.ldrcn will give kiss for kiss, love lor love, kindness m return for kind- nets, now Mien is a cMJd sent away with an Jinpalient .--Don-'t .bother me. " I when it asks a simple question? - I'aTcnts, remember that it is by in- U a deep, strong loam, with an itn tpairy that the brain. is developed and crvioo., litiriLp.tn gub Foil. Tin's the understanding culttvafxh It is never a waste of time to talk to chil dren, to read to them or tell an inter- Lcsupg sto;y. Lnadrcn require mental m . . . .1 "as "well as physical food adapted "to Lthcirycar - They must have novelty Their minds are always open for al'eO"esJ--.ra .ft .jnpwngca uaiuin that is passing about ut them. Hovr happy that parent, who, know ing this, will lead and guide aright the receptive faculties of the child. --Spare the tod ami spoil the child," should give way to -Spaic the love and spoil the j child." The ciubof a birch iod is the very vcrt teacher in the world A kind word will do more than the moth er's lmpcr. Have a rood romp with the children at times. There is noth ing to be aJiatr.cd of in playing with vour children. It is said that the KiDg cf England once made an unexpected rail on the philosopher Edmund Burke As the monarch entered the door he was greeted with a noise of boisterous rniith, and on going into the great phi-Ic-s-jphcr-statesman's room he found him on the oor rolling over and romp ing with the children. "Go on," said King George, "it is the best sight I have ever witnessed. " Th: aucicnt Greek taught their chil dren a knowledge of tilings before they taught words. They encouraged ac tivity in 5jort$, and the greatest philos ophers would unbend and have a irae with the little cnes. Let the children have good books to read. The Bible stories houid be told them, but they should a!y have such books as -Rcb-mwn Crusoe," "Two Years Before the Mast. -'Grimm's Ta!r, "Anderson's Fairy Stories and books cf that kind. Give the children healthy, mental f - as well s whc lcome physical di et. Teach thcta whatever the ares o! business or the troubles of life, there is always a smile for them. A smile and a kiss may change a child's whole life. .There is no disgrace nothing to be ashamed or, but everything to be proud cf in leir g a loTing father and mcther to vour children. Let home b;thc Urigh-.cst and best pot on earth to them. How many a bright boy his beer, lured into bad cospany, how many a spirited girl led to rum tt rough home Ixlr.z s cheerless, the d.sci;hne so strict and the amusements so limited. Better never to warry ant! assume lurccuhovKl than to have chddrcn and let them feci that ther arc a bunkn or in the way. I The future of th an I every ccun- FRIDAY, IVIAY 11, Fatn and Garden Xote. Secure pnrc water for home ose. . Phut both useful and ornament al tree?, and do it early. Trim ont the dead wood in cur- rant and gooseberry biifhes. n i i n The vitality- of old feeds should . . A , , , bo testea before planting or sow " ,D The richest clover hay is the sce- Jond growth, made when the weath Cr l& hot, and the plant is .obliged t0 reach down into the subsoil for - 1 moisture. i I I iua,,t on u,c ,ann M lhe holbcd of 'y annually I will caac ten times the Ws equal to an amount appropriated for drain- ling it off. c a rule those crops pay bctt ut 0 anJ a(. .,5 Tho t,lc ,aIl0r , . . i . .1 are what wll in the marked in the Uhape.iftho crop ' The most economical mode of (using the buttermilk is to ivc it to the young pis am! alo to the lay- ;n hers, as it promoted' growth of hdy and a&Uts in the production I r cftiTS i . . The best toil for. the strawberry land should bo at! ohl held that will lurow threeforirths of a ton of hay to tlC crc and should bo planted to rfirn tlio fiit vcar When the udder of the cotv ue- "?with warm water ia the best rcmr dr. 'Use the water freely and ruba the udder daring the application I then wipe drv. It should be treat- od dial v until relief be civen. Tar paper is ope ol tne best ma- terials known for lining poultry houses, as the fumes will prevent the entrance of lice as well as the cold air in winter. A granary ,1 in- ed with tar raner will not be in- fested with grain weevils, and one lined with tar felt may be consider ed a rat and mice proof. Bv tying a snnll corn cob to one leg, allowing it to dangle at a dis tance of about six inches, a Maine poultry fancier is said to succeed in keeping her chickens at home. -The fowl can scratch and ge about with eae, but will not at- tempt to Oy over palings or squeeze through a crack." There U no fixed ratio of grain in stock; in all experiments that I have leen made, it has been I monftrated that even with animals of the same age and breed, feed alike, and given equal advantages, each individual differed from the others in the weight gained during the same period of time. Rotation of crop bafuYs, in a measure, the root enemies both insect and fungus, that prey upon them. Each plant has its own pe- ctiliar enemies, and changing of plants remove? them to fields nnoc enpitd by 6ach encmic-. This is true of the enemies of the above ground growth of plants to an im portant degree. I it ocit to feed O'WS all the orn meal and wheat bran they will bear? wis one of the many questions found in the rpcrfion box at the Ccnr.ccticut State board meet- ing. Jir. ecreiary uo;q -rrpea yt, up to the '-point where the cow might i? ijuix-d or tiic fcxl waited. He once tried to dry oJ a cow by 1888. mle, except ?uch rulei x the intclJ thivUiiit when the itiiurr'Tcdns. iigtnt, vatelitul aitendin: mah for each nnimal from day to-day. h "arttter lonm' If 7c Kiiijinrjm. lli: nobler the trcv, the ir.arc pVuut the t :g. . The better lawyer, the worse chris tian. The more servants the "worst service. The oMcr one grows, the more one barns. The scabbier the sheep the harder it bleats. - Dogs have teeth in all countries. A hundred Lukcrs, a hundred mill- ers, and a htuidrcd 'tailors are three hundred thieves, To every' fool his 'tip. - All my goods are of silver and gold. even copjer kettles, says the boaster. Friends are known in time of need In the division of inheritance, meiul ship standeth still. In the land uf promise a man maj die of hunerr. 1 In small woods may be caught large hares. It is good fishing in. troubled watcx. In proiperity think of advcrs.ty. The )oun may d;e, the old must. 5 oung twigs .may be bent, but hot old trees. Little thieves have iron chains, gtcat tmeves goui ontrs. , Small gai'm bring great w alt h. Of listening children have your fears for little pitchers have great ears. Empty vessels make tJjic most sound. Idleness U hunger's mother, and of ! ! theft it is. full brother, j I a t a' ioui moutn must tc pro viacxi witn a strong back Tncre's many a knave concealed un- icr a surpiice. , A sow may fi; nuy had an acorn as well as hog. The sheep that b!ea: the most give the least mtlk. Beauty without virtue is like a roe I without cent yr word please the fool, and some- lames the wlc. p-nc words without deeds go not far. . Should the- heavens fall, many pip- kins will be broken. Light cares speak, great ones are dumb. 1 The desire to make a nuitc itidi eatcs -the savage. . The heart has reasons that reason docs not undcrsand. . 1 Nothing is wholly bad. Kvcn a dark lantern has iu bright side. nioiiies diffifr in everv eoun- L... tM,,.. ,i;f,.At, ;a r.v,r flu. same. f v man-uf integrity will 'never listen to any reasons against con- " a jciencc. A young mart mut stick liim- ?elf to bttisxnesJ with the glue of induct rv. It i the poorest way to get tip in the world to be continually down in the mouth. A higher morality, like a higher intelligence, moat.be reached by a slow gro.wtli. No serpent distil such fatal poi son as that which drips from the ton-rue of the sUndcrer. o He who docs a ban? thing in zeal for a friend, burn4 the golden thread tiiat tics-tle:r heart -. i cr. togelli- Hope is like the fun, which, a wc journey towards if, tatf the hadow of onr burden behind us. Hie Ultnt of acc is nothing moru lltzn doing what yon can clo well without a thonght of fame. I NO. W n hi jart tlc kthdnefA should bo iii oh nr. NVouhtj-t t!t u U!e to the full ih jiivrxm.f of life! Then kd?p thc!f loir V fcnmilitv ftet. The swietcst t f the eane is the rmt thut. rowi. tiwr the earth. True i:ct:ce U the ret of the mind, and h U tlie body U'lnrish-tiu-tit aud n?frciiH;cnt. It U t jjreat virtue; it covers foliiex, ketpi ocieU, avoids dipntc, pre ren!i firu x licLi9tg and CUppiua. ! not "tutke in a room where there h an inf m! or a young child, or a sir!; pcrn, old or young. I6r the reason that embroidery properly "done. ia durable, it U let 9 w - o "select the Wt !uacriaU to wdrk . wth. ' ',: ' j1 Fk retitlne cords and braid aro used for couching and laying and I'diji.ig, nnd come in antique-metal' lie .or. bronze .effect, - One fbonhl not atlvanco toward a houe in a uiptciouii manner. LcH)k thcta ocnly in the face, for few are the' horse j tliat'nro nut cas- ly -'couijuervd in thu wav. .Don't- forget j.to ofler baby pure eold water several timcA a day, es pecially on warm days It is some- fmirs thirsty,- Hue yourself, and rutiT water t'o .quench .its thirst Let rich p!iddi:;g'ahd p.vtry also pickles 'and' jncucrvi, and all kinds of highly R'aNJictl diidic lo imong forbidding fmxls for email aid grow- inrr iartrcr auklriii. An appl teat ion of earbofic icid and buttenuilk, iti t lie projortion of a Liblo-f poonful of crude acid to a quart of milk, h recommended as a sure cure for lice oil animals. Tho Rural New Vorker i warns its ''readers' not to tse foreign grown Kitlatoe.'i for .'seed.. It savs: Wq lave ried freig?i seel rcjeacdly and ahvayn with he refuU of small cr croj: We fett You Plainly that Sfmmoqj Artt kejrtti?cr will rid rati of MyfjMrptia. Headtth?. Cor.t!i;luo and Auoartrk. It will break up chiltt aod fe cr ana prevent tbeir. retuf-n,' an.i'ia a cum Ic'.e anud-j'.c jr all f.i!iriil r' - yet enarcly fic irtm qo'nine or calomel. Try it, and you wU tx aaumuhe! at lhe focl ealt of the gttiatne'Simmmi lter kj. ' ator, preareu Ly J. II. Zethn Si C We can furnish , any sha:e, Vc or tvlff Rubber Sumi, brand or d;e re- uircd for any pu;;.c, an J at from 25 cents to $1.00 ?c$ thin you an pet them of any Ncnhern house. The hcics-. self-inking Ruh'r Stamp ress is the bct tiling out IJ-ttini men can do tiK-ir oa n rtrintm with one of these presses. CaJl at ofHce arui see it. . .-:':' .'': - ;'. R'BOW mi iu - THC 7 5 BESTTQIHC. t f 4ivaiA. Vrrfcfia lm9THr4 aitrtak.t'fcati4 trtwmm It ta a -jjn'img rtt&4j fc: Ia U r4 KUrvi ait-J lirr. ti l frrtfrnU is lJhim mnA.f U tlTSreta-t rr.iSa tt fcJ !. ju-a IVf ajrti. a5a f.w??jr.:iait-ja'fcjtf. lt-r.Vi'R mrA ty lz4, aa3 -. Vi a? t li r-ii-i La a. Ut, At. Vk ef Mr !- taji tit tt5 e'M-i laa . Ta twaur r, t ay a a taw aaanaai . avr mink IRS1! iwfilli n 1 n ill in I LT-i lj w- I'MJI'lfliH U ''4 v. - f -:--s t . I . i j . UUUUI LLUI UU i "ggSsCSr ,(: f , jn:ta!, but found tliat iart:eu!arcow m0VCy,at in the agnail of the - ca .- ilKl fTl: world U triumph of - T MrMl!:L!Z: .... ' rrWk?bfpr,iaec:,at.l ll.e mere meal . . ' :vArr.r T . . ;w.;-.ru7 , - . . . .. r .. . v. ? ; '-r- ,:-.--- -- f? FAPn: rv - 7,1 ? 1